What is the biggest problem with Direct Democracy?
What are the arguments for Direct Democracy?


Answer 1


The possible drawback to direct democracy is Direct Democracy is only successful when the number of people is small because in a large population it becomes difficult to keep a record of all of the voters. Direct democracy is here to stay and should be welcomed. Direct democracy mechanisms such as referendums, citizens’ initiatives, agenda initiatives, and recall votes, reinforce the fundamental principle of democratic self-governance, provide a check on the tendency of representatives to become disconnected from their electors, and can enhance the popular legitimacy underpinning key political decisions.



Related Questions

Write a letter to your friend describing your plans after giving SEE examination.


August 31, 2021


Your letter is just to hand. From your letter I have come to know that you are much interested to know what I want to do after my SEE examination. You know that our SEE examination will end on ______. So, we are going to have a great chance to pass leisure time. During this period I have a noble plan. You know that most of the people of our country are illiterate. They even do not know how to read and how to write.

Being a conscious person of the society, it is our moral duty to do something for the inhabitants of our society. So, I have taken decision to start a night school in my village. I think that performing this duty, we can be able to repay our debt to the society partly. I earnestly invite you to join me. If you accompany me, my mission will prove more successful. Best luck.

Yours ever,


What Naturalistic event was explained by the story of Perdix? Why is this logical?



Did Perdix die What happened to him?

Athena saw what he had done and swore to make him pay, then and forever more for his part in the boy's death. When Perdix died, Athena turned him into a small partridge.



That is where I got my information :D have a bless day

how do you think life on a ranch id different now then in the 1930s?



its problaby easier beacuse u have to do less work


A lot more relaxed because of all the new technology out today to help us get the job done more efficiently and safely

Poetry Library-was a tiny tree formed from a book
of verse. Library staff dubbed it the “poetree.” The
tree sits atop a book. Beneath the tree are the halves of
a golden paper egg, each balf filled with words clipped
from the poem “A Trace of Wings" by Edwin Morgan.


Answer: adorned and honored

Explanation: poetry comes from the heart not the mind. Poetry is lifting feelings of someone else’s and putting them down in a beautiful book that has a whole new journey to discover


The narrator starts out the chapter "The Day He Was Born" using imagery of death. Define the term "juxtaposition". What tone is created by the juxtaposition of the ideas of birth and death? (BIG FISH BOOK)​


You’re welcome !!!!!!!!!

Which quotation supports the inference that the goal of the Cybathlon empowers pilots—win or



the answer is c i think

:) Who is good at english please help me answer my question

For each of the past years, Perdana and Kadita have spent their vacation time at home, either working in garden or fixing up the house. This year, however, they are planning to spent their end of the year vacation somewhere else. They have checked the internet for weather information about areas of teh country the might like to visit. They are really eager to travel somewhere soon. In fact, if they had free time right now, they would take the vacation immediately
, but they can’t leave right now. They still have a couple of months to explore their
options. So far, they have searched much information, but most of it does not satisfy them since they want to go to country sides. If the wanted to spent their near the water, they would have a hard time choosing among dozens of outstanding beach resorts. For example, if they went to the beach in Bali, they would not like the weather in that month-
it will be raining most of the time. That’s very dissapointing for them. On the other hand, if tehy
choose to visit singapore beach in December, both the air and the water temperatures would be considerably cold,
around 20 degrees. That’s sounds frus
tating to them. Perdana and Kadita also like to go camping, so vocationing in the mountain is another option. They could choose to visit Ciperna in Cirebon if they wanted warmer weather. In December, the temperature in Cirebon can range from a high of 45 degrees to a low of 35 degrees. If they went to cirebon, they would certainly have to encounter the risk of landslide. It is without a doubt a tough decision that Perdana and Kadita are facing. They wish they were able to go to all of the places they have researched. If they had more money and more time, they would be able to do exactly that. In fact, they would go to both the country side and the beaches this year if they had enough money. Unfortunately they have spent it to buy a new car.

1. What is the passage about?
a. Planning upoming vacation
b. Enjoying a great vacation
c. Regretting previous vacation
d. Negotiating the next vacation
e. Cancelling fascinating vacation 27.

