what is the narrators primary struggle throughout the story?


Answer 1


uh what story, if you tell me what story ill update my answer 'cause you didn't show or say specifically

is the story Gravity by Judith Ortiz Cofer? If so, the answer is: "to define who she is"


Answer 2

The narrator's primary struggle which comes up are Plot Setting Character Point of View Theme.

Types of narrators primary struggle

There are 5 basic types of narrators primary struggle

Plot - The series of events in a novel or play that the author prepares to develop the primary theme. The plot is a logical, well-planned sequence of events with a beginning, middle, and end. Short stories usually have a single plot and may be read in a single sitting.Setting- The time and place where a tale takes place. The setting is very significant in certain stories, yet it is not in others.

What is the narrators primary struggle throughout the story?

There are several factors to examine when considering how setting adds to a story.Character - "Character" contains two characteristics: 1) a fictitious character; and 2) a person's characteristics.Point of view-  used to indicate a way of filming a scene or film that shows the director's or writer's attitude toward the content or a character in a scene.Theme - A fictional piece's central message, "moral of the story," or underlying meaning; it could be the author's ideas on the subject or view of human nature.Hence through these basic struggle of a narrator completes a story.

Learn more about themes in a story here: https://brainly.com/question/25336781


Related Questions

Which of the following is the best definition of narrator?

one who has a sense of personality about a character

a person who tells a true or fictional story

a person who does not know the thoughts, feelings, and ideas of a character as they occur

one who has complete and total awareness, understanding, or knowledge



one who has complete and total awareness, understanding, or knowledge



hi the answer is option 2


a person who tells a true or fictional story

Who is not a round character in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar?
O Lepidus
O Mark Antony


I’m pretty sure it’s A) Lepidus
Lepidus is the answer.

Read the excerpt from " A Ghost Story" in Sketches New and Old by Mark Twain: Question 1) Which quotation from the passage best develops the central idea that some ghosts are friendly? " A) " The whispering ceased, and the voices and the sounds, and a solemn stillness followed. " , B) "Never a lone outcast was so glad to welcome company as I was to greet the friendly giant.", C) "I heard the clanking of chains faintly, in remote passages, and listened while the clanking grew nearer." , D) " Stripped of its filmy housings, need, muscular and comely, the majestic Cardiff Giant loomed above me! ( Will Mark Brainliest ONLY ANSWER THE QUESTION IF YOU KNOW THE ANSWER PLEASE. IN SUMMER SCHOOL AND NEED TO PASS. ​





she called the giant friendly

(1)For thousands of years, humans have used certain animals to carry heavy loads. (2)The ox, the
elephant, the donkey, and the mule are examples of these "beasts of burden." (3)Although these
animals have a reputation for being stubborn at times, they normally work very hard for long hours.
(4)One beast of burden, however, refuses to be overworked: the llama, a South American animal
much like a camel. (5)The llama knows just how much it can carry comfortably, and it will sit down
and refuse to budge if an extra half pound is placed on its back. (6)In addition, a llama will carry a
burden only a certain distance. (7)After it travels twenty miles, it sits down in the middle of the
road: nothing will convince it to continue. (8)After the animal has decided to quit, its owner
sometimes tries to prod it with a stick. (9)When it is annoyed in this fashion, the llama has an
unusual way of striking back. (10) It puckers its lips and spits in the owner's face.





thanks for the explanation


the correct answer is 4


One Beast of burden, however, refuses to be overworked: the llama, a South American animal munch like a camel.

when my cousin was accepted into her first - choice college, everyone in my family was filled with_____.

pried. pride.​



The answer is pride.



My family was filled with pride!

Which are structural elements that are unique to dramas?



actor, climax, conflict, dialogue etc.

hope this helps!!

drop some thanks pls

follow too ✌


Actor – a person who portrays a character in a play

Climax – the point in a plot where the interest, tension, and excitement are highest

Conflict – the problem or struggle in a story

Dialogue – speech between characters in a play

Narrator – a person who tells a story; often spoken in the 3rd person, but may also be from the 1st  person point of view

Playwright – a person who writes the action, dialogue, and directions for movement in a play

Pantomime – the use of body movements and facial expressions to portray a character or situation

Plot – a sequence of events that forms a story or drama; problem and solution

Scenery – painted boards, screens, or three-dimensional units that form the background of a play and enclose the acting area

Script – a copy of a play that provides stage directions and dialogue

Set – the scenery, props, and furniture onstage; also a term for placing props and scenery

Stage directions – an instruction written as part of the script of a play, indicating stage actions, movements of performers, or production requirements

Stage left – The left side of the stage from the perspective of an actor facing the audience

Stage right – The right side of the stage from the perspective of an actor facing the audience

Theme – the message a play or drama communicates about its subject, such as “greed will lead to trouble”

Tone – the use of inflection to communicate feelings

Brainliest asap
When evaluating sources to use in a research report, which criteria are most important?

directions and steps
relevance and reliability
length and level of vocabulary


Relevance and reliability


Relevance and reliability.


When looking for sources about politics and media for example, you would not want to use an article from the 50's, or someone who has a strong bias one way or the other, or someone who is misinformed. Therefore, that's the critical part of evaluating sources.

Also, if you've ever read Romeo and Juliet, please help me in my questions tab! I only need a general answer, and I'll give out Brainliest, but please, my essay is due tomorrow and I don't know where to start on this one part.

Examine this research question.
What are solutions to homelessness in modern America
Which of the following is the MOST relevant and credible source.
addressing this research question?


The correct answer is option A. “Setting a Path to End All Homelessness.” United States Interagency Council on Homelessness. 2017. 18 Sep. 2017.


