What is the corresponding index of the random matrix of 7 criteria for checking consistency of random judgment? Group of answer choices 0.58 1.45 1.32 .90


Answer 1

Corresponding Index is one which creates a random matrix index based on the values.

The random consistency index has values lesser than 1 therefore the value for the random matrix of 7 the consistency index will be 0.58.

Random Index maximum value will be 0 and its minimum value will be 0.01. The values will depend on the matrix consistency Index.

Learn more at https://brainly.com/question/24380035

Related Questions

17. what is the value of x?

18. what is the value of z?

please help me fast!!


for x ,

8x + 10x = 180°

[sum of linear pair is equal to 180°]

or, 18x = 180°

or, x = 180/18

therefore, x = 10°……

for z,

10z =8x

[ being corresponding angles are equal ]

or, 10z = 8 × 10°

( replacing x by 10°)

or, 10z = 80°

or, z = 80/10

thus z = 8°…………

Can I have help I am stuck on this problem It would mean the world if u helped me and tysm!! =-)




Step-by-step explanation:

2 cells at beginning, so the equation is (2)*(2^(4t)) where t is in hours. At the end of 3 hours, the cells will be 2*(2)^(12)=8192

What is the domain of the function in the graph?




Step-by-step explanation:

You are looking at the domain which is on the K axis. It starts at 6 and ends at 11. The range J is 80 to 120

True or false? The polynomial 3xy + 4z - 8 is a trinomial.



False is the answer.

Step-by-step explanation:

answer is False.



Step-by-step explanation:

A trinomial is an algebraic expression consisting of 3 terms. The terms in this instance are: 3xy, 4z, and -8.

Melinda takes out a loan to purchase a car. The balance on her loan after x months is represented by the equation y = 10,000 – 250x and the value of the car after x months is represented by y = 8,000 – 50x. Which statement describes when Melinda’s loan will be equal to the value of the car?

After 10 months, the loan and value of the car will both be equal to $7,500.
After 12 months, the loan and value of the car will both be equal to $7,000.
After 14 months, the loan and value of the car will both be equal to $6,500.
After 16 months, the loan and value of the car will both be equal to $6,000.



Step-by-step explanation:

12 months


12 months b on edg

Step-by-step explanation:

edg 2022

Which equation is represented by the table?


The equation represented by the table would be the 3rd option - y=|x-3|-3
Please like and I hope this helps :)

Question 19 of 20:
Select the best swer for the question
19. The distance from the center of a round table top to the edge of the table top is 4 ft what is the area of the table top



50.26 ft^2

Step-by-step explanation:



can anyone heelp me




B. suggest that you and your boss schedule regular check-ins at lunchtime and at the end of the day

Step-by-step explanation:

It allows you to be ontask at your role (which you are hired for) while at the same time helps your boss know that you are on top of everything. It is the most polite option since you are setting professional boundaries but not complaining and showing frustrations.

(also so that your boss isn't micro-checking on you)

The correlation between a student’s shoe size and their score on a final exam is −0.79.What conclusions can be drawn based on the correlation coefficient? Select all that apply.

There is a relationship between a student’s shoe size and their final exam score.Big shoe sizes correlate to low exam scores.Large shoe sizes cause students to do poorly on the final exam.As the shoe size decreases, the final exam score increases.Small shoe sizes cause students to do well on the final exam.

(1,2,4) (A,B,D)



The first one, the second, and fourth one are correct.

Select A,B, and D.



A, B, and C

Step-by-step explanation:

I got it right ;)

Sabrina is 4 and her brother Sam is 9 years older than she is. In how many years will same be twice as old as Sabrina





:same will be 5 years older than Sabrina

How is the graph of y=4(2)^x-3 translated from the graph of y=4(2)^x


Subtracting 3 at the end of the equation shifts the graph down 3 units

The population of a town is decreasing exponentially according to the formula
P = 7,285(0.97)t, where t is measured in years from the present date. Find the population in 2 years, 9 months. (Round your answer to the nearest whole number.)


