what is the difference between system software and application software


Answer 1


System software is meant to manage the system resources. It serves as the platform to run application software. Application software helps perform a specific set of functions for which they have been designed. Application software is developed in a high-level language such as Java, C++, .

Answer 2


Hope it's the write answer

Related Questions

1. Open the start file EX2019-ChallengeYourself-9-3. The file will be renamed automatically to include your name. Change the project file name if directed to do so by your instructor, and save it.
2. If the workbook opens in Protected View, click the Enable Editing button in the Message Bar at the top of the workbook so you can modify the workbook.
3. Use Consolidate to create a summary of real estate sales for all property types. Place the consolidated data on the Summary worksheet in cells B3: C15. Use the Average function to consolidate the data from cells B2: C14 in the Condo, Townhouse, and Single Family worksheets. Include links to the source data.
4. Import individual sales data from the tab-delimited text file Select Sales Data 2019-2020. Import the data as a table in cell A1 of the Select Sales worksheet.
5. Remove the data connection when the import is complete.
6. In the Select Sales worksheet, add data validation to restrict values in the House Type columns (cells B2: B139) to the values in the cell range named PropertyTypes. Include a drop-down list of values in the cells to assist in data correction.
7. Add the following input message to cells B2:B139: Select a property type from the list.
8. Add the following error alert to cells B2:B139: Not a valid property type.
9. Apply data validation circles to any values that violate the data validation rules you just created.
10. Add a comment to cell B1 in the Select Sales worksheet that reads: This needs to be fixed.
11. Add a hyperlink from cell B1 in the Select Sales worksheet to link to the named range (defined name) PropertyTypes. Test the link.
12. Use Flash Fill to add a new column of data to the Select Sales worksheet to display the number of bedrooms/the number of bathrooms.
a. In the Select Sales worksheet, cell F1, type the heading: BR/BA
b. Complete the column of data using this pattern in cell F2: 1 BR/1 BA
You will need to enter at least two samples in order for Flash Fill to suggest the correct autofill data. Check your work carefully.
Sales Summary 2019-2020
Number of Sales Average Selling Price
3 One BR, One BA
4 One BR, Two BA +
5 Two BR, One BA
6 Two BR, Two BA
7 Two BR, Two BA +
8 Three BR, One BA
9 Three BR, Two BA
10 Three BR, Three BA +
11 Four BR, One BA
12 Four BR, Two BA
13 Four BR, Three BA+
14 Five BR-. One BA
15 Five BR+ Two BA+



Omg what is this

soooo long questionn

i am fainted

what rubbish you written how long the question is of which subject

what's your name

Programming languages categorize data into different types. Identify the characteristics that match each of the following data types.

a. Can store fractions and numbers with decimal positions
b. Is limited to values that are either true or false (represented internally as one and zero).
c. Is limited to whole numbers (counting numbers 1, 2, 3, ...)



a) Integer data type.

b) Real data type.

c) Boolean data type.


a) Integer data type is limited to whole numbers (counting numbers 1, 2, 3…….).

b) Real data type can store fractions and numbers with decimal positions (such as dollar values like $10.95).

c) Boolean data type is limited to values that are either true or false (represented internally as 1 and 0 respectively).

Difference between hardcopy and hardware​


Hardware is the tangible, or physical, pieces that make up your computer. ... A soft copy (just like software) remains on the computer and cannot be physically touched while a hard copy (just like your computer's hardware) is a printed piece of paper that be be touched

Discuss the OSI Layer protocols application in Mobile Computing



The OSI Model (Open Systems Interconnection Model) is a conceptual framework used to describe the functions of a networking system. The OSI model characterizes computing functions into a universal set of rules and requirements in order to support interoperability between different products and software.

hope that helps you

please follow

please mark brainliest

What values are in the vector named pressures after the following code is executed? vector pressures; pressures.push_back(32.4); pressures.push_back(33.5); pressures.insert(pressures.begin(), 34.2); int index = 2; pressures.insert(pressures.begin() + index, 31.8); pressures.push_back(33.3); index = 1; pressures.erase(pressures.begin() + index); a. 34.2, 31.8, 33.3 b. 34.2, 33.5, 31.8, 33.3 c. 34.2, 33.5, 33.3 d. 34.2, 31.8, 33.5, 33.3



Hence the correct option is A that is "34.2 31.8 33.5 33.3".



