What is the mean of the data set [3, 2, 2, 12, 6, 5, 14, 4]?


Answer 1


Mean = 6


Related Questions

Write the missing possessive pronouns in the blank spaces to complete the sentences
1. I chose this seat first so it’s _____________

2. Can we borrow your colouring pens? We’ve lost _____________

3. We live in the city and they live in the countryside. Our house is smaller than _____________

4. John, is this pencil _____________?

5. Nancy is looking for her gloves. Are these gloves _____________?

6. Can Suresh use your bike? _____________ is broken.

7. Rohan got the books mixed up. He thought mine was _____________ and his was ​



1. mine 2. ours 3. theirs 4. yours 5. hers 6. His/Hers 7. he thought mine was his and his was mine


Which topic is explored in the intercalary chapters of The Grapes of Wrath?
A. The emotional journey of a man who has lost his farm
B. The problems one family faces during a drought

C. The causes of the Dust Bowl
D. The effects of the Great Depression



answer is 1st


he lost his farm


the effects of Great Depression

The concept of NOMA (Non-Overlapping Magisteria), as articulated by Stephen Jay Gould, states that:



Science and Religion each answer different kinds of questions, and can more easily complement each other as opposed to being in conflict.


The concept of NOMA (Non-Overlapping Magisteria), as articulated by Stephen Jay Gould, states that: Science and Religion each answer different kinds of questions, and can more easily complement each other as opposed to being in conflict.

The Non-Overlapping Magisteria (NOMA) is known to be a world view which is philosophical. It actually puts science and religion in separate domains of questioning. This is done in order to avoid a contradiction between the two. NOMA actually hopes to provide establish a demarcation in order to proffer a solution to end the conflict between science and religion.

There will be a meeting at four afternoons" a meeting in this sentence is anoun or what?​


"meeting" in the sentence is a noun because it is a thing, more like an event. the definition of a noun is a person, place, or thing. hope this helps!

Put the verbs in brackets: present perfect or present perfect continuous or past perfect.
1. Before my trip to Paris two years ago, I ( never be) __ to France.
2. When we finally stopped him, the squirrel ( already eat) ___ five cookies.
3. Ben ( try ) ___ to open his own restaurant for the last few years. He ( just finish ) ___ the painting, but he ( not do ) ___ the decorating yet.
4. You look tired. How long ( run) _____ ?


1. have never been
3.tried, finished, didn’t
4. how long did you run?

The major asked me to have a drink with him and two other officers. We drank rum and it was very friendly. Outside it was getting dark. I asked what time the attack was to be and they said as soon as it was dark. I went back to the drivers. They were sitting in the dugout talking and when I came in they stopped. I gave them each a package of cigarettes, Macedonias, loosely packed cigarettes that spilled tobacco and needed to have the ends twisted before you smoked them. Manera lit his lighter and passed it around. The lighter was shaped like a Fiat radiator. I told them what I had heard.

What does the excerpt reveal about the narrator?
He prefers the company of the officers to that of the drivers.
He only spends time with the officers so he can get cigarettes for the drivers.
He looks down on everyone involved in the war, both officers and enlisted men.
He interacts easily with both his superiors and the drivers.





From this excerpt I would pick the last one. It seems he gets along with everyone well. The officers ask him to drink with them and they give him information which he thinks should be given to the drivers. He has cigarettes to pass around and give everyone

It might be C, but I very much doubt it. Not from the passage given.

No for B. He spends time with the officers because they asked him to.

It is not A. He seems to fit in with everyone.

I need help let me know if it’s a statement or not
I have so many trophies
Please give me 6 statements that are meaningful for example the sky is blue
Everyone please list 6 statements that are meaningful



I have a dog, I'm from the United States, I'm at my house, There is oxygen on earth, I am a human, and I have a computer.


These are facts that can not be questioned. Hence, they are statements. For example, the statement you have posted "I have so many trophies" Is a statement if you have many trophies although I would take out "so" to reduce confusion. Hence it's a statement.

D... "...who do not heed to this advice....”
i. What grammatical name is given to the above
the passage?



the answer is adjectival clause


the answer is adjectives clause

Underwater volcanoes



Submarine volcanoes are underwater vents or fissures in the earth's surface from which magma can erupt . Many Submarine volcanoes are located near areas of tectonic plate formation ,known as mid region oceans . The volcanoes at mid ocean ridges alone are estimated to account for 75%of the magma output on earth.

hope this will be helpful for yo

The word choice and arrangement of words that make up a piece of writing.


Diction, sentence starters, choice of vocabulary etc.

Where is syllable stressed in the word (important)



As an adjective or a noun, the stress falls on the first syllable. Present, present. As a verb, the stress falls on the second syllable, present, present. So as a noun or adjective, the first vowel is the 'eh' as in 'bed', and the second syllable, unaccented, is the schwa.

I hope this will help you

Mikhail was recently hired at a company that allows him to deduct money from his paycheck to invest in a retirement account. Which type of investment is Mikhail MOST likely participating in?

direct stock plan

401k account

mutual fund

corporate bond



The Correct answer is:

401k account


The type of investment is Mikhail MOST likely participating include option B: 401k account.

