What is meant by a neutral symbiotic
A. At least one organism is harmed.
B. At least one organism gains.
C. At least one organism is unaffected.


Answer 1

I think answer is option B.

Related Questions

6. Compare the different measurements of the thermometer which are used.​


Having a reliable medical thermometer at home can be incredibly helpful. The ability to accurately find out if someone has a fever gives you much-needed information about important next steps for their care.

There are many types of contact and contact-free thermometers to choose from. The ages of your household members, as well as personal preference, can help you determine which types to buy.

Like any other device in your home, it’s important to understand how your thermometer works. Not every type works the same way or is designed to provide the same temperature readings.

Identify the effects of the vagus nerve on the following components of the digestive system Salivary glands Pyloric sphincter (gastric emptying) Smooth muscle in the gallbladder Smooth muscle in the duodenal papilla (sphincter of Oddi)



Vagus nerve is the 10th cranial nerve. It is long start from brain and distributed over head, thorax and abdomen.


1.   In the salivary gland the secretory and vasodilator effect on afferent nerve is mediated mainly by parasympathetic reflex which is given by vagus nerve.

2.   Pyloric sphincter is the part present between the stomach and small intestine which regulate the flow of food particles from stomach to the intestine. Vagus nerve control the activities of pyloric sphincter. Vagus nerve help the pyloric sphincter to relax.

3.  Efferent nerves of vagus nerve help the gall bladder to contract. Vagus nerve is stimulating the gastric tract to contract. So the vagus nerve stimulation promotpromotprthe production of CCK hormone and it will lead to the contraction and secretion of hormones from the gallbladder. Those contractions will help the gallbladder to empty the hormones from gallbladder.

4.  The efferent nerves of vagus nerves act on the smooth muscles of duodenal papila. As above says it lead to the contraction of smooth muscles and also promote the production of CCK.

Schistosoma becomes infectious to humans during which of the following stages?
After cercariae migrate to the liver
After the eggs are released in urine
After it is released from the snail
After mating of male and female worms
Before the eggs hatch

Which of the following groups includes a protozoan that is transmitted sexually?

Schistosoma becomes infectious to humans during which of the following stages?
After cercariae migrate to the liver
After the eggs are released in urine
After it is released from the snail
After mating of male and female worms
Before the eggs hatch

Which part of a mushroom would be eaten?



After it is released from the snailExcavata    Sporangium


Schistosoma life cycle:

1. Human excretes schistosomes eggs through feces and/or urine. These eggs eventually reach the water.

2. Once in the water, schistosomes eggs hatch and release immature larvae named miracides.  

3. Miracides swim and penetrate a freshwater snail, which is an intermediary host.  

4–5. Once inside the snail, miracides turn into sporocites and then into cercariae. Cercariae characterize by having a bifurcated tail. Snails release the cercariae in water, and they swim until they get in touch with a mammal. Once they reach the mammal, they penetrate the skin and get into the body. This is the stage in which the parasite becomes infectious to humans. Just a few cercariae are enough to infect a person.  

6. When cercariae penetrate their host body, they lose their tails and turn into schistosomules. These new forms travel to the liver, where they end their maturation process.  

7. Males and females mate in the liver and migrate to veins of the intestine or bladder. Once there, the females lay the eggs, which are then excreted by the host. And the cycle begins again.


Excavata are asymmetrical protists. The group receives its name because of the appearance of the feeding groove. Excavata is composed of many protists. One of them is Parabasalid.

Parabasalids are parasitic protists, and one of them is Trichomonas vaginalis, which is transmitted sexually.


Sporangium. This is the reproductive structure of the mushroom and the one that is usually eaten. Spores develop inside the sporangium. Its surface is covered by a protector cuticle. It can be eaten when it is closed or when it is already open. However, when open is tastier.

Once the neural plate edges have fused to become a neural tube, the tissues that were at the edges of the plate now form the __________ region the neural tube. Fill in the blank.


Answer: Dorsal.