#include <iostream>


using namespace std;  

int main()


int count =0;

vector<double> pressures;



pressures.insert(pressures.begin(), 34.2);

int index = 2;

pressures.insert(pressures.begin() + index, 31.8);


index = 1;

pressures.erase(pressures.begin() + index);

for (auto it = pressures.begin(); it != pressures.end(); ++it)

cout << ' ' << *it;

return 0;


Write a program to compare the content of AX and DX registers, if they are equal store 1 (as 8 bits) in locations with offset addresses (0020H, 0021H, ..., 0040H), otherwise leave these locations without changing.



so srry I'm very low that this question

List any four strategies of IT Policy?



News skill and qualifications

The advantage of returning a structure type from a function when compared to returning a fundamental type is that a. the function can return multiple values b. the function can return an object c. the function doesn’t need to include a return statement d. all of the above e. a and b only



The advantage of returning a structure type from a function when compared to returning a fundamental type is that

e. a and b only.


One advantage of returning a structure type from a function vis-a-vis returning a fundamental type is that the function can return multiple values.  The second advantage is that the function can return can an object.  This implies that a function in a structure type can be passed from one function to another.

What are the best websites to learn about Java Programing?



well you can download some apps from the play store and it is easy for you to learn from there (interactive)

In the welding operations of a bicycle manufacturer, a bike frame has a long flow time. The set up for the bike frame is a 7 hour long operation. After the setup, the processing takes 6 hour(s). Finally, the bike frame waits in a storage space for 7 hours before sold. Determine the value-added percentage of the flow time for this bike frame. Round your answer to the nearest whole number for percentage and do NOT include the "%" sign in the answer. For example, if your answer is 17.7%, please answer 18. If your answer is 17.4%, please answer 17. No "%" sign. No letter. No symbols. No explanation. Just an integer number.



Bike Frame Flow Time

The value-added percentage of the flow time for this bike frame is:

= 46.


a) Data and Calculations:

Bike Frame Flow Time:

Setup time = 7 hours

Processing time = 6 hours

Storage time = 7 hours

Flow time of the bike frame = 13 hours (7 + 6)

Value-added percentage of the flow time for this bike frame = 6/13 * 100

= 46%

b) Flow time represents the amount of time a bicycle frame spends in the manufacturing process from setup to end.  It is called the total processing time. Unless there is one path through the process, the flow time equals the length of the longest process path.  The storage time is not included in the flow time since it is not a manufacturing process.

Write the Java code for the calculareDiameter method.



* Program to find diameter, circumference and area of circle.


import java.util.Scanner;

public class Circle {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       // Declare constant for PI

       final double PI = 3.141592653;

       Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);

       /* Input radius of circle from user. */

       System.out.println("Please enter radius of the circle : ");

       int r = in.nextInt();

       /* Calculate diameter, circumference and area. */

       int d = 2 * r;

       double circumference = 2 * PI * r;

       double area = PI * r * r;

       /* Print diameter, circumference and area of circle. */

       System.out.println("Diameter of circle is : " + d);

       System.out.println("Circumference of circle is : " + circumference);

       System.out.println("Area of circle is : " + area);



What are the differences between sequential and random files? Which one do you think is better and why?



Sequential is better


Sequential is more organized while the more easier to make but less dependable one is random.

sequential is used for things such as date of birth, or where someone was born.

you can't do that with a random file.

The First Web page you will see every time you launch the Web Browser Application is called​





Is" Python programming Language" really
worth studying? If yes? Give at least 10 reasons.


1. Python is a particularly lucrative programming language

2. Python is used in machine learning & artificial intelligence, fields at the cutting-edge of tech

3. Python is simply structured and easy to learn

4. Python has a really cool best friend: data science dilemma.

5. Python is versatile in terms of platform and purpose

6. Python is growing in job market demand

7. Python dives into deep learning

8. Python creates amazing graphics

9. Python supports testing in tech and has a pretty sweet library

10. There are countless free resources available to Python newbies

Microsoft office can be classified under what heading of application



Word processing software/application

pls mark as brainliest!

Have a grt day!!!

What is the relationship between an organization’s specific architecture development process and the Six-Step Process?



