What is the meaning of the word 'set' in the given sentence? The date of the test has not been set yet. ​


Answer 1

Answer: it means the date hasn’t been put in place

Related Questions

in all the world , there ( be) _____only 14 mountains that (reach)____above 8,000 meters



In all the world, there will be only 14 mountains that will reach above 8,000 meters.

You are a student in Danang city. You will describe your neighborhood for new students. You should say: 1/ Where to buy food 2/ Where to buy furniture 3/ Where to get a bus to university 4/ Where to send a package 5/ How do you feel about Danang city?


Danang city is a lovely place. Students from different cities live here since they study at the university that the city has. The neighborhood where I live is one of the best for them. It is safe, has affordable rent prices, and is near the university.

One of the best things about the neighborhood is all the shops that it has. An excellent place to buy food is in the supermarket located at 47th and 26th street. It has good prices, and the cashiers are lovely. Another good option is the pastry shop on 34th and 12th street. You can also have tea or coffee there.

As regards furniture, the only place where you can buy it is Danang's furniture. It has all the furniture that you need for your apartment. From beds to small elements as a coffee table, it is all there.

To go to university, you can walk to it, it is only 15 minutes away, but if you prefer to take the bus to it, the bus stop is on the 24th and 60th avenue and the busses arrive every five minutes.

Lastly, if you want to send a package, the post is on 47th and 26 the street, next to the supermarket. It is open from 9:00 am to 17:00 from Mondays to Fridays.

Danang is a city that has all you need and is full of life and lovely people. That is why it is my favorite city.

To inform students about your neighborhood, you should write an informative essay where you give information and descriptions of the places that it has. To do so, you should:

Write a catching sentence to engage the reader. The first paragraph should be an introduction to describe your neighborhood.In the following paragraphs, describe where the shops and places are. Give the address, the name, and the reasons to go there. In the last section, close the essay with your reflection about the city, why you like it, how it makes you feel.

In conclusion, first, catch the reader's attention, then proceed to describe the places and close the text with your personal opinion.

Learn more about essays here:


What is ironic about gatsby’s funeral in the great gatsby?



Gatsby's funeral seems ironic for a number of reasons, including the following: When Gatsby was alive, he would throw huge, lavish parties. Many people were more than willing to visit Gatsby when they could enjoy themselves (literally at his expense), but in death he is basically abandoned.

I am not following you. Change into passive.



You are not followed by me

i Don'tknow if you are looking for anwser

Choose a favorite passage from the unit "Tradition vs. Change" to memorize and read aloud. In the written introduction,
engage the listener; state the origin of the excerpt; and identify who wrote it and its literary significance.


Tradition vs change is a long debate. I have read a passage written by Laura Silver who raised her points on this debate and tried to convince the reader from her point.

Around 50 to 60% of the people surveyed favors change. Traditions are old and new generation rarely accepts this out dated  and old fashioned traditions.

The people of age between 18 to 21 are the mostly people who runs away from traditions set and followed by their forefather and they believes that changing these outdated traditions will help them live their life with ease.

Learn more at https://brainly.com/question/24313493

Ambassadors are people who-_____ officially their country abroad. Select one O a represent O b delegate O c live O d. connect​





I'm 95% sure it's A but B could also be a likely answer.

Read these stage directions from Eugene O'Neill's play The Straw.

Act One

Scene One: The Kitchen of the Carmody Home--Evening.
Scene Two: The Reception Room of the Infirmary, Hill Farm
Sanatorium--An Evening a Week Later.

Act Two

Scene One: Assembly Room of the Main Building at the Sanatorium--A Morning Four Months Later.
Scene Two: A Crossroads Near the Sanatorium--Midnight of the Same Day.

Act Three

An Isolation Room and Porch at the Sanatorium--An Afternoon Four Months Later.


Which of these can be determined from these scene descriptions?

There are two scenes in each Act.
The play takes place over the course of four months.
One of the Carmodys' children is sick.
Much of the action of the play takes place at a Sanatorium.



