What is principle of liver??


Answer 1


lever: Principle of the Lever

lever: Principle of the LeverIt has been found by experiment that two equal forces acting in opposite directions, i.e., clockwise and counterclockwise, and applied to a uniform lever at equal distances from the fulcrum counteract each other and establish a state of equilibrium, or balance, in the lever.

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what is the effect of pressure on boiling and melting substance?



The boiling point of liquids always increases when pressure is applied on a liquid. This is because the molecules of a liquid will need more energy to turn into a gaseous state when pressure is applied on that substance.

The speed and wavelength of coastal water waves are 4.0 m/s and 6.0 m respectively. When the waves enter a shallower region, the speed decreases to 1.7 m/s. What is the wavelength in the shallower region?







now, v= 1.7 m/s








2.54m is the wavelength in the shallower region.

What is wavelength?

Wavelength exists the distance between identical points (adjacent crests) in the adjacent cycles of a waveform signal propagated in the area or along a wire. In wireless systems, this length exists usually specified in meters (m), centimeters (cm), or millimeters (mm).

Wavelength can be represented as the distance between two successive crests or troughs of a wave. It exists calculated in the direction of the wave.





now, v= 1.7 m/s





Hence, 2.54m is the wavelength in the shallower region.

To learn more about wavelength refer to:



When drawing a free-body diagram for an object on an inclined surface, which
way does the normal force point?
A. Straight down
B. Perpendicular to the surface
C. Parallel to the surface
D. Straight up



the answer is B normal force is always perpendicular to the surface

a potter carries 30 bricks to a distance of 50 m in 25 seconds. If the weight of 1 brick is 12N. Calculate work down and power​



(I)W=18×10³ J

(ii) P=720W


30 Bricks = 1brick weight× 30 Bricks

30 Bricks= 12×30



Time= 25s

1. Work done= Force× Distance


= 18×10³ J

2. Power= Work done/ Time


Power= 720W.

Cual es el deporte que le da fortaleza y flexibilidad al cuerpo



Aesthetic sports


Aesthetic sports are the one's that need well-developed physical qualities such as strength, agility, stamina, flexibility, and technical knowledge and artistry, in addition to technical ability and artistry. Elite athletes in these sports generally have a low abdominal fat , and the ranking is subjective.

In aesthetic sports like gymnastics, swimming, and figure skaters, dynamic and proactive flexibility is required.

If the mass of a moving object is 500g, what force will be required to speed up the object at a rate of 2m/s2 ?



The force acting is given by 1N.


mass, m = 500 g = 0.5 kg

acceleration, a = 2 m/s^2

According to the Newton's second law, the force acting on an object is given by the product of mass and the acceleration of the object.

F = m a

F = 0.5 x 2 = 1 N

please help asap


physics !!!///

Write two dimensionless constants and two variables. ​




The dimension less constants are the constants having no dimensions and also have a constant value.

For example, 1, 2, 3... numbers, e (exponent), [tex]\pi[/tex], etc.

The dimension less variables are the variables having no dimensions.

For example, refractive index, angle, strain, etc.

is the answer correct or wrong ​



wrong answer because m=100


I think it is incorrect

Ah, I tried

Một con lắc là xo treo thẳng đứng có độ cứng 30 N/m và vật nặng có khối lượng 320 g. Kích thích dễ cho quá nặng dao động điều hoà theo phương thẳng đứng xung quanh vị trí cân bằng với biên độ 6 cm. Lấy g = 10m/s. Độ lớn lực kéo lớn nhất của là xa liễn điểm treo trong quá trình quả nặng dao động là



The maximum force is 1.8 N.


A pendulum is a vertically hanging spring with a stiffness of 30 N/m and a mass of 320 g. The excitable excitation oscillates vertically around the equilibrium position with an amplitude of 6 cm. Take g = 10m/s. The magnitude of the maximum pulling force of the distance from the suspension point during the oscillation of the weight is

stiffness, K = 30 n/m

mass, m = 320 g

amplitude, A = 6 cm = 0.06 m

g = 10 m/s^2

Let the maximum acceleration is a.

