What is the main idea of this passage from ''How to Eat an Ice-cream Cone''?


Answer 1




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1. Much of our knowledge of dinosaurs comes from
excavated bones, which, in ------- other clues such as
fossilized tracks and eggs, help us to ------- the
evolution of these creatures.
(A) convergence with .. supplant
(B) divergence from .. decode
(C) dependence on .. belie
(D) opposition to .. amplify
(E) conjunction with .. trace


d! i got this right hope you do

I need help please ASAP



What's on the screen?


The camera is too far away from the screen.

Which one of the four is the answer. Thank you



I think a ryhme

mostly because of the rhyming at the end of each sentence

What is conflict? Explain how it affects the action of a story




Conflict refers to an obstacle in the way of the story, and needs a solution. It can affect the character or the story itself, usually in a negative way, that prevents the story from developing.

Answer: This question does not have enough information for me to answer it. 

change into indirect speech (1) She said,"what does BOB do?"​



Here it is...


She asked what Bob does.

Change the following into the active voice:​



1. People will accuse them of theft.

2. The cat drank all the milk.

3. A truck ran over the girl.

4. Someone swept the room.

5. His mother advised him.



What is field specific vocabulary?


is the specialized terminology associated with a particular field or area of activity

Write an
application to your
principle requesting him
to arrange high security
for the school campus.​



Hello Principal___,

I am writing you today in regards to our schools security system. As a student here my top priority is to learn, and yours is to keep us safe. Thats why I wanted to ask you if you could arrange a higher tech security system for our school. This includes more cameras, highering a police officer, and more security gaurds. If we do this we can prevent any further problems on our campus. I hope this will lead to a change at our school.

Thank you,


Explanation: Hope this helps :)


Change the following active sentences into passive word.
1. I will never forget this experience.

2. The police are chasing the thief.

3. My friend give me a gift.

4. The principal teaches history.

5. Denkar is shouting at her sister

6. I will pay the bill tomorrow

7. Pema has painted the wall.

8 Jigme is watching a football match.

Can any of you help me to change this active sentences into passive sentences.


i won’t ever forget this experience
the police chased the thief
my friend gave me a gift
the principal taught history
denkar shouted at her sister
i paid the bill yesterday
pema pained the wall
jigme watched a football match


 This experience will never be forgotten by me.

The thief  are chased  by the police .

A gift is given by my friend .

History is taught  by the principal .

Her sister is shouted by denkar .

Tomorrow the bill shall payed by me .

The wall  was painted by pema.

Football match was watched by jigma.

Sonnet 100 What is the central idea of the sonnet?


Answer:the answer is b


(HELP FAST PLS!!) write a 10-12 sentence paragraph that uses life or death situation to create suspence.



I'm not sure if It's supposed to be in first person, maybe try imaging you are hainging off a cliff or you're on a plane that's about to crash.


My knuckles are pale from being tightly clenched around the rusted metal bar, I feel the wind blowing against me threatening my balance. The water below me is roaring but my heart seems to be louder. I peek down, the jagged rocks and the thundering river did not seem like a pleasant way to go. My lungs feel stiff as I take in slow trembling breathes all the while feeling my grasp loosen. Would someone come to get me? I’d made one last 911 call before my phone died, thank god for Siri, but how long would it take? Will they find me in time? A stinging pain rises in my hands, my nails are digging into my palm, drawing warm blood that I can’t help but feel relief for as the air grows colder. I glance back at the deteriorating metal railing from the now sideways bridge, I should’ve never walked across, I should’ve never risked it. Suddenly, the bridge shifts and lets out a big creak. My heart drops, is this it? My heart is beating faster now, It’s freezing out but I’m sweating, how much longer can I last?

1. It ……………………… cold today.



it is cold today . it's cold today.


It is cold today.


because the question is in present form.

We studied English ................ten year. a) for b) by c) in​


Answer. For


We studied English FOR ten years.

Select the noun clause to complete the sentence.