The neural plate is a region of the dorsal ectoderm that develops into the neural ectoderm. It is a flat structure, with columnar appearing cells, and the formation of the neural ectoderm is the first step in the neurulation process. This region is generated from the thickened mid-dorsal surface opposite the primitive line of the ectoderm. From this epithelial zone the various types of neuronal and glia cells belonging to the nervous system are derived. For the neural plate to be built, it is necessary that the epiblast cells converge towards the midline of the embryonic disc forming a groove of the primitive line, delimiting a longitudinal axis of bilateral symmetry around which the embryonic structures and their organs will be aligned. From this moment on, the embryo will have a rostral (cephalic) and caudal (tail) region as well as a left and right side and a dorsal (back) and ventral (front) surface. From the folding of the neural plate or neurulation, the neural tube and the development of the entire nervous system will be formed.

The neural tube is tubular structure that undergoes modifications and will give rise to a central nervous system structure (encephalon and spinal cord).  The neurulation process begins by means of signals sent by the dorsal mesoderm and pharyngeal endoderm to the ectodermal cells located above these germ layers. These signals cause this area of the ectoderm to elongate into a columnar plate of cells. The elongation allows the differentiation of the cells of the future neural plate, with respect to the pre-epidermal cells surrounding the area.

So, the neural tube is formed by invagination from the dorsal region of the ectoderm (neural plate) induced by the notochord while it is forming. This occurs at the beginning of the third week of conception by a process called neurulation.

Which statement accurately describes the "savanna" biome? This biome features tropical grasslands and is located near the equator. This biome features high levels of biodiversity and is located near the equator. This biome features a level of permafrost and a short growing season during the winter. This biome features forests and grasslands that go dormant during the winter.



This biome features forests and grasslands that go dormant during the winter.

This biome features high levels of biodiversity and is located near the equator.

This biome features a level of permafrost and a short growing season during the winter.

This biome features tropical grasslands and is located near the equator.

scientists believe the earth likely warmed between 0.65 celsius and 1.05 celsius with an average value of 0.85 celsius between years 1880 and 2012. what was error bar for the increase in temperature over that period?



The lower limit is 0.65°C

The upper limit is 1.05°C

the average is 0.85°C

The difference between the average and the lower limit is:

0.85°C - 0.65°C = 0.20°C

the difference between th average and the upper limit is:

0.85°C - 1.05°C = -0.20°C

Then we can write the change in temperature as:

T = 0.85°C ± 0.20°C

Now we want to find the error bar.

The error bar would be the total distance between the lowest value and the largest value.

Then the error bar is:

1.05°C - 0.65°C = 0.40°C

notice that the error bar is twice the error, which makes a lot of sense because the error (± 0.20°C) goes up and down.

Then the error bar in this measure has a magnitude of 0.40°C.

The secretion of ADH is caused by _ in osmotic pressure of blood. a)increase b)decrease



the secretion of adh is cauesd by increase in osmotic pressure of blood

If a DNA triplet is ATA, then the complementary DNA triplet is..


The answer would be TAT
answer would have to be TAT

Which of the following characteristics of living things is very important for a group or organisms, but not a single organism?

A: Living things respond to their environment.

B: Living things are made up of units called cells.

C: Living things maintain internal balance.

D: Living things reproduce





Because living things is responsible for reproduction

The characteristics of living things that is very important for a group of organisms, but not a single organism is their ability to reproduce.


Living things are characterized by certain processes that define them. This means that all organisms considered living must be able to fulfill these processes.

Some of the characteristics of living things include:

Ability to reproduceAbility to respond to stimuliAbility to perform homeostasis

Among these characteristics, the ability to reproduce is more important for a group of organisms rather than an individual because reproduction involves the multiplication of organisms.

Learn more at: https://brainly.com/question/7464705?referrer=searchResults

What is a difference between complete metamorphosis and incomplete metamorphosis?

Two stages of a butterfly's life cyles are described below.

Stage 1: The caterpillar sheds its skin as it grows.
Stage 2: The butterfly breaks out of the chrysalis.

Which statement is true about the stages?



stage. 1


stage.1 it is right


Stage 1 is the larva stage and Stage 2 is the adult stage.


why does a rational producer reject the business in increasing stage​



In three stages of production to which are hold by the law of diminishing marginal returns the second stage is considered to as the rational stage of production as compared to the first and third stage this is due to the fact that this stage it comes out with the best assumptions for efficient and sustainable production, thereby the stage it simultaneously shows the positivity of the average products and marginal product hence, in the increase of labour the total production or outputs increased likewise with the same quantity of fixed factor, therefore this stage it gives direction to the producer on how the higher units of output can be produced.