[tex]a = w^2 A\\\\a = \frac{K}{m}A\\\\Force, F = m a \\\\F = K A\\\\F = 30 \times 0.06 \\\\F = 1.8 N[/tex]

A ball of mass 4kg is lightly dropped into a tub with a base of 1m^2. After it sinks to the bottom, the water rises by 2.5mm. Determine the density of the ball.

a) 40 kg/L
b) 4.4 kg/L
c) 1.6 kg/L​


Let h be the height of the water in the tube. Then the total volume of water is

(h m) (1 m²) = h

After dropping the ball into the water, the height of the water changes to

h m + 2.25 mm = (h + 0.0025) m

and so the contents of the tub take up (h + 0.0025) m³ of volume.

This means the ball displaces

(h + 0.0025) m³ - h m³ = 0.0025 m³

of water, which is to say that this is volume of the ball.

With a mass of 4 kg, you would find its density to be

(4 kg) / (0.0025 m³) = (4 kg) / (2.5 L) = 1.6 kg/L

A student wishes to find the average thickness . she obtain the following measurements
mass of sheet = 60.7g
lenght of sheet = 50.0cm
width of sheet = 30.0 cm
calculate the student's values for
(i) the volume of the sheet
( ii) the average thickness of the sheet


Complete Question:

The density of aluminium is 2.70g/cm³. The thickness of a rectangular sheet of aluminium foil varies, but is much less than 1 mm.

A student wishes to find the average thickness. She obtain the following measurements

Mass of sheet = 60.7g

Length of sheet = 50.0cm

Width of sheet = 30.0 cm

Calculate the student's values for

(i) the volume of the sheet

(ii) the average thickness of the sheet


Thickness = 0.015 cm


Given the following data;

Mass of sheet = 60.7gLength of sheet = 50.0cmWidth of sheet = 30.0 cmDensity = 2.70g/cm³

I. To find the volume of the sheet;

Density can be defined as mass all over the volume of an object.

Simply stated, density is mass per unit volume of an object.

Mathematically, density is given by the formula;

[tex] Density = \frac {mass}{volume} [/tex]

Making volume the subject of formula, we have;

[tex] Volume = \frac {mass}{density} [/tex]

Substituting into the formula, we have;

[tex] Volume = \frac {60.7}{2.70} [/tex]

Volume = 22.48 cm³

II. Volume = length * width * height

But, height = thickness

Volume = length * width * thickness

22.48 = 50 * 30 * thickness

22.48 = 1500 * thickness

[tex] Thickness = \frac {22.48}{1500} [/tex]

Thickness = 0.015 cm


1 mm = 0.1 cm

X mm = 0.015 cm

X = 0.015/0.1 = 0.15 mm

Therefore, the thickness of the rectangular sheet of aluminium foil is less than 1 millimetre.

El bloque de 10 kg que se muestra en la figura está en contacto con el resorte que tiene una longitud natural de 25 cm. Cuando se suelta el bloque, éste comprime al resorte quedando estático a 15 cm del piso. Calcule el cambio de energía potencial elástica del resorte en Joules.



9.81 J


The 10 kg block shown in the figure is in contact with the spring that has a natural length of 25 cm. When the block is released, it compresses the spring, remaining static 15 cm from the floor. Calculate the change in elastic potential energy of the spring in Joules

The given parameters are;

The mass of the block in contact with the spring = 10 kg

The natural length of the spring = 25 cm

The final height of the block after being released = 15 cm


The potential energy of the block = m·g·h

The initial potential energy of the block = 10 kg × 9.81 m/s² × 0.25 m = 24.252 J

The final potential energy of the block = 10 kg × 9.81 m/s² × 0.15 m = 14.715 J

By energy conservation principle

The change in potential energy of the block = The change in elastic potential energy of the spring = (1/2)·k·x² = 24.252 J - 14.715 J = 9.81 J

why physics ought to be studied?​



The goal of physics is to understand how things work from first principles. ... Courses in physics reveal the mathematical beauty of the universe at scales ranging from subatomic to cosmological. Studying physics strengthens quantitative reasoning and problem solving skills that are valuable in areas beyond physics.

To make a position-time graph, you plot position relative to the starting point on the y-axis against the corresponding_______on the x-axis





Motion can be defined as a change in the location (position) of a physical object or body with respect to a reference point.