Mike will eat ____ tonight.
A. After he finishes the project
B. His favorite meal for dinner
C. And wash the dishes
D. Whatever his father cooks



I'm thinking B. His favorite meal for dinner

D. Whatever his father cooks

it's gotta be outta them two if I'm honest

Definitely B. His favorite meal for dinner

Brainstorm 5 "I am From"phrases (remember these phrases should include symbolism and imagery!)​





Directions: Your assignment is to write a “Where I’mFrom” poem to tell yourstory! Your words should represent you and your personal experiences; consider connotations in order to make choices to best convey your meaning. Choose your words carefully and include IMAGERY (sensory details) about the smells, tastes, sights, sounds, and textures of your childhood. Choose ideas, objects, sayings, people, and memories that are somehow symbolic of your childhood experience – details that represent something bigger than what they actually are. For example, maybe you have fond memories of the apple pies your grandma often baked whenyou were young. Because those apple pies were always associated with your grandma and her loving home, her pies are more than just apples and crust to you. They might be symbolic of her love and her devotion to her family. They mean something BIGGER.Rea

grow a sentence frame a small and simple sentence. then expand it. Expand this sentence -I am a gril​



I am a girl who is a top in class


I am a girl, I love playing games, but before that I finish my homework first.


Hope it helps!


[tex]Park \: Sun-min[/tex]

Which sentence is an example of an objective summary from Cynthia crossings a culinary wasteland?


The purveyors and aficionados of fast food may not have convinced Mr. Schlosser that it isn't poisonous dreck, but it would have been interesting to hear their best case and the author's rebuttal


The sentence that is an example of an objective summary from Cynthia Crossen's "A Culinary Wasteland" is: C. The purveyors and aficionados of fast food may not have convinced Mr. Schlosser that it isn't poisonous dreck, but it would have been interesting to hear their best case and the author's rebuttal.

Which of the following is an example of literal language
A. Dictionary meaning
B. Image
C. Metaphor
D. Personification



A. Dictionary meaning


the definition of literal language is mean what is exactly said.

The answer is
A. Dictionary meaning

Explained: The answer cannot be Metaphor or Personification because those are examples of figurative language. Images can be elaborated different ways therefore it is not literal language. Dictionary meaning means the definition and direct meaning which is also the same as literal.

What kind of work is being cited in the following example?

Hamilton, James. “New Tech Companies Will Change Our Lives.” Financial Times, 10 March 2016. Accessed 25 Feb. 2016.

Professional journal article


Magazine article






Citation may be explained as a pointer which usually follows a specific or defined format which is used to make reference to an article, web page, book and other published documents in other to serve as a unique identifier of the document or item be referred to.

There are several Citation format which are employed depending in the source or type of item being referenced. In the case of a website item, it follows the formatting as :

Lastname, Initials, the date including the year , month and day ; also the title of the article, the name of the website and the uniform resource locator (URL). The formatting of the Citation used above follows that if a website Citation.

Answer. Website


What is healthcare? Types and levels of healthcare? Purpose of healthcare? What are the types of healthcare settings? Why is healthcare so important?


1 What is healthcare?- Efforts made to maintain or restore physical, mental, or emotional well-being especially by trained and licensed professionals usually hyphenated when used attributively health-care providers.

2 Types and levels of healthcare?- Medical professionals frequently talk about levels of care. They're divided into the categories of primary care, secondary care, tertiary care, and quaternary care. Each level is related to the complexity of the medical cases being treated as well as the skills and specialties of the providers.

3 Purpose of healthcare?- The fundamental purpose of health care is to enhance quality of life by enhancing health. Commercial businesses focus on creating financial profit to support their valuation and remain viable. Health care must focus on creating social profit to fulfill its promise to society

4 What are the types of healthcare settings?- The term healthcare setting represents a broad array of services and places where healthcare occurs, including acute care hospitals, urgent care centers, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes and other long-term care facilities, specialized outpatient service

5 Why is healthcare so important?- High-quality health care helps prevent diseases and improve quality of life. Healthy People 2030 focuses on improving health care quality and making sure all people get the health care services they need.

