what is full form of WBC​


Answer 1


full form is white blood cell

I hope it's helpful

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A type of Chemical Bonding that includes electrostatic attraction between opposite ions.


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a) 0% b) 25% c) 75% d) 100%





i'm sure its 25% chance of albino parents having albino child

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Due to inclusion of more steps of photosynthesis.


My model is more advance than the student's original model which provides more information about the process of photosynthesis to the learners by explaining various parts of photosynthesis. My model presents the various steps of photosynthesis in a very efficient way with the help of including some extra parts. The student's original model is not more advance so it can't provides more information about the process of photosynthesis so that's why my model provides more information about photosynthesis.


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they obtain oxygen from water through gills


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Safe Drinking water


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cell walls?
waxy cuticle



Waxy Cuticle


Waxy Cuticle retains water. It's the closest in terms of surviving on land. For instance, the plants living in water do not need waxy Cuticle to retain or maintain water. The plants on land requires waxy Cuticle because the temperature is hotter than in the water and they are at higher risk of loosing water during hot seasons and climate. waxy Cuticle aids in their water retention allowing them to adapt to live on land.

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by asborbing water from deep ground

It helps the cactus absorb water before it dries up since it's a desert plant

please mark brainliest

Sheets composed of two layers of amphipathic molecules arranged with the hydrophilic groups on the surface and the hydrophobic groups buried in the center that form in water are called A) micelles. B) liposomes. C) vacuoles. D) bilayer membranes. E) none of the above



D) bilayer membranes


Two lipidic bilayers compose the cell membrane. There are also proteins and glucans incrusted in between. Lipids are amphipathic molecules with hydrophilic heads -negatively charged phosphate group- and hydrophobic tails. Lipids are arranged with their hydrophilic polar heads facing the exterior and the interior of the cells, while their hydrophobic tails are against each other, constituting the internal part of the membrane. Membranes are fluid, which means that the composing molecules can move through them.

Lipids can easily change places with other neighboring lipids by lateral diffusion in the same layer. This is passive diffusion, which means that it does not need energy to happen.

Lipids can also diffuse transversally to the other layer but not as easily as lateral diffusion. Jumps between monolayers are infrequent as the lipidic polar heads meet the fatty acid barrier.

There are also other lipidic movements as rotational diffusion that imply the rotation of the molecule.  

A functional corpus luteum should be found on the ______ day of a woman's menstrual cycle.
Question 24 options:







it should be on 5th day I could be wrong


I don't have no explanation

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C6H12O6 + O2 ------> CO2 + H2O + ATP. The reactants are oxygen and glucose. The products are ATP, CO2, and water.


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which of a-d below is an example of diffusion, osmosis, or neither? Explain your answer in each case. a Water moves from a dilute solution in the soil into the cells in a plant's roots. b Saliva flows out of the salivary glands into your mouth. c spot of blue ink dropped into a glass of still water quickly colours all the water blue. d Carbon dioxide goes into a plant's leaves when it is photosynthesising.​



a. osmosis (water must pass through the cell membrane so it is osmosis) b. neither (the saliva is secreted) c. diffusion (the dye doesn't pass through a membrane) d. diffusion"


I'm not sure, but I hope it helps.

The examples of diffusion, osmosis, or neither are as follows:

Water moves from a dilute solution in the soil into the cells in a plant's roots: Osmosis.Saliva flows out of the salivary glands into your mouth: Neither.A spot of blue ink dropped into a glass of still water quickly colors all the water blue: Diffusion. Carbon dioxide goes into a plant's leaves when it is photosynthesizing: Diffusion.

What is Diffusion?

Diffusion may be defined as the process through which the migration of individual molecules of a substance through a semipermeable barrier from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration.

While osmosis significantly involves the migration of solvent molecules from a region of lower solute concentration to a region of higher solute concentration through a semi-permeable membrane. Osmosis is thought to be the opposite of diffusion with respect to the definitions.

Therefore, the examples of diffusion, osmosis, or neither are well described above.

To learn more about Diffusion and osmosis, refer to the link:



What are the types of Vitamins and their functions in the body?​


Hi, here are a few:

Biotin Part of an enzyme needed for energy metabolism

Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) Part of an enzyme needed for protein metabolism; helps make red blood cells

Folic acid Part of an enzyme needed for making DNA and new cells, especially red blood cells

Hope that helps!

Equilibrium is when the concentration is the same throughout an entire system. Explain how a cell reaches equilibrium in all three types of solutions (hypertonic, hypotonic, and isotonic).


It is pertinent to understand what hypertonic, hypotonic, and isotonic solution means before setting out to explain how a cell reaches equilibrium in each type of solution.

A hypertonic solution is one whose solute concentration is higher than that of the sap of a cell that is immersed in it.A hypotonic solution is one with the same solute concentration as that of the sap of the cell immersed in it.An isotonic solution has a lower solute concentration than that of the sap of the cell immersed in it.

