what is the defination of matter?​


Answer 1


matter is a kind of substance

Answer 2


any thing that has a mass and occupies space is called matter


for example

a book is a matter because it has a mass and it also occupies some space

Related Questions

Only ------ percent of the food eaten is turned into its own body. ​





there is a the rule that only 10% of the energy is transferred from one trophic level to the other.

this means that only 10% of the food an organism eats  is passed onto the next organism. eg only 10% of the energy in a plant is transferred to a rabbit that eats the plant. After that if  a wolf eats the rabbit only 10% of the energy of food will pass on to the wolf.

Which of the traits below are completely influenced by the expression of genes? (Choose all that apply)
attached or unattached earlobes
hair texture
eye color


Eye color bjfijdjsuddjjdcnvnfjd


attached or unattached ear lobes

Natural selection states that complex organisms evolved through random mutations alone. True or False?





This statement is false because organisms don't evolve - populations do. New gene variants (i.e., alleles) are produced by random mutation, and over the course of many generations, natural selection may favor advantageous variants, causing them to become more common in the population. However, because mutation rates are low relative to population growth in most species, mutation alone doesn't have much of an effect on evolution.

Indicate which of the following statements is TRUE. Group of answer choices Covalent bonds connect nucleotides in a strand; noncovalent interactions hold strands into a double-stranded structure. Uracil is similar to thymine except that uracil lacks a methyl group on the carbon at position 5 on the carbon-nitrogen ring. Frederick Griffith demonstrated that a transforming chemical from dead bacteria could change the genetic information of living bacteria. The pyrimidine bases in nucleic acids are cytosine, thymine, and uracil. All of the above statements are true.



The answer is "All of the above statements are true".


In the given-question all choices were true, which can be defined as follows:

The covalent bonds are linked to a range of nucleic acids. Non-covalent encounters involve a dual washed ashore system.  The Uracil is just the same as pyrimidines, except that at position 5 throughout the carbohydrate ring it lacks in the methyl group in carbon.  Frederick-Griffith proved a possible change throughout the genetic material of bacterial cells with both the morphing chemical from dead bacterial cells.  Cytosine, thymine, and uracil are pyrimidine fundamentals in nucleic acids.

You find a new organism and are trying to determine what how it eats. You found it in a mud flat at the ocean and it has no teeth, but a very long alimentary canal. You see living examples moving through the mud very slowly. Based on all of this, you conclude that this animals is



A Detritivore


A Detritivore is a heterotrophic organism that feeds on dead plant and animal materials. They could also feed through coprophagy which is nutrition obtained by feeding on feces. Worms that dwell on the soil, insects, and mollusks are examples of detritivores. Detritivores can also be found residing in aquatic environments. Crabs and Lobsters are examples of these organisms.

Detritivores have no teeth. So, they tend to suck in their food, and this food, through peristaltic actions, moves directly into the digestive tract where it is acted upon by digestive enzymes. From the observations, I made about the organism at the mudflat at the ocean, I can conclude that it is a detritivore.

The scientist has chosen to study the motion of clouds in the atmosphere during a thunderstorm which type of model is most appropriate for her investigation



Explanation: Computer simulation is a model that helps to scientists to have a clear and better understanding and be able to effectively predict the occurrence of future outcomes of real physical situations.

Computer simulation makes use of mathematical models to effectively analyse and predict future occurrences which helps the world to be better prepared and able to effectively manage physical and real world situations.

In human body where is liver located


The liver is your largest internal organ. About the size of a football, it's located mainly in the upper right portion of your abdomen — beneath the diaphragm and above your stomach — but a small portion extends into the upper left quadrant.


The liver is located in the upper right-hand portion of the abdominal cavity, beneath the diaphragm, and on top of the stomach, right kidney, and intestines. Shaped like a cone, the liver is a dark reddish-brown organ that weighs about 3 pounds.








Consider the following chromosomes and if they are affected by hemophilia.

X = unaffected X chromosome, x = X chromosome affected by hemophilia, and Y = Y chromosome.

If an Xx female and XY male have children, what fraction of their offspring will have an affected chromosome, and what fraction is likely to be affected by hemophilia?

