What is the difference between nomads and hunter-gatherers of ancient times?


Answer 1


What is the difference between nomads and hunter-gatherers of ancient times? ... Nomads were people who moved in search of food, while hunter-gatherers got food by gathering wild food sources and hunting. Nomads were the first people to migrate out of Africa to search for food, while hunter-gatherers never left Africa.

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Will someone help me with my history homework, please?

1. What influenced the formation of many different African civilizations? How did geography influence the development of African civilization?

2. Name the three kingdoms of the Niger River Valley. Describe the rulers, the economy, and the societies of each kingdom.

3. Which Mesoamerican civilization lasted the longest? Which civilization had the most highly developed form of government? How were the religions of the four civilizations similar?

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1. What influenced the formation of many different African civilizations? How did geography influence the development of African civilization?  

a. African civilizations were influenced by trade, with Arabs, Europeans and India.  Geography tended to isolate South and Central African civilizations from foreign influence.

2. Name the three kingdoms of the Niger River Valley. Describe the rulers, the economy, and the societies of each kingdom.  

a. The Ghana, Mali, and Songhai civilization existed consecutively with some overlap.  At first trade was infrequent because of the desert until the use of camels.  Ghana’s rulers grew rich by taxing the trade of gold and salt.  Ghana’s kings acted as a religious leader, chief judge, and military commander. The kingdom of Mali was also based on gold.  The Songhai broke from Mali and controlled the trade routes

3. Identify and describe two contributions to civilization made by each of the primary South, Meso, and North American civilizations.  

a. The Maya civilization developed the the position-value number system with zero and an accurate calendar.  They also developed rubber and the corbelled arch.

which one is it i thought it was Dictatorship but its not there



Between the two world wars, three types of dictatorships have been described: constitutional, counterrevolutionary and fascist. Since World War II, a broader range of dictatorships has been recognized, including Third World dictatorships, theocratic or religious dictatorships and dynastic or family-based dictatorships.


Why did the German government support boycotts of Jewish businesses?



Werent they not supposed to have rights/freedom at all.


___ provides health care for people over the age of sixty-five.
O a. Medicare
O b. Welfare
O c. Social Security
O d. none of the above





What was one major effect of Great Famine in the mid-19th century?


hunger related diseases / starvation , death

Why was Haile Selassie unhappy with the way the League dealt with the Italian invasion of Abyssinia? ​


Answer: They did not adequately protect Ethiopia.


Emperor Haile Selassie of Abyssinia (modern day Ethiopia) was forced to flee his country when Italy under Mussolini invaded it in 1935 as part of Mussolini's plans to gain more colonies in Africa.

Abyssinia was a member of the League of Nations and expected the League to sort the matter out. The League responded by imposing sanctions on Italy but the main member states such as Britain and France made deals with Italy and undermined the blockade.

Italy completely conquered Abyssinia and this disappointed Haile Selassie who thought that the League would have done more to protect a member state from agrresion.

What did Jacob Riis's book do?

A. Helped poor people get better jobs

B. Supported anti-immigration laws

C. Got police to visit the slums

D. Told about life in the slums


The answer is D. Told about life in the slums


D. Told about life in the slums


The graph shows excess supply.

A graph titled Excess supply has quantity on the x-axis and price on the y-axis. A line with positive slope represents supply and a line with negative slope represents demand. The lines intersect at the point of equilibrium (p star, Q star). A point on the demand line is (P 2, quantity demanded) and a point on the supply line is (P 2, quantity supplied). Both points are higher than the point of equilibrium. Excess supply is indicated between the 2 points.
Which needs to happen to the price indicated by p2 on the graph in order to achieve equilibrium?

a) It needs to be increased.
b) It needs to be decreased.
c) It needs to reach the price ceiling.
d) It needs to remain unchanged.


I believe it’s D or C it’s one of those

Why did Japan aggressively expand in the 1930s?


Answer: Facing the problem of insufficient natural resources and following the ambition to become a major global power, the Japanese Empire began aggressive expansion in the 1930s. This caused the Japanese to proceed with plans to take the Dutch East Indies, an oil-rich territory.


