What is the largest number of electoral votes a state has?


Answer 1




California has the most electoral votes at 55.

Related Questions

Why is there no end to the business cycle



The business cycle keeps going because of investment, interest rates and credit, consumer expectations or consumer confidence, external shocks such as disruptions in the oil supply, war, or natural disasters.


hope this helps you out!

This is for anti Lgbtq+ people


Answer: i need points :)


have a good day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What growing problems in the Northwest Territories did the United States face?



The region was ceded to the United States in the Treaty of Paris of 1783. Throughout the Revolutionary War, the region was part of the British Province of Quebec. ... The subsequent Treaty of Greenville 1795 opened the way for settlement of southern and western Ohio.


The majority of egyptians live along the Nile river and delta because



because the river's annual flooding ensured reliable, rich soil for growing crops


Write any two features of peace culture.​


Answer:Peace embraces far more than an absence of conflict.

It encompasses tolerance and disarmament.

Should the president be elected by the electoral college or the popular vote.


The president should be elected by popular vote .


electoral vote


Which city passed a strong law to reduce air pollution after a deadly smog event in the 1950s?


New York


Los Angeles


The answer is London


Match the definition to the word.

1. a toy of changing colors and objects within a tube
2. of short duration; quickly passing
3. free and unoccupied time
4. having characteristics of fire
5. a person joined by affection with another
6. the highest point; top; summit
7. personal property that has been in a family for generations
8. an enemy or foe
9. pertaining to the Middle Ages
10. a stretch of open land



A toy of changing colours and objects within a tube - Kaleidoscope

Of short duration; quickly passing - Brief

Free and unoccupied time - Leisure

Having characteristics of fire - Fiery

A person joined by affection with another - Friend

The highest point; top; summit - Height

Personal property that has been in a fmaily for generations - Heirloom

An enemy or foe - Fiend

Pertaining to the Middle Ages - Medieval

A stretch of open land - Field

5 (DISTRICT) 2020-2021 Question: 1-3 Which statements support the author's point of view on transportation? Select two options It is not necessary to change driving habits O Cars are a convenient way to travel. T O People rarely use their cars. O Cars are more important than the problems of pollution. o Hybrid cars would reduce pollution. O Gasoline is used to generate electricity. cars to get us le has made slowly killing​


Answer: Hybrid cars would reduce pollution. And Cars are a convenient way to travel.


Breeders that cross genetically different individuals in hope of producing organisms with multiple desirable traits are using a technique called
A. cloning.
B. hybridization.
C. genetic engineering.
D. inbreeding.



C. genetic engineering.


Genetic engineering involves manipulation of the genetic material towards a desired end in a direct and pre-determined way.

They do this with Equines like race horses and such in order to get the fastest horse

what are some major events in the short story "The Bet"




Explanation:This paper discusses how Anton Chekhov demonstrates that the mere thought of money can severely

impact a personal relationship in his short story, ?The Lottery Ticket.? An older couple with a family

holds what could be a winning lottery ticket, but resists checking the numbers while they daydream

about what they might do with the money. It examines how, at first, their reaction to the possibility

of wealth is joyful; but rather than share their dreams and communicate their wishes, it looks at how

Ivan Dmitritch and his wife, Masha, recede into their own worlds. It attempts to show how money

definitely does not buy love and how, in fact, it has the potential to destroy it.

Hope this helps


A person puts $50 into a bank. That person knows that her $50 will have the
same value when she takes it out of the bank even if it's years later. This is an
example of which function of money?
A.store of value
B.transfer of value
C.standard of deferred payment
D.measure of value


Answer: A



a. store of value


just took the test :)

According to the Hebrew Bible, why did Abraham lead his family from Mesopotamia to Canaan



Yahweh came to him and told him to move to Canaan with his family.


Abraham led his family to Canaan because Yahweh appeared to him and told him to do so. In the instructions, Yahweh said Abraham should smash his father’s idols and worship only him. To prove this, he should lead his family to Canaan (the place where Israel is stated today). In return, Yahweh promised that Abraham shall find a great nation, and live in the “land of milk and honey”, meaning all will be going well for him and his family.

According to the Torah, Abraham’s son, Isaac, was the one from which all Hebrew heritage starts, and this moving of Abraham led Judean people to their land.

Do you feel the Electoral College is still necessary as a way to elect the President? Explain your answer.



No, I do not feel the Electoral College is still necessary as a way to elect the President.  I feel that it is just a waste of time and, since it is the US, everybody should have the right to vote freely without all the hassle.