Unlike the first stage to which it shows each additional variable could enhance more production and such this it signifies an increasing of marginal return but for this case it do not give out the direction in permanent production since labours are needed fewer and in the decrease in number of labour can brings about underproduction.

Also the third stage marginal return is frankly negative because in adding more variable inputs will further led into adding more number of labour hence the increase of labour will contributes to under production as it may be due to labour capacity and efficiency concern.

similarities between organic and inorganic fertilizer​



Organic fertilizers are natural, in that the nutrients they possess are strictly comprised of plant- or animal-based materials. ... Cow manure, decaying leaves, and food compost are all forms of organic fertilizer. Inorganic fertilizer is synthetic, comprised of minerals and synthetic chemicals.


An object could have some of the characteristics of life, yet still not be considered alive.

A: True

B: False


FALSE. they must have all of the characteristics.

You prepare a gel mobility assay with the following samples:

Lane 1 Radiolabeled lacO DNA + Lac Repressor protein preincubated with allolactose
Lane 2 Radiolabeled lacO DNA + Lac Repressor protein preincubated with lactose
Lane 3 Radiolabeled lacO DNA + Lac Repressor protein missing its DNA binding domain
Lane 4 Radiolabeled lacO DNA + Lac super-repressor (Is) preincubated with allolactose
Lane 5 Radiolabeled lacO DNA + lac repressor protein

On which lanes do you expect to see two bands?

a. 3
b. Lane 1 and 2
c. Lane 2, 4, and 5
d. 2 and 4
e. 1 and 5



c. Lane 2, 4 and 5.


Two bands will be seen when a fraction of DNA added to gel is bound by Lac repressor protein. Radiolabeled LacO DNA will have two bands. Lac repressor is encoded with lacl gene. It has binding ability due to allolactose formation.

Why can viruses not fit in any domain? How are they different from all other forms of Life? What would need to occur for viruses to be classified as "alive"?



virus are obligate parasites. Viruses do not, however, carry out metabolic processes. Most notably, viruses differ from living organisms in that they cannot generate ATP.

When a human egg is not fertilized, extra blood and tissue from the uterus are released through the vagina in a process called



Unless the egg is fertilized by a sperm while in the fallopian tube, the egg leaves the body about 2 weeks later through the uterus — this is menstruation. Blood and tissues from the inner lining of the uterus combine to form the menstrual flow, which in most girls lasts from 3 to 5 days.

State the harmful effects of industrial microorganisms



The primary harmful effects of microbes upon our existence and civilization is that they are an important cause of disease in animals and crop plants, and they are agents of spoilage and decomposition of our foods, textiles and dwellings.


may this answer is helpful for you

Which level of organization includes all the other levels of organization?


answer : biosphere

from brainly



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The highest level of organization for living things is the biosphere; it encompasses all other levels. The biological levels of organization of living things arranged from the simplest to most complex are: organelle, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms, populations, communities, ecosystem, and biosphere.



The highest level of organization for living things is the biosphere; it encompasses all other levels. The biological levels of organization of living things arranged from the simplest to most complex are: organelle, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms, populations, communities, ecosystem, and biosphere.

Hope this helps!

Please give me brainliest if this helped you!

When an outbreak of foot and mouth disease is discovered among livestock in a country, what is MOST likely the chosen way to control it?



You can get infected with hand, foot, and mouth disease if you have the virus on your hands and then touch your eyes, nose, or mouth. To lessen your chance of getting sick, don't touch your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

You can get infected with hand, foot, and mouth disease if you have the virus on your hands and then touch your eyes, nose, or mouth. To lessen your chance of getting sick, don't touch your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

What are the mechanism that use to resist the antimicrobial agents?

There has been several mechanisms, like resistance to antimicrobial agents, encapsulation or secretation of proteins that affects and might destroy the phagocyte along with some leukocytes in our body perform phagocytosis as a defense mechanism against the pathogenic bacterium.