This ultimately implies that, motion would occur as a result of a change in location (position) of an object with respect to a reference point or frame of reference i.e where it was standing before the effect of an external force.

A reference point refers to a location or physical object from which the motion (movement) of another physical object or body can be determined.

Mathematically, the motion of an object is described in terms of acceleration, time, distance, speed, velocity, position, displacement, etc.

A graph can be defined as the graphical representation of data (informations) on horizontal and vertical lines i.e x-axis and y-axis respectively.

A position-time (x-t) graph is a graph of the position of an object against (versus) time.

To make a position-time graph, you should plot the values of the position of an object or body with respect to the starting point on the y-axis against the corresponding time on the x-axis.

Generally, the slope of the line of a position-time (x-t) graph is typically used to determine or calculate the velocity of an object.

An instantaneous velocity can be defined as the rate of change in position of an object in motion for a short-specified interval of time. Thus, an instantaneous velocity is a quantity that can be found by measuring the slope of a line that is tangent to a point on the graph.

In conclusion, the x - t graph also referred to as the position-time graph is used for determining the instantaneous velocity from the slope.

what mean by expansion effect of heat




-Cambio de temperatura

Al calentar un cuerpo la temperatura aumenta

Es el efecto más inmediato del calor, el aumento de la temperatura. Al calentar un cuerpo, es habitual, aunque no siempre, que el cuerpo aumente de temperatura. El aumento dependerá de la cantidad de calor que se suministra, del tipo de sustancia y de su cantidad.


Cuando un objeto se calienta, su volumen aumenta. Este fenómeno se llama dilatación térmica. Por el contrario, cuando un objeto se enfría, su volumen disminuye, debido a la contracción térmica.

Cuando se calienta un cuerpo, además de cambiar de estado o variar su temperatura, también cambia su tamaño, se dilata.

Por ejemplo, los puentes no se construyen de una única pieza, sino que suelen presentar uno o varios cortes longitudinales, las llamadas juntas de dilatación. Si no existieran esas juntas, los cambios de longitud del puente entre el invierno y el verano o entre el día y la noche acabarían por romperlo.

La dilatación de un cuerpo dependerá del aumento de temperatura que experimente, de su tamaño y de la sustancia de que esté hecho. Cuanto más aumente la temperatura más aumentará su tamaño, lo mismo que cuanto mayor sea, mayor se hará.

Todos los cuerpos, ya sean sólidos, líquidos o gaseosos, varían su tamaño cuando intercambian calor con otro cuerpo.

-Cambios de estado:

Si una sustancia modifica el estado de sólido, líquido o gaseoso, se produce un cambio de estado. Un cambio de estado es una modificación en la forma en que se disponen las partículas que constituyen una sustancia.

El estado en que se encuentre un cuerpo depende de la presión a la que está sometido y de su temperatura. Para cambiar su estado se debe modificar alguna de estas variables, o ambas. Al elevar la temperatura de una sustancia sólida, aumenta la agitación de sus partículas.


All forms of matter (solid, liquid and gas) undergo expansion on heating. When a solid is heated, the atoms gain energy and vibrate more vigorously. This results in the expansion of the solid. For a given change in temperature, the extent of expansion is smaller in solids than in liquids and gases. This is due to the rigid nature of solids.


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:) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::))))

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phương trình trạng thái tổng quát của khí lí tưởng diễn tả là​



pV/T=const goodluke

In a long distance race, Michael is running at 3.8 m/s and is 75 m behind Robert, who is running at a constant velocity of 4.2 m/s. If Michael accelerates at 0.15 m/s²:

a) How much time will it take him to catch Robert?
b) How far will Michael have travelled?



t = 2.7 seconds


Given that,

Initial speed, u = 3.8 m/s

Final speed, v = 4.2 m/s

Acceleration of Michael, a = 0.15 m/s²

(a) Let t is the time taken by him to catch Robert. It can be calculated as follows :

[tex]a=\dfrac{v-u}{t}\\\\t=\dfrac{v-u}{a}\\\\t=\dfrac{4.2-3.8}{0.15}\\\\t=2.7\ s[/tex]

So, the time taken is 2.7 seconds.