Hope it helps you if not sorry

Hello Everyone
Pls answer

write a note on Robert Clive ​


Major-General Robert Clive, 1st Baron Clive KB, FRS (29 September 1725 – 22 November 1774),[1][2][3] was the first British Governor of the Bengal Presidency. He is credited along with Warren Hastings for laying the foundation of the British Empire in India.[4][5] He began as a writer (the term used then in India for an office clerk) for the East India Company (EIC) who established the military and political supremacy of the EIC by securing a decisive victory in Bengal and looting its treasury of an estimated £2.325 billion in modern terms.[6] In return for supporting the Nawab of Bengal Mir Jafar on the throne, Clive was granted a jaghire of £30,000 (equivalent to £4,100,000 in 2019) per year which was the rent the EIC would otherwise pay to the Nawab for their tax farming concession, when he left India he had a fortune of £180,000 (equivalent to £24,300,000 in 2019) which he remitted through the Dutch East India Company.[7] Blocking impending French mastery of India, and eventual British expulsion from the continent, Clive improvised a military expedition that ultimately enabled the EIC to adopt the French strategy of indirect rule via puppet government. Hired by the EIC to return a second time to India, Clive conspired to secure the company's trade interests by overthrowing the ruler of Bengal, the richest state in India. Back in England, he used his treasure from India to secure an Irish barony from the then Whig PM, Thomas Pelham-Holles, 1st Duke of Newcastle, and a seat for himself in Parliament, via Henry Herbert, 1st Earl of Powis, representing the Whigs in Shrewsbury, Shropshire (1761–1774), as he had previously in Mitchell, Cornwall (1754–1755).[8][9]


Robert Clive, 1st Baron Clive of Plassey, KB (29 September 1725 – 22 November 1774), also known as Clive of India, was a British soldier who established British control in Southern India and Bengal. Together with Warren Hastings he was one of the key figures in the creation of British India.

One way to tackle global poverty is help people gain access to resources like good schools, food and water, and basic civil rights.





It is TRUE that One way to tackle global poverty is to help people gain access to resources like good schools, food and water, and basic civil rights.

This is because access to good schools will improve literacy levels. Access to food and water will improve the standard and cost of living. Access to basic civil rights will allow humans to have and exercise freedom, to move around without illegal restrictions, and to say their minds without illegal arrests or repercussions.

After the election of 1860, in which Abraham Lincoln was elected president, South Carolina seceded from the
Union. Ten other states followed its lead, forming the Confederate States of America. President Lincoln decided
that he could not allow the country to break apart and that only military force no could save the Union. The Civil War
began. What other options did Lincoln have, if any, in his quest to save the nation?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached, we can say the following.

Indeed, President Lincoln decided that he could not allow the country to break apart and that only military force could save the Union. Under those conditions, President Lincoln did not have many options to choose from in his quest to save the nation.

With the victory of Abraham Lincoln in the presidential election, the leaders of the southern states knew that things were not going to favor them. Northern abolitionists continued to demand the end of slavery in the southern states. However, slavery was on the basis of the southern economy. Landlords needed slaves to work for long hours in the farm fields to produce the cash crops needed for trade and to export to Europe.

Some southern states ended up making the decision to secede from the Union and these states were Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Texas, and South Carolina, Louisiana, North Carolina, Virginia, Arkansas, and Tennessee.

That is why, when the war ended, President Lincoln supported the Ten Percent Plan to readmit former Confederate states to the Union. Lincoln wanted to heal the wounds of the Civil War as quickly as possible.

After the victory of the Union Army over the Confederated States that ended the Civil War, President Lincoln wanted a quick union of the country. He created the Ten Percent Plan where only 10% of the people of each Souther State had to make a swore of allegiance to the Union for the Souther state to be readmitted. Lincoln really wanted a quick Reconstruction process.

Which Sung dynasty innovation most helped sea trade flourish?
•the compass
•the Silk Road
•the Grand Canal



the compass


I don't know


i would say the compass because it helped them navigate, it also made traveling and exploring faster.


Hope this is helpful.

The message of the Second GreatAwakening was:
B)states' rights.
C)o equality.
D)the dangers of hell.



D) the dangers of hell.


The Second Great Awakening began to aim for a perfect society in the 19th century. The Second Great Awakening in America let people look for other beliefs including, Baptists, Presbyterians, and Methodists. The Second Great Awakening encouraged people to improve their lives. The Second Great Awakening is known for its large camp meetings that preached people to follow the right path by avoiding sin.

14. President Eisenhower practiced ____________ which meant he was willing to use nuclear weapons against the USSR in hopes the USSR would avoid war. *





Containment is the ansert

How did the Aboriginal people respond to European colonization of Australia in the 19th century?

A. They sent diplomats to Europe to negotiate directly with powerful European leaders.

B. They convinced the European settlers to turn their communities into protected reservations.

C. They use their knowledge of local geography to launch attacks against European settlers.

D. They integrated into European settlements to gain access to Superior European technology. ​





The Aboriginal people of what was going to become Australia resisted heavily and employed some guerilla like tactics. They burned down villages, raided farms, and, in some cases, murdered settlers. Their local knowledge of the terrain gave them an advantage in resisting the settlers as the settlers were unfamiliar with the terrain. This gave them a strategic upperhand in the raids as most of the settlers were surprised and had little time to fight back.

how did the supreme court decision in miranda v arizona affect the rights of the accused? with specific details.


