what is the afraid suffixes?


Answer 1

Answer: "Oblivious" of dangers or perils or calmly resolute in facing them. fearless.

Explanation: Basically either being unafraid/afraid

(Pls give me brainliest)

Answer 2


Fear is something that we feel the bad feeling in danger and that bad feeling threatens us. ... When We add suffix in "Fear" We ge "Fearful, Fearless and Fearsome

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What dose the word frivolous means



not having any serious purpose or value.


not having any serious purpose or value.


What should we to stay stay healthy?



Maintain a Healthy Weight.Exercise Regularly.Don't Smoke.Eat a Healthy Diet.Drink Alcohol Only in Moderation, If at All.Protect Yourself from the Sun.Protect Yourself From Sexually Transmitted Infections.Get Screening Tests.

We should exercise for our heart
Eat healthy food
Have enough rest
Always control your emotions
And enjoy lige

Neither the cats nor the dog ________ why they are growling and hissing at each other.
a. know

b. knows


Answer: A, I believe that is the most accurate grammar to use in the sentence provided. If wrong I apologize.

can someone use the word “propaganda” and make a dependent clause?



Despite all of the anti-vax.xer propaganda surrounding the lack of efficacy of the CO.VID-19 vaccine, I valiently chose to follow the science as well as the advice of medical experts to become vaccinated.



The ideals of Stuart legitimism were repeated in Jacobite propaganda.


A dependent clause (or subordinate clause) is a clause that, since it does not communicate a complete concept, can not stand alone as a complete sentence.

Write complete sentences, using the correct word forms
1. Van Gogh’s paintings /be /almost /expensive /the work of Picasso
2. We /not know/ the Recycled Orchestra/ until /watch/ video /online /yesterday



Van Gogh's paintings almost expensive be the work of Picasso

we watch the recycled orchestra video online yesterday until we not know



cho tui xin đáp án với

Nobody ________ at the North Pole because it sits on drifting ice.
a. lives

b. live



lives the answer is a



Nobody lives at the North pole becoz it sits drifting ice.

Helpppp please Why is mythology important to understanding a people or culture?



Myths, stories, legends, folklore, tall tales give valuable insights into how people perceive and think about their world. ... Language arts, oral and literary traditions express how people order their experience and the universe, set standards of behavior, shape and reflect cultural values.


basically, Japan after the bubble burst experienced steadily falling inflation which eventually became deflation cut interest rates repeatedly eventually, hitting zero and remained depressed. Now, the blue line is real GDP per capita it didn't actually have a plunge at any point being a fast growing economy up to the end of the `80s. Japan basically, stagnated in terms of real per capita GDP with a few Wiggles. That's the infamous last decade in Japan One thing that I've been saying lately is that in light of what we've been going through- in all the world including Japan these last few months- Japan's lost decade is starting to look pretty good. There was no mass unemployment there was no extreme plunge in the economy, But it was certainly frustrating. -They slid into a recession that basically, never ended what was worse it was unresponsive -They slipped into a into an infection that was resistant to the usual antibiotics
That was a deeply alarming thing: Japan in his last decade was not a terrible place to live; It was not mass unemployment, It was not blood in the streets, but it was intense prolonged frustration of the inability to get that economy moving again. I wasn't alone obviously, in thinking about the Japanese example; I at least said Japan basically, looks a lot like us. If they can be caught in the trap like this for an extended period Why, can't it happen to to other countries? So there were a number of people worrying about that. It was on people's mind as a possibility, And the thing is it the it came true, we got into a situation of overextension excessive leverage and the mother of all housing bubbles. When all of that burst we were plunged into a recession- and the Fed had thought about how to deal with something like a Japanese trap- Their first rule was cut interest rates early and often basically, aggressive, initial monetary policy response which they did. But it wasn't enough and went all the way to zero ,and the economy is still shrinking found themselves in the liquidity trap.
Now, this is where we begin the Alice Through the Looking class discussion a situation where short term interest rates are zero. Normally, monetary policy is made by cutting a target interest rate where you've gone all the way to the end of that that was named the liquidity trap. Meaning that you can normally increase the quantity of money. That means that people have more liquidity than they need, they lend it out, you get sort of chain reaction through the credit markets, that helps to expand the economy, But if interest rates are zero, people are saturated, they have as much liquidity as they want. This was advanced not in those words, but it's advanced as a central theme in Keynes's General Theory. It was somewhat formalized by john Hicks, but it's sort of vanished from consideration In economics you can actually sort of see why, But when something like it arrived in Japan and now, for all of us today a lot of people found it hard to believe that there was a widespread belief, that well look if the central bank prints a bunch of money that has to have an expansionary effect on the economy. In fact, it has to be inflationary I mean, we just know that printing money is inflationary. We have this, standard way that we do short term macroeconomics, the is model, but everybody who does that knows that it's ad hoc, “It's not really grounded in micro foundations” all these things that economists say, And presumably if you thought about it really carefully, and dotted all your I's and crossed all your T's, you would come to the conclusion that of course expanding the money supply is effective no matter what. And to my shock it actually gave me the opposite answer, "Liquidity trap can be real it really can be true that that printing money has no effect." On the reason once you think about it is pretty clear. Really, once you for whatever reason have gotten a situation where short term interest rates are zero Well, then you go and do conventional monetary policy. What is conventional monetary policy central bank prints some money; or more accurately credits banks with more reserves and buys up a bunch of treasury bills short term government debt
can someone transcribe to clean verbatim transcribe Me style guidelines​


The answer required by the question above, wants to assess your ability to interpret, write and paraphrase a text. In that case, I can't answer this question for you, but I'll show you how to answer it.