These phagocytes contain lysosomes, intracellular granules that possess bactericidal substances. When the phagocyte ingests the pathogen, a phagosome is formed, which merges with the lysosome, forming the phagolysosome, which is where toxic substances and enzymes kill the ingested microorganism.

There are several mechanisms by which a microorganism can survive this process as resistance to antimicrobial agents. Some bacteria use phenolic glycolipids from their cell wall, to eliminate toxic oxygen compounds.

Therefore, You can get infected with hand, foot, and mouth disease if you have the virus on your hands and then touch your eyes, nose, or mouth.

Learn more about bacterium on:



Mr. L was walking through the woods wearing shorts and sandals. He noticed a small tick on his ankle the same evening, and several weeks later he developed flu-like symptoms. A sample of his blood revealed the presence of long, wavelike cells that were twisting and waving. Based on the microscopic findings, which type of microorganism is responsible for Mr. L's symptoms





The long, wavelike cells seen under the microscope would most likely be protozoa and the microorganism responsible for Mr. L's symptoms.

Tick as a vector is capable of causing diseases such as lyme disease, anaplasmosis, babesiosis, Powassan virus disease, tularemia, and a host of other diseases. Among all the diseases, babesiosis is particularly caused by a protozoan known as Babesia microti and it elicits malaria-like symptoms in individuals. Most of the other diseases are caused by bacteria pathogens while a few are caused by virus.

Apart from the above, the morphological characterization of the microorganism responsible for Mr. L's disease is typical for protozoans. Many of them are long and flagellated with a wave-like motion as a movement.

Hence, the case of Mr. L would be that of protozoa.

The haptoid condition for a human ?
‏-Both 46 chromosomes & 2n are correct.
‏-Neither 46 chromosomes 2..nor 2n are correct.
‏-46 chromosomes


haploid means there is 23 pair of chromosome but have n ploidy

Sequence three probable steps of fossil fish formation?





Please I really need your help.


It is B because it exactly explained part of a population

Which of the following is NOT a function of behavior?
A. To produce ATP.
B. To find food.
C. To reproduce.
D. To avoid predators.



A to produce ATP as you are subconsciously producing ATP and you can not control it


To find food, to reproduce, and to avoid predators all are the functions of behavior except the production of ATP. Thus, the correct option is A.

What are the functions of behavior?

Behavior is the range of actions and manners which are made by individuals, systems or artificial entities in a given environment. This can include other systems or organisms as well as inanimate physical environment.

The four main functions of behavior of an organism are attention, escape, access, and sensory needs. These four functions allow us to understand and categorize someone's actions, as well as determine the behavior of organisms such as finding food, reproduction, and avoiding the predators.

Therefore, the correct option is A.

Learn more about Behavior here:



Which of the following did Mendel conclude about patterns of inheritance?

A. An organism inherits one gene from each parent.
B. The two genes of a given trait separate, or segregate, during gamete production.
C. Similar forms of genes account for variation in the inherited traits.
D.Organisms inherit one gene for each trait.





I took the test and got this one right (happy to help)


B. The two genes of a given trait separate, or segregate, during gamete production.


B. The two genes of a given trait separate, or segregate, during gamete production.

5x_=1 jdjdjcjdjdjjdkd​





2x - 5 = 7
slove for x








Explain the rate of drainage of the soils.​



water drain deep in the soil


when evaporation increase the temperature will also increase as well as the transportation will also increase

You will be evaluating the texture (size of soil particles) and the soil drainage rate (the amount of time it takes water to soak into the ground). understanding these characteristics will help you properly size your rain garden.

For what purpose is the mineral corundum commonly used?
O A. To make pencils
O B. To make false teeth
O C. To make emery boards
O D. To make drinking glasses



D I guess because grinding optical glass and for polishing metals and has also been made into sandpapers and grinding wheels.


It's to make emery boards


I just took the test

Please add the missing term:
Species -> Population -> Community
-> Ecosystem -> Biome ->
A. Ecology
B. Life Bubble
C. Hydrosphere
D. Biosphere
Copyright 2003 - 2021 Acellus Corporational



Biosphere hope its a good one

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