2. Why can’t Perdana and Kadita leave for vacation now?
a. They have to spend their vacation tie at home
b. They are working in the garden c. They are fixing up the house
d. They do not have free time
e. They are hardly eager to travel somewhere 28.

3. Perdana and Kadita do not intend to spend their next vacation time near the water because____ a. It is difficult to choose among dozens of outstanding beach resorts
b. They have visited many outstanding beach resorts
c. It will be too crowded in Bali
d. They do not likle swimming and surfing
e. It is always nice to lie on beach

4. Perdana and Kadita skip singapore beaches from the list____
a.Because both the air and water temperatures are not cold enough b. Because of considerably cold air and water temperatures
c. Due to hectic working schedule
d. Since they do not like bad destination
e. Owing to the insufficient amount of money

5. According to the passage, Ciperna____
a. Has fertile lands
b. Has cool water
c. Is a mountains area
d. Is very close to cirebon
e. Has average temperature between 35 degrees to 45 degrees throughout the year

6. Unless Perdana and Kadita spent the money to buy new car, they___
a. Would not be able to go to all of the places they have researched b. Would be able to go to singapore
c. Would go to both the countryside and the beaches this year
d. Would not have enough money to take a vacation
e. Would spend too much ion travelling.

7. Were Perdana and Kadita to want warmer weather __
a. They could choose to visit Cipema in Cirebon
b. they would certainly have to encounter the risk of landslide
c. they would go camping
d. the air and the water tempratures would be considerably cold
e. they would have a couple of months to explore the area

8. Planning the upcoming vacation______
a. Is tough decision for Perdana and Kadita
b. Makes Perdana and Kadita excited
c. Creates frustation for Perdana and Kadita
d. Dissapoints both Perdana and Kadita
e. Takes Perdana and Kadita a couple of months


1/d. negotiating the next vacation

2/d. They do not have free time

3/ a. It is difficult to choose among dozens of outstanding beach resorts

4/ b. Because of considerably cold air and water temperatures

5/e. Has average temperature between 35 degrees to 45 degrees throughout the year



8/ d

Your cousin is unsatisfied with her "small breasts" and wants them enhanced. How would you advise her? Consider different possible means like exercise or injecting artificial substance and potential risks.


Am no professional but enlargement would do but she should first talk to a physician and you shouldn't worry about your breasts there's more to life that just that

What does my family think
about reading? Do they
enjoy reading? Why do
you think this is?



My family thinks that reading helps in updating my day-to-day vocabularies and also enhances my speech skills.

They enjoy reading because they also get useful information and also, observing punctuation marks does it more comprehensive.

My opinion

Is this an effective summary of the story?


Where’s the summary and what’s the story?

Write a paragraph on the benefits of listening to music



Music helps one to concentrate on something and it helps one to calm down

Where do you want see yourself in five years?
I just need 4 more sentences but I can’t think of anything, I literally don’t care what it is.



In 5 years I hope to have a job with reasonable income. I want to be able to support my family and be the best person I can be. I plan to study hard, stay on top of my priorities, and never give up. With a little bit of perseverance, anything is possible.


I know this sounds corny but it sounds like something a teacher would wanna hear lol. Hope this helped.

A woman is accused of a crime. She says that she was nowhere near the scene of the crime. Her friends who were with her are afraid that they will be accused as well, so they refuse to appear in court as witnesses.

How can the woman’s counsel use the Sixth Amendment’s witness clause to support her case?



The women's counsel can use the 6th Amendment's witness clause to support her case in that the accused has the right to force its witness or witnesses to go to trial to declare. The accused has the right to confront the witnesses and to get a fast trial with an impartial jury.


Can someone help me ASAP?
I really don't understand this question which confuses me.

"Papa Smurf is blue." Why is the word "blue" the sentence ambiguous?



Ambiguous means open to one or more interpretations. It could be refering to his physical color, or his emotional state (sadness)



adjective. having ambition; eagerly desirous of achieving or obtaining success, power, wealth, a specific goal, etc.: ambitious students. showing or caused by ambition or an earnest desire for achievement or distinction: an ambitious attempt to break the record for number of wins in a single season.


how to use grammar correctly​


Hey there!