Jennifer has a credit score of 450. Her bank recently approved her for a credit card. What will her interest rate be?
A. High, as her credit score is low, indicating that she is a high risk borrower
B. Low as her credit score is good
C. Big as her credit score is good
D. Low as she is a high risk borrower





low credit score means its more risky to lend someone money

An image of a car with height of 14 cm occurred in the mirror which is located at a T-
intersection. If the car height is 140 cm and the radius of the curvature of the mirror is 60 cm,
how far is the car from the mirror?
helpp me!!!!!!



The distance of car form the mirror is 330 cm.


height of object, h = 140 cm

height of image, h' = 14 cm

radius of curvature, R = 60 cm

focal length, f = R/2 = + 30 cm

Let the distance of image is v and the distance of object is u.

[tex]\frac{h'}{h}\frac{v}{u}\\\\\frac{14}{140} =\frac{v}{u}\\\\v =\frac{u}{10}[/tex]

Use the formula of focal length

[tex]\frac{1}{f}=\frac{1}{v}+\frac{1}{u}\\\\\frac{1}{30}=\frac{10}{u}+\frac{1}{u}\\\\\frac{1}{30}=\frac{11}{u}\\\\u = 330 cm[/tex]

Động cơ của một ô tô thực hiện một lực kéo không đổi là F=4000N . Biết ô tô chuyển động đều với vận tốc 36km/h . Trong năm phutd công của lực kéo của động cơ là bao nhiêu



The work done is 12 MJ.


The engine of a car exerts a constant traction force of F=4000N . Assume that the car is moving at a constant speed of 36 km/hr. In five minutes, what is the work done by the engine's traction?

Force, F = 4000 N

speed, v = 36 km/h = 10 m/s

time , t = 5 minutes = 5 x 60 = 300  s

Work done is given by

W =  force x distance

W = 4000 x 10 x 300 J = 12 x 10^6 J = 12 MJ

A box with a mass of 5 kg accelerates its speed in a straight line, increasing it from 5 m/s to 8 m/s, due to the application of an external force acting for a duration of 2.0 s. Calculate the average strength of this force.



acceleration a = v-v0/ t = ∆V/∆t

first we must calculate F = M.A

The average strength of this force will be 7.5 N

What is force?

Force is defined as the push or pull applied to the body. Sometimes it is used to change the shape, size, and direction of the body.

Force is defined as the product of mass and acceleration. Its unit is Newton.

Given data;

Force,F = ?

Mass,m = 5 kg

Initial velocity,u=5 m/sec

Final velocity,v==8 m/sec

Time period,t=2.0 sec

The average strength of this force will be;


F= 5 kg × [(8 m/sec -5 m/sec)/2.0 sec]] m/s²

F= 7.5 N

Hence the average strength of this force will be 7.5 N

To learn more about the force refer to the link;



A particle makes 800 revolution in 4 minutes of a circle of 5cm. find i. It's period ii. Angular Velocity iii. Linear Velocity iv. It's acceleration please with the formula stated clearly and the meaning of the symbols with accurate solutions you can snap and send it THANK YOU



(i) The particle has a period of 0.3 seconds.

(ii) The angular velocity of the particle is a20.944 radians per second.

(iii) The linear velocity of the particle is 1.047 meters per second.

(iv) The linear acceleration of the particle is 21.933 meters per square second.


Statement is incomplete and have mistakes, complete and correct form is presented below:

A particle makes 800 revolutions in 4 minutes of a circle with a radius of 5 centimeters. Find (i) its period, (ii) its angular velocity, (iii) its linear velocity and (iv) its acceleration.

(i) The period of the particle ([tex]T[/tex]), in seconds, is the time taken to make a complete revolution:

[tex]T = \frac{4\,min \times \frac{60\,s}{1\,min} }{800\,rev}[/tex]

[tex]T = 0.3\,s[/tex]

The particle has a period of 0.3 seconds.

(ii) The angular velocity ([tex]\omega[/tex]), in radians per second, is determined by the following formula:

[tex]\omega = \frac{2\pi}{T}[/tex] (1)

[tex]\omega = \frac{2\pi}{0.3\,s}[/tex]

[tex]\omega \approx 20.944\,\frac{rad}{s}[/tex]

The angular velocity of the particle is a20.944 radians per second.

