What is the difference between 15% of 7 and of 7?


Answer 1
1.05 is the difference of 15% of 7 and 7!!!

Related Questions

Select the correct answer. Consider this system of equations, where function f is quadratic and function g is linear:

y = f(x)

y = g(x)

Which statement describes the number of possible solutions to the system?

A. The system may have no, 1, 2, or infinite solutions.

B. The system may have no, 1, or infinite solutions.

C. The system may have 1 or 2 solutions.

D. The system may have no, 1, or 2 solutions



C is the answer

Step-by-step explanation:

Quadratic equations have at most 2 solution, and linear equations only have 1 solution, and since y is equal to both of them, it can only have 1 or 2 solutions.

The correct answer is option D.  The system may have no, 1, or 2 solutions

What is quadratic equation?

A quadratic equation is a second-order polynomial equation in a single variable x , ax²+bx+c=0. with a ≠ 0 .

f(x) is a quadratic function and g(x) is linear function



Quadratic equations have at most 2 solution

linear equations only have 1 solution,


y is equal to both of them, it can only have 1 or 2 solutions.

A line and a parabola can intersect zero, one, or two times

Therefore, a linear and quadratic system can have zero, one, or two solutions

Hence, the correct answer is option D.  The system may have no, 1, or 2 solutions

To learn more on Quadratic equation click:



Simplify the following, leaving your answer with a positive exponent:
x^-12/ x^-7



[tex]\frac{1}{x^{5} }[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

x^-12/ x^-7

= x^(-12-(-7))

= x^-5

= 1/x^5

In a large midwestern university (the class of entering freshmen being on the order of 6000 or more students), an SRS of 100 entering freshmen in 1999 found that 20 finished in the bottom third of their high school class. Admission standards at the university were tightened in 1995. In 2001 an SRS of 100 entering freshmen found that 10 finished in the bottom third of their high school class. The proportion of all entering freshmen in 1999 and 2001, who graduated in the bottom third of their high school class, are p1 and p2, respectively.Is there evidence that the proportion of freshmen who graduated in the bottom third of their high school class in 2001 has been reduced, as a result of the tougher admission standards adopted in 2000, compared to the proportion in 1999? To determine this, you test the hypothesesH0 : p1 = p2 , Ha : p1 > p2.The P-value of your test isA. 0.976.B. 0.024.C. 0.048.D. 0.001.



B. 0.024

The p-value of the test is 0.024 < 0.05(standard significance level), which means that there is enough evidence that the proportion of freshmen who graduated in the bottom third of their high school class in 2001 has been reduced.

Step-by-step explanation:

Before testing the hypothesis, we need to understand the central limit theorem and subtraction of normal variables.

Central Limit Theorem

The Central Limit Theorem establishes that, for a normally distributed random variable X, with mean [tex]\mu[/tex] and standard deviation [tex]\sigma[/tex], the sampling distribution of the sample means with size n can be approximated to a normal distribution with mean [tex]\mu[/tex] and standard deviation [tex]s = \frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex].

For a skewed variable, the Central Limit Theorem can also be applied, as long as n is at least 30.

For a proportion p in a sample of size n, the sampling distribution of the sample proportion will be approximately normal with mean [tex]\mu = p[/tex] and standard deviation [tex]s = \sqrt{\frac{p(1-p)}{n}}[/tex]

Subtraction between normal variables:

When two normal variables are subtracted, the mean is the difference of the means, while the standard deviation is the square root of the sum of the variances.


Of 100, 20 were in the bottom thid. So

[tex]p_B = \frac{20}{100} = 0.2[/tex]

[tex]s_B = \sqrt{\frac{0.2*0.8}{100}} = 0.04[/tex]


Of 100, 10 were in the bottom third, so:

[tex]p_A = \frac{10}{100} = 0.1[/tex]

[tex]s_A = \sqrt{\frac{0.1*0.9}{100}} = 0.03[/tex]

To determine this, you test the hypotheses H0 : p1 = p2 , Ha : p1 > p2.