Answer: No it shouldn't be that in the popular vote if there are more people that vote for a candidate than the other they could still lose. They should base it off of the popular vote.

Describe the Egyptian writing system. At least two sentences. And try to make it clear please.


Egyptians wrote in hieroglyphs, which is a series of symbols and pictures that they used to form sentences. They were mostly written on papyrus, wood, or carved in stones.

What arguments would you support of the purchase of Alaska and why? Cite evidence to prove your point.



The US got natural resources from Alaska and it was good to have territory in another area.


Why do individuals use cost-benefit analyses?
to make all economic choices
to increase personal debt
to help make smart responsible economic choices
to save money for investments



to help make smart responsible economic choices


Answer:to save money for investment


Rain, snow, sleet, hail * Snow O Evaporation O Condensation Precipitation O Surface tension​


Probably evaportiaon or precipitation !

What happened when Askia Muhammad became the ruler of the Songhai Kingdom?

a. Islam became the state religion
b. He conquered MaliThis answer is incorrect.
c. The kingdom became weak and unable to defend itself
d. The capital city was captured by Sundiata


Answer: a. Islam became the state religion.


The location of the Songhai Empire was in Western Africa along River Niger. Askia Muhammad became Songhai's kingdom leader in 1493. His policies brought about expansion to the trade and he conquered so many states as well. He was a devout Muslim and during his reign, Islam was vital to the empire.

Therefore, the correct option is A.

For this journal entry you will be conducting research to help you learn about the world that Anne and her family experienced. Using the Internet or a library, conduct research and write a short report on one of the following topics.

Hitler's policies toward Jews before World War II
the causes of World War II
the Holocaust
the Nazi Party
the Allied Powers during World War II
Amsterdam, Holland during World War II
Your report should be at least 300 words in length. Provide proper documentation of your sources using in-text citations and a Works Cited page. Click here to view the MLA Guide, which will help you correctly format your citations. If you choose to use the Internet as a source, make sure that you select credible and reputable websites. Remember, in academic research, focus on library databases, university websites, and website addresses ending with a ".edu" or ".gov".
Remember to use correct spelling and grammar, and organize your writing with a clear introduction and conclusion.



The Holocaust


The Holocaust started in 1941 and ended in 1945. Numerous racial laws against Jews were. Jews were forced to wear yellow stars on them. Jews were sent to camps and some were almost immediatly killed. Others survived longer than others. Anne Frank was one of them including her entire family. At the end of the Holocaust Jews were taken out of the camps(1945).

Answer:I know I am late but incase someone looks this up

The Holocaust

The Holocaust started in 1941 and ended in 1945. Numerous racial laws against Jews were. Jews were forced to wear yellow stars on them. Jews were sent to camps and some were almost immediately killed. Others survived longer than others. Anne Frank was one of them, including her entire family. At the end of the Holocaust Jews were taken out of the camps(1945). Since 1945, the word has taken on a new and horrible meaning: the beliefs and systematic state-sponsored persecution and mass murder of millions of European Jews (as well as millions of others, including Romani people, the intellectually disabled,dissidents and homosexuals) by the German Nazi regime between 1933 and 1945.

To the anti-Semitic Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, Jews were an inferior race, an alien threat to German racial purity and community. After years of Nazi rule in Germany, during which Jews were consistently persecuted, Hitler’s “final solution” (now known as the Holocaust) came to fruition under the cover of World War II, with mass killing centers constructed in the concentration camps of occupied Poland. Approximately six million Jews and some 5 million others, targeted for racial, political, ideological and behavioral reasons, died in the Holocaust. More than one million of those who perished were children. Anti-Semitism in Europe did not begin with Adolf Hitler. Though use of the term itself dates only to the 1870s, there is evidence of hostility toward Jews long before the Holocaust–even as far back as the ancient world, when Roman authorities destroyed the Jewish temple in Jerusalem and forced Jews to leave Palestine. The Enlightenment, during the 17th and 18th centuries, emphasized religious toleration, and in the 19th century Napoleon and other European rulers enacted legislation that ended long-standing restrictions on Jews. Anti-Semitic feeling endured, however, in many cases taking on a racial character rather than a religious one.

In conclusion, the holocaust was a big war that had many jews die and there were few that survived.

Explanation: I hoped I could help anyone in the future :)

Early universities were created to train
A. people in Government
B. leaders of settlements
C. ministers in the Christian religion



C. ministers in the Christian religion

Why did the Cherokees move into Texas?
It was a stipulation from the Cherokee Peace Treaty.
Chief Bowles moved his tribe into the area due to the abundance of fertile land.
The U.S. government forced the Cherokees to move into the reservation north of Red River.
Cherokees wanted to be nearer Texas settlements to ensure protection against the Plains Indians.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided





I got it right on the practice in edge.