It is a method of developing architecture in various stages


The organization-specific architecture developmental process is a tested and repeated process for developing architecture. It made to deal with most of the systems. It describes the initial phases of development.  While the six step process is to define the desired outcomes, Endorse the process, establish the criteria and develop alternatives. Finally to document and evaluate the process.

a do-while loop that continues to prompt a user to enter a number less than 100, until the entered number is actually less than 100. End each prompt with newline Ex: For the user input 123, 395, 25, the expected output is:Enter a number (<100):Enter a number (<100):Enter a number (<100):Your number < 100 is: 25




import java.util.Scanner;  

//Declare the class NumberPrompt.  

public class NumberPrompt  


  public static void main(String args[])  


       /*Declare the variable of scanner class and allocate the  


       Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in);  


       //Initialize the variable userInput.  

       int userInput = 0;

       /* Your solution goes here*/

       //Start the do-while loop



         //Prompt the user to enter the number.

         System.out.println("Enter a number(<100)");  


         /*Store the number entered by the user in the

         variable userInput.*/



       }while(userInput>=100);/*Run the do-while loop till the    

       user input is greater than 100*/  


       //Print the number which is less than 100.

       System.out.println("Your number <100 is "+userInput);





Define firewall ?with example



it acts as a barrier between a trusted system or network and outside connections, such as the Internet. However, a computer firewall is more of a filter than a wall, allowing trusted data to flow through it. ... For example, a basic firewall may allow traffic from all IP.

if my answer helps you than mark me as brainliest.


hope this helps


Firewalls are software or hardware that work as a filtration system for the data attempting to enter your computer or network. Firewalls scan packets for malicious code or attack vectors that have already been identified as established threats.And also firewall is a network security device that monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic and permits or blocks data packets based on a set of security rules.



Answer: You sort table data with commands that are displayed when you click a header arrow button. Hope it help's :D

OSI model layers application in mobile computing



The OSI Model (Open Systems Interconnection Model) is a conceptual framework used to describe the functions of a networking system. The OSI model characterizes computing functions into a universal set of rules and requirements in order to support interoperability between different products and software.

Hello everybody,
For the quiz questions, I tried using the circular method, but got a numeric, period or comma error?
So I tried using the solver to find the same solution I got, but when I entered it in the answer box, he always said incorrectly.
Any help would be highly appreciated and write the results here, why do I have to read the solution quiz because I was wrong? thank you.

The bisection method is being used to calculate the zero of the following function between x = 0 and x = 1.
What is the midpoint for the 3rd iteration? (The midpoint for the 1st iteration is 0.5.) Provide your answer rounded to the thousandths place.



i don't know the answer please tell me

Type the correct answer in the box. Spell all words correctly.
Page scaling mode helps increase or reduce the size of the worksheet to fit within the set number of pages to be printed. Which option re-scales
a worksheet vertically?
To re-scale a worksheet vertically, select the number of pages in the height text box in the____group.



Scale to fit.


The scale to fit group can be found in the page layout tab as it is used to deal with display of functionalities of a document and spreadsheet program. The scale to fit requires input in the width option which will dictate the width of the page in which to place the documents on. By specifying 1 for the width, this means that the document will be rescaled to fit on a single page. The automatic option may be selected for the height option which will allow the program to make an auto Decison in the shrinkage depending on the stated width value.

Compare and contrast traditional and cloud data backup methods. Assignment Requirements You are an experienced employee of the DigiFirm Investigation Company. Chris, your team leader, explains that your biggest client, Major Corporation, is evaluating how they back up their data. Chris needs you to write a report that compares traditional backup methods to those provided by a cloud service provider, including the security of cloud services versus traditional forms of on-site and off-site backup. For this assignment: 1. Research both traditional and cloud data backup methods. 2. Write a paper that compares the two. Make sure that you include the security of cloud services versus traditional forms of on-site and off-site backup. Required Resources Course textbook Internet Submission Requirements Format: Microsoft Word Font: Arial, size 12, double-space Citation Style: Follow your school's preferred style guide Length: 1-2 pages If-Assessment Checklist I researched both traditional and cloud data backup methods. I wrote a report that compares the two. I included the security of cloud services versus traditional forms of on-site and off-site backup. I organized the information appropriately and clearly. . I created a professional, well-developed report with proper documentation, grammar, spelling, and nunctuation



Ensures all database elements are known and secured through inventory and security protocols. Catalogs databases, backups, users, and accesses as well as checks permissioning, data sovereignty, encryption, and security rules. 

Security Risk Scoring

Proprietary Risk Assessment relays the security posture of an organization's databases at-a-glance through risk scores.

 Operational Security

Discovers and mitigates internal and external threats in real time through Database Activity Monitoring plus alerting and reporting. Identifies and tracks behavior while looking for anomalous activity internally and externally.