Can also be rewritten as:

[tex]H_0: p_B - p_A = 0[/tex]

[tex]H_1: p_B - p_A > 0[/tex]

The test statistic is:

[tex]z = \frac{X - \mu}{s}[/tex]

In which X is the sample mean, [tex]\mu[/tex] is the value tested at the null hypothesis, and s is the standard error.

0 is tested at the null hypothesis:

This means that [tex]\mu = 0[/tex]

From the sample:

[tex]X = p_B - p_A = 0.2 - 0.1 = 0.1[/tex]

[tex]s_A = \sqrt{s_A^2+s_B^2} = \sqrt{0.03^2+0.04^2} = 0.05[/tex]

Value of the test statistic:

[tex]z = \frac{X - \mu}{s}[/tex]

[tex]z = \frac{0.1 - 0}{0.05}[/tex]

[tex]z = 2[/tex]

P-value of the test and decision:

The p-value of the test is the probability of finding a difference of proportions of at least 0.1, which is 1 subtracted by the p-value of z = 2.

Looking at the z-table, z = 2 has a p-value of 0.976.

1 - 0.976 = 0.024, so the p-value is given by option B.

The p-value of the test is 0.024 < 0.05(standard significance level), which means that there is enough evidence that the proportion of freshmen who graduated in the bottom third of their high school class in 2001 has been reduced.

a car can complete journey of 300 km with the average speed of 60 km per hour how long does it take to complete the journey what is the speed of the car if it covers only 200 km in the same interval of the time
please I need help urgent ​



a. 5 hours

b. 40 kph

Step-by-step explanation:

300 km ÷ 60 km = 5 hours

200 km ÷ 5 hours = 40 kilometers per hour

Please help with this question



-3.662rad × 180/π = -209.8°

Step-by-step explanation:


1 degree = .01745329 radians

1 radian = 57.2957877856 degrees

-209.8 degrees = .01745329 * -209.8 =

-3.66170024200 radians

Step-by-step explanation:

Consider this equation. tan) 19 17 If 8 is an angle in quadrant II, what is the value of Cos() OA. 19 6 OB. 17 6 O c. V18 6 OD. 17​


Using trigonometric identities, it is found that the value of [tex]\cos{\theta}[/tex] is given by:

B. [tex]\cos{\theta} = \frac{\sqrt{17}}{6}[/tex]

What is the tangent of an angle?

It is given by the division of it's sine by it's cosine, that is:

[tex]\tan{\theta} = \frac{\sin{\theta}}{\cos{\theta}}[/tex]

In this problem, the equation given is:

[tex]\tan{\theta} = -\sqrt{\frac{19}{17}}[/tex]

That is:

[tex]\frac{\sin{\theta}}{\cos{\theta}} = -\sqrt{\frac{19}{17}}[/tex]

[tex]\sin{\theta} = -\sqrt{\frac{19}{17}}\cos{\theta}[/tex]

The following identity is applied:

[tex]\sin^2{\theta} + \cos^2{\theta} = 1[/tex]


[tex]\left(-\sqrt{\frac{19}{17}}\cos{\theta}\right)^2 + \cos^2{\theta} = 1[/tex]

[tex]\frac{36}{17}\cos^2{\theta} = 1[/tex]

[tex]\cos^2{\theta} = \frac{17}{36}[/tex]

[tex]\cos{\theta} = \frac{\sqrt{17}}{6}[/tex]

More can be learned about trigonometric identities at https://brainly.com/question/24496175


Hi sorry I just wanted to ask is it B or D? positive or negative?