B: The play takes place over the course of four months.


I'm 95% sure I'm right on this. It can't be A because there are not two scenes in act 3. I don't think it would be C because a Sanatorium isn't just for kids. I don't think it would be D because only one scene actually took place in the Sanatorium, the other scenes were just in the vicinity. I'm pretty sure it's B, but  you can decide if you want to go with that answer. I really, really hope this helps. I'm so very sorry if my answer is wrong. Have a great day and good luck. :D  


I believe that the answer would instead be;

Much of the action of the play takes place at a Sanatorium.

The Sanatorium is seen at the end of Act One, all throughout Act Two, and all throughout Act Three.


The previous answer says "The play takes place over the course of four months.", but the 3 acts in total take place across around 8 months and a week, as Act One is across a week, Act Two is across 4 months, and Act Three is across 4 months.  So that answer is wrong.  

The option "There are two scenes in each Act.", is wrong because the 3rd Act doesn't have 2 scenes.

The option "One of the Carmodys' children is sick.", is incorrect as it never discusses the children in this excerpt.

Photographs that have been digitally altered should be banned from mass media ?





Because it might spread false information.

Example: people who.alter their pictures for social media. those should be removed because others see those pictures and tink that they are real and sometimes end up starving themselves to look like those people

State representative Brandi Chapman is running for a seat in the state senate. She has been a hard working legislator and was twice voted the best representative by the GGB (Good Government Bureau). At the time the GGB voted her opponent, incumbent Cal Stateman, one of the ten worst senators in state history. Most political analysts believe Chapman would be the superior senator. Stateman has taken a “no new taxes” pledge and has challenged Chapman to take the same pledge. Chapman knows taxes may have to be raised in order to keep the state solvent. Nevertheless, she also knows that unless she promises to oppose any new taxes, she will lose the election. What should Chapman do and why? What would you do in her place and why?



Chapman should do it because he had work very hard

1 Positive, negative, question 1 Complete the text with the verb forms in the box works don't le live has donntam don't have need wo have doesn't matter of ng in the country A Dave Clarke is a sheep former in New Zealand He and his wie eina farmhouse in the hills with the two children Dave 600 sheep He seven days a week and at hast ten hours a day We any days of says Dave Thermals feeding every day. In lambing season we all night too! Once a month the to the market in the nearby town to buy or sell sheep comfortable in the being in the countryside feel free here a lot about $40.000 a year but as the says. Money is important, but it that much to me. Im very kocky the best job in the world! Dave​





don't have




don't feel


doesn't earn

doesn't matter



the words are in order of the blank lines

The words that come in the order of the blanks:

1. live 2. has 3.works 4.don't have 5.need 6.work 7.goes 8. don't feel 9.prefer 10.doesn't earn 11. doesn't matter 12.have

What are words?

A word is a meaningful element in speech or writing.

What is an order?

Order means arrangement or alignment of people or things

What are blanks?

Blank is a space left in a document to be filled.

What is prefer?

Prefer means to choose.

Therefore the words are written with number according to the blanks.

To learn more about word and blanks here



Which supporting detail best fits the topic sentence below?
Some very interesting things happen to the body while a
person is dreaming.
A. Some scientists believe that dreams help the brain make
B. During a dream, the brain works similar to how it does when we
are awake.
C. People who write about their dreams after they wake up are more
likely to remember them later.
D. So, even though we are asleep, the body is still at work.



D. So, even though we are asleep, the body is still at work.

Answer:  D. So, even though we are asleep, the body is still at work.

Explanation:While you're asleep, your brain is busy creating new memories, consolidating older ones, and linking more recent with earlier memories. This happens during both your REM (Rapid Eye Movement) and non-REM sleep. Lack of rest can damage your hippocampus, an area of the brain for memory creation and consolidation.

Hope this help you

The manila folders are stored __________ the top of the shelf of the storage cabine



The Manila folders are stored on the top of the shelf of the storage cabine

The word which best completes the given sentence, "The manila folders are stored __________ the top of the shelf of the storage cabinet" is:


According to the given question, we need to complete a sentence with a word which would give complete meaning to the sentence.

