What is the hottest part of the earth?



Answer 1


Mantel is the hottest part of the earth

Answer 2


I stand corrected. It's the lower mantle.

p.s. thanks internet

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choose the best selection for the quadrilateral with vertices at the following points (-5,-1), (2,2), (0,0), (-3,-3),
a.rectangle b.square c.rhombus d.trapezoid



it's not a geography's question..

Câu 1: Châu Mĩ tiếp giáp với những đại dương nào?
A.Thái Bình Dương, Đại Tây Dương, Bắc Băng Dương.
B.Thái Bình Dương, Bắc Băng Dương, Ấn Độ Dương
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Answer:A.Thái Bình Dương, Đại Tây Dương, Bắc Băng Dương.



A.Thái Bình Dương, Đại Tây Dương, Bắc Băng Dương.


Me ajudem pfvrrrrrrrrrrrr


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Which of these people leads an ethnic religion?
the Dalai Lama
an imam
a Buddhist monk
the pope
a Hindu swami



Judaism and Hinduism are two prime examples of ethnic religion



a Hindu Swami


Christianity, Islam and Buddhism are all universalizing religions; the first four answers describe leaders from those three religions. Hinduism is the only ethnic religion and a swami is a Hindu leader.

why are bearings given in three figures


(please give this brainliest loll)

A bearing is a direction, expressed as a three-figure number. Bearings are measured clockwise from north. Bearings are always given as three figures because if you only wrote down 35°, it could easily be mistaken for 350°

Where are the majority of the world's oil reserves found, according to this graph?

A. Russia and Canada
B. North and South America
C. The Middle East
D. Europe and Eurasia





I've taken the test before

Europeans forced North African rulers to ___

A. resign their titles

B. become allles

C. pay debts​


I think C pay debt it is not B for sure tho it could be A

qual é a principal divisão emtre os praticantes do islamismo?como isso afeta os paises do oriente medio?



Dentro del Islam, hay muchas denominaciones religiosas que tienen diferentes énfasis e interpretaciones de los aspectos religiosos, aunque tienen la misma visión básica. Las denominaciones más masivas son sunitas y chiitas.

Los sunitas son el grupo religioso más grande (80% - 85% de todos los musulmanes son sunitas). Los seguidores sunitas consideran a Mahoma un profeta y casi un hombre perfecto y, por lo tanto, es obligatorio seguir sus palabras y hechos lo más cerca posible. El Corán dice que el Profeta Muhammad es un buen ejemplo. Por esta razón, la tradición de la historia llamada Hadith, donde se almacenan estas palabras y hechos, es el pilar de la fe musulmana sunita.

Los musulmanes chiítas, la segunda comunidad religiosa más grande, ponen gran énfasis en quién debería interpretar la religión de los tres primeros califas. Los chiítas tienen una tradición de hadices diferente a la de los sunitas y tienen su propia tradición legal. En chiíta, los imanes tienen un gran poder para interpretar la religión y la ley. La mayoría de los chiítas viven en Irán, Irak, Bahrein y Líbano.

what do we call a snapshot of weather conditions at a particular time


what do we call a snapshot of weather conditions at a particular time
Particular time over a large area

If you wanted to reduce a plant’s ability to convert light to energy without automatically killing or completely ending the process for an extended time, which of the following parts would you be most likely to cut back?






the leaves have chloroplast which contain chlorophyll which absorbs light energy which is used during photosynthesis

the answer is the leaves

Tại sao biển màu xanh


What is this person saying!

Why earth is called unique planet


Earth is called a unique planet since it is the only planet in the solar system which supports life due to its balanced proportions of water, temperature, and oxygen

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The Earth is massive enough that the pull of gravity maintains its roughly spherical shape.


Most of its deviation from spherical stems from the centrifugal force caused by rotation around its north-south axis. This force deforms the sphere into an oblate ellipsoid.

what happens when hydrogen is finished in the core of the sun​



when our sun runs out of hydrogen fuel in the core. it will contract and heat up to a sufficient degree that helium fusion can begin it end composed of carbon and oxygen with the lighter hydrogen and helium layer blow of these will occurs for stars between about 40% and 800% the sun's mass

When our Sun runs out of hydrogen fuel in the core, it will contract and heat up to a sufficient degree that helium fusion can begin. ... It will end composed of carbon and oxygen, with the lighter (outer) hydrogen and helium layers blown off. This occurs for all stars between about 40% and 800% the Sun's mass.

If the formula for the area of a polygon is 1/2 (perimeter)(apothem), the area of the hexagon is ___ 3 square units



The correct answer would be - 3ab.



area of polygon = 1/2 (perimeter)(apothem)

let assume the length of a side of the hexagon = x

The length of the apothem = a

Formula used:

the perimeter of polygon = number of sides*length of the side

for hexagon = 6*x .....1


As the formula for the area of a polygon is given, and the hexagon is a polygon as it has six sides then the area then,

Area of hexagon = (1/2)* (6x) (a)

= 6ax/2

= 3ax

put the value of a and x and get the numeric value.

A large number of irregularly shaped comets are located in a vast ring between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.


Mark me BRAINLIEST!!! Thank you


Asteroids/Asteroid Belt


The rocks between Mars and Jupiter are known as the asteroid belt. Many of the asteroids are grouped into families. Examples of asteroid families include Flora, Eunoma, Koronis, Eos and Themis.

