What is one of the advantages of globalization?

A) greater markets for goods and services
B) better communication among countries
C) improved ability to monitor economic trends
D) expanded capacity for selling and buying



Answer 1

The correct answer is A. Greater markets for goods and services.


Globalization is the name of the global trend that is based on the idea of free relations between countries in many aspects such as political, economic, technological, social, and cultural. One of the main characteristics of globalization is that it has allowed the world to the place interconnected. One of the industries that has most benefited from globalization has been that of goods and services because the interconnection of countries has allowed these services and goods to have no borders to be traded and can be offered to different parts of the world. According to the above, the correct answer is A.

Related Questions

Why do you think Chicano college students were more interested in Chicano
culture than assimilation?



Due to mix culture.


Chicano college students were more interested in Chicano  culture than assimilation because Chicano culture has features from both American and Mexican culture. Chicano culture is mix of American" and "Mexican culture which make it unique and different from other cultures so this is the reason which compels Chicano college students were to follow Chicano  culture as compared to assimilation.

Who made up the highest and lowest level of society in Europe during the 1400s



rulers, nobles, and peasants.


Who made up the highest and lowest level of society in Europe during the 1400s?

How is citizenship defined differently today than it was when the United
States Constitution and the first New York Constitution were written?



Only those who lived and were born were citizens as in their parents' race considered too but now you can take a test.


This is my best understanding as I did not study this let me know is it is correct. the first New York Constitution was written in 1777 and The 14th Amendment extended birthright citizenship

The most sweeping declaration of birthright citizenship came in 1868: the Fourteenth Amendment.

then the ability to take citizenship test  started T as the first naturalization act, passed by Congress on March 26, 1790 .

Certain traits and abilities made humans more adaptable to climate changes than other animals. Identify each trait as belonging to either
humans or animals.
starved when main food source became limited
learned to create and control fire
for warmth during cold weather
had no ability to control the environment
switched to eating what was available when
main food source became limited




learned to create and control fire  for warmth during cold weather  switched to eating what was available when  main food source became limited

Humans were able to create and control fire which allowed us to survive in colder areas because the fire kept us warm. The fire was also very useful to keeping predators away and allowed us to cook food which made more things edible.

Humans also have the ability to switch to whatever food is available when our main food source is depleted. For instance, if there is no more fish in a fishing town, the people would switch to vegetables and crops.


starved when main food source became limitedhad no ability to control the environment

Animals are not very good at changing diets so they tend to starve when their main source of food is limited. For instance, if there are no more prey for a lion, it doesn't switch to grass. It would just starve.

Animals also had no control over the environment which meant that they were adversely affected by weather conditions that they had no natural protection against.

How did Japanese politics change as Hideki Tojo rose to power during the





When he returned to his homeland,Tojo asaumed the office of vice minister of war and quickly took the lead in the militarys

Upon his return to his own country, Tojo accepted the position of deputy minister of war and immediately assumed command of the military.

Who was Hideki Tojo?

Hideki Tojo, a Japanese politician, commander of the Imperial Japanese Army, and war criminal who presided over the Imperial Rule Assistance Association throughout the majority of World War II, was born on December 30, 1884, and died on December 23, 1948.

Before finally losing his position of authority in July 1944, he held a number of further jobs, including chief of staff of the Imperial Army. Extreme state-sanctioned violence committed in the name of Japanese ultranationalism throughout his time in office, most of which he personally participated in, was a defining characteristic of his leadership. On December 30, 1884, a former samurai family of relatively low status gave birth to Hideki in Tokyo's Kjimachi neighborhood.

Learn more about Hideki Tojo here:



who was the first EUROPEAN country that came to Ghana ​



The Portuguese


The earliest Europeans to set foot on the land were the Portuguese in the 15th century (1471).


The Portuguese


Which of the following is NOT considered a factor toward the end of the frontier image?