The correct answer to this question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

The Supreme Court decision in Miranda v Arizona affected the rights of the accused in that the Supreme Court overturned the conviction of Ernesto Miranda in that case because the Court ruled that people "that are under arrest must be read their rights by law enforcement."

We are talking about the Supreme Case in which the Warren Court dealt with the rights of the accused Ernesto Miranda.

Miranda v. Arizona was a case decided by the Warren court on June 13, 1966. Ernesto Miranda had a written confession for kidnap and r*pe, but the issue was that police interrogated him without the presence of a lawyer, neither the police officers told him he had the right to call a lawyer.

The Court's decision favored Miranda, overturned his conviction and the case was sent to Arizona for retrial.

what is gma machine, now does it work, and why was simply having one in their
possession not enough for the Allied forces to break the German code?



The Enigma machine is a cipher device developed and used in the early- to mid-20th century to protect commercial, diplomatic, and military communication. It was employed extensively by Nazi Germany during World War II, in all branches of the German military. The Germans believed, erroneously, that use of the Enigma machine enabled them to communicate securely and thus enjoy a huge advantage in World War II. The Enigma machine was considered to be so secure that even the most top-secret messages were enciphered on its electrical circuits.


Hope it helps

Usage of the Enigma machine, a cryptographic tool used to safeguard diplomatic, military, and commercial communication. In all facets of the German military during World War II, Nazi Germany made great use of it.

What do you mean by the Enigma machine?

A prominent encryption device used by the Germans to send coded messages during World War II was the Enigma machine. Because there are countless ways to encrypt a message using an Enigma machine, it was extremely challenging for other countries to decipher German codes during the war; for a while, the code appeared to be impenetrable.

Enigma generated communications that were encoded. A system of revolving wheels and a plugboard channeled electrical impulses from a typewriter-like keyboard, scrambling the output but doing so in a way that could be deciphered with the appropriate settings.

These communications were sent by wireless radio in Morse code, making them simple to intercept, but the Enigma machines used to encrypt them rendered them incomprehensible to the Allies.

Therefore, Usage of the Enigma machine, a cryptographic tool used to safeguard diplomatic, military, and commercial communication. In all facets of the German military during World War II, Nazi Germany made great use of it.

To know more about the Enigma machine, visit:



Textbook B: When the overthrow of the South Korean government through social confusion became too difficult, the North Korean communists switched to a stick-and-carrot strategy seeming to offer peaceful negotiations, they were instead analyzing the right moment of attack and preparing themselves for it. The North Korean communists prepared themselves for war Il- sung secretly visited the Soviet Union and was promised the alliance of the Soviets and China in case of war. Finally, at dawn on June 25th, 1950 the North began their southward aggression along the 38th parallel Taken by surprise at these unexpected attacks the army of the Republic of Korea (South Korea ) fought courageously to defend the liberty of the country ... The armed provocation of the North Korean communists brought the UN Security Council around the table . A decree denounced the North Korean military action as illegal and as a threat to peace and a decision was made to help the South . The UN army constituted the armies of 16 countries among them, the United States , Great Britain and France -joined the South Korean forces in the battle against the North
Question 1 -according to textbook b,how did the Korean War started

Question 2- do you think this textbook from north or South Korea?explain why you think so.



The overthrow of the South Korea through social confusion become difficult

North Korea

the reason is because exactly the way it is written in the book it shows that the writer is from North Korea

For which of the following reasons does Mark Twain suggest dying words for Andrew Johnson ("I have been an alderman, Member of Congress, Governor, Senator, Pres-adieu, you know the rest.") and Grant ("0.")?
A. To explain the meaning of other great men's dying words
B. To indicate the potential rewards of being prepared for death
C. To show what good dying words would be
D. To be funny about a serious topic​



A. To explain the meaning of other great men's dying words


Answer: To be funny about a serious topic


Why did the American public call for an end to the Vietnam war?



What was passed by Congress to help the nation pull out of the Great Depression?



The undeprssion bill


It undo's depression

Why is it difficult for an oppressive government to enforce a policy of digital censorship?

Select all that apply.

The information on government websites is too confusing to read.
Internet anonymity makes it difficult to track the sources of leaks.
All people have to sleep, but the Internet is a 24-hour operation.
The Internet’s design reads blockage as damage and self-corrects.



B. and D. are the answer! Good luck with your exams

Internet anonymity makes it difficult to track the sources of leaks


The internet's design reads blockage as damage and self-corrects

1-A principios del siglo XX uno de los principales problemas en la sociedad era la falta de _____________. 2-La educacion ___________ fue un aspecto que se descuido en el pais.