(1 point)
A. 1/4 and 1/2
B. 1/2 and 1/4
C. 1/2 and 1/3
D. 1/4 and 1/4

I've been stuck on this question for a while, may someone please assist?



B. 1/2 and 1/4


Hemophilia is a rare disease that has to do with the inability for blood to clot. It is inherited on the X chromosome, hence, it is said to be X-linked. It is usually passed from mother to son. According to this question;

X - unaffected X chromosome

x = X chromosome affected by hemophilia

Y = Y chromosome

Therefore, in a cross between a Xx female (carrier) and a XY male (unaffected), the following chromosomes will be present in the gametes produced by each parent:

Xx- X and x gametes

XY- X and Y gametes

Using these gametes in a punnet square (see attached image), offsprings with genotypes: XX, Xx, XY and xY will be possibly produced.

XX (1) - unaffected female

Xx (1) - unaffected but carrier female

XY (1) - unaffected male

xY (1) - affected male (have hemophilia)

Based on the questions;

- 2 out of the possible 4 children will have the affected chromosomes i.e. both xY son and Xx daughter have the affected (x) chromosome. Hence, the fraction is 1/2

- 1 out of the 4 possible children is affected by hemophilia, which is the xY son. Hence, the fraction is 1/4.

Which of the following statements is true?

Photosynthesis is a type of homeostasis.
Unicellular organisms have differentiated cells.
Respiration is a type of metabolism.
Multicellular organisms are made of only one cell.



Respiration is a type of metabolism.


C. Respiration is a type of metabolism


Both B and D are incorrect because:

Multicelluar organisms have more than one cell; while singlecelled organisims only have one cell.

Also, homeostasis is a natural way an organisms body reacts to different situations, like when you sweat, your body is realising a way to lower the heat in your body. Therfore, A. is also incorrect.

Hope this helped!


How are all forms of asexual reproduction similar?
A. The offspring have identical DNA to the parent.
B. The offspring have different DNA than the parent.
C. They all require two parents to reproduce.
D. The offspring have diversified DNA in order to survive

Also explain why the answers are correct/incorrect.



Asexual reproduction produces offspring that are genetically identical to the parent because the offspring are all clones of the original parent. This type of reproduction occurs in prokaryotic microorganisms (bacteria) and in some eukaryotic single-celled and multi-celled organisms

Hope this helped!!!!


Asexual reproduction produces offspring that are genetically identical to the parent because the offspring are all clones of the original parent.

So A.

B. incorrect because they have the same DNA

C. incorrect because They do not need 2. it produces offspring that are genetically identical to the parent because the offspring are all clones of the original parent.

D. incorrect because They do not have diversified DNA

Abnormal vascular regulation by endothelial cells in small vessels of the heart contributes to:___________. a. Hypertension b. Dysrhythmias c. Truncus arteriosus d. Ischemic heart disease


Answer: The correct answer to the question is option D


Explanation: To answer the question effectively, let us look at the options given,what they are and how they affect the heart.

Endothelial cells play a crucial role in the regulating vascular tone,They do so by secreting variable amounts of constricting and relaxing factors inorder to control tissue perfusion.

Hypertension on the other hand occurs as a result of factors that varies distinctively and not all related to vascular tone.

Dysrhythmias on it's own will affect the function and conduction of heart chambers but not necessarily vascular tones.

Truncus arteriosus results in only in one large artery exiting/leaving the heart.

Mr. B has been transferred to your floor to wait and see whether the chest tube allows his lungs to completely re-expand. But when he arrives, he is in severe respiratory distress. He says "I felt better before I came into the ER! Is this tube doing anything


The question is incomplete,below is the complete question.

Mr. B has been transferred to your floor to wait and see whether the chest tube allows his lungs to completely re-expand. But when he arrives, he is in severe respiratory distress. He says "I felt better before I came into the ER! Is this tube doing anything?"