To have good grammar, is to have no grammar mistakes, or, in other words, to have correct spelling, tenses, punctuation, and just how the sentence is in general.

I have attached the basic rules of grammar below.

Hope this helps!

Have a great day!

4. How did FDR use repetition and parallel structure in his speeches? What effect did
they have?



He used repetiton and parrell structure to repet the fact of who wants what and what they demand and express that for. that effect gave his speeches a meaning and undertanding that alot of people routed for. That effect gave people that longing to follow his word and his understanding of what is happening in that time period in the world.


for starters, There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory, and our interests are in grave danger.

this phrase FDR used as a parrell structure.


HOPED this helped! please make me the brainliest please :) if u want!

FDR used repetiton and parrell structure to repeat the fact of who wants what and what they demand.

What is repetition?

It should be noted that repetition simply means repeating a particular word or sentence to convey an idea.

In this case, FDR used repetiton and parrell structure to repeat the fact of who wants what they demand.

Learn more repetition on:



Why do the sisters believe they will never see Mirabella again?







who eva said'' bccccccccccc' can  ---



you need not post this letter. (into



This letter is not needed to be posted by you.


hope it helps!!!

2.How are we affected by texts in various ways?
3.In what ways is meaning constructed, negotiated, expressed and interpreted?



2no. ans

We can affected by text in various ways are: our age, education, cultural background, religion, ethnicity, and so forth.

Sorry I don't know 3no. answer.Hope it is helpfully.Have a nice day.

Correct the text by inserting a comma or commas.
Your interview is slated to appear on tonight's evening news Mrs. Yang



Your interview is slated to appear on tonight's evening news, Mrs. Yang.

Hope that helps!

Read the following excerpt from "The Cask of Amontillado" and answer question.
THE thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult I vowed
revenge. You, who so well know the nature of my soul, will not suppose, however, that gave utterance to a
threat. At length I would be avenged; this was a point definitely, settled --but the very definitiveness with
which it was resolved precluded the idea of risk. I must not only punish, but punish with impunity. A wrong is
unredressed when retribution overtakes its redresser. It is equally unredressed when the avenger fails to
make himself felt as such to him who has done the wrong.
It must be understood that neither by word nor deed had I given Fortunato cause to doubt my good will. I
continued, as was my in to smile in his face, and he did not perceive that my smile now was at the thought of
his immolation.
What is the purpose of the author's description of Montresor's encounter with Fortunato above?



 The purpose of the author's description of Montresor's encounter with Fortunato is to let the reader see what Fortunato had done wrong to him, and why Montresor decided to murder Fortunato. It tells us about what Fortunato is like, and why Montresor ends up killing him.

Help plz fast due 1159

Write a paragraph of description on anything that comes to mind without using evaluative adjectives or adverbs.


Answer: This morning I awoke with great pleasure as the sun was smiling down on me and I am content and felt lively. As I walked outside the morning dew drops were sparkling and it had almost felt like I was dreaming. Of course, there wasn't much peace and quiet anymore since my mom started shouting from the living room, oh how her scream had tormented me and I was soon told to do the house chores.


who killed Mr.Brooks based on “A lab on deductive reasoning” ?



My first time on horseback was embarrassing. I had never been on a horse in my life, but I was afraid to admit it. That’s probably where my trouble started. When I lifted my foot to put it into the stirrup, my friend Sally laughed. “Use the other foot, silly,” she said. Blushing beet red, I laughed too. I used the other foot. Then it took me about 10 minutes to swing up into the saddle. The horse kept moving and I scampered along on one foot while Sally giggled. Finally mounted, I looked down. I felt as if I were sitting on a mountain! Fortunately, Sally had chosen a gentle mare for me. I realize now she wasn’t fooled. She knew I didn’t know the first thing about riding. She really is a good friend. After a while, I learned to relax a little. I was actually riding a horse and it was fun. I even learned how to use the reins to guide the horse to the left and to the right.