(iii) The linear velocity ([tex]v[/tex]), in meters per second, is calculated by the following formula:

[tex]v = R\cdot \omega[/tex] (2)

Where [tex]R[/tex] is the radius of the circle, in meters.

If we know that [tex]R = 0.05\,m[/tex] and [tex]\omega \approx 20.944\,\frac{rad}{s}[/tex], then the linear velocity of the particle is:

[tex]v = (0.05\,m)\cdot \left(20.944\,\frac{rad}{s} \right)[/tex]

[tex]v = 1.047\,\frac{m}{s}[/tex]

The linear velocity of the particle is 1.047 meters per second.

(iv) Since angular velocity is constant, linear acceleration of the particle ([tex]a[/tex]), in meters per square second, is entirely radial. Acceleration can be found by means of this expression:

[tex]a = \omega^{2}\cdot R[/tex] (3)

If we know that [tex]R = 0.05\,m[/tex] and [tex]\omega \approx 20.944\,\frac{rad}{s}[/tex], then the linear acceleration of the particle is:

[tex]a = \left(20.944\,\frac{rad}{s} \right)^{2}\cdot (0.05\,m)[/tex]

[tex]a = 21.933\,\frac{m}{s^{2}}[/tex]

The linear acceleration of the particle is 21.933 meters per square second.

which electromagnetic wave has the highest frequency​



Gamma rays

Gamma rays have the highest energies, the shortest wavelengths, and the highest frequencies.

numerical of science ​


20 14*(); jmnjv ijk,nb,..

1. Determine the magnitude of two equal but opposite charges if they attract one another with a force of 0.7N when at distance of 0.3m apart in a vacuum.​



q = 2.65 10⁻⁶ C


For this exercise we use Coulomb's law

        F =[tex]k \frac{q_1q_2}{r^2}[/tex]

In this case they indicate that the load is of equal magnitude

       q₁ = q₂ = q

the force is attractive because the signs of the charges are opposite

       F = [tex]k \ \frac{q^2}{r^2}[/tex]

       q = [tex]\sqrt{\frac{F \ r^2}{k} }[/tex]

we calculate

        q = [tex]\sqrt{\frac{0.7 \ 0.3^2 }{9 \ 10^9} }[/tex]

        q = [tex]\sqrt{7 \ 10^{-12} }[/tex]Ra 7 10-12

        q = 2.65 10⁻⁶ C

Where an electric field line crosses an equipotential surface, the angle between the field line and the equipotential is



90 degree


Electric field line is vertical to the electric field line.

The angle between the field line and the equipotential where an electric field line crosses an equipotential surface is 90°

What is an electric field?

This is a region of space around a charged particle, or between two voltages.

The angle between Electric field crosses an equi-potential surface is always 90 degrees. When the potential becomes constant,the negative potential gradient also becomes zero, hence necessitating the need for Electric field to be always normal with surface.

Therefore, the angle between electric field and equi-potential surface is 90 degrees.

Read more on Electric Field:


Chapter 1
The centre of gravity is usually located where
A no mass is concentrated.
B average mass is concentrated.
Cless mass is concentrated.
D more mass is concentrated.​



D. more mass is concentrated.


Gravity is considered to be a universal force of attraction which acts between all objects that has both mass, energy and occupy space. Therefore, it acts in such a way as to bring objects together.

Additionally, the gravity of earth makes it possible for all physical objects to possess weight.

Newton's law of universal gravitation states that the force of attraction (gravity) acting between the Earth and all physical objects is directly proportional to the Earth's mass, directly proportional to the physical object's mass and inversely proportional to the square of the distance separating the Earth's center and that physical object.

Center of gravity can be defined as the specific point where all of the weight of an object is concentrated.

Generally, all the objects found around the world all have a center of gravity.

Additionally, when an object is balanced so that a displacement lowers its center of gravity, the object is said to be in stable equilibrium.

The centre of gravity of a physical object is usually located where more mass is concentrated in the physical object or body.

However, the location of the centre of gravity is subject to change and as such doesn't always remain the same.

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