3. In 1812, President Madison urged Congress to declare war on Britain. Madison justified his request based mainly on his belief that * (20 Points) Britain had violated the neutrality of the US a previous treaty required the US to assist France Britain planned to establish new colonies in North America The United States could gain new territory in Canada​



Correct answer is Britain had violated the neutrality of the US.


First option is the correct as Britain has seized some American vessels and even some of the sailors, thus violating certain agreements that were made in 1783. According to Americans, Britain was also trying to start a rebellion in the States.

Second option is not correct  as France and United States were not in good relations at the time.

Third option is not correct as Britain didn't have enough power to do that a time.

Fourth option is not correct as United States had no intention to take Canada.

How did the pharaoh Amenhotep try to reduce the influence of Egyptian priests?

He moved the capital city to a new location.
He tried to convince people he was a God.
He introduced a new religion.
He no longer allowed priests to be advisers.




Explanation: Amenhotep’s father, Tuthmosis IV, left his son an empire of immense size, wealth, and power. The Egyptologist Zahi Hawass writes, “Amenhotep III was born into a world where Egypt reigned supreme. Its coffers were filled with gold, and its vassals bowed down before the mighty rulers of the Two Lands [Egypt]” (27). He was only twelve years old when he came to the throne and married Tiye in a royal ceremony. It is a significant aspect of Amenhotep’s relationship with his wife that, immediately a...

Besides silk, the Chinese also exported (sold) teas, salt, sugar, porcelain, and spices. Most of what was traded was expensive luxury goods. This was because it was a long trip and merchants didn't have a lot of room for goods. They imported, or bought, goods like cotton, ivory, wool, gold, and silver.


Answer: Besides silk, the Chinese also exported (sold) teas, salt, sugar, porcelain, and spices. Most of what was traded was expensive luxury goods. This was because it was a long trip and merchants didn't have a lot of room for goods.Besides silk, the Chinese also exported (sold) teas, salt, sugar, porcelain, and spices. Most of what was traded was expensive luxury goods. This was because it was a long trip and merchants didn't have a lot of room for goods.




the person is correct

Which of these themes was covered thoroughly in George Washington's Farewell Address? Which of these themes was covered thoroughly in George Washington's Farewell Address? A. a stronger executive branch B. differing political parties C. threat by England and France D. need for alliances and treaties


Answer: B) Different political parties


George Washington's farewell speech was focused thoroughly on parties being created and ending up splitting the country. He considered this in his farewell speech as he said that possibility of it allowed could end up splitting the country.

Which is the correct description of a party platform?
It is a statement that outlines a candidate's stances on issues.
It is held after the nominating convention.
It is chosen by a primary election.
It is a place where political candidates make speeches.



the 2nd one is the right answer

it only has to be a paragraph please help me you don’t have to write a lot!!!!



An important issue facing the country today would be, whether we should open the US Economy or not. Due to the pandemic, there are multiple perspectives upon this, as some might say, no we have to stay safe meanwhile others say yes, lots of people are losing jobs. To come up with an answer to this dilemma I think creating a new executive department called the US Economy Judgment would be the best idea. Some of the tasks that this new executive department could do are discussing and debating about when to shut down or open up the economy, how it should run during certain time periods, and improvements concerning the economy.

The_____ ____ was responsible for preserving works from ancient Rome, ancient Greece, China, India, Persia, ancient Egypt, and ancient Mesopotamia.


Magna Carta Who is responsible for the preservation works from ancient Rome


Magna Carta


Please help me finish an assignment



I'm sorry I can't, because im dumb



theres no assignment posted for me too help you with but i will gladly help if you post one (:


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And we formed it, not to give the blessings of liberty, but to secure them; not to the half of ourselves and the half of our posterity, but to the whole peoplewomen as well as men. And it is a downright mockery to talk to women of their enjoyment of the blessings of liberty while they are denied the use of the only means of securing them provided by this democratic-republican governmentthe ballot.Which key ideas can be found in this passage?Select all that apply.On Womens Right to Votea. The constitution lists which specific groups of people have the right to vote.b. The constitution states that the only people that are legal citizens are men.c. The constitution identifies that all the people, not just men, have rights.d. The constitution protects rights that people have naturally. If the Washington Monument is 3025 square feet and an average gallon of paint covers 400 square feet, how much paint would it take to cover it all up? PLEASE HELP WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST. 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