In biological systems, water molecules move by osmosis from the region of higher water potential or lower concentration of solutes to the region of lower water potential or higher concentration of solute. An equilibrium is reached when there is no net movement of water between two sides. Hence;

A cell placed in a hypertonic solution will lose water to the surrounding solution until an equilibrium is reached. This means that such a cell will end up shrinking (wilting) or even dying due to loss of water from the cell sap.A cell placed in a hypotonic solution will gain water from the surrounding solution until there is no net movement of water anymore. Such a cell might become turgid or even burst out its cell content.A cell placed in an isotonic solution will neither gain nor lose water because the cell sap and the surrounding solution have equal solute concentrations.

More about osmosis here: https://brainly.in/question/1213189


A cell placed in a hypertonic solution will lose water to the surrounding solution until an equilibrium is reached. This means that such a cell will end up shrinking (wilting) or even dying due to loss of water from the cell sap.

A cell placed in a hypotonic solution will gain water from the surrounding solution until there is no net movement of water anymore. Such a cell might become turgid or even burst out its cell content.

A cell placed in an isotonic solution will neither gain nor lose water because the cell sap and the surrounding solution have equal solute concentrations.

Explain osmosis using this image



A liquid moving from an area of low concentration, to an area of high concentration through a semi-permiable membrane.


Hope this helps :)

the liquid produced by the skin that helps to cool down the body​



The sweat leaves your skin through tiny holes called pores. When the sweat hits the air, the air makes it evaporate (this means it turns from a liquid to a vapor). As the sweat evaporates off your skin, you cool down.

A _____ country has high population density.

A: Densley populated country
B: Sparsely populated country
C: Open country
D: Overpopulated country



A. A Densley populated country.


Write the name of the forces A and B in the diagram.​​



is that a line segment

As an adaptive immune response progresses, the production of variant antibodies that compete more effectively for antigen occurs, and B cells producing these antibodies are preferentially selected on the basis of their improved binding to antigen. This phenomenon is referred to as _______.





Questions for Activity 3: Making Molecular Models of Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration

Text BoxDraw what you think the models of aerobic and anaerobic respiration would look like if you constructed them using models like in figures 3-6


kaka ddjzomssomx dmdxjsomdmsxk

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sksosmmsos!s s s s s. s sim cofmc. kc c. ocmc c. ximc.


sou toxic

toma trou xa deu mtos pontos atoa kakakakakaja

Which of the following represents a tragedy of the commons?
Plastic trash in the neighborhood park
Two hospitals for the town's residents Trash pile in a person's backyard
Not enough fruit at a local market​


Tragedy is when a person feels distress due to some event or something. There can be various tragedies a person might face in his life.

In a persons life tragedy might represent an event which causes an unhappy feeling or emotional distress.

This also represent a situation which every one wants to avoid, no one welcomes a tragic event with happiness or joy.

The most annoying tragedy is a trash pile which is stinking in the backyard. A person will have to remove the pile so that the there is less pollution.

The correct answer is Trash pile in a person's backyard.

Learn more at https://brainly.com/question/24384533


it is Plastic trash in the neighborhood park


tragity of the colloms means a problem in which every individual has an incentive to consume a shared resource, but at the expense of every other individual, depleting or spoiling the shared resource by their collective actions. SOO YEA SORRY ABT THAT OTHER GUY >:)

At the time Hutton proposed his ideas about the age of rocks, how old was Earth believed to be by most people in Scotland?



In the late eighteenth century, when Hutton was carefully examining the rocks, it was generally believed that Earth had come into creation only around six thousand years earlier (on October 22, 4004 B.C.

James Hutton was a Scottish naturalist and geologist who discovered the age of the earth. The earth was believed to be 6000 years old by the Scottish people.

Who was James Hutton?

James Hutton is the father of modern geology and was involved in the discovery of the earth's age and the soil formation from the parent rocks. He made his contribution to discovering the age of Earth based on his observation rather than on assumptions.

Before he discovered the earth age, it was believed by the Scottish people that the planet was six thousand years old. He discovered the process of soil formation by weathering the parent and bog rocks that accumulated as sediments over years and allowed the discovery of the planet's age.

Therefore, it is believed that the earth was 6000 years old.

Learn more about James Hutton here:



Sometimes the most practical way to do an experiment is not to perform it in an animal, but to look at cell responses in culture. Cells from mice, humans, and other mammals have been used to establish cell culture lines that have been very important for research. You are studying a novel water-soluble mouse hormone. You know cell culture can be a practical model to reveal protein function, so you apply the hormone to yeast cells, but nothing happens. What is a likely explanation for why nothing happened in your experiment



Yeast cells likely do not have receptors that bind to this specific water-soluble mouse hormone


Receptors are molecules capable of binding specific signaling molecules (i.e., ligands). For example, steroid receptors can only bind to specific steroid hormones (e.g. estrogen, progesterone). Plasma membrane receptors are protein receptors that bind to water-soluble ligands. These receptors are embedded in the cell plasma membrane and usually contain several transmembrane domains. Examples of cell membrane receptors include G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), enzyme-linked protein receptors and ion channel receptors.