First, it is important that you understand that rewriting a text means that you must summarize that text, using your own words, but keeping the meaning of the original text.

This practice is known as paraphrasing.

In this case, to paraphrase the text shown above, you should:

Read the entire text.Re-read the entire text, identify the main subject and the sentences that present this subject.Rewrite these sentences, changing the words presented by the author, but keeping the meaning of the sentences.

Remember that when rewriting the text, you must keep the main subject, be direct and specific, allowing the reader of your text to understand what the original text wants to convey.

You~can find more information about this at the link below:


What’s the correct answer for this question?



the answer to the question is A. true

Help with all of Exercises 4, it’s due tomorrow!!



1) Inhibiters

2) meandered

3) Transitory (no change)

4) undulated

5) retrogresses

6) unremitted

7) serpentine (no change)

8) emanation

9) torpid (no change)

10) superseded


by Maimuna

1) Inhibiters

2) meandered

3) Transitory (no change)

4) undulated

5) retrogresses

6) unremitted

7) serpentine (no change)

8) emanation

9) torpid (no change)

10) superseded


1. When Adichie was younger, what did a story need to have?



a story needed to have 3 paragraphs some adjectives verb adverbs noun and etc

Why was mercantilism important to the European nations?
a gold sent home from the colonies was given to wealthy landowners.
b Gold sent home from the colonies was given to the business owners.
c Gold sent home from the colonies was given to the royal treasuries
d Gold sent home from the colonies was given to the various churches.



the answer is option b ...

The correct option is B. Gold sent home from the colonies was given to the business owners that are the reason for the importance of mercantilism for the European nations.

As a result of mercantilism, conflicts between European nations over trade routes and territory have increased.

How did mercantilism help the colonies?

Colonies were significant under mercantilism because they provided the home country with raw materials and other products that it otherwise would have had to import things like grain, sugar, or tobacco. The colonies also provided the mother country with a market for exports, which boosted employment and industrial growth domestically.

The notion behind mercantilism, which gained popularity in Europe in the 1500s, was that a country's riches and power were best served by boosting exports in an effort to amass precious metals like gold and silver. Western Europe's feudal economic structure was supplanted by mercantilism.

Thus, The importance of mercantilism for the European nations can be attributed to the gold that was sent home from the colonies and given to the company owners.

Learn more about Mercantilism here:



*15 pts.* Would you please write a brief but understandable interpretation of Beowulf, focusing on one central theme and on one structural or stylistic detail?



Beowulf's central theme was loyalty.   In one of the following lines, "loyalty" is used to portray Beowulf's possible future. So Wiglaf proves his loyalty to Beowulf by not leaving him to face the dreadful beast alone. When no one else remained to battle the Dragon, Wiglaf replied, "I shall stand by you" (lines 266-268).

question for 100 points





An expository prose is something that explains facts, data, ideas, or concepts

brainliest pls? :D


Its A


All the other ones are wrong so it has to be A

From the list below, supply the words needed to complete the paragraph. Some words will not be used.
The corporation claimed to endorse
company policies, but some of the
managers were
who refused to promote anyone not native to Scandinavia.
One of the foreign employees eventually filed suit against the company, and in two years,
was awarded the
promotion he had long deserved.
From the list below, supply the words needed to complete the paragraph. Some words will not be used.
the modeling clay until it was soft enough to work with. Since her
work required deep concentration, she nearly went
when her assistant
interrunted for the third







Egalitarian is when someone believes that everyone should be equal and have the same rights.  A chauvinist is someone who is prejudiced towards a particular cause or towards a certain set of people.  Belated means to be delayed.  The other two words are not needed and do not fit in to the paragraph.

You are rich _________ to buy the car. *



so. is answer of this question

when writing an essay, you should not right justify the essay so that it looks like a newspaper article.


This statement is false.

An essay must be well justified, through data, information, facts and quotes that show that all information presented in the essay is correct.

A well-justified essay presents:

Truthful and reliable information.Relevant themes and a well-structured message.Reliable and correct research sources.Well-developed and concrete evidence.

You can find more information about this at the link below:



The second reason this class exists is that "mass media ____
our reality."


The correct option is shape. "Mass media shape our reality."

One can conclude that the second reason that this class exists is that mass media shape our reality.

The wrong options are damage, overcharge, contradict, and disregard.  This is because mass media do not do any of the following:

overcharge our realitycontradict our realitydisregard our reality.

Thus, mass media helps to shape a society's reality.