Step-by-step explanation:

edmentum is the worst

points V W X Y and Z are collinear, VZ= 52, XZ =20, and WX=XY=YZ find the indicated length

21.) WX 22.) VW 23.) WY 24.) VX 25.) WZ 26.) VY



WX=10; VW=22; WY=20; VX=32; WZ=30;VY=42

Step-by-step explanation:







The points V, W, X, Y and Z are collinear. The indicated lengths are


Given :

points V, W, X, Y and Z are collinear, VZ= 52, XZ =20, and WX=XY=YZ

Lets make diagram using the given information

The diagram is attached below


XZ=20, so [tex]XY+YZ=20\\Both XY and YZ are same\\XY+XY=20\\2XY=20\\Divide \; by \; 2\\XY=10[/tex]

[tex]WX=XY=YZ \\XY=10\\WY=10\\YZ=10\\[/tex]

Now we find out VW

[tex]VW+WX+XY+YZ=52\\VW+10+10+10=52\\VW+30=52\\Subtract \; 30\\VW=52-30\\VW=22[/tex]

Now we find the indicated length

[tex]WX =10[/tex]


Learn more : brainly.com/question/17208040

Can you please answer this answer with a step by step explanation?

the BEST answer gets the BRAINLIEST answer mark!​



Step-by-step explanation:

If K is square number, then exponents in number N are even.

Can someone please help me?



The equation of the perpendicular line (PR) to line PQ is; y = -0.5x - 1.5

Step-by-step explanation:

The line is perpendicular to line adjoined by points P(-3,0) and Q(0,6)

The slope of line PQ is;

Slope = change in y ÷ change in x = [tex]\frac{6 - 0}{0 -- 3}[/tex] = 2

The product of slopes of two perpendicular lines = -1

Hence the slope of line PR = -1 ÷ slope of line PQ = -1/2

Taking another point (x,y) and point P(-3,0) the equation of line PR is;

Slope = [tex]\frac{y - 0}{x - -3} = -\frac{1}{2}[/tex]

Cross-multiplying gives;

2y = -x - 3 , y = -x/2 - 3/2 , y = -0.5x - 1.5

If I have 180$ and a pack of dvds cost 18 how much can I buy



10 packs of dvds

Step-by-step explanation:

$180 / $18 = 10 packs

You can buy a maximum of 10 dvd packs


you can buy 10 dvds that is thr answer

Algunos granos de maíz al ser calentados revientan y pierden agua de manera explosiva.
En promedio se puede considerar que tienen una masa de 125 mg y cuando explotan (palomitas
de maíz) su masa es de 106 mg. ¿Cuántos granos de maíz pira se requerirán para obtener una
libra de palomitas de maíz?



Step-by-step explanation:

4280 granos de maíz pira se requerirán para obtener una libra de palomitas de maíz.


Dado que algunos granos de maíz al ser calentados revientan y pierden agua de manera explosiva, y en promedio se puede considerar que tienen una masa de 125 mg y cuando explotan (palomitas de maíz) su masa es de 106 mg, para determinar cuántos granos de maíz pira se requerirán para obtener una libra de palomitas de maíz se debe realizar el siguiente cálculo:

453592 mg = 1 lb453592 / 106 = X4279.16 = X

Por lo tanto, 4280 granos de maíz pira se requerirán para obtener una libra de palomitas de maíz.

Aprende más sobre cálculo en https://brainly.com/question/2193984

Sam ordered 2 tons of crushed stone. How many pounds of crushed stone does she have?




Step-by-step explanation:

1 ton = 2000 pounds

2 tons = ? pounds


2000 × 2 = 4000

There will be 4000 pounds of crushed stone.

Hope this helped.

G I V E N :

Sam ordered 2 tons of crushed stone. How many pounds of crushed stone does she have?

S O L U T I O N :

Here, we need to convert the tons into pounds to get the desired result

According to the question :

We know that,

1 ton = 2000 pounds

2 tons = 2(1000 pounds) = 2000 pounds

Hence, she have 2000 pounds of crushed stone

find the x- and y-intercept of the graph of -9x+7y=27 . State tour based as a whole number of as a improper fraction in simplest form



is this cool? or explanation?