You tell the Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS). As the two of you move him into the bed, you notice that his chest tube bottle is lying on its side on the gurney, with air going into it. When you point this out to the CNS, she immediately grabs the bottle and sets it upright on the floor. You see air start bubbling through the fluid right away. "That was the problem!" she says. "They lost the water seal, and air was going into his chest from the bottle. You would not believe how many times that happens on transport." When you examine Mr. B, you have trouble detecting his lung sounds on the left. Even stranger, his apical heart sound is in the wrong place - it is over toward the right side of his chest. His respiration rate and heart rate are both increased, and he is struggling to breathe. "Let's give him a little oxygen. He'll be a lot better in a half-hour," says the CNS. "Check back on him."

QUESTION - Why would accumulation of air in his pleural space cause his heart sounds to be in the wrong place?

Accumulation of air in Mr B pleural space will cause his heart sound to be heard in the wrong place because the left side is his chest is being filled up with air making the organs in his chest to to be pushed over to the right side.

When an action potential from a motor neuron arrives at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ), a series of events occurs that leads to muscle contraction. What events will occur last?



conformational change in troponin


The troponin complex plays an essential role in the thin filament regulation of striated muscle contraction.

You experimentally apply a toxin to a muscle and find that it does not contract when you electrically stimulate the motor neuron leading to it. You know that this toxin blocks acetylcholine receptors. Therefore, you suspect that the stimulation of contraction is failing because: Group of answer choices


The question provided is not complete as it lacks the group of choices, however the group of choices are given as follows:

A. A contraction fails to occur because an action potential is not generated in the muscle cell.

B. A contraction fails to occur because this toxin directly prevents ion release from intracellular stores.

C. A contraction fails to occur because neurotransmitter release by the motor neuron is blocked at the neuromuscular junction.

D. A contraction fails to occur because this toxin prevents cross bridge formation and thereby directly prevents contraction.

E. C and D are both true


The correct answer is option A : A contraction fails to occur because an action potential is not generated in the muscle cell.


A muscle contraction takes place when action potential bring to muscles by nerves, which is traveled with the help of motor neuron and imitated the muscle contraction.

Acetylcholine or Ach is a chemical messenger to bring the nerve impulses between a nerve and a muscle. If the receptor is block with applying toxin muscle will not contract as ACh will not be able to propagate the nerve impulse to the muscle so there will be no action potential.

The correct answer is option A : A contraction fails to occur because an action potential is not generated in the muscle cell.

what has a greater influence on protien levels


Question is incomplete, The complete question is as follows:

What has a greater influence on protein levels?

A. Protein degradation has a greater influence because they are denatured faster than the cell can produce them

B. mRNA destroyer concentration has a greater influence because it is destroying mRNA before proteins can even be produced

C. mRNA destroyer concentration has a greater influence because mRNA is destroyed right after the proteins are produced

D. Protein degradation has a greater influence because outside factors like antibiotics can cause it, and it is difficult to recover from


B. mRNA destroyer concentration has a greater influence because it is destroying mRNA before proteins can even be produced  


mRNA destroyer concentration has a greater influence on protein levels because mRNA destroyers abort the mRNA as soon as the enough mRNA are produced before formation of proteins.

mRNA destroyer follow the mRNA around itself and dragged it once mRNA is picked for protein synthesis.

Hence, the correct answer is "B".

choose one plant or animal and what are the 3 adaptions this organisms has


The three basic types of adaptations, based on how the genetic changes are expressed, are structural, physiological and behavioral adaptations. Most organisms have combinations of all these types.

Match each statement to the type of behavior it describes. Jenna published the results of her latest experiment for the public to see. Malcolm altered an experiment to be able reach his desired conclusion. Elena keeps complete records of all her experiment results. Neal shared the results of his field study even though they didn’t support his hypothesis.



See the answer below


It may seem that the question is incomplete. The complete question reads:

Match each statement to the type of behavior it describes. Jenna published the results of her latest experiment for the public to see. Malcolm altered an experiment to be able reach his desired conclusion. Elena keeps complete records of all her experiment results. Neal shared the results of his field study even though they didn’t support his hypothesis. Put each description to the group it belongs to. 1.Responsible 2.Irresponsible.

