what is precipitating ???

anyone please tell me how to delete an I'd ​


Answer 1


Desposition of solid matter in a solution

Related Questions

Sodium and chlorine combine to form table salt.
2Na(s) + Cl2(g) → 2NaCl(s)
Does this reaction obey the law of conservation of mass?



yes it does


because the ratios on the reactants and products are equal

The reaction 2Na(s) + Cl₂(g) → 2NaCl(s) obeys the law of conservation of mass.

Yes, this reaction obeys the law of conservation of mass. The law of conservation of mass states that mass is neither created nor destroyed in a chemical reaction; it is only rearranged.

In the given reaction, we have 2 sodium atoms (Na) on the left side and 2 sodium atoms (Na) on the right side. Similarly, we have 2 chlorine molecules (Cl₂) on the left side and 2 chlorine atoms (Cl) on the right side. Therefore, the number of atoms of each element is balanced on both sides of the reaction.

Additionally, the total mass of the reactants (2Na + Cl₂) is equal to the total mass of the product (2NaCl). The coefficients in the balanced equation represent the stoichiometric ratios, ensuring that the mass is conserved.

Hence, the reaction 2Na(s) + Cl₂(g) → 2NaCl(s) obeys the law of conservation of mass.

Learn more about law of conservation of mass from the link given below.



what happens to the atomic size of elements on moving from left to right in a period of modern periodic table?


Answer: the atomic size will decrease



It will remain the same because it is moving up and down to and fro it can not increase nor decrease or else will become an ion

I need help on this question pleas label



we will solve your Quiz


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Select all of the following reactions that are endothermic.

½N 2(g) + 3/2H 2(g) → NH 3(g) + 11.0 kcal/mole
H 2(g) + ½O 2(g) → H 2O(g), ΔH = -57.83 kcal/mole
½N 2(g) + O 2(g) + 8.1 kcal → NO 2(g)
½N 2(g) + ½O 2(g) → NO(g), ΔH = +21.6 kcal/mole
NH 3(g) → ½N 2(g) + 3/2H 2(g), ΔH = +11.0 kcal/mole



½N 2(g) + O 2(g) + 8.1 kcal → NO 2(g)

½N 2(g) + ½O 2(g) → NO(g), ΔH = +21.6 kcal/mole

NH 3(g) → ½N 2(g) + 3/2H 2(g), ΔH = +11.0 kcal/mole

General Formulas and Concepts:


Endothermic vs ExothermicEnthalpy


An endothermic reaction would have heat or energy gained in the final stage of the reaction.

This means that our enthalpy would be positive and heat/energy would be added as a reactant.

Out of all the answer choices, we see that only these have heat/energy added in the reactant side or the enthalpy being positive:

½N 2(g) + O 2(g) + 8.1 kcal → NO 2(g)

½N 2(g) + ½O 2(g) → NO(g), ΔH = +21.6 kcal/mole

NH 3(g) → ½N 2(g) + 3/2H 2(g), ΔH = +11.0 kcal/mole

Topic: AP Chemistry

Unit: Thermochemistry

Calculate the number of hydrogen atoms in 33.0 g CH4



The number of hydrogen atoms is 4.96x10²⁴.



The number of atoms can be found with the following equation:

[tex] n = N*\eta_{H} [/tex]


N: is the Avogadro's number = 6.022x10²³ atoms/mol

η: is the number of moles of hydrogen

n: is the number of hydrogen atoms

First, we need to find the number of hydrogen moles. The number of moles of CH₄ is:

[tex] \eta_{CH_{4}} = \frac{m}{M} [/tex]


m: is the mass of methane = 33 g

M: is the molar mass of methane = 16.04 g/mol                      

[tex] \eta_{CH_{4}} = \frac{33 g}{16.04 g/mol} = 2.06 mol [/tex]

Now, since we have 4 hydrogen atoms in 1 mol of methane, the number of moles of hydrogen is:

[tex] \eta_{H} = 2.06\: mol\: CH_{4}*4 \frac{mol\: H}{mol \: CH_{4}} = 8.24 mol [/tex]

Hence, the number of hydrogen atoms is:

[tex]n = N*\eta_{H} = 6.022 \cdot 10^{23} \: atoms/mol*8.24 mol = 4.96 \cdot 10^{24} atoms[/tex]

Therefore, the number of hydrogen atoms is 4.96x10²⁴.

I hope it helps you!      

CH3 CH2 CH2 OH + H2SO4
Get the product and answer the following questions :

I. A + HCl
II. A --> Combustion ( what product does it form. Write out the equation )
III.A ---> Hydrogenation (what product does it form. Write out the equation )

Note : A represents the product gotten from the reaction between
CH3 CH2 CH2 OH and H2SO4​



propene and hydrogen is product

When propanol is heated with concentrated sulphuric acid at 443 K, dehydration takes place and prop-1-ene is formed. In this reaction concentrated sulphuric acid acts as a dehydrating agent.