A tank contains 150 liters of fluid in which 20 grams of salt is dissolved. Brine containing 1 gram of salt per liter is then pumped into the tank at a rate of 5 L/min; the well-mixed solution is pumped out at the same rate. Find the number A(t) of grams of salt in the tank at time t.



the number A(t) of grams of salt in the tank at a time is A(t)=150-110e-t/50

plz help me ans fast for 10 pts​



universal set is the right answer

x²+y²+6x+8y+24=0 asap reply plss.. Sana umabon ng 1 makasagot​




Step-by-step explanation:

23. Evaluate 4b2 for b
= -1/2


4b² when b = -1/2

[tex] = {4( \frac{ - 1}{2})}^{2} \\ = 4( \frac{1}{4}) \\ = \frac{4}{4} \\ = 1[/tex]



Step-by-step explanation:

4b x 2 when b = -1/2

1) put -1/2 where b is.

4 x -1/2 x 2

2) solve.

-2 x 2


Find the area and perimeter of the given plain figure​


This shape is the rhombus, then ;

Rhombus area = side length × height

A= b × h

A= Rhombus area

h = height ; b = side length ( length of any side)

h= 3 inch ; b= 4.5 inch ; A=?

A= b × h

A= 4.5 × 3 = 13.5 inch²


The perimeter of a rhombus = 4 × side of length

P = 4× a

P = The perimeter of a rhombus ; a = side of length

p= ? ; a = 4.5 inch

P = 4× a

P = 4× 4.5 = 18 inch

I hope I helped you^_^

I just need the numbers anyone help ?


From (-2, 4) you’re going to go up 2 to the right 5. Then go down 2 left 5


See below & pic.

Step-by-step explanation:

Start by plotting the given point. Then use the slope to find two more points. From the given point go up 2 and right 4. GO back to the given point. Go down 2 and left 4. Now you have 3 points. Connect them with a line.

Evaluate: 2-4 А. =100 В. -8 ОО С. -16 D. 1 16​



D. 1/16

Step-by-step explanation:

Evaluate: 2^-4

А. =100

В. -8ОО

С. -16

D. 1/16



= 1 / 2⁴

= 1 / (2 * 2 * 2 * 2)

= 1 / 16


2^-4 = 1/16

D. 1/16

Geometry, please answer question ASAP



I'm going to say A and B (I think)

We have two fractions, 3/4 and 7/6 , and we want to rewrite them so that they have a common denominator (and whole number numerators). What numbers could we use for the denominator?



12,24 etc

Step-by-step explanation:

4 and 6 both go into 12 evenly

4*3 = 12

6*2 = 12

12 is the least common denominator

We could also use 24

4*6 = 24

It is a common denominator, but not the least common denominator

We can use any multiple of 12

Solve T=L(2+RS) for R



Step-by-step explanation:

I would begin by distributing the L. It will be easier in the end to do it this way. There are a couple of ways you can do this, but distribution is the easiest. After you distribute the L you have

T = 2L + LRS

Next subtract the 2L to get

T - 2L = LRS. Lastly, to isolate the R, divide away the LS to get

[tex]\frac{T}{LS}-\frac{2L}{LS}[/tex] = R  In that second term, the L's cancel each other out, leaving us with

[tex]\frac{T}{LS}-\frac{2}{S}[/tex] = R

Hailey is making pizzas for a pizza party. Each pizza requires 1/2 pound of cheese. How many pounds of cheese does she need to make 19 pizzas? Express your answer in simplest form.


Cheese required for 1 pizza = ½ pound

So, cheese required for 19 pizzas

= 19 × ½ pounds

= 19/2 pounds

= 9½ pounds

So, Hailey needs 9½ pounds of cheese to make 19 pizzas.

The solution is 9.5 pounds

The number of pounds of cheese Hailey need to make 19 pizzas is 9.5 pounds

What is an Equation?

Equations are mathematical statements with two algebraic expressions flanking the equals (=) sign on either side.

It demonstrates the equality of the relationship between the expressions printed on the left and right sides.

Coefficients, variables, operators, constants, terms, expressions, and the equal to sign are some of the components of an equation. The "=" sign and terms on both sides must always be present when writing an equation.