By the end of the nineteenth century, the West was effectively settled. Railroads stretched across all parts of the region, from the Great Northern, which ran along the Canadian border, to the Southern Pacific that ran across Texas and the Arizona and New Mexico territories to link New Orleans and Los Angeles. The influx of homesteaders, ranchers, and miners swelled the census rolls and led to the admission of Nevada (1864), Colorado (1876), South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, Washington (all four in 1889), and Idaho and Wyoming (1890) to the Union. New towns and cities created by the cattle or mining boom, such as Abilene, Denver, and San Francisco, dotted the trans‐Mississippi West.


The Oklahoma Land Rush. Under President Andrew Jackson, Native American tribes from the Southeast had been resettled in what became Oklahoma. Long considered remote and unproductive, the land became increasingly valuable and, by the 1880s, the federal government was under pressure to open it to non‐natives for settlement. Congress responded by putting two million acres of the Indian Territory into the public domain. At noon on April 22, 1889, more than 50,000 men, women, and children (popularly known as the Boomers) on horseback, in wagons, and even on bicycles stampeded into what is now central Oklahoma to stake out their claims. Within a few hectic hours, all the available land was settled, with the choicest acreage actually going to the Sooners, those who had crossed the line before the official beginning of the land rush. An additional six million acres in the Oklahoma Panhandle called the Cherokee Strip was opened for settlers in 1893

Do you know this it is for social studies


The answer is C principles that restrict the extent of something.

You already have the answer but I’ll just pop in and say that the answer is still C

11. Which of the following is not a power of the United States Congress?
A Levring and collecting taxes


Enforcing immigration laws

ways in which world
capitalism was introduced in Africa​



The tribal assembly (comitia tributa) was a nonmilitary civilian assembly. It accordingly met within the city inside the pomerium and elected magistrates who did not exercise imperium (plebeian tribunes, plebeian aediles, and quaestors).


How does the number of Electoral College vote a presidential candidate has compared to the number of popular votes a presidential candidate has?

A. Sometimes the Electoral College votes do not reflect the popular vote. It's the number of Electoral College votes that determines who is elected president.
B. The Electoral College votes are calculated using the popular vote. So the candidate who is elected president will have the most votes in both categories.
C. The president is elected based on the popular vote, or the number of people who voted. The Electoral College votes only matter if there is a tie between candidates.
D. The popular vote determines who will be president. The Electoral College votes determine whether the Democratic or Republican party will have the most influence in government.


A that’s what I know it is


Sometimes the Electoral College votes do not reflect the popular vote. It's the number of Electoral College votes that determines who is elected president.

proof in the pic

Which of the following limited resources must businesses consider when determining the best allocation of its resources and making trade-off decisions?

A. consumer preferences

B. labor

C. profit

D. attention




The limited resources must businesses consider when determining the best allocation of its resources and making trade-off decisions are the consumer preferences Option(a) is correct.

What are Consumer preferences?

Consumer preferences are characterized as the abstract (individual) tastes, as estimated by utility, of different heaps of products. They grant the consumer to rank these heaps of products as indicated by the degrees of utility they give the consumer.

Understanding consumer conduct is significant for organizations since it can assist them with coming to better conclusions about their items and administrations. By understanding the reason why individuals buy specific items and how they use them, organizations can adjust their contributions to more readily suit the requirements and needs of their objective market.

Five elements were found significantly to impact consumer preferences in the two business sectors, specifically propensity, food quality, item accessibility, the inclination to help nearby food, and the accessibility of data and information. Preference is preferring a certain something or one individual better than others. An illustration of preference is the point at which you like peas actually and generally better than carrots.

Therefore Option(a) is correct.

Learn more about Consumer preferences here:



in what ways can culture impact economics check all that apply





seems most logical as now a days what we watch,hear and see can decide what we think a good house should look like.

People can learn work ethic from any one and any where especially with technology .

Music comes down to your personality and your up bringing with what is exposed to you from an early age and so on.

Family history goes the best with culture and there for you might take days off on Thanks giving to spend time with family.

Perhaps this explanation help you get the answer on your own.