Answer: 6669

Step-by-step explanation:

I hope I did this right... anyways,

t, is represented by years, which is given to us by 2 years and 9 months. Assuming you would put 2.9 for t.

Additionally, as you can't have a decimal for a person, and they've asked for it to be rounded to the nearest whole number, there would be 6669 people in 2 years and 9 months.

The formula used is:


Kylie has a loyalty card good for a 13% discount at her local hardware store. What number should she multiply the prices on the tags by to find the price she would have to pay, before tax, in one step?




Step-by-step explanation:

She gets 13 off so 100-13 =87

She will pay 87%

Multiply by .87

Kylie must multiply the price by 0.87 to get the discounted price.

Given that,
Kylie has a loyalty card good for a 13% discount at her local hardware store. What number should she multiply the prices on the tags by to find the price she would have to pay, is to be determined.

What is the percentage?

The percentage is the ratio of the composition of matter to the overall composition of matter multiplied by 100.

let the price be x,
According to the question,
discounted price = x - 13% of x
Discounted price = x - 0.13x
Discounted price = 0.87 x
The coefficient of the x represents the multiplication factor for Kylie.

Thus, Kylie must multiply the price by 0.87 to get the discounted price.

Learn more about percentages here:



Determine the coordinates of the ordered pairs on the coordinate grid.



A = (5,7)

B = (0, -1)

C = (-8, -3)

D = (5, -8)

Step-by-step explanation:


A = (5, 7)

B = (0, -1)

C = (-8, -3)

D = (5, -8)

To do these problems, trace along in a straight line from the coordinate to the x- axis line and then to the y-axis line. Whatever number you reach will be part of the coordinate.

Hope this helped.

An employee makes $11.20 per hour but is getting a 6.5% increase. What is his new wage per hour to the nearest cent? His new wage per hour is?​




Step-by-step explanation:

First find the amount of increase

11.20 *6.5%

11.20 *.065


Rounding to the nearest cent


Add this to the original wage



Evaluate the equation



84!! have a good day!

7+4i+1-3i simplify as much as possible




Step-by-step explanation:


Combine like terms.


I hope this helps!

pls ❤ and give brainliest pls

If sum of first 6 digits of AP is 36 and that of the first 16 terms is 255,then find the sum of first ten terms.

•Please answer it correctly ( step by step)




Step-by-step explanation:

We have the sum of first n terms of an AP,

Sn = n/2 [2a+(n−1)d]


36= 6/2 [2a+(6−1)d]

12=2a+5d ---------(1)

256= 16/2 [2a+(16−1)d]

32=2a+15d ---------(2)

Subtracting, (1) from (2)


20=10d ⟹d=2

Substituting for d in (1),


6=a+5 ⟹a=1

∴ The sum of first 10 terms of an AP,

S10 = 10/2 [2(1)+(10−1)2]

S10 =5[2+18]

S10 =100

This is the sum of the first 10 terms.

Hope it will help.


If sum of first 6 digits of AP is 36 and that of the first 16 terms is 255,then find the sum of first ten terms.






