what is religious tolerance how does it helps to maintain peace unity and prosperity in human societies describe with examples​


Answer 1
Religious tolerance is the way to world peace. In order to establish global peace is to avoid violence and follow the ethic that preached by all religions. Both believers and non-believers live in the same society. So it is important that religious tolerance is to maintain peace among people from all over the world.

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What are the ways that can help the farmers to avoid food loss ?


Answer: Through making innovative use of deformed fruits and vegetables, connecting with small farms for their extra produce and re-utilizing it, or volunteering with organizations that clean produce from post-harvest farms, there are many ways that farms can help prevent food waste


What characteristic of the Middle colonies helped with trading?

Construction of dirt roads
Long and wide rivers
Pacific Ocean


long and wide rivers

like the Hudson river for New York city

Middle colonies are like new York city &


Power sharing enhances the vertical distribution of power. Do you agree with the statement? Give reason for your answer with the help of an example



Power sharing is essential as it helps to reduce the load and stress on one party.


Power-sharing is an important aspect of the distribution of power and includes decentralization.  That is from the authorities level to the local levels. Such as the hierarchy in an organization, power is shared within various vertical and horizontal levels.

what does 'enjoy diversity.'Explain. ​



diversity is an important factor int his world . The idea of diversity involve respect and acceptance. It also means accepting and understanding that every person is unique and identifying our individual distinction.


All about exploring the difference in safe and positive environment. Enjoying diversity relates to one right thing we all have in common.


In his world, diversity is a major factor. Respect and acceptance include the idea of variety. It also indicates that everyone is unique and identifies our own distinction. It signifies embrace and comprehends.


Everything about the difference in a safe and positive setting. Discovering variety is the right thing for all of us.

Unity and cooperation help in the formation of a good society . write your opinion



Answer to the following question is as follows;


The term "cooperation" refers to people assisting one another. Without cooperation, individuals cannot have a safe and fulfilled existence. It fosters interpersonal closeness, allowing individuals to stand together at all times. In this way, cooperation and togetherness aid in the development of society.

Survival necessitates cooperation. As we all understand, unity shields us from all bad deeds; thus, we should all support each other and combat and confront the evil and negative stuff together; except when we stand around each other do we get independence from all forms of negativity.

Mr. Peterson has been struggling with Arnold, a boy with severe disabilities who hums and rocks back and forth intermittently throughout the day. Mr. Peterson wants to see if these behaviors are associated with any specific activities during the school day so that he can then more closely analyze what occurs during those time periods. Which descriptive assessment method would be the best choice for what he wants to accomplish



Scatterplot recording


Scatter plot recording

This type of records do takes the record of the frequency of the target behavior and also when the said behaviour occurred.

The day is usually group into time blocks and each occurrence of the behavior is recorded in the appropriate block. The Data is recorded for a long period of time so it is done by a teacher or another person present.it can be helpful when behavior occurs infrequently.

In the quest to maintain their legitimacy, political officials may use athletes, teams, and particular sports to _____. Multiple choice question. boost their acceptance in the minds of citizens reaffirm an identity that further disconnects people within a nation emphasize that competition is clearly the most unconventional way to achieve personal success provide people with a vocabulary and real-life examples that conflict with dominant political ideologies




I dont know

Clean water is a basic necessity, yet obtaining clean water is a daily struggle for millions of people worldwide. Identify why the poor of Mumbai, India, have difficulty getting access to water.
A. They do not voice their concerns to the city.
B. They do not have citizenship.
C. They do not have jobs.
D. They do not have a permanent residence.



A=they do not voice their concerns to the city

Ophelia and Gertrude owned stock in Great Danes, Inc., a luxury dog-breeding company. Great Danes, Inc. is incorporated in and holds its shareholder meetings in Florida. Ophelia and Gertrude enter a written agreement to vote in a particular way at the upcoming shareholder meeting, but Ophelia is getting concerned that Gertrude will not vote according to the agreement. Ophelia comes to you for advice. You tell her that
A. Written shareholders' agreements are not recognized in Florida.
B. Written shareholders' agreements are not enforceable in Florida.
C. Written shareholders' agreements are both allowable and enforceable in Florida.
D. Written shareholders' agreements are both allowable and enforceable in Florida, but only if filed with the corporation.



C. Written shareholders' agreements are both allowable and enforceable in Florida.


Considering the situation above, option C is correct because it is a recognized practice that shareholders may choose to have a binding agreement that specifically determines the way or option in which they will vote based on their shares.