Learn more about mass media at https://brainly.com/question/15582792

She accepted their invitation with pleasure

Is it passive or active if passive change from passive to active sentence thx




their invitation had been accepted by her with pleasure

Do you think that medical experiments that have been performed on minorities, create trust or distrust?


trust Trust is a key part of the doctor-patient relationship. When you have it, you're more willing to talk about health problems with your doctor and follow their advice. But that trust may be lacking in minority communities.

sorry if wrong

What real-world object is described in all three passages?


There isnt anything there- so i pick yes

Select the sentence in the future tense.

Maggie woke up to the sound of music echoing in her ears.
Maggie will wake up to the sound of music echoing in her ears.
Maggie wakes up to the sound of music echoing in her ears.
Maggie was wakened by the sound of music echoing in her ears.


Maggie WILL (in the future) wake up to the sound of music echoing in her ears.


Maggie will wake up to the sound of music echoing in her ears.

Use 'flashback' to write a grammatically correct sentence, and use contextual clues to illustrate the word's definition.





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flash·back | \ ˈflash-ˌbak  \

Definition of flashback

 (Entry 1 of 2)

1: a recession of flame to an unwanted position (as into a blowpipe)

2a: interruption of chronological sequence (as in a film or literary work) by interjection of events of earlier occurrencealso : an instance of flashback

b: a past incident recurring vividly in the mind

flash back


flashed back; flashing back; flashes back

Definition of flash back (Entry 2 of 2)

intransitive verb

1: to focus one's mind on or vividly remember a past time or incident —usually used with toflashed back to my childhood

2: to employ a flashback (as in a film) —usually used with to

Answer the following question in one to two paragraphs.
1. Read the following excerpts from the beginnings of "Ambush" and "Symptoms," which both
start out with a longer first paragraph, followed by a short second paragraph. How does the
purpose of the second paragraph from "Ambush" compare and contrast with that from
"Symptoms"? How do these short paragraphs each exemplify a particular genre?
When she was nine, my daughter Kathleen asked if I had ever killed anyone. She knew
about the war, she knew I'd been a soldier. "You keep writing war stories," she said, "so!
guess you must've killed somebody." It was a difficult moment, but I did what seemed right,
which was to say, "Of course not," and then to take her onto my lap and hold her for a while.
Someday, I hope, she'll ask again. But here I want to pretend she's a grown-up. I want to tell
her exactly what happened, or what I remember happening, and then I want to say to her
that as a little girl she was absolutely right. This is why I keep writing war stories:
He was a short, slender young man of about twenty. I was afraid of him-afraid of
something--and as he passed me on the trail I threw a grenade that exploded at his feet and
killed him.
(Tim O'Brien, "Ambush")
During the years between the last war and this one, I was always puzzled by the reticence
of ex-soldiers about their experiences in battle. If they had been reticent men it would have
been different, but some of them were talks and some were even boaster. They would
discuss their experiences right up to the time of battle and then suddenly they wouldn't talk
anymore. This was considered heroic in them. It was thought that they had seen or done
was so horrible that they didn't want to bring is back to haunt them or their listeners But
many of these men had no such consideration in any other field.
Only recently have I found what seems to be a reasonable explanation, and the answer is
simple. They did not and do not remember--and the worse the battle was, the less they
(John Steinbeck, "Symptoms")
Type your response here:



It's interesting story

let me sing a song change into question tag​


this quistion answer is can me sing a song

Let me sing a song, will you? will be the question tag for this clause.

What is a question tag?

An interrogative element is appended to a declarative or an imperative phrase in a construction known as a tag question (UK English, question tag). The speech act that results consists of a statement and a request for verification. For instance, the interrogative tag "aren't you" and the declarative clause "You're John, aren't you?" make up the English tag inquiry "You're John, aren't you?"

Tag questions are more frequently used in spoken conversation than in formal writing in the majority of languages. They may signify politeness, seeking consensus, hedging, emphasis, and sarcasm.

Despite having the grammar of a question, they could be rhetorical. Tag questions are frequently seen in leading queries in legal contexts.

Learn more about question tag, from:



1. Growing on coastal dunes.
A. Sea oats growing on coastal dunes.
B. Growing on coastal dunes, sea oats prevent erosion during storms.
C. Although they grow on coastal dunes.
2. Need snerial shoes for trail-running



Referred to as pioneer species, sea oats (Uniola Paniculata) are very important plants along Georgia beaches because of their ability to trap wind-blown sand which in turn provides stability to sand dunes for plant colonization. ... Sand that collects around the plant stimulates plant growth


hope it helps !!

please mark me as BRAINLIST

The can be avoided by showing how each step could lead to the
extreme outcome.
A. slippery slope fallacy
B. red herring fallacy
C. antithesis
D. appeal to ethos



A. slippery slope fallacy


just took it

If gracious thoughts are planted which literary device is used here



Imaginary is the literary device used here

because you can see that that gracious thoughts which can out be planted are told to plat so this is an imaginary literary device

plants are planted not gracious thoughts

Change this direct speech into indirect speech ( john Said, Please book carry my book​



John requested to carry his book.

how is the word howls used in the sentence the wind howls


Answer: Verb

Hope this helps!
Verb! Hope this helps
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