$\sf\bold{S6=36}$ $\sf\bold{S16=255}$



$\sf\bold{The \: sum\:of\:the\:first\:ten\:numbers}$



$\implies$ $\sf{ Sn=}$ $\sf\dfrac{N}{2}$ $\sf\small{[2a+(n-1)d]}$



→ $\sf{S6=}$ $\sf\dfrac{6}{2}$ $\sf\small{[2a+(6-1)d]}$

→ $\sf{36 = 3[2a+(6-1)d]}$

→$\sf{12=[2a+5d]}$ $\sf\bold\purple{(First \: equation)}$


$\sf\bold{Again,Substituting \: the\:values:}$

→ $\sf{S16}$ $\sf\dfrac{16}{2}$ $\sf\small{[2a+(16-1)d]}$

→ $\sf{255=8[2a + (16-1)d]}$

:: $\sf\dfrac{255}{8}$ $\sf\small{=31.89=32}$

→ $\sf{32=[2a+15d]}$ $\sf\bold\purple{(Second\:equation)}$


$\sf\bold{Now,Solve \: equation \: 1 \:and \:2:}$

→ $\sf{10=20}$

→ $\sf{d=}$ $\sf\dfrac{20}{10}$ $\sf{=2}$


$\sf\bold{Putting \: d=2\: in \:equation - 1:}$

→ $\sf{12=2a+5\times 2}$

→ $\sf{a = 1}$


$\sf\bold{All\:of\:the\:above\:eq\: In \: S10\:formula:}$

$\mapsto$ $\sf{S10=}$ $\sf\dfrac{10}{2}$ $\sf\small{[2\times1+(10-1)d]}$

$\mapsto$ $\sf{5(2\times1+9\times2)}$

$\mapsto$ $\sf\bold\purple{5(2+18)=100}$


$\sf\small\red{||Hence , the \: sum\: of \: the \: first\:10\: terms\: is\:100||}$


The angle θ between 5i-j+k & 2i-j+k is​


Step-by-step explanation:


[tex] \sf \vec{a} = 5 \hat{i} - \hat{j} + \hat{k} \\ \therefore \: \sf \: | \vec{a}| = \sqrt{ {5}^{2} + {( - 1)}^{2} + {1}^{2} } \\ = \sqrt{25 + 1 + 1} \\ = \sqrt{27} \\ \\ \sf \vec{b} = 2\hat{i} - \hat{j} + \hat{k} \\ \therefore \: \sf \: | \vec{b}| = \sqrt{ {2}^{2} + {( - 1)}^{2} + {1}^{2} } \\ = \sqrt{4 + 1 + 1} \\ = \sqrt{6} \\ \\\sf \: \vec{a}. \vec{b} = (5 \hat{i} - \hat{j} + \hat{k}).(2\hat{i} - \hat{j} + \hat{k}) \\ = 5 \times 2 + ( - 1) \times ( - 1) + 1 \times 1 \\ = 10 + 1 + 1 \\ = 12 \\ \\ \sf \: angle \: between \: \vec{a} \: and \: \vec{b} \: = \theta \\ \\ \: so \\ \sf \vec{a}. \vec{b} = | \vec{a}| . | \vec{b}| cos\theta \\ = > \sf \: cos \theta \: = \frac{ \vec{a}. \vec{b}}{ | \vec{a}| . | \vec{b}| } \\ = > cos \theta = \frac{12}{ \sqrt{27} \times \sqrt{6} } = 0.94 \\ = > \theta = {cos}^{ - 1} (0.94) \\ = > \green{\theta = 19.47 ^{ \circ} }[/tex]

find the derivative of e power ax divide by log bx​



Step-by-step explanation:

The pair of figures to the right are similar. The area of one figure is given. Find the area of the other figure to the nearest whole number. Area of larger triangle = 165 ft^2 Thank you!!​


9514 1404 393


  73 ft²

Step-by-step explanation:

The ratio of areas is the square of the ratio of linear dimensions.

  smaller area = larger area × ((10 ft)/(15 ft))² = 165 ft² × (4/9)

  smaller area = 73 1/3 ft² ≈ 73 ft²


Area of the smaller triangle = 73 square feet

Step-by-step explanation:

Area of the larger triangle = 165 square feet

Area of a triangle = [tex]\frac{1}{2}(\text{Base})(\text{Height})[/tex]



Height = 22 ft

Since, both the triangles are similar.

By the property of similar triangles,

Corresponding sides of the similar triangles are proportional.

Let the height of smaller triangle = h ft

Therefore, [tex]\frac{h}{22}=\frac{10}{15}[/tex]

h = [tex]\frac{22\times 10}{15}[/tex]

h = 14.67 ft

Area of the smaller triangle = [tex]\frac{1}{2}(10)(14.67)[/tex]

                                              = 73.33

                                              ≈ 73 square feet


9. What is another name for BD?
10. What is another name for AC?
11. What is another name for ray AÉ?
12. Name all rays with endpoint E.
13. Name two pairs of opposite rays.
14. Name one pair of rays that are not opposite rays.