To answer the question:

Responsible behavior

Jenna published the results of her latest experiment for the public to see.Elena keeps complete records of all her experiment results.Neal shared the results of his field study even though they didn't support his hypothesis.

Irresponsible behavior

Malcolm altered an experiment to be able to reach his desired conclusion

Responsible behaviors are those that support responsible scientific practices and do not jeopardize the objective nature of research. Every data during experiments must be well kept and after thorough analysis, results must be published fro the public to see irrespective of whether it agrees or disagrees with the original hypothesis.

Altering an experiment in order to achieve the desired result is grossly irresponsible, as this eliminates the objectivity that should be the main goal of every experiment. Bias must be eliminated from every scientific experiment.

Differentiate between sub-cellular and acellular particles with examples




Sub-cellular particles are particles smaller than the living cell and are found suspended in the cytosol (of a cell) like the nucleus, golgi complex and the mitochondria.

While acellular particles/organisms are particles that do not have a cell like the virsues, viroids and prions. They are not alive/inactive outside a living environment but become active immediately they are inside a living environment (like a cell).

Sub-cellular particles are structures that are found within a cell. These structures perform specific functions and are essential for the cell to carry out its biological processes.

Examples of sub-cellular particles include organelles such as the nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, and lysosomes. These structures are composed of both proteins and lipids and are enclosed by a membrane.

Acellular particles, on the other hand, are particles that do not possess a cellular structure and are not alive. These particles are much smaller than cells and are unable to carry out any metabolic processes.

Examples of acellular particles include viruses, prions, and viroids. These particles are composed of either DNA or RNA and can replicate themselves only within a host cell. They do not have their own metabolism and rely on the host cell for replication and survival.

To learn more about particles, refer below:



2) Micah and Taylor investigate the effect of tap water and spring water on the growth of plants.

They grew two plants of the same type and size in separate containers. Every three days, they

added the same amount of tap water to one plant and the same amount of spring water to the

other. Describe an action that would best improve the reliability of their results?



To improve the reliability of the results, the nutritional component of each category of water must be tested and recorded.

Second, the experiment should be carried out under greenhouse conditions.

The above actions will afford more control. When an experiment is controlled, it means that except for the dependent variable, all other variables are kept constant by the scientist.

By performing the experiment under greenhouse conditions, the kind of water the plants receive, temperature and other biotic actors are kept within measurable limits thus increasing the reliability of the results.


Based on fossilized evidence, there are scientific claims made about the evolution of certain species. If a scientist studying the fossils of a specific species had a hypothesis other than what was currently accepted, what steps should be taken to have the alternative hypothesis considered


Answer: For the scientist to have alternative hypothesis considered, it is imperative he takes certain steps, this steps will ascertain the scientific claims already made about the evolution of species.

Therefore,the scientist will simply test the alternative hypotheses inorder to know that they are incorrect.

This testing of hypotheses to ascertain their incorrectness is very useful in the study of fossils.

Which describes a grizzly bear’s habitat? all the biotic factors in the ecosystem all the abiotic factors in the ecosystem the role of the bear in the ecosystem the physical area where the bear lives



it is D


A grizzly bear’s habitat comprises of the physical area where the bear lives

What is a habitat?

A habitat is defined as the dwelling home of living organisms.

There are three major types of habitat; namely:

Terrestrial habitatAquatic habitatArboreal habitat

Terrestrial habitat is the land habitatAquatic habitat is the water habitatArboreal habitat is the tree habitat

Learn more about habitat:


Antibodies:_______. A. play a large role in cell-mediated immunity. B. are produced by both T and B cells. C. are composed of four light and four heavy polypeptide chains. D. are not specific, but act generally. E. have a variable region that binds to a specific antigenic determinant.



E. have a variable region that binds to a specific antigenic determinant.

Antibodies E. have a variable region that binds to a specific antigenic determinant.

What is the region of the antibody that the antigen binds to?

This location of the antibody is known as the Fab (fragment, antigen binding) place. it's far composed of 1 constant and one variable domain from every heavy and light chain of the antibody. The paratope is shaped on the amino terminal cease of the antibody monomer by the variable domains from the heavy and light chains.

What binds to an antigenic determinant?