I. A + HCl gives )-gives 2-chloropropane

II. A --> Combustion ( what product does it form. Write out the equation propene ozonide

III.A ---> Hydrogenation (what product does it form. Write out the equation )propanol

Which one is wrong I did them but it’s saying I got partial credit


phosphorus triiodide*

Which statement is true about the atoms in helium gas?

They have strong attractions to one another.
They travel in circular paths.
They are arranged in an orderly pattern.
They are not closely packed.


Answer: The answer is they are not closely packed

Explanation: HOPE THIS HELPS!!

movement of water molecules without the use of energy


The answer is ‘Passive Transport’

movement of molecules without the use of energy is due to the shrinkage of water

please help asap!!!!!!!!

The two waves in the diagram are occupying the same place at the same time. At what time will the interfering waves have an amplitude of zero? 1.0 3.0 4.0 7.0 Mark this and return


Answer: It’s 4.0

Explanation: I just took the test and got it right:)

Can someone help me with this question ASAP


aye i can’t see the full question dawg, you gotta send a full picture of it

Is the graph more accurate with more atoms or less atoms?



I would guess more atoms? but there is no graph attached

what is the atomicity of Sulphur?​



the atomicity of sulphur is 8


hope it helps

A 2.50 L container is filled with 175 g of argon; a. If the pressure is 10 atm, what is the temperature ? b if the temperature is 22K, what is the pressure ?



A. 70 K

B. 3.16 atm


We'll begin by calculating the number of mole in 175 g of Ar. This can be obtained as follow:

Mass of Ar = 175 g

Molar mass of Ar = 40 g/mol

Mole of Ar =?

Mole = mass / molar mass

Mole of Ar = 175 / 40

Mole of Ar = 4.375 moles

A. Determination of the temperature.

Mole of Ar (n) = 4.375 moles

Volume (V) = 2.50 L

Pressure (P) = 10 atm

Gas constant (R) = 0.0821 atm.L/Kmol

Temperature (T) =?

PV = nRT

10 × 2.5 = 4.375 × 0.0821 × T

25 = 4.375 × 0.0821 × T

Divide both side by (4.375 × 0.0821)

T = 25 / (4.375 × 0.0821)

T ≈ 70 K

B. Determination of the pressure.

Mole of Ar (n) = 4.375 moles

Volume (V) = 2.50 L

Temperature (T) = 22 K

Gas constant (R) = 0.0821 atm.L/Kmol

Pressure (P) =?

PV = nRT

P × 2.5 = 4.375 × 0.0821 × 22

Divide both side by 2.5

P = (4.375 × 0.0821 × 22) / 2.5

P = 3.16 atm.

Which letter in the diagram represents the transition from liquid to gas?





B is solid and liquid while D is liquid and gas


Option ( D) is correct

The phase transition occurs at 100o C (the normal boiling point of water). Liquid water becomes water vapor or steam when it enters the gaseous phase.


A heating curve graphically represents the phase transitions that a substance undergoes as heat is added to it.

The liquid will begin to boil when enough heat has been absorbed by the solution that the temperature reaches the boiling point, where again, the temperature remains constant until all of the liquid has become gaseous water. At the atmospheric pressure of 1 atm, this phase transition occurs at 100o C (the normal boiling point of water). Liquid water becomes water vapor or steam when it enters the gaseous phase. Use the heat of vaporization ([latex]\Delta H_{vap}[/latex] ) to calculate how much heat was absorbed in this process: [latex]q=m\cdot C_{H_2O(g)}\cdot \Delta T[/latex], where m is the mass of the sample of water.

After all of the liquid has been converted to gas, the temperature will continue to increase as heat as added. Again, the heat added that results in a certain change temperature is given by: [latex]q=m\cdot C_{H_2O(g)}\cdot \Delta T[/latex] . Note that the specific heat capacity of gaseous water is different than that of ice or liquid water.

mendeleev's periodic table is studied even though it is considered to be defective​



This is because Mendeleev arranged the elements in order of increasing relative atomic mass.


Dmitri Mendeleev is one of the scientists that contributed to the development of periodic table in chemistry. He was able to organise elements into rows according to their atomic mass and into columns based on chemical and physical properties. This is the main reason why his periodic table is still studied even though it has some defects which include:

--> Grouping of elements that are not similar chemically: For example Copper and Silver bear no resemblance with the alkali metals, but they have been placed together in the first group.

--> Position of isotopes: According to his periodic table: Isotopes of an element must be given separate places in the periodic table because they have different atomic masses.

--> Electronic arrangement of elements: It failed to explain the electronic arrangement of elements.