You observe a distinct, red sandstone rock body about 50 m thick that is depositionally overlain by a red shale with interbedded gypsum and you follow this boundary in the rock bodies for 1 km until you cross a fault which has displaced the boundary between the two rock bodies. You walk along the fault and see a boundary between a 50 m thick red sandstone and overlying red shale interbedded with gypsum. You conclude ________.



The lower rocks are old while the overlying is newer.


Red sandstone is overlain by a red shale with bedded gypsum sows the age of the rocks. The boundary in the rock bodies for about 1km marks the along the fault displaced the two rocks bodies. As 50 meters, thick red sandstone is found it shows the discontinuities in the rocks. The rocks formed at the bottom are oldest and with newer deposits of gypsum.

Write a short paragraph of about 150-300 words. Explain how the physical environment can limit human activities.




The physical environment is the part of the environment made up of both man-made and natural features. They consist of some physical factors like water, soil, e.t.c. Mountains, rivers, valleys, hills, dams, lakes all makes up the physical aspect of our environment and much more.

The physical environment can limit human activities in the following ways:

Barriers to communication and transportation: most times roads have to be cut through longer distances in order to bypass natural features like a huge mountains, a voluminous river e.t.c. This can severely impact the communication between places and people.

Natural disasters: The physical environment can pose serious risk to humans through disasters such as earthquake, landslide, flooding, wildfires, e.t.c.

Drought and famine: When several elements of the physical environment combines, they can lead to little to no rainfall for plant to thrive. This is very dangerous for life on earth. Human activities are connected a lot to how rich and useful a soil can be.

Climate changes and global warming: Human activities are greatly impacted by changes in climate and weather. If too much rainfalls, it becomes a problem to farmers and human activities as a whole will suffer. If sunshine diminishes abnormally, the earth suffers as solar radiation is very key to life on earth.

Which statement describes one way new immigrants influenced America in the late 19th century?
a. Celebrations such as chinese new year became part of american culture
b. American cities changed their names to incorporate ethnic terminology
c. New immigrants became major property owners in america
d. companies owned by immigrants became richer and more powerful



Chinese New Year became part of American culture



Celebrations such as Chinese new year became part of American culture describe one way new immigrants influenced America in the late 19th century. Thus, option A is correct.

Who is an immigrant?

An immigrant is someone who leaves their home nation and moves to live permanently in another country. These are a visitor who settles down permanently in a new location.

Chinese New Year festivities are an example of how innovative immigrants impacted American society inside the late nineteenth century.

Immigrant groups typically find solace in well-known religious customs and rituals, look for publications from their native countries, and mark festivals and other occurrences with customary singing, dancing, cooking, and pastimes.

Therefore, option A is the correct option.

Learn more about immigrants, here:



Identify two pieces of evidence that support this statement, and two pieces of information that contradict the statement.

"Places that are located near each other tend to be similar, especially if they share government or demographic factors. These local similarities are more important than any differences that come from trade."



Yes, they would be similar


Worked on this not long ago

They are both similar at the end

write a short note on geosynchronous orbit​



A geosynchronous orbit is a high Earth orbit that allows satellites to match Earth's rotation. Located at 22,236 miles (35,786 kilometers) above Earth's equator, this position is a valuable spot for monitoring weather, communications and surveillance.


The term for a geographic locations high above sea level is?





Altitude, like elevation, is the distance above sea level. Areas are often considered "high-altitude" if they reach at least 2,400 meters

The elevation of a geographic location is its height above or below a fixed reference point, most commonly a reference geoid, a mathematical model of the Earth's sea level as an equipotential gravitational surface (see Geodetic datum § Vertical datum).

Why is one side of the moon called the Darkside of the moon?

a. the moons rotation and revolution take the same time

b. the moons rotation time is exactly twice the time of it revolution

c. the moons rotation time is exactly half the time of it revolution


the dark side of the moon is the umbra which is the darkest part and then the moon's rotation is twice its revolution

a hurricane is most likely to form

a. in may in the northeast united states
b. in september near the equator
c. in september im the northeast united states
d. in january near the equator





please mark brainliest if this is right thanks!

Giải thích tại sao cán cân bức xạ Mặt Trời trung bình năm của mặt đất giảm dần từ Xích đạo về hai cực?



Do góc nhập xạ nên....

Mình nhớ mang máng như thế

a city X is located at 35 degree what will be the time in the city X it is 4 pm greenwich​


answer is 6 20 pm considering the fact that 1 degree is equal to four minutes and when you are moving eastwards you add them westwards you subtract

Scientists have shown us that climate change is caused by human activity. Social scientists like geographers will have to help people understand the complex interrelationship between human activity and the natural environment, and what we have to do to achieve a sustainable future. What might you do as a global citizen to make a difference? Explain.



Explain some ways that you could help slow effects of climate change.


For example. I could recycle, I could bike to work, I could use reusable water bottle. Anything else you can think of.

in contrast to people who live in the coastal areas of Libya and the maghreb nations people who live in the interior regions are

less likely to be followers of Islam

more likely to emigrate

targets of discrimination

Less likely to have modern life styles



I think it's: Less likely to have modern life styles, targets of discrimination, less likely to be followers of Islam and more likely to emigrate.


All True


During the process of demographic transition, a movement from stage 1 to stage 2 is most likely caused by
A)social changes

B)improved education,

C)rural to urban migration

D)technological developments,

E)increasing employment opportunities,



from what  I have read I think the answer is a. social changes because of he birth and death rates in stage 2.


Which is an example of convection current


The process happens as the warm air is said to be less dense than that of the colder air. Another good example of convection current is wind.
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