What is “remediation” Look it up online.


Answer 1
Remediation is the act of correcting an error or stopping something bad from happening. When a company that polluted takes steps to clean up the water supply, this is an example of remediation. The act or process of remedying something that is undesirable or deficient. Remediation of the pollution from the factories

Related Questions

Choose the right sentence My brother have a good job My brother have good job My brother has good job My brother has a good job ​



My brother has a good job.



My brother has a good job.


___my mother grew old, she often thought of all the thins she did __she was young



Ever since my mother grew old, she often thought of all the things she did when she was young.


In the given sentence structure, the blanks in the sentence propose an event of the past while the second blank is to be an adverb. This means that while the first blank will talk of the conditional past event, the second blank provides the modification or extra detail about the verb in the sentence.

As the first part of the sentence refers to a past event, we can put "ever since" in the blank. Ever since is used to refer to certain point in the past event leading up to the present,

Now, the next part of the sentence provides us what the mother used to do, with an added detail of her thinking about her younger days. The blank in the second part will be filled by the adverb "when", indicating the time when she was young.

Thus, the final sentence will be

Ever since my mother grew old, she often thought of all the things she did when she was young.

What is intrinsic motivatio



Intrinsic motivatio is the act of doing an activity for it's inherent satisfaction rather than for some separable consequence ( lik a deadline or reward )

What is the setting's role in helping to establish characterization in a story?
A. It shows the historical events that have influenced the setting.
B. It shows past events that happened in the story's location.
C. It shows how characters react to or interact with their
D. It shows the articles of clothing common to the setting.



B no it shows past events that happened in the story location

The following question is based on your reading of A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare.

HERMIA [Awaking]
Help me, Lysander, help me! do thy best
To pluck this crawling serpent from my breast!
Ay me, for pity! what a dream was here!
Lysander, look how I do quake with fear:
Methought a serpent eat my heart away,
And you sat smiling at his cruel prey.
Lysander! what, removed? Lysander! lord!
What, out of hearing? gone? no sound, no word?
Alack, where are you speak, an if you hear;
Speak, of all loves! I swoon almost with fear.
No? then I well perceive you all not nigh
Either death or you I'll find immediately.

This speech ends Act 2. Why is it ironic?



It is ironic that Hermia has this dream that Lysander has abandoned her, with a snake eating her heart


Lysander has just abandoned Hermia in pursuit of Helena because of the love potion. It is ironic that Hermia has this dream that Lysander has abandoned her, with a snake eating her heart.

2. Choosing a career 3. Had the ladies 4. City life is better because​



4 city life is better because there are many good facilities in city .....in city we get different opportunity of jobs comparing to village


choosing a career


Because one of the most important decisions you will make in life. It's about so much more than deciding what you will do to make a living. To start with, think about the amount of time we spend at work.  The best way to make sure that doesn't happen to you is to make a well-thought out decision.

Social media news means



refers to a more modern tendency to get news from social media rather than more traditional news sources


Social media news, often referred to simply as social news, refers to a more modern tendency to get news from social media rather than more traditional news sources.


Social media news, often referred to simply as social news, refers to a more modern tendency to get news from social media rather than more traditional news sources. ... Social news allows you to see not only the event or information itself but also the reaction this has among your social network.

Hope this answer helps you..

According to this excerpt, Odysseus

is fearful of the Cyclops.
is prideful and overly confident.
has been weakened by the Cyclops.
has regrets about staying on the island.



b. is prideful and overly confident.

According to this excerpt, Odysseus is prideful and overly confident. The correct option is B.

Odysseus displays his vanity and arrogance in the extract from The Odyssey provided. Despite being in a grave predicament, Odysseus teases and abuses Cyclops, emphasizing his own supremacy.

This attitude represents Odysseus' hubris, which is a frequent element in the epic.

His overconfidence blinds him to the possible implications of his actions, leading him further hurdles and failures on his quest.

Odysseus' pride propels the story, revealing the intricacies of human nature and the repercussions of unbridled arrogance.

This paragraph serves as a warning that even the greatest heroes can fall victim to the traps of arrogance.