Database Activity Monitoring

Monitors 1 to 1,000+ databases simultaneously, synthesizing internal and external activity into a unified console.

Only by covering both of these areas can organizations have defense in depth and effectively control risk.

True or False.
Figuring out the learning styles of your instructors will help you better understand how they prefer to teach.


Possibly true but depends if you can understand their ways
It different for everyone some ppl can find what their teacher gives them is helpful and some students think a different way

similarities between inline css and internal css​



CSS can be applied to our website's HTML files in various ways. We can use an external css, an internal css, or an inline css.

Inline CSS : It can be applied on directly on html tags. Priority of inline css is greater than inline css.

Internal CSS : It can be applied in web page in top of the page between heading tag. It can be start with

What is a computer system



A computer along with additional hardware and software together is called a computer system. A computer system primarily comprises a central processing unit (CPU), memory, input/output devices and storage devices. All these components function together as a single unit to deliver the desired output.


pls mark brainliest

Start with the following Python code.
alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
test_dups = ["zzz","dog","bookkeeper","subdermatoglyphic","subdermatoglyphics"]
test_miss = ["zzz","subdermatoglyphic","the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"]
def histogram(s):
d = dict()
for c in s:
if c not in d:
d[c] = 1
d[c] += 1
return d

Copy the code above into your program but write all the other code for this assignment yourself. Do not copy any code from another source.

Write a function called has_duplicates that takes a string parameter and returns True if the string has any repeated characters. Otherwise, it should return False.

Implement has_duplicates by creating a histogram using the histogram function above. Your implementation should use the counts in the histogram to decide if there are any duplicates.

Write a loop over the strings in the provided test_dups list. Print each string in the list and whether or not it has any duplicates based on the return value of has_duplicates for that string. For example, the output for "aaa" and "abc" would be the following.

aaa has duplicates
abc has no duplicates

Print a line like one of the above for each of the strings in test_dups.



huwugsgssuaihsux h baiThatha svaadishht us

I really need To know how To get The special ending for final fight 2 for super nintendo it’s a video game



Check Yt


More often than not there are many video tutorials about every game imaginable.

A hierarchy chart can be helpful for a. planning the functions of a program b. naming the functions of a program c. showing how the functions of a program relate to each other d. all of the above e. a and c only



Hence the correct options are option B and option C.


Hierarchy Chart means top to bottom structure 0f a function or a program or an organization.  

Planning the functions of a program means deciding beforehand that what are the functions of a program and what to try to do and when to try to, hierarchy Charts are often helpful In doing/knowing this all.

   Showing how the functions of a program relate to every other means what's the connection between two functions for instance if we have a hierarchical chart of a corporation member then we'll have the connection among the members of the team i.e., first, we'll have CEO, then Manager then team/ project lead then team members and by using hierarchical chart ready to " we will be able to identify the connection among them. during a similar way, we will have a relationship among the functions of a program using the hierarchical chart.

2.13 LAB: Branches: Leap Year
A year in the modern Gregorian Calendar consists of 365 days. In reality, the earth takes longer to rotate around the sun. To account for the
difference in time, every 4 years, a leap year takes place. A leap year is when a year has 366 days: An extra day, February 29th. The
requirements for a given year to be a leap year are:
1) The year must be divisible by 4
2) If the year is a century year (1700, 1800, etc.), the year must be evenly divisible by 400
Some example leap years are 1600, 1712 and 2016.
Write a program that takes in a year and determines whether that year is a leap year.
Ex If the input is
the output is
1712 13 leap year.
Ex If the nouts
the outoutis
1913 not leap year.
Written is Coral Language



integer userInput

userInput = Get next input

if userInput % 400 == 0

  Put userInput to output

  Put " is a leap year" to output


  if userInput % 4 == 0

     Put userInput to output

     Put " is a leap year" to output


     Put userInput to output

     Put " is not a leap year" to output


I don't know what is so special about Coral but here we go. I couldn't find and IDE that supported Coral so I just used their Coral simulator on their website. The first if statement on line 5 determines if the number is divisible by 400. If so, the leap year is on a century year e.g 1900 1800. If not, the else statement will be executed and the second if statement will execute. If the number is divisible by 4, it is a leap year. If not, the else statement gets executed in which case the number was not a century leap year or a leap year. After that the program terminates.

Hope this helped :)  If it didn't let me know and I do my best to find out what went wrong.

Have a good day :)

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