As a result of this, we can see that the word which can be used to best complete the given sentence is the preposition, "At" which shows the location of the manila folders.

Read more here:


Output units
Average costs
Total costs
Marginal costs
Identify the value of the fixed costs.
Give an example of a fixed cost.
Briefly describe the term marginal cost.
Explain the intersection point of ATC and MC using information in the table.
Differentiate between the short run and long run.



Explanation:I have forgotten

Choose the Right Part of Speech
Directions: Choose the best answer.
1. The BOY is eating. (What part of speech is the word "BOY" in this sentence?)
a. verb b. adjective c. noun d. adverb
2. The girl ate some delicious FRUIT.
a. adjective b. noun c. verb d. adverb
3. Mary WILL TAKE a course in quantam physics this fall.
a. adjective b. noun c. pronoun d. verb
4. The students ARE WRITING a long essay for class.
a. noun b. adverb c. verb d. adjective
5. Everyone THINKS the cafeteria food is terrible.
a. verb b. noun c. pronoun d. adjective
6. The child kicked the BLUE ball yesterday.
a. noun b. adjective c. adverb d. verb
7. I am SAD.
a. pronoun b. verb c. adjective d. noun
8. These birds all FLY together.
a. noun b. verb c. adverb d. adjective
9. The black FLY is swimming in my soup.
a. noun b. verb c. adjective d. pronoun
10. It is dark in here. We need to turn on the LIGHT.
a. verb b. pronoun c. adjective d. noun
11. It is dark in here. We should LIGHT a candle.
a. verb b. pronoun c. adverb d. noun
12. A truck is very heavy. A feather, on the other hand, is very LIGHT.
a. verb b. adjective c. adverb d. noun
13. The ice is very thin. Be careful! You must walk LIGHTLY on the ice!
a. noun b. verb c. adverb d. adjective



1:C - Noun

2:B - Noun

3:D - Verb

4:C - Verb

5:A - Verb

6:B - Adjective

7:C - Adjective

8:B - Verb

9:A - Noun

10:D - Noun

11:A - Verb

12:B - Adjective

13:B - Verb


A noun is is the name of a place, thing, animal, person or concept.

An adjective is a word used to describe a noun or a pronoun.

A verb is a word used to describe an action.

Ways that fans can use their social media effectively to support their idols or celebrities



How celebrities on social media interact with fans. The beauty of social media for celebrities is that it provides a platform for stars to interact with fans directly. Beyond likes and retweets, celebrities can drive engagement and interact with fans simply by asking questions


_. I enjoy summer sports like
water skiing and baseball. The weather is usually sunny and hot, so I can go to the beach
almost every day. Gardening is my hobby and I spend many summer days working in my
garden. Unfortunately, the days pass too quickly in summer.
A. I like to garden in summer.
B. Summer is my favorite season.
C. Summer is too short.​



what's the question here ?


a and b..................................



All of the following are basic elements to look for when determining the subject of a painting, except
O time period
O color
O overall scene
O composition



composition Explanation:

C : composition of a painting gives a small amount of the painter and his intentions for drawing. The time period reveals evidence of a real person , color is definitely a eye catcher reveals who the subject was the scene will tell you the stays of the person. Their outloook on the art

An action that rewards a particular kind of behavior

positive sanction
negative sanction
formal sanction
informal sanction
vested interests



Positive Sanction


Ideology - A system of ideas and ideals.

Internalization -  The process of acceptance of a set of norms and values established by people.

Positive Sanction - Rewards given for conforming to norms.

Negative Sanction - Punishments for violating norms.

Formal Sanction - A personal stake or involvement in an undertaking or state of affairs.

Informal Sanction - Actions in response to someone's behavior that may serve to discourage nonconformity.

Vested Interests - Actions that are legalized and official in nature and enforced by an authoritative force.