Thus, the correct option is B.

For more details regarding Odysseus, visit:



Your question seems incomplete, the probable complete question is:

Read the excerpt from The Odyssey. 'O Cyclops! Would you feast on my companions? Puny, am I, in a Caveman's hands? How do you like the beating that we gave you, you cannibal? Eater of guests under your roof! Zeus and the gods have paid you!' According to this excerpt,

A. Odysseus is fearful of the Cyclops.

B. is prideful and overly confident.

C. has been weakened by the Cyclops.

D. has regrets about staying on the island.

What body of government ruled Salem at the time of the trials?

a dictatorship ruled by Reverend Hale
a monarchy ruled by a king and queen
a theocracy ruled by the Puritan church
an oligarchy ruled by a Native American confederation



C. a theocracy ruled by the Puritan church


C. a theocracy ruled by the Puritan church


Theocracy is, "a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god." The Puritan church judged and governed Salem under the priests' rule of God. This can be seen with Reverend Parris, Reverend Hale, and the other religiously associated rulers.

Write a paragraph of about 100 words in class outlining your experiences on your first day on campus and what has happened to you so far.​


A campus is referring to as the college or institution utilized by the faculty or students for education purposes.

What was the first day on campus and what has happened to you so far?​

In order to perusing my studies, I choose Sant Clara campus as the better option. It was suggested by my friends and family members. Moreover, I learned about this university from the internet also.

The main feature that impacts on my leaning towards this university the most is the atmosphere or the classes that I experienced during the class. The way professors used to interact with each student is unique that represents professionalism.

At last, I believe that type of atmosphere would be the best to enhance by hard skill and soft skill at the same time. This professionalism will be helpful in my job and for promotion.

Learn more about Campus, refer to the link:



active and passive

she says she was going to office


She says that office was being went by her


I think so



U didn’t clearifie

is the best technique to get straight to the point and quickly identify the main idea of a text.





A summary is a comprehensive, usually brief, overview of the main points of a written or spoken text.

Paraphrasing is the process in which we express something that's already been stated by using different words, usually to achieve a better understanding.

Quoting refers to the repetition of something that has already been said.




2. In many countries women ……….longer than men.
A. live B. are living C. lives D. were living



c: lives


In many countries, women live longer than men. Thus, option A is correct.


What is a sentence?

A sentence can be defined as the part where the phrase and the words are. This often contains a subject and a predicate. For a sentence, it needs to be grammatically correct. Also, there should be proper punctuation marks that are needed in a sentence. It can contain a noun or a pronoun. The sentence helps in communicating the thoughts.

The options that are given in the sentence represent the diffrent form of the sentence. Although both are linguistically sound, how they are used comes down to the individual. As you pointed out, there is a discrepancy in their usage and one is in past simple whereas the other is in past continuous.

Therefore, option A is the correct option.

Learn more about sentence, here:



"The cat sat on the mat" is an example of a ____________ sentence.

cause and effect



Compound sentence


A compound sentence is made up of two simple sentences linked by a connective like and or but. The cat sat on the mat and the cat fell asleep. We don't always have to include the second subject if it remains the same.

Hope it is helpful....
It is a subordinate clause

In 500 words decribe fluently the imagery in the peom Grey day at waterval farm by lionel murcott​


ure expecting strangers to write an essay for u?




what roles?


u mean rules?

What is the most likely outcome of a novel changing medium?

A. Technology would be implemented to make the story more modern.
B. Details, such as the way characters are dressed, might be fleshed out.
C. Flaws in the novel might become more obvious to the original audience.
D. The genre would also change, helping the story reach a new audience.​



D. The genre would also change, helping the story reach a new audience.​


hi guys, which one do find correct =
she has finally gotten herself a job;
she has finally found a job;
or she finally found a job;
she finally got herself a job


She has finally found a job.

You (receive) any letters from your parents yet ?

How long Bod and Mary (be) married ?

My father ( not smoke) for 5 years

Birds ( build ) there nests in the summer and (fly ) to the south in winter

I’m busy at the moment. I ( redecorate ) the sitting room



in 24 years ok not good question

Which of these words is an irregular verb?