What do you mean by 401k account?

A 401k account is a type of retirement fund that is usually set up through a company the account holder works for.

It is a retirement account, and includes retiring planning, investing, and savings.

The intended purpose of a 401k account is to help people save for retirement. The account is funded with per-tax dollars. This is generally applicable on American employees by their employers in to provide tax advantages to the saver.

Therefore, correct option is B.

Learn more about paycheck, refer to the link:






It's B


Not so sure but I hope it helps you

explain the following;
comma' s
semi colum
quotation mark



A comma is a punctuation that pauses parts of a sentence.

Semi colon is a punctuation that pauses 2 main clauses of a sentence.

Quotation Mark are a pair of punctuation to show the beginnning and ending of a statement. They are usually used in speech, or quotes.


Example comma: It was freezing, so I put my jacket on

Example semi colon: Let's go to the library to study; It's where I can concentrate better.

Example Quotation: "I really hate this math exam" "I haven't even studied yet"

In the United States, cell phones are a very popular item.
What is the verb





since cellphones is the subject, what the subjects are or are doing is "are."


no verb foolish studies

which element can help you identify what the theme of a story?


Evidence that can help you identify the theme of a story is the writer's word choice.

For example:

The clouds were gray, and my spirits were down.

You could imagine the theme of this story would be gloomy or dark.

The clouds were bright, and my spirits were up.

Two words changed and the entire theme and meaning is changed.

1. Many recent works ____that all children go through the same stages of language development regardless the language they ____
A. are stressing - are learnt
B. stressed - will be learnt
C. will be stressed - have learnt
D. have stressed – are learning
2. Oh, gosh! You____with a shark coming straight towards you
A. could have terrified
B. must have been terrified
C. must have been terrifying
D. should have terrified
3. We ____some sleep when we get home because we___on a coach for sixteen hours.
A. needed-have been travelling
B. will need- will have been travelling
C. are needed- are going to travel
D. need- are traveling​








What do you know about pushpa’s father



Here is your Answer


Miss Pushpa's father was a renowned advocate from a very high family in Bulsar or Surat. While referring to this point, the speaker also remembers that once he stayed in Surat with the family members of his uncle's family.

Mark me as brainlist and give me 20 thx pls pls
Miss pushpa's father was a renowned advocate from a very high family in Surat . While referring to the point , the speaker also remember once that he stayed in Surat with the family members of his uncle's family.

Explain the trends in the types of words that are borrowed by the English language from foreign languages.


Answer:Studies suggest that the English language is one of the happiest languages in the world and is spoken by more than 1/4th of the global population. But, did you know that the second most spoken language in the world (inclusive of native and foreign speakers) is majorly dominated by words derived from the French and Latin language? Well, it is!

According to research, words originating from French and Latin make up 29% of the English language respectively! Additionally, from the 1000 most commonly used words, almost 50% have French origins Some examples of borrowed words from French are RSVP, faux pas, déjà vu, chic, parachute, detour and many more.  

There are a lot of borrowed words (also known as loan words) in English that come from many languages and cultures. Check out our list of 15 common words with foreign origins borrowed by the English language. But before we start, we would like to recommend a Copy crafter, in case you ever need help with your writing assignment.


The word ‘anonymous’ comes from the Greek word ‘anōnumos’. Anōnumos is defined as something or someone without a name, similar to the English meaning which defines the word as someone who does not reveal their identity.


Question 3 of 5
What does Frankenstein do to make his discovery about the source of life?
A. He studies decaying bodies in charnel houses.
B. He sells his soul to the devil in exchange for the answer.
C. He reads ancient books of spells.
D. He analyzes the life cycle of plants.



A. He studies decaying bodies in charnel houses.


Victor Frankenstein studies decaying bodies in charnel houses to make his discovery about the source of life.

With his research, he was able to make his own monster which he watches through the window as he was created.

The pencil holder is ............. the purse and the apple *


I'm going to say between

Tara talks about how a person’s actions and inactions add up to shape the course of their lives, but her life was also affected by many seemingly random accidents. To what extent are we shaped by our choices, and by events that happen to us?


Tara's point of view is based on good logic. Our lives are shaped by our choices.

Although there are random events that occur which seem to splash accidental colors on the canvas of our lives, how we blend those colors to suit what we had in mind to paint our being is entirely up to us.

We can either chose to leave the painting as is, (good or bad) or step back to analyze and rethink how the new situation can be managed.

Tara metaphorically describes choices as the sand which is innumerable. They accumulate one layer at a time, and over the years go from layers of sand to sediment, and then to rock. In other words, eventually, we become the summation of all our choices.

Tara Westover (an American) is the author of Educated.

Educated is a book, that describes historically, an account of how she - Tara took some life-changing decisions. She escaped from her family and went straight to college determined to get an education. The word escape is used here because her father was not a believer in western education.

She somehow did, and as she recounts in various ways, how it expanded her worldview and gave her better choices.

Learn more about Tara's story at the following link:


Reread the first paragraph of Edgar Allan Poe's short story "The Cask of Amontillado."