#9. Segment DB

#10 Segment CA

#11. Ray EA

#12. Ray EB, Ray EC, Ray ED, Ray EA  

#13 Ray EA & Ray EC

#14. Ray EB and Ray EC

Step-by-step explanation:

For future reference, if you are asked to give another name for a segment, just flip the letters around (same for rays.).

Opposite Rays are rays that share 1 common endpoint, but extend in opposite directions ( together they make a 180 degree angle). Ray EB & EC share an endpoint, but they do not extend in opposite directions.

Hope this helps!  

please help me out with this




Step-by-step explanation:

One theorem tells us that if a triangle has two congruent sides and one of the included angle is bigger than the other, the triangle with the included angle that is bigger. has a bigger side than the other.

This is the opposite in this case. The triangles share two sides and we know that the triangle with the side length 18 has a bigger angle than the triangle with the side length 15. So this means that

[tex]48 > 2x - 10[/tex]

Let find the range of x values.

An angle cannot be negative or zero so this means that

[tex]2x - 10 > 0[/tex]

Solve for x.

[tex]2x > 10[/tex]

[tex]x > 5[/tex]

The angle cannot be bigger than 48 so

[tex]48 > 2x - 10[/tex]

Solve for x.

[tex]58 > 2x[/tex]

[tex]29 > x[/tex]

So x must be greater than 5 but less than 29.

Choose the number that belongs to the set described



Natural numbers,integers, rational numbers, irrational numbers.

A random sample of bolts is taken from inventory, and their lengths are measured. The average length in the sample is 5.3 inches with a standard deviation of .2 inches. The sample size was 50. The point estimate for the mean length of all bolts in inventory is



[tex]L_x=5.3 inches[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Average length [tex]\=x =5.3 inches[/tex]

Standard deviation [tex]\sigma=0.2 inches[/tex]

Sample size [tex]n=50[/tex]

Generally The point estimate for the mean length of all bolts in inventory is

[tex]L_x= \=x[/tex]

[tex]L_x=5.3 inches[/tex]

A random sample of n1 = 49 measurements from a population with population standard deviation σ1 = 3 had a sample mean of x1 = 9. An independent random sample of n2 = 64 measurements from a second population with population standard deviation σ2 = 4 had a sample mean of x2 = 11. Test the claim that the population means are different. Use level of significance 0.01.
Compute the corresponding sample distribution value. (Test the difference μ1 − μ2. Round your answer to two decimal places.)



The answer is "-3.04"

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\to \bar{x_1}-\bar{x_2}=9-11=-2[/tex]

Sample distribution:

[tex]z=\frac{\bar{x_1}-\bar{x_2}- \bar{\mu_1}-\bar{\mu_2}}{\sqrt{\frac{\sigma_{1}^2}{n_1}+\frac{\sigma_{2}^2}{n_2}}}\\\\[/tex]


What fraction is equivalent to 0.46464646...












answer is B

Step-by-step explanation:


The answer is a fraction with numerator is the period (46) and the denominator is a number made with 9 as longer that there are digits in the  periode (here 2 digits ==> 99)

solve the following ineuality -1+6(-1-3x) >-39-2x


Step-by-step explanation:

(=) 5 (-1-3x) >-39-2x

(=) -5-15x > -39-2x

(=) -13x > -34

=> x < 34/13

On a recent trip to the convenience Store you picked up 4 gallons of milk 4 bottles of water and 5 snack size bags of chips your total was $28.35 if a bottle of water cost twice as much as a bag of chips and a gallon of milk cost $2.10 more than a bottle of water how much does each item cost​



The milk cost $2.10 each the snacks cost $1.535 each the water cost $3.07 each

Step-by-step explanation:

I think Im right

Solve four and two fifths plus two and two thirds


Hope this helps!

The answer is 7 1/15
The answer to your question is 7 1/2. Break the fraction down and combine
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