Water pollution is an environmental factor due to rapid population growth.(True or False)?​





Water pollution is caused by factory workers

An object with a mass of 12.59 grams was immersed in water in a graduated cylinder. The volume of the water before was 56.7 mL. After the object was placed in the water, the volume read 63.0 mL. If density = mass/volume, calculate the density of the object to the correct sig figs.



[tex]\boxed {\boxed {\sf \rho \approx 2.00 \ g /mL}}[/tex]


The density is the mass per unit volume. It is calculated using the following formula.

[tex]\rho = \frac{m}{v}[/tex]

The mass of the object is 12.59 grams.

The volume was found using water displacement. A known quantity of water was placed in a graduated cylinder (56.7 mL), then the object was added and the water level was recorded again (63.0 mL)The volume of the object is the difference between the initial water volume and the final water volume.

v= final water volume - initial water volume v= 63.0 mL - 56.7 mL v= 6.3 mL

Now we know the mass and volume of the object and we can substitute the values into the formula.

[tex]\rho = \frac{12.59 \ g }{6.3 \ mL}[/tex]


[tex]\rho = 1.998412698 \ g/mL[/tex]

The original measurements have 4 and 3 significant figures. We always round our answer to the least number of sig figs, which is 3. For the number we found, that is the hundredth place. The 8 in the thousandth place tells us to round the 9 up to a 0 (hundredth place), then the 9 up to a 0 (tenth place), and the 1 up to a 2 (ones place).

[tex]\rho \approx 2.00 \ g/mL[/tex]

The density of the object is approximately 2.00 grams per milliliter.

Does anyone know the answer for the question four?



I think it's A


it is because the populations of trees are decreasing as deforestation continues, so there is less resistance to greenhouse gases. please correct me if I'm wrong

Which of the following functions do Golgi bodies provide for the cell?

Help maintain cellular shape

Provide an extra layer of protection for the cell

Direct all cellular activities and act as the brain of the cell

Assist in the early stages of protein and lipid production


The Golgi body assist in the early stages of protein and lipid production

The function that the Golgi bodies provide for the cell is that they assist in the early stages of protein and lipid production. The correct option is D.

What are Golgi bodies?

The Golgi apparatus is basically an organelle encountered in most eukaryotic cells. It is also referred to as the Golgi complex, Golgi body, or simply the Golgi.

It is a component of the cytoplasmic endomembrane system that packages proteins into membrane-bound vesicles before they are transported to their destination.

Proteins produced by ribosomes in the ER are packed in the Golgi apparatus, where lipids wrap them in a membrane that is then exported from cells.

Molecules entering the Golgi are charged, stored, and then released back into the cytoplasm (secretory vesicles).

The Golgi bodies function in the cell by assisting in the early stages of protein and lipid production.

Thus, the correct option is D.

For more details regarding Golgi bodies, visit:



plz anyone awncer this ​



Vasoconstriction is the opposite of vasodilation. While vasodilation is the widening of your blood vessels, vasoconstriction is the narrowing of blood vessels. It's due to a contraction of muscles in the blood vessels. When vasoconstriction occurs, the blood flow to some of your body's tissues becomes restricted

Homeostasis is the maintenance of a stable internal environment.

I Hope this will help you if not then advance sorry :)

A 42 year old male decides to try to break the world record of starting the hottest grill fire in history by pumping liquid oxygen into his grill. Needless to say he now has arrived surprisingly conscious in your ER with several issues due to the ensuing explosion.



Um well the 42 year old man should have reserched what would happen. When pumping liquid oxygen into his grill So that way he could know more of what was happening and the consequinces


Although your question is incomplete a more general answer is provided.  pumping of liquid oxygen into fire will lead to Vigorous burning/explosion

Liquid oxygen is oxygen compressed and stored in the form of liquid in cylinders. liquid oxygen is made available for patients with difficult in breathing and it also used for industrial process. Liquid oxygen have a boiling point that is below -238°F.  therefore

Some of the hazards associated with liquid oxygen are

when exposed to burning materials ( as seen in the grill ) it will lead to a vigorous burning in the material when in direct contact with human it can cause ; skin and eye irritationsexposure to cold temperatures    

Hence The hazard associated with liquid oxygen that led to 42 year old male been rushed to the ER is due to the Vigorous burning/explosion associated with the exposure of liquid oxygen to flame.

learn more about liquid oxygen : https://brainly.com/question/24147167

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