--> Separation of chemically similar elements:

Elements that are chemically similar such as Gold and Platinum have been placed in separate groups.

Pls help!!!
You are given a type of element by a teacher and she asks you to identify it.What should you do?Explain your answer​





Explain the steps you would follow to make 500 mL of a 0.3 M solution of sucrose
(C12H22011) in the lab.



see explanation


Solutions are prepared from one of three solute sources ...

- solid solute from manufacturer,

-liquid solute from manufacturer,

-stock concentrate of solute for dilution to lower concentrations.

In this problem, sucrose is a stock solid with a formula mass of 342.3 grams/mol. The amount of solid needed can be determined using the formula:

mass of solute needed (grams) = (Molarity needed x Volume needed in Liters x formula weight) / (decimal fraction purity of stock solid)

Molarity needed = 0.3M

Volume needed = 500 ml = 0.500 liters

Formula weight = 342.3 grams/mole

Purity factor (assumed) = 100% = 1.00 (should be posted on stock bottle label) For example, a 95% pure stock solid => purity factor of 0.95.

∴ grams of sucrose needed = (0.3M*)(0.500L)(342.3g/mole)/(1.00) =51.345 grams sucrose.

Measure 51.345 grams of sucrose into mixing vessel and add solvent water up to, but not to exceed 500 ml total volume. Mix until homogeneous.

Which of the following is an oxide which is strongly acidic?
(a) Na2O.
(b) MgO
(c) SiO2.
(d) P2O5.



answer of your question is 4th



phosphorus react with carbon



Phosphorus atoms can bond with oxygen atoms to form ester groups. These can bond with carbon atoms, yielding a large number of organic phosphorus chemicals. These are found in many important biological processes

Help me please

The options are
A. Translation
B. Rotation
C. Enlargement


this is enlargement since the new image has been enlarged twice the size of the original.

translation means it has moved
rotation means it turned another way
reduction means it got smaller


C. Enlargement


Which of the following elements would have the largest electronegativity value?
O cesium
O carbon
O sodium


I’m going to go with lithium

write electronic configuration of chlorine in its ionic state?​



1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6


Chlorine is a groups 17 element. The halogens for ions by accepting one electron to form univalent negative ions.

Since chlorine normally contains seventeen electrons, the chloride ion consists of eighteen electrons.

Hence the electronic configuration of chlorine ion is; 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6.

Which of the following are true for an element?       (i)Atomic number= number of protons + number of electrons      (ii)Mass number = number of protons+ number of neutrons      (iii)Atomic mass= number of protons= number of neutrons      (iv)Atomic number = number of protons = number of electrons​



ii and iv


atomic mass is the sum of protons and neutrons

protons ( postively charged) usually have the same number like electrons( negatively charged)

Which of the following about a balanced chemical reactions is
NOT true?
O A properly written chemical equation will include the states of matter
for every substance in the reaction.
O The number of atoms of each element must be the same for both
reactants and products.
A balanced chemical equation must follow the Law of Conservation
of Matter
A balanced chemical equation must always include coefficients on
every reactant and product.



A balanced chemical equation must always include coefficients on every reactant and product.


A balanced chemical equation does not need to include coefficients on every reactant and product.

For example, below is a balanced chemical equation in which the reactants and the products have no coefficients whatsoever:

NaOH(aq) + HCl (aq) -----> NaCl (s) + H2O (l)

Of course, a properly written chemical equation must include the states of matter of all the substances in the reaction and the number of atoms of each element must balance both in the reactant and product sides of the equation. Generally, a balanced chemical equation must obey the law of conservation of matter which opines that matter can neither be created nor destroyed but can only be converted from one form to another.

Hence, that a balanced chemical equation must always include coefficients on every reactant and product is not true.

If a quantity of this substance existed as a solid at a pressure of 0.75 atm and a temperature of 50°C, what phase
change(s) would occur if the temperature increased to 500°C?
a. Freezing and deposition
b. Melting and freezing
c. Condensation and sublimation
d. Melting and vaporization


Possibly d or could be a

Element 'X' forms a chloride with the formula XCl2, which is a solid with high melting point. X would most likely be in the same group of the periodic table as:

I) Si
2) Al
3) Mg
4) Na

pls pls answer fast ​





Mg forms 2+ ions and mgcl2 has a melting point over 700°C I believe.






Nồng độ mol của 200ml dung dịch Nacl chứa 0,5 mol chất tan là :









. Why a chlorine atom with an atomic number of 17 will be negatively charged when its valance shell gains an electron.



When chlorine bonds and becomes stable, (had a full outer electron shell), because we know that chlorine has 7 electrons in it’s outer shell, it requires 1 to gain noble gas structure. So, when if bonds with an element and then becomes stable, the gaining of an electron means it becomes a negatively charged ion. (an ion being a charged particle.)

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