Positive Sanction

Explanation: Edge 2021

join the sentence He does not know anythin. That is certain​



he does not know anything, that's certain


Please help me find the nouns and adjectives for this passage



NOUN                  ADJECTIVE

Anteater.             Strange

Ants.                    Long

Termites.             Coarse

Man.                    Bushy

Ground                Hanging                      




hope this helps, have a nice day!

Which best describes a purpose of a business letter?

to tell a story
to share a memory
to wish someone luck
to make a formal request



to make a formal request


bc it is for buissness so it has to be as formal as possible


To make a formal request.


Reread Nick's dialogue with Jordan at the end of the excerpt from The Great Gatsby. Do you think that Nick trusts Jordan's ideas about Gatsby? What makes you think so? Cite specific textual evidence to support your answer.


Based on the dialogue between Nick and Jordan at the end of the excerpt from The Great Gatsby, we can infer that Nick seems to trust Jordan's ideas about Gatsby.

This is highlighted when Jordan mentions that Gatsby had told her that he went to Oxford but she doesn't believe him

What is a Narration?

This refers to the storytelling that is done about a particular event and shows the sequence of actions involved.

Hence, we can see that based on the complete text, there is a dialogue between Nick and Jordan at the end of the excerpt from The Great Gatsby, we can infer that Nick seems to trust Jordan's ideas about Gatsby.

Thus, the specific example is cited above.

Read more about The Great Gatsby here:



I will never forget that lonesome hill of stone that is her
final bed, as it fades from my sight. I tread softly by my
uncle, my hand in his. I walk with my head turned, watching
that small hill as it fades from my sight. The soldiers make
us continue walking. My uncle talks to me, trying to
comfort me. I walk in loneliness.
Which statement best describes how the author's word choice contributes to
the tone of the passage?
O A. The author's use of words like final and soldiers gives the passage
a sad and isolated tone.
O B. The author's use of words like final and soldiers gives the passage
an angry and aggressive tone.
O C. The author's use of words like lonesome and fades gives the
passage an angry and aggressive tone.
D. The author's use of words like lonesome and fades gives the
passage a sad and isolated tone.



It would be answer D


who was the author of a farewell to arms


The author would be Ernest Hemmingway


Ernest Hemingway,


hope this helped :)

How ____________ now? Better than before?
A. you are feeling
B. do you feel
C. did you feel









To solve this question you have to read all of them out so like this:

A. How you are feeling now?

B. How do you feel now?

C. How did you feel now?

What do you make of the metaphor with the ants and the umbrella destroying their little house in the dirt


Hi. You didn't submit the part of the text that features the metaphor. This makes it impossible for this metaphor to be analyzed and for an opinion to be issued. However, I will try to help you as best I can.

A metaphor is a figure of speech that presents a comparison between two elements. This comparison is made implicitly, but it is possible to see that the author of the text is establishing a relationship between the two elements. To analyze this comparison, you must locate the place in the text where this metaphor is established, you already know that this metaphor is related to the ants and the umbrella, which makes it easier for this metaphor to be located in the text.

To show your opinion about this metaphor, you must understand what is being compared in the metaphor. When you understand this, you can give your opinion on whether this comparison has deep meaning, whether it presents a lesson to the reader, whether it adds humor to the text, whether it adds a dark tone, among other things.

In 500 words decribe fluently the imagery in the peom Grey day at waterval farm by lionel murcott​


ure expecting strangers to write an essay for u?

No one saw me change into passive voice​


is there a more specific question?

Which word in the passage is most repeated, thus hinting that it’s part of the central idea?


Answer:Context ?



how is somebody suppose to answer that ....what passage ?


in see shiii

help! how does Flannery O’Connor use literary techniques to influence characterization?


Answer:In “A Good Man is Hard to Find” Flannery O’Connor uses literary techniques such as conflicts, foreshadowing, imagery, simile, and irony to create eccentric characters and a twisted plot. She is never direct and spins her conversations into long detailed stories.


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