A. switch
B. shake
C. yell
D. toggle


Yell is the irregularly verb :)

My Apologies If Its Wrong :)

The irregular verb is B. Shake

hello i am not english and i made a random account i am very excited now because i will talk to english people



Hello nice to meet you

nice, that is very good

Many factors make the difference between a vegan and a non-vegan. The principal reason why some people choose each type is health, environmental, and ethical, etc.

Can anyone help me see this sentences have grammar mistakes?


Many factors make the difference between a vegan and a non-vegan. The main reason why some people choose different types of ________ is health, environmental, and ethical, etc.

No one saw me change into passive voice​


is there a more specific question?

The main idea of a text..
A. is not always directly stated in the text
B. is always stated in the first paragraph
C. usually appears in the conclusion
D. is found in the body of a text



A) Is not always directly stated.


Sometimes the main idea is implied instead of directly stated. You can also get the main idea from the Theme which is stated at the end of the first paragraph.

I think the answer is A

write a paragraph on students life on about 90-100 Words


Answer: every day i go to school and try my hardest as a student. i'm learning and growing. i get my homework done (or at least i try my best to) even though sometimes it's hard and i need to ask for help. i need to remember that even when i'm not at school, i am still a student and i ned to put priority on my studies. with the current world situation it's dificult for everyone but even so, we (the students) are all still trying our best and getting everything done if we still can. Explanation: 96 words, hope it's good

My a.................. is at number 20 Le Hong Phong street.


Can you please be more specific

I need help!

1. The price of commercial … has almost doubled in the last four years.

A. ownership
B. property
C. builds
D. proprietors

2. We will begin to market this new product only after we … it thoroughly in real life conditions.

A. testing
B. will testing
C. test
D. tested

3. Despite these promising sales results, we expect that profits will … in the long term.

A. fell
B. feel
C. felt
D. fall

4. Cuts in spending will have a serious … on the National Health Service.

A. affect
B. approach
C. effect
D. attitude

5. People tend to become less … as they grow older.

A. impulse
B. imaginate
C. imaginary
D. imaginative

6. Any organisation … before they … the meeting.

A. sends to them the Annual Report as usual … attend
B. generally sends them some financial reports … come to
C. generally sends the Annual Report to them … will come to
D. as usually sends them the Director’s Report … arrive to



1. B



4. C

5. D

6. A



1) B. property

2) C. test

3) D. fall

4) C. effect

5) D. imaginative

6) B. generally sends them some financial reports … come to


1. The price of commercial property has almost doubled in the last four years.

A property refers to any physical asset such as land, buildings, equipments, automobiles, etc., that is owned by an individual or a business firm.

2. We will begin to market this new product only after we test it thoroughly in real life conditions.

To test a product simply means to evaluate and analyze the features of the product based on certain predefined factors.

3. Despite these promising sales results, we expect that profits will fall in the long term.

Profit is the amount of money earned after deducting the cost price from the selling price. Thus, the profit made from the sales of a product would either fall (decrease) or rise (increase) based on certain economic conditions.

4. Cuts in spending will have a serious effect on the National Health Service.

An effect is a verb used to describe an event or action such as poverty, produced by a cause such as reducing the wages of employees.

5. People tend to become less imaginative as they grow older.

Imaginative is the ability of an individual to be creative, inventive and being original.

6. Any organisation generally sends them some financial reports before they come to the meeting.

Basically, a financial report should be sent by an organization to its investors or creditors before they hold a meeting.

10. If you write a sentence with an unclear antecedent, it means you used
O A. a possessive pronoun instead of a subject pronoun.
O B. a plural pronoun when a singular pronoun was needed.
O C. an object pronoun instead of a possessive pronoun.
O D. a pronoun that could refer to more than one person, place, or thing.





Which character is the best example of an archetype?



The hero in the story


The most famous example of an archetype is the Hero. Hero stories have certain elements in common – heroes generally start out in ordinary circumstances, are “called to adventure,” and in the end must confront their darkest fear in a conflict that deeply transforms the hero.

Hope this helps ya! :D

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