An antigenic determinant is a website online of an antigen molecule that is termed an epitope and interacts with the unique antigen-binding site within the variable vicinity of an antibody molecule called a paratope.

Learn more about antibodies here: https://brainly.com/question/15382995







Answer: D, I believe.


what the parts of Earth's biosphere



lithosphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere.



the hydrosphere

the atmosphere

the lithosphere


The hydrosphere is all waters on the Earth's surface, such as lakes and seas, and sometimes including water over the Earth's surface, such as clouds.

The atmosphere is the Earth's layer of gases, commonly known as air, that is retained by Earth's gravity.

The lithosphere is the rigid part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle.

The digestive and excretory systems



Answer: The attachment shows the nephron which is the functional unit of the kidney.

It does the work of urine formation through 3 distinct processes.

-Ultra filtration( Small molecules are forced out of the selectively permeable membrane of the glomerulus into the Bowman's capsule under regulated pressure.these molecules are from the blood in the glomerulus brought in by the afferent arteriole.

- Selective reabsorption ( Useful molecule and iron such as glucose and sodium are reabsorbed back into the blood as the filtrate flows through the tubule(nephron)

-Tubular Secretion. ( Movement of molecules not filtered by the glomerulus during the initial stage of filtration back into the filtrate through the renal capillaries.

Stella's urine sample shows the presence of large protein (ULTRAFILTRATION)

John's blood test report indicates a high toxin level ( ULTRAFILTRATION AND TUBULAR SECRETION)

Miguel's blood test shows an increase in metabolic waste( ULTRAFILTRATION AND TUBULAR SECRETION)

Janice's urine report shows the presence of vital materials ( SELECTIVE REABSORPTION).

what are top consumer​



it is a food chain.

I can't write more it's not allowed

Humans are at the top of the food chain which makes up primary consumers

What is the function of the nucleus? A. Builds proteins B. Stores the cell's glucose C. Stores the cell's DNA D. Produces energy for the cell by respiration


Appropriate Answer:

[tex] \large{ \boxed{ \bf{ \pink{Stores \: the \: cell \: DNA(C)}}}}[/tex]

Nucleus is the control centre of the cell and manages all the cellular activities taking place inside the cell. It consists of four parts :-

Nuclear membrane, Nucleoplasm, Chromatin material and Nucleolus.

The Chromatin material(Condensed - Chromosome) stores the cell's DNA which is transmitted to next generation.

C, Stores the cells DNA

Analogies are often used to help make concepts easier to understand. Trisha wants to write an analogy to help her remember the difference between the axial skeleton and the appendicular skeleton. Which is the best analogy? ~The axial skeleton is like the skin of an apple; the appendicular skeleton is like the core of an apple. ~The axial skeleton is like the core of an apple; the appendicular skeleton is like the skin of an apple. ~The axial skeleton is like the frame of a swing set; the appendicular skeleton is like the swings. ~The axial skeleton is like the swings on a swing set; the appendicular skeleton is like the frame of a swing set.



The correct answer is - The axial skeleton is like the frame of a swing set; the appendicular skeleton is like the swings.


The axial skeleton is the part of the human skeleton system that supports and protects vital organs of the body and makes a frame for the body structure that include bones of skull, trunk rib cage and ribs. The axial skeleton system is like a frame of a swing set that holds the swings and provide support to the swings.

On the other hand, The appendicular skeleton is like the swings of the of the swing set that can move and provide motion to the body, upper body limb, shoulder girdle and lower limb and pelvic girdle are the bones of appendicular skeleton.

Thus, the correct answer is - The axial skeleton is like the frame of a swing set; the appendicular skeleton is like the swings.


C - Axial skeleton is like the frame of a swing set


The hard outer covering of an animal is a(n) blank




Explanation: answering spree


The hard outer covering of an animal is a(n) exoskeleton.


The definition of exoskeleton is "a rigid external covering for the body in some invertebrate animals, especially arthropods, providing both support and protection."

Eye color is an example of 1. Transcriptional control 2. gene expression 3. translational control 4. gene regulation



Eye color is an example of Gene expression

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