Given data ,

Let the number of pounds of cheese for 19 pizzas be A

Now , the equation will be

The number of pounds of cheese for 1 pizza = 1/2 pounds

So , the number of pounds of cheese for 19 pizzas = 19 x number of pounds of cheese for 1 pizza

Substituting the values in the equation , we get

The number of pounds of cheese for 19 pizzas = 19 x ( 1/2 )

The number of pounds of cheese for 19 pizzas = 19/2

The number of pounds of cheese for 19 pizzas = 9.5 pounds

Therefore , the value of A is 9.5 pounds

Hence , the number of pounds of cheese is 9.5 pounds

To learn more about equations click :



Find the reciprocal of 4/5



its 5/4! haha i used to be good at this when i was in 6th grade:)

(x+5). (x-4)-(x+2)^2+(2x+3)^2=(2x-1) (4x^2+2x-1)+18x(2x+3)​



x ≈ -0.73151

Step-by-step explanation:

Daniel incorrectly solved the equations shown. Explain what he did wrong in each situation and then solve both equations correctly. 16x2 - 9 = 16
V16x2 - 19 - + 16
4x - 3 - +4
4x = +7
* = 14
y3 - 1 = 7
= 8
y = 2


Step-by-step explanation:

the scanned description is very hard to understand.

so I think what happened :

16x² - 9 = 16

then the first error :

sqrt(16x²) - sqrt(9) = sqrt(16)

that is wrong, as you cannot split a + or - operation inside a sqrt function into + or - separate sqrt results of the parts.

so, correctly, the only possible transformation involving sqrt for both sides :

sqrt(16x² - 9) = sqrt(16)

but it would be even easier to clean up the various constant numbers with each other.


16x² - 9 = 16

16x² = 25

and now we trashes the square root

sqrt(16x²) = sqrt(25)

4x = 5

x = 5/4 or x = -5/4

and I cannot see or understand for my life what the second equation was, as Daniel did something wrong, so I cannot deduct the original equation out of a supposedly wrong

y³ - 1 = 7

Solve the equation for all values of x.
- 2x(– 8)(10x + 1) = 0
From deltamath.com



Hi I'm going to answer the question is 0

Step-by-step explanation:


Multiply -2 times -8 is 16


Use the distributive property to multiply 16x by 10x+1

[tex] {160}^{2} + 16 = 0 \\ [/tex]

Factor out x.


To find equation solutions, solve x=0 and 160x+16=0



[tex] - \frac{1}{10} [/tex]

Find the value of x




Step-by-step explanation:

Using exterior angle property, we have 97+4x+7=17x+13. 13x=91, x=7

Un ingeniero civil a cargo de una obra contrata una cierta cantidad de obreros. Estima que, si le

pagara S/ 1.400 a cada uno de los obreros, le faltarían S/ 8.000, pero si le pagara S/ 1.200 a cada

uno, le sobrarían S/ 2.000. El número de obreros que contrató es


Al plantear un sistema de ecuaciones lineales, encontramos que el número de obreros que contrató el ingeniero civil fue 50.

Para encontrar el número de obreros que el ingeniero contrató debemos plantear un sistema de ecuaciones lineales de dos ecuaciones con dos incógnitas, tal como sigue:

[tex] M - 1400*x = -8000 [/tex]   (1)

[tex] M - 1200*x = 2000 [/tex]   (2)

En donde:

M: es la incógnita igual al monto de dinero del ingeniero

x: es la incógnita igual al número de obreros

De la ecuación (1) tenemos:

[tex] M = 1400*x - 8000 [/tex]   (3)

Podemos encontrar el valor de x (número de obreros), introduciendo la ecuación (3) en la ec (2):

[tex] 1400*x - 8000 - 1200*x = 2000 [/tex]

[tex] 200*x = 10000 [/tex]

[tex] x = 50 [/tex]

El monto de dinero inicial del ingeniero sería entonces (ec 3):

[tex] M = 1400*50 - 8000 = 62000 [/tex]

Por lo tanto, el número de obreros que contrató el ingeniero es 50.

Puedes aprender sobre otro método de resolución de sistemas de ecuaciones lineales ingresando acá: https://brainly.com/question/10831551?referrer=searchResults                                    


Espero que te sea de utilidad!

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