What is the central idea of the passage? from Friendship by Ralph Waldo Emerson

There are two elements that go to the composition of friendship, each so sovereign, that I can detect no superiority in either, no reason why either should be first named. One is Truth. A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere. Before him, I may think aloud. I am arrived at last in the presence of a man so real and equal that I may drop even those undermost garments of dissimulation, courtesy, and second thought, which men never put off, and may deal with him with the simplicity and wholeness, with which one chemical atom meets another. Sincerity is the luxury allowed, but diadems and authority, only to the highest rank, that being permitted to speak truth as having none above it to court or conform unto. Every man alone is sincere. At the entrance of a second person, hypocrisy begins. We parry and fend the approach of our fellow-man by compliments, by gossip, by amusements, by affairs. We cover up our thought from him under a hundred folds. I knew a man who, under a certain religious frenzy, cast off this drapery, and omitting all compliments and commonplace, spoke to the conscience of every person he encountered, and that with great insight and beauty

(A): Mutual admiration and loyalty form the bond of real friendships.

(B):Honesty and authenticity are the foundations for true friendships.

(C):Sacrifice and support are important to preserve true friendships.

(D):Integrity and compliments form trust required in real friendships.



(B):Honesty and authenticity are the foundations for true friendships.


The text shows how the truth is essential to build sincere friendship between people. The truth makes friends honest with each other, allowing the friendship to be strengthened and well structured, as an unshakeable trust is created when friends are true and honest. The truth creates an authenticity between people that is often misunderstood, but it is essential to build trust and comfort between them.

Answer: B.)Honesty and authenticity are the foundations for true friendships.


Which sentences state a claim? Check all that apply. Driver education programs are offered to sophomores at local high schools. Students should have vision tests before they can operate motor vehicles. Driving classes should add instruction about the dangers of texting and driving. Mr. Graber is the Behind-the-Wheel instructor at our high school. Behind-the-wheel courses ought to include driving time on local highways.



Students should have vision tests before they can operate motor vehicles. Driving classes should add instruction about the dangers of texting and driving.  Behind-the-wheel courses ought to include driving time on local highways


Because they are arguable.

plz plz helpp
look photo
help asap i will give brainliestt


4. Prague, my hometown, is where the boy in the story grew up.

The sentence below has an error in it. Choose the correct answer from the given options. The teacher asked Anne and myself to do a peer review of each other's writing. a)‘Anne and myself' should be replaced with ‘we'. b)‘Each other's'should be replaced with ‘oneanother's'. c)Pronoun "myself" should be replaced with "me." d)Pronoun "myself" should be replaced with "I".





It makes sense if you replace myself with me.

Erase Anne and you will have myself to do. That doesnt work and neither does I

Me to do a peer review.

The correct form of the pronoun will be D. Pronoun "myself" should be replaced with "I".

It should be noted that a pronoun simply refers to a word that's used to replace a noun in a sentence.

In this case, the sentence "The teacher asked Anne and myself to do a peer review of each other's writing" is incorrect. Therefore, "myself" should be replaced with "I".

Learn more about pronouns on:


Identify the parts of speech of the following sentence-

We will order pizza for the study group after we read chapter eight

what is the-
direct object,
indirect object,
object of the preposition, prepositional phrase

please help!!




order = verb

the study = adjective

pizza = direct object

the study group = indirect object

after = preposition

we read chapter eight = object of the preposition

after we read chapter eight = prepositional phrase


Does it seem realistic to you that the characters fail to notice the Wart's sadness about Merlin's departure? Explain. *




Merlin is a wizard of unidentified origin and is first seen living is a cottage forest. Merlin values the education as opposed to the war training. Despite his wisdom he is forgetful as well clumsy. Wart feels sad about merlin departure.

__go to the zoo?
A. why don't we
B. let's
C. what about



both A & B are right.


"what about go to the zoo is a wrong grammatical expression


Both a and b


Both and b options are suitable..

So you can use any of them .

Both of them will be correct.☺️

which of theses transitions would be used to show a relationship



with regard to because you could have regard towards someone else


write an informal Letter to your friend from another school telling him or her how you spent your christmas holiday​



Greetings, pal!

I'm ok. I'm fine at this new school location. I'd like to tell you about some of my Christmas vacation adventures. Our exams were stressful, and I needed to unwind. This vacation was a blessing in disguise for me because I was able to both relax and learn new things. My grandparents took me on a three-day journey to Shimla, where it was bitterly cold. I'd never seen snow before. Skiing and playing in the snow were a blast for me. Following that, I registered at my school for five days of computer classes. Adobe Photoshop and other similar software were taught to me. I thought the classes were fascinating, and I think you will enjoy them as well. At your school, I'll tell you about my experiences. My friend, I look forward to seeing you.