Hence, it is also believed and well known that agreements like this that are written and signed are considered both valid or legal and actually enforceable in Florida.

explain any three characteristics of socialization in brief​



Socialisation is a processes with the help of which a living organism is changed into a social being. It is a process through which the younger generation learns the adult role which it has to play subsequently. It is a continuous process in the life of an individual and it continues from generation to generation.

Which of these is the best example of an asset?
O the electricity in a home
O the antique diamond necklace someone is wearing
O the coffee someone drank this morning
O an old, used airline ticket



the antique diamond necklace


it is the only thing of value

The best example of an asset is the antique diamond necklace someone is wearing. Thus the correct option is B.

What is an asset?

An asset is considered a resource of the business that has an economic value in the future to the business which helps business activities to take place smoothly.

This is referred to as controlling the company to carry out natural functioning. Both fixed and current assets are included. In contrast to current assets, which include creditors and bill receivables, fixed assets include things like buildings, machinery, and land.

The asset turnover ratio is used to assess how well assets are utilized in any organization to create revenue. It says that the assets will generate more income and a higher asset turnover ratio.

Therefore, option B is appropriate.

Learn more about Asset, here:



Critics of the traditional psychological definition of achievement have argued that... A. people can view personal and interpersonal events in achievement terms. B. the traditional definition taps only direct, competitive achievement. C. some people may try to satisfy their achievement needs vicariously through the successes of others. D. all of the above.



A. people can view personal and interpersonal events in achievement terms.


Traditional psychological definition of achievement views achievement as an internally motivated goal by an individual to reach a set goal. This internal motivation is usually one of personal nature rather than external pressure, like Maslow's hierarchy of needs or Henry Murray's N-Ach which was subsequently popularised by the psychologist David McClelland.

What does the Ninth Amendment do?
Answer Choices:
It states that people have additional rights that are not specifically mentioned.
It allows Congress to add more rights to the Constitution if necessary.
It warns that new rights must be added by constitutional amendment.
It explains that the states also have rights that need to be protected.


Answer: D

I can't be completely sure as the articles I've read on the ninth amendment have all been relatively vague.

A. It states that people have additional rights that are not specifically mentioned

“Painting reflects our tradition, culture, lifestyles, norms and values.” Justify this
statement with examples.



paintings portray our culture , values , norms and etc bcos a person with experience will only be able to paint something that they have experienced just like a singer they are able to sing for example a sad song if they have gone through somethin in pain/sad.To conclude i would like to say that without experience you won't be able to express your views and opinoons

write the current present situation of drinking water supply in Nepal



Water is one of the basic human necessities but a large proportion of the Nepalese population is devoid of access to safe and adequate drinking water. According to the Department of Water Supply and Sewerage in Nepal, even though an estimated 80% of the total population has access to drinking water, it is not safe.


According to the department of water supply and sewerage in nepal,even though an estimated 80 % of the total population has access to drinking water,it is not safe

How do people construct an identity on social media? Provide examples. Is selective self-presentation occurring?​



Social media enables identity expression, exploration, and experimentation; something natural for the human experience. It is the agencies in real life, which provide a source of names for different sectors.

What is one of the disadvantages or why are some people suggesting we look at changing
Canada's voting system?
A. It is complicated and too difficult to understand for average Canadian citizens.
B. It is un-democratic and creates voter apathy because citizens may feel their votes have been wasted unless they supported the winner.
C. It encourages political uprising
D. It encourages traditionalist attitudes.​



B. It is un-democratic and creates voter apathy because citizens may feel their votes have been wasted unless they supported the winner.


Electoral system of Canada is FPTP is criticized for not a popular vote and favors regions that are supportive of party. The system does not proportionally represent electoral system and is unjust towards the view od the voters.

At 54, Bradford is an avid golfer. He noticed that he has lost 20 yards on his drive over the last three years. He also noticed that his back is stiff after playing a round of golf. His golf teacher tells him that he is no longer able to make as big a turn with the golf club, and this is causing him to lose distance on his drive. This is a result of



his joints losing flexibility.

una historia con los 10 valores principales que se deben vivir en la familia







Sin mentiras




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what is role playing in social​



Role-playing is the changing of one's behaviour to assume a role, either unconsciously to fill a social role, or consciously to act out an adopted role.

Role playing is being another person and trying to be that person

Need Help With Social Studies


What do you need help on ion social studies

what spheres are formed by remains of living things with a black hard surface





The spheres that are formed by remains of living things with a black hard surface are known as BIOSPHERE.

This is because the Biosphere is a combination of both living organisms (biotic) and nonliving organisms (abiotic) to form an ecosystem. It also includes the lithosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere.

Hence, the remains of living things are part of the biotic part, while a black hard surface is a form of abiotic part of the biosphere.