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Desafortunadamente, se te olvidó incluir las opciones o incisos para responder. Sin esas alternativas, podemos responder cualquier palabra que tenga sentido.

Por lo tanto, al carecer de esas alternativas, vamos a responder de acuerdo a nuestro conocimiento sobre el tema.

A principios del siglo XX uno de los principales problemas en la sociedad era la falta de educación. La educación pública fue un aspecto que se descuido en el país.

Por esa razón, se creó la Secretaría de Educación Pública, que es la oficina de gobierno dentro de la Administración Pública Federal, que se encargar de garantizar la educación pública de calidad en el país, desde la escuela primaria, la escuela secundaria, y el bachillerato.

En el sexenio del presidente Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de León, se descentralizó la Secretaria de Educación Pública, lo que significa que se abrieron oficinas en cada estado de la República para administrar la educación de acuerdo a las necesidades de cada estado.  

Which statements about the events of September 11, 2001 are true?

Choose all answers that are correct.

Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda planned and carried out the attacks on the United States.

Passengers on three of the four hijacked planes managed to overpower the terrorists.

A hijacked airliner was flown into the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C.

The terrorists who carried out the attacks claimed that killing American civilians was justified.



Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda planned and carried out the attacks on the United States.

in what ways was the British rule before 1857 causing disconnect and resentment among the indias



Your answer is here but you have to mark it as brainliest answer as it will also give you 3 pts


The reasons for the confidence of the British rulers about their position in India before May, 1857 were as described below:

There were several riots, rebellion and revolts which occurred before May, 1857. But all these were localized and were suppressed by the British then and there.

In the mid 18th century, the powers of Nawabs, rajas, zamindars etc. were eroded. The freedom of the Indian rulers was reduced, their armed forces were disbanded, and their revenue and territories were taken by stages.

The Mughal Emperor had lost its control over the provinces. The traditional rulers fought among themselves and could not present a united front against a powerful foreign rule.

Residents had been stationed in many courts by the British as their representatives. These residents kept informing the governors about the important developments in every kingdom.

Indian princes and chiefs whom the British had allowed to continue used to side with the British during revolts before May, 1857.


the British empire was a significant part of Indian history. they were part of India when it gained its independence in 1947.they came to Indian at the invitation of the mughal rulers ,which whom they had a strong connection. these rulers gave them many rights and advantages. even the Indians who were not under their control became part of this empire . through treaties and were signed by Indian rulers.


the British who had conquered large tracts of the country ,divided them into princely states. they were given a lot of power and they enjoyed all kinds of privileges. British imperialists came to Indiafor the purpose of extracting gold and they wanted to rule India for their own profit

What likely prompted the frequent mob violence in the
South during the last decade of the 1800s?



Violence towards the African Americans


At the end of the 1800s, violence was growing in the South because of racial tension. White southerners blamed their financial difficulties on the freed slaves. Lynchings were displaying a common way of solving the anger that whites had with freed blacks. For the white Southern, Lynching was necessary because it controls and maintains the freed slaves. White Southerners did not want to give rights to African Americans granted by the 13th,14th, and 15th Amendment of the constitution.

The reason there was frequent mob violence in the South during the late 1800s was a tendency to blame African Americans for economic woes.

America in the late 1800sMore emphasis was being put on industry. Farmers suffered due to lower prices and productivity.

With the South being quite agrarian, many areas suffered from the slump in farming. They took out their frustrations of African Americans who they blamed since slavery ended for the change in fortunes.

Find out more on racial mob violence at https://brainly.com/question/1747451.  

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An annual bonus is to be credited to Gray and Stone. Each bonus is to be 10 percent of net income after subtracting the bonus, the salary allowance, and the interest. Also included in the agreement is the provision that there will be no bonus if there is a net loss or if salary and interest result in a negative remainder of net income to be distributed.4. Any remaining partnership profit or loss is to be divided evenly among all partners.Because of financial shortfalls encountered in getting the business started, Gray invests an additional $9,200 on May 1, 2016. On January 1, 2017, the partners allow Monet to buy into the partnership. Monet contributes cash directly to the business in an amount equal to a 20 percent interest in the book value of the partnership property subsequent to this contribution. The partnership agreement as to splitting profits and losses is not altered upon Monets entrance into the firm; the general provisions continue to be applicable. The billable hours for the partners during the first three years of operation follow: 2016 2017 2018Gray 2,020 4,200 2,130Stone 1,680 2,300 1,860Lawson 3,700 1,620 1,550Monet 0 1,430 1,820The partnership reports net income for 2016 through 2018 as follows:2016 $98,0002017 (44,400)2018 236,000Each partner withdraws the maximum allowable amount each year.A. Determine the allocation of income for each of these three years.B. Prepare in appropriate form a statement of partners capital for the year ending December 31, 2018.