The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge. You, who so well know the nature of my soul, will not suppose, however, that I gave utterance to a threat. AT LENGTH I would be avenged; this was a point definitively settled -- but the very definitiveness with which it was resolved precluded the idea of risk. I must not only punish, but punish with impunity. A wrong is unredressed when retribution overtakes its redresser. It is equally unredressed when the avenger fails to make himself felt as such to him who has done the wrong.

What point of view does Poe use in this story?
third person limited
third person omniscient
first person limited
first person omniscient



First person omniscient point of view



(Correct Answer): First person Limited


I got 100% on my test

Select an excerpt from “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” that represents Jonathan
Edwards’ writing style and his use of literary elements. Copy and paste the excerpt below.



The book "Sinners in the hand of an Angry God" by Jonathan Edwards is a book that condemns Sinners and promises them eternal hell fire if they refuses to turn from sin and confess Jesus as Lord and personal savior.

Some of Mr Edwards writing style and literary elements include:


2. HIS USE OF METAPHOR TO SHOW THAT POWERFUL RULERS ARE NOTHING BUT “feeble worms of the dust” in comparison with God.

1. According to Paco Underhill, what are seven things store windows should be and do?



The answer is below


According to Paco Underhill, the author of the book titled "The Science of Female Shopping," stated the seven things store windows should be and do are the following:

1. Store windows should exploit their size

2. Stores should use their windows to tell a story

3. Store windows should face the customers

4. Store windows should concentrate on big customers

5. Store windows should cater to pets

6. Store Windows should cater to women

7. Store windows should make their layouts easier.

Write your answer to the given question, please...




go on an adventure


(no a) helicopter keys


Just fly aimlessly


test the limits




treacherous mountain



Snow cones

funnel cakes


New and dangerous




(name somewhere exotic like Indonesia) Indonesian sea

go home


pls comment and specific if not suitable and I'll moderate

Read the passage from the article..



Which passage from which article?

3. Rewrite the following sentence in the Passive Voice. "I left my backpack behind in the taxi,​



My backpack was left behind in the taxi.



My backpack was left behind in the taxi.

help me please somebody ​



She is small and slender, has black hair, and seems to recognize the person who's viewpoint we are seeing.


The question wants you to find things that describe the girl in the exert. These all do.

the man sitting next to me on the plane was nervous because he....before



I'm confused lol.. whats the question or what am I supposed to do?

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given that the following two are geometric series are convergent: 1+x+x^2+x^3+...and 1-x+x^2-x^3+... determine the value(s) of x for which the sum of the two series is equal to 8 Vo u th k XX, Bc K c mt cuc vn ng ci cch vn ha x hi theo li t sn l Living in the northern hemisphere, you decide to plant tulip bulbs in the spring. You are disappointed in the summer when they do not bloom. You had forgotten that tulip bulbs need a period of vernalization in order for them to bloom. What change should you make? a) Plant the tulip bulbs in soil that has an abundance of nutrients, especially phosphorus. b) Make sure that the tulips are kept in shady areas as too much sun will not allow them to sprout c) Be careful to give the tulips plenty of water while they are germinating, but reduce the amount as the plants grow. d) Ensure the plants are established in a region that will receive long periods of dark as this is required for the tulips to bloom. e) Plant the tulip bulbs in the fall as opposed to the spring. Which of the following would ATP NOT be used for as energy?A. OsmosisB. Healing a cutC. Keeping warmD. Push ups The following ordered pairs represent a function: {(-3, 1), (1, -2), (3, 0), (4, 5)}.True or False 4. I am long and thin, hard outside and soft inside. The French love to eat me, 1. Summarize the Patient's Bill of Rights. Transfer from the present tense to the past tense. The policeman carries the whistle. how does the book the boys of winter fit the genre of non fiction The table and the Circle Chart shown display the percentage of dogs in seven different groups of dog breeds in a dog competition.How does the Circle Graph misrepresent the data in the table? A. The percentages do not add up to 100. B. The size of the section representing the Non-Sporting group is smaller than the section that represents Herding group. C. The number of regions in the graph is not correct for the data. D. One of the breeds in the table is not represented in the Circle Chart. brainliest to correct I hate people laughing at me (passive) How did Frances contributions help the Americans in the War of Independence? Type the equation for the graphbelow. f(x)=square root 2x and g(x)=square root 50x find (f/g)(x) Answer this question, if anyone just posts an answer that is not relevant to this question will be reported. A triangle has side lengths of (4.6x-4.4y)(4.6x4.4y) centimeters, (7.5x-8.8z)(7.5x8.8z) centimeters, and (7.7z-9.2y)(7.7z9.2y) centimeters. Which expression represents the perimeter, in centimeters, of the triangle? 4. 19 feet to inches SIN TRIG PLEASE HELP 50 POINTSIf sin y = s/8 and tan y = s/t what is the value of sec ya. sec y = 8sb. sec y = 8tc. sec y = 8/td. sec y = t/8 ABC International sells a machine for $35,000 in cash on December 31, 2019. Initially this asset was purchased on 01 January 2013 for $100,000 with the estimated useful life of 10 years. Please prepare the journal entry and supporting calculations for this asset sale transaction.