What are the factors that determine social development? list them out pointwise.​



some factors that determine social development are:

1.family and home environment

2.school and teacher role

3. parental style

4.peer group

Marissa’s mom is a hairdresser and Marissa spent countless hours after school just hanging out in the salon, but never learned how to cut or style hair. Later, when Marissa’s friend mentions she is looking for someone to do her hair for a wedding, Marissa says she can play with it a bit. Marissa surprises even herself by how wonderful the updo looks. This is an example of



this is an example of latent learning

When Marissa’s friend mentions she is looking for someone to do her hair for a wedding, Marissa says she can play with it a bit. Marissa surprises even herself by how wonderful the up do looks. This is an example of latent learning.

What is latent learning?

After she has viewed the cells, she wants to produce a scientific drawing of them.The other ways in which she can make sure she produces an accurate and useful drawing is make a large clear drawing, include magnification used, use a ruler, when labeling write horizontally forming a vertical list. This is an example of latent learning.

Scientific experiment has done by testing the particular medicine on an animal and by observing the impact of medicine on the animal as well as the reaction of the animal. After she has viewed the cells, she wants to produce a scientific drawing of them.

Therefore, When Marissa’s friend mentions she is looking for someone to do her hair for a wedding, Marissa says she can play with it a bit. Marissa surprises even herself by how wonderful the up do looks. This is an example of latent learning.

Learn more about latent learning here:



Why should a family protect child rights



it is their responsibility, as parents to safeguard children and to teach them the skills to be safe. Every home and school should teach children about safety and protection measures. And most importantly, make your home a place of trust and manage your child's needs.


acciones de actores fundamentales que participaron en la independencia centroamericana​ (ayuda porfa )


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no se anexan opciones o incisos para contestar, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

Las acciones de actores fundamentales que participaron en la independencia Centroamericana, fueron las siguientes.

Hombres valientes como Domingo Antonio de Lara, Manuel José Arce, José Cecilio del Valle, y Matías Delgado, fueron protagonistas de diversos momento en el proceso de independencia de la corona española que controlaba toda la región.

Recordemos que una de las primeras rebeliones en Centroamérica comenzó en noviembre de 1811, ya como parte del movimiento de independencia. En esas fechas, hombres pertenecientes al clero como Nicolás Aguilar y Matías Delgado conspiraban contra la monarquía española para obtener armamento resguardado en San Salvador; específicamente, en la llamada casamata.

La gente se uniría a esas primeras acciones revolucionarias durante 1814 y hasta 1821, hasta que por fin, el 15 de septiembre de 1821, se culmina el movimiento con la independencia de Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador y Honduras.



La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Estos serían los tres objetivos de la investigación de campo para una empresa comercializadora de ropa indígena.

1.- Conocer la cantidad de consumidores que conocen las características de las telas e hilos con los que se elabora la ropa indígena.

2.- Conocer el número de consumidores que están enterados en la ropa elaborada por indígenas.

3.- Saber el rango de precios que estarían dispuestos a pagar los consumidores por este tipo de prendas de vestir, una vez que conozcan la calidad de los materiales y el trabajo artesanal para fabricarlos.

Estos serían los objetivos centrales de la investigación de campo. Obteniendo las respuestas de estos planteamientos, la empresa tendrá la información importante para poder tomar la mejor decisión para promocionar y comercializar sus productos en diferentes segmentos.

Give a brief description or write at least two sentences of any two famous people and why they are of importance.​



Two Famous People: Martin Luther King Jr. and George Washington


Martin Luther King Jr. is one of the most famous important people in American History. He had held multiple marches and protests to go towards the American civil rights movement. He also brought publicity to major civil rights activities, emphasizing the importance of nonviolent protest.

George Washington is a very famous key figure in American History. George Washington was commander in chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. He was also the first President of the United States and was the first president to serve two terms as the President.

Be-32 When onboard and facing the front of a boat, where is the stern?



At the back of the boat


The stern of a boat is the rear of the boat while the bow is the front of the boat, so if you were facing front in a boat then the stern is at your back(if you're not already at the stern in the boat). Usually, the stern is where the engine of a motor boat is located while some boats may have their engine located at the bow(the front) of the boat and have the stern be used for seating or storage.

what is mean by drug give? its two meaning​



a chemical substance used in the treatment, cure, prevention, or diagnosis of disease or used to otherwise enhance physical or mental well-being. ... any substance intended for use as a component of such a drug, but not a device or a part of a device.


a substance used as a medication or in the preparation of medication. b according to the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. (1): a substance recognized in an official pharmacopoeia or formulary. (2): a substance intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease.

Explanation: Hope this helps :)

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