I eagerly await your reply.


Why did the author of "Make Your Own Microscope" write this piece? To inform readers about the history of smartphone microscopes to teach readers how to make their own smartphone microscopes to entertain readers with a fun story about creating a smartphone microscope to share with readers her views about smartphone microscopes


Answer: to share with readers her views about smartphone microscopes


Make your own microscope was a book written by Frederick Aicken. The main idea behind it was to show that smartphone microscopes can be easily made, cheap and are effective tools.

The author of "Make Your Own Microscope" wrote the piece in order to share with readers her views about smartphone microscopes.


Why did the writer of "Make Your Own Microscope" decide to turn her smartphone into a microscope?



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can anybody help with this ? how can we develop human resources Sal washed 5 cars in 50 minutes. What is the unit rate? Bricktan Inc. makes three products, basic, classic, and deluxe. The maximum Bricktan can sell is 715,000 units of basic, 420,000 units of classic, and 120,000 units of deluxe. Bricktan has limited production capacity of 90,000 hours. It can produce 10 units of basic, 8 units of classic, and 4 units of deluxe per hour. Contribution margin per unit is $15 for the basic, $25 for the classic, and $55 for the deluxe. What is the most profitable sales mix for Bricktan Inc.? 1A. 50,000 basic, 120,000 classic and 240,000 deluxe.B. 75,000 basic, 420,000 classic and 120,000 deluxe.C. 600,000 basic, 0 classic and 120,000 deluxe.D. 71,500 basic, 420,000 classic and 240,000 deluxe.E. 300,000 basic, 240,000 classic and 120,000 deluxe. 6. Why is training important? A flower bed is in the shape of a triangle with one side twice the length of the shortest side and a third side is 22 more than the length of the shortest side. Find the dimensions if the perimeter is 182 feet. 5 complete examples of fragments A furniture producer has decided to buy its upholstery cloth from new suppliers. The president has given the purchasing manager responsibility to make the final selections and negotiate the terms. The purchasing manager looks through books with samples and specifications and then calls salespeople to make presentations to the production manager, who is concerned about how easy the cloth will be to cut and sew. In this case, the purchasing manager is a(n Which is the famous district for sculpture in Nepal Select the correct answer.Read the last stanza of Robert Frosts poem The Road Not Taken. Why is it significant that the two roads diverged?I shall be telling this with a sighSomewhere ages and ages hence:Two roads diverged in a wood, and II took the one less traveled by,And that has made all the difference. from "The Road Not Taken" by Robert FrostA. The speaker is recalling, "with a sigh," how difficult it had been for him to choose the more traveled or the less traveled of the two roads. The forked road is a metaphor for the inherent duality in the natural world.B. One of the forks in the road represents the speaker in his youth when he chose a road; the other stands for the speaker "ages and ages hence." The forked road is a metaphor for the many contradictions found in nature.C. The speaker is relieved that he chose the road of moral living over one of temptation and ruin, which would have come from the other path.D. The speaker is imagining what it might be like to describe his choice of a life path after he has taken that path to close to its end. asap help ------------------- Answer in Detail !!! Please help me fast What does this mean? The treadmill completes this transformation by allowing travel to be measured entirely by time, bodily exertion, and mechanical motion. Spaceas landscape, terrain, spectacle, experiencehas vanished. need this rigth now plz help Which OF THESE is a reason why a bird 'sings'?a. To mark out its territory to others of its own speciesb. To frighten other birds that may attack / eat itc. To attract its food like worms and insectsd. To wake up other birds and animalsQuick How would I find cos(180) without a calculator? The training effect, in which individuals experience improvements in physical fitness as they continue a regular exercise regimen, is a product of All of the choices are correct. increased number of mitochondria in muscle cells. increased number of capillaries in muscles. increased efficiency of the heart. what is the level of development not the same everywhere? 2. Which property is used for hiding text of the textbox?a) Password Char b) Text Char c) Char Password d) Pass Char