Answer: A,B,C,D all of them are the correct answers


Frazin. Which of the following is an example of governments role in providing services?

A. making divorce laws
B. licensing professional workers
C. issuing paper money
D. protecting public parks


Answer: Protecting public parks

Explanation: Just helped someone else with this question.

What was the purpose of the Freedmen's Bureau?

(A) To help newly freed slaved establish schools and settle disputes
(B) To help newly freed slaved organize themselves into political parties
(C) To help African Americans move to Liberia and establish their own nation
(D) To fund African Americans who wanted to run for public office



(A) To help newly freed slaved establish schools and settle disputes

I think that this is the answer


(A) To help newly freed slaves establish schools and settle disputes


The Bureau also took up the fight for African American education, establishing scores of public schools where freed people and poor whites could receive both elementary and higher education.

please help doesn’t have to be 3 paragraphs!!


Answer: can you make the picture bigger?


What was the relationship between the Ottoman Empire's power and the rise of European exploration? OA. The Ottomarn Empire had enough wealth to sponsor scientific research, leading to the discovery of technology that allowed for exploration. B. The Ottoman Empire's powerful navy controlled much of the open sea, delaying European exploration for several centuries. C. The Ottoman Empire demonstrated the success of colonization, leading Europeans to search for colonies of their own. OD. The Ottomans taxed European goods coming through Asia, motivating Europeans to seek new trade routes by sea to Asia.​


Answer: OD: The Ottomans taxed European goods coming through Asia, motivating Europeans to seek new trade routes by sea to Asia.


Other than the ocean, the only way for European traders to get to the other side of Asia was through the Ottoman Empire. If you take look at the map (I’ve attached below), the Ottoman Empire controlled the area between Europe and Asia. Therefore European countries decided to find a different route to the Asian countries without getting taxed. The only other route possible was to travel through the seas.

I hope this. Lmk if you need another explanation.

critically discuss the rise of Afrikaaner Nationalism in SA​



Afrikaner nationalism gained ground within a context of increasing urbanisation and secondary industrialisation during the period between the two world wars, as well as the continuing British imperial influence in South Africa.


Asa cultural and political phenomenon, a specifically ethnic nationalism and narrowly defined Afrikaner nationalism undoubtedly left its mark on twentieth-century South African history. This is about the only non controversial statement that can be made in connection with Afrikaner nationalism. There are differing interpretations concerning the origins of Afrikaner nationalism, its nature and content, the way in which it has been manufactured, and the precise correlation between Afrikaner nationalism and socio-economic developments.

It is also important that we do not see Afrikaner nationalism in isolation. In the rest of Africa, particularly from the 1950s onwards, a wave of black nationalism swept over the continent and led to the independence of many countries. Although Afrikaner nationalism differed from black nationalism in many respects, it also displayed some similar characteristics. It shared, for example, the idea that foreign powers should not be allowed to dominate local populations.

The Earth has height, width, and depth. This means that it exists in
A four
B. three
C. two
D. one
Please select the best answer from the choices provided



this is a good question




Do not copy off of others answer

How did Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy philosophy benefit the United States?



Answer:Big stick ideology, big stick diplomacy, or big stick policy refers to President Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy: "speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far."[1] Roosevelt described his style of foreign policy as "the exercise of intelligent forethought and of decisive action sufficiently far in advance of any likely crisis."[2] As practiced by Roosevelt, big stick diplomacy had five components. First it was essential to possess serious military capability that would force the adversary to pay close attention. At the time that meant a world-class Navy. Roosevelt never had a large army at his disposal. The other qualities were to act justly toward other nations, never to bluff, to strike only when prepared to strike hard, and the willingness to allow the adversary to save face in defeat.[3]

The idea is negotiating peacefully but also having strength in case things go wrong. Simultaneously threatening with the "big stick", or the military, ties in heavily with the idea of Realpolitik, which implies a pursuit of political power that resembles Machiavellian ideals.[4] It is comparable to gunboat diplomacy, as used in international politics by the powers.