1. What is the topic sentence?

2. Why did the narrator of the story state that Sally was a good friend?



1. my first horse riding

2. the narrator stated sally is a good friend because she was paitent and gentle.


please help I will mark brainliest. i got no idea what i'm supposed to do here.

the sec pic is my teacher example



I believe your teacher wants you to choose 9 photos that give them an idea of who you are. For example your family, places you've been, things you enjoy, etc.

please use ur own words i beg !


The question that weighs heavy on our minds in this generation: How are Black, or African American, individuals facing ridicule in our society today? The ridicule they encounter may be anywhere from the way they dress, their facial features, or even their hair. While degrading comments on these things may seem to some as nothing more than meaningless words, for others they are simply acts of racism. The “Black Lives Movement Matter” is something that we may focus on to understand the extent of these things. This movement goes back as far as slavery and the civil war, only recently did we give it a name. This new way of thinking of this movement is a globally recognized occurrence. It is important to recognize what this movement provides for colored individuals in today’s world to defend their rights among other things.


What information can be revealed through characterization



looelb  caraacnose  


no lo se

1. What is my first memory
of reading? Who was
reading with? What do I
remember? Use sensory
details to describe the



My first distinct memory of reading was in Middle School. I never really got into reading in elementary because I was not interested in the books that the teachers were hand feeding us, but when I got my first library card in 7th grade and I finally got to choose my own books, things changed for me.

One of the first books I read was leisurely was called Maximum Ride by James Patterson. I absolutely loved the book, it was paperback and tucked away in a corner all the way in the back of the children's section. It was like finding a diamond in the rough. Or maybe it was just because the books were organized by last name.

Anyways when I first opened the book and started reading, I noticed that Patterson's narration style was in first person. I felt like I was a part of the story in the ways that he would break the fourth wall and speak to his readers through the characters. It was an incredible experience for me and I got so lost in the book that i had read a third of the way through before  realized that I had spent almost an hour in the library.

Please dont give links because it doesn't work :).


[tex]\huge\mathfrak\pink{ option \: " A "}[/tex]

Diary entry task (Sun comes up by Rudimental) x 2 diary entries



i dont know



Dear Diary, we have finally settled in a new inhabbitants, our new land . It was a very long way. I am grateful. In the land, we found people with dark complexions in strange clothes. On the way here, many didn't do it, we ran out of food, and we got sick without medicine. We didn't even have a specific goal Native: Explorers landed today. We always knew that some people would already land there. They kill us and enslave us as if they were animals of their land. They keep our home away from us. They make us very ill and we die. We are known as barbarians, but they are barbarians and thieves.


Other Questions
compare between formal and social demography. What do you mean by gigo?Explain in breif How long does it take for mammals to evolve into a distinctly new species? What changes occur overthis time? A general feature of modernity is its tendency to a. deny the authority of tradition and the past b. emphasize the strength inherent in traditional ways of living c. reject secular worldviews as socially disadvantageous d. look to religion as a means of facing global challenges A cation of 2 indicates that an element has Group of answer choices lost two neutrons. lost two protons. gained two electrons. lost two electrons. gained two protons. Find the midpoint between two points on a coordinate plane whose coordinates are (5, 7) and (-3, 1). A. (4,4)B. 12,8) C. (8,8)D. (1.4) Think of a famous athlete, artist, actor, writer, or scientist and tellhow he or she has set a high standard of performance for other people.Use the word standard in your writing. Which phrases give accurate definitions of history?Select all correct answers.A. the study of human behavior before records were keptB. a documented narrative of change over timeC. the study of the human pastD. the study of how people have used their environment Water is placed into a sealed jar and has a mass of 22.0 grams. The jar is placed in the freezer and the water turns to ice. The jar of ice is measured. The mass should be: a. Slightly less than 22.0 gramsb. Exactly 22.0 gramsc. Slightly more than 22.0 grams Simplify square root of -200 A probability of breaking a tree is more than a short one during storm.why? When did the Han Dynasty Begin Help me in poetry plz Examine the tile pattern at right name the land marks that you or know about Find any domain restrictions on the given rational equation x/x+4 + 12/x^2+5x+4 = 8x/5x-15 What is one of the best ways to stop procrastinating and study More Consider the set A with n(A) = 20. How many subsets could be formed from this set? Can someone help help me from 1 to 10 find the value of xx = [?]