Much like the Japanese during World War II, Americans are currently subjected to greater scrutiny and discrimination.

a. African

b. Asian

c Native

d. Muslim​



The answer is African Americans.

What were reasons that some americans and political leaders had reservations about supporting the treaty of versailles after it was brought home to be ratified by the senate except?



Wilson opted to disregard Lodge's request. By failing to engage lawmakers among-st the mediators traveling him towards the Paris Peace Conference as well as rendering summit conclusions public without reviewing them with panel members, Obama insulted the Senate.

The dissatisfied president turned his appeal to the people after Lodge's commission inserted many "booking" and revisions to the treaty. He experienced a physical breakdown throughout a cross-country trip in October 1919, clouding his political judgement even more.

Imperialists often used claims of barbary or the lack of civilization to justify their colonization of African states. How does “Things Fall Apart” challenge these justifications?


This if 2679 true I know what I’m talking about


What was the average daily salary of a coal miner in the late 1800s and early 1900s?
A. $1.00 per day
B. $2.00 per day
C. $5.00 per day
D. $20.00 per day​


I’m pretty sure it’s B. $2.00 per day

In the Fourth Party System, Democrats versus Republicans (GOP), which party was the “liberal” party in terms of wanting to use the power of the federal government and which is the “conservative” party?



In the Fourth Party System, the "liberal" party in terms of wanting to use the power of the federal government was the Republican Party, while the "conservative" party was the Democratic Party.

During this political period, which lasted from the 1890s until the presidency of F.D. Roosevelt and his New Deal, the Republican Party dominated politics almost alone at the federal level, establishing through this domination a system of non-interference by the federal government in regulatory matters, thus favoring large companies that, except in matters of monopolies They did not have major regulations and could carry out their activities practically without controls.

I'm confused help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



First option


The XYZ affair

it’s the XYZ Affair. hope it helps

40 points
Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition

argued Soviet Union would collapse if communism spread no further



Axis powers


George F. Kennan


East Timor

Battle of Britain


Pearl Harbor



The allied powers


The allied powers and most notably, Harry S Truman and the Truman Doctrine and the US policy of containment.

The correct option is E. George F. Kennan argued the Soviet Union would collapse if communism spread no further. According to Kennan, Soviet communism was a fundamentally flawed form of government and society that would eventually fall under American containment efforts.

What was the collapse of the Soviet Union?

The Soviet Union's dissolution (1988–1991) was a process of internal disintegration within the USSR that ended the existence of the nation and its federal government as a sovereign state and gave its constituent republics full autonomy.

The Cold War saw the United States pursuing a containment-based foreign policy. The doctrine, which was first outlined by George F. Kennan in 1947, claimed that communism needed to be confined and isolated in order to prevent it from spreading to other nations. To "weaken the strength and influence of Western Powers over colonial backward, or dependent peoples," in Kennan's opinion, the Soviet Union would exert every effort. Thankfully, despite being "impervious to logic of reason," the Soviet Union was "very susceptible to logic of force." 

Learn more about George F. Kennan here:



how did desertification affect early human civilizations in northern africa


Answer:Well, back in the 19th century people had to grow food in order to eat. With the land being a dry and open land of desert and if you didn't know desert land is dry, plants need moist and humid lands to grow. The people of Africa are effected by this because it makes the incapable to produce crops. Even today land in Africa makes them unable to produce crops but in today's society there are shops and transported goods to Africa.


How did the Great Compromise support the idea of federalism?

It provided constitutional protection for individual rights.

It divided power between the federal government and state governments.

It provided constitutional protection for slavery.

It divided power among three branches of government.



It divided power between the federal government and state government

Can YALL help real quick please ?!?!



The answer is "Option C".


The currency is a prominent example of a means of exchange. In its role as a means of trade, cash acts as an intermediary between products and services. Due to this role of money, value creation is decreased by increasing the requirement for two demands to coincide. This currency function minimizes transaction fees; management fees are all costs excluding the price of the product being transacted, that's why option c is the correct choice.

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