In research, documents from government entities are preferred over others such as news reports or general texts. This occurs only with the first source because this was written by a government agency. Moreover, this means the authors are experts and the text was revised, and therefore, the text is credible. On the other hand, this is the most relevant source because it focuses on the same topic as the research which is solutions to homelessness in modern America. So, the correct answer is A.

Directions: Select the best verb or verbs to agree with the subject. If the sentence is correct as is, then select
"Correct" as your answer. Some questions you may have multiple correct answers,
Neither of my little brothers believe in Santa Claus.
a. Correct
b. believes



b. Believes.


Subject-verb agreement refers to the use of the same number for the subject and the verb used. In other words, the subject-verb agreement means the subject and the verb are the same in number, meaning a singular subject will have a singular verb, a plural subject will have a plural verb, etc.

In the given sentence, the subject is "neither of my little brothers". This means it is a singular subject, referring to none of the brothers. Thus, according to the subject-verb agreement, the verb will be in the singular too.

Therefore, the correct sentence will be

Neither of my little brothers believes in Santa Claus.

adapted from The Underdogs
by Mariano Azuela

Some men on horseback rode up, shouting and sweating; two of them dismounted, while the other hung back to watch the horses.
"We want food! Give us eggs, milk, beans, anything you've got! We're starving!"
The speaker wore chevrons on his arm, his companion red stripes on his shoulders.
"Whose place is this, old woman? Of course it's not empty. How about the light and that child there? Look here, confound it, we want to eat, and quick too. We’re coming in."
"Tell me what they call this ranch, woman?" the sergeant asked.
"Limon," the woman replied curtly, carrying wood to the fire and fanning the coals.

How does the setting influence characterization in the text?

The setting causes the characters to endure cold temperatures.
The setting causes the characters to have difficulty riding the horses.
The setting causes the characters to have difficulty finding food.
The setting causes the characters to use overly polite manners.


Answer: C.  The setting causes the characters to have difficulty finding food.


The setting infers that the characters in question are looking for food to eat. First the men who came in on horseback ask for food and say they are starving which means that they have had difficulty finding food.

Then the notice that the ranch may not have food as well when they say that there is no way the place can be empty and lacking of food seeing as there was a child there. This means that the woman herself wants food so the setting is such that the characters seem to all have difficulty in finding food.

Which statement best summarizes the following portion of the Declaration of
When in the Course of human events, it becomes
necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands
which have connected them with another, and to assume
among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal
station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God
entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind
requires that they should declare the causes which impel
them to the separation.
A. Nature provides certain privileges to some nations.
B. Nations should make clear why they no longer want to be allied
with one another.
C. Nations should remain separate and equal from one another.
D. Sometimes nations must separate from one another.



A. Nature provides certain privileges to some nations.


Explain what Lester thinks the duty of a witness is



Witnesses play a very important role in criminal cases. They help to clarify what happened by telling the judge or jury everything they know about an event. A witness is someone who has relevant information about a crime. Witnesses must make an oath or solemnly state that they will tell the truth in court.

Which sentence in the passage contains
a demonstrative pronoun?
A. Whose idea was that?
B. I went with my cousin, whom we all like.
C. Everybody was very tired near the end of the trip.
D. This was my first choice for a vacation.



A. Whose idea was that ?


it is demonstrate because demonstrative pronouns contains this or that!

he _____ open the letter as soon as i gave him (tores/tears)​



toars ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Sometime I don't understand what to call people. If it is an old man, I know I should say “Mr." with his last name. If it is a lady, I should use "Ms." or "Mrs." or "Miss" with her last name. When you use the title "Dr." it can be a problem. It's easy it is a medical doctor. You know that he or she has patients or works in a hospital. But there are some doctors who are not doctors of medicine. They are people with a lot of education, usually more than 7 years at a university. Sometimes they like to be called "Dr." too. I am never sure when I meet a "Dr.". Somebody whether I should ask that person about my headache or my schoolwork.

1. What is the best topic for the paragraph?

1. Understanding Titles
2. Understanding People
3. Understanding Names
4. Understanding People's Last Name​



1. understanding titles



1. understanding titles

how is the title 'If not higher' suitable for story?​


Share your best title for "If Not Higher" with the class. The teacher will write the best title of some groups on the board, and then the class as a whole will vote on which the best title. In the end, the class will vote on which is the better title - "If Not Higher" or the best one proposed by the class.

Did the police catch the thief? chnge this to passive voice​



The theif would be caught by the police


it is a passive voice because the sentance is saying he ought to be caught sooner or later, but has no doubts that if someone were to catch the theif, it would be by the police

Which sentence is consistently iambic ?
A.) reconnoiter the woods
B.) give me your sympathy
C.)maxi rides a scooter
D.) we face the foe alone



C po


Pag tama edi tma Ganon Lang yon

Ramses II ruled over Egypt from the years 1279 BCE to 1213 BCE. A famous statue was erected to him during his reign, and the statue was discovered by archaeologists in the early 1800s CE. Over time, it had fallen and broken into pieces. In 1817, the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley was inspired to write a poem about a statue of an ancient ruler.

Read the poem "Ozymandias" by Percy Bysshe Shelley

I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert … near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal these words appear:
'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings;
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

Once you have read the text, examine the following depiction of what the statue of Ramses II would have looked like during his reign.

Image depicts a large sand-colored stone sculpture of Ramses II. He stands several feet tall in an erect posture, clenched hands at his sides, staring straight ahead.
© Stephen & Donna O'Meara / Photo
Researchers / Universal Images Group
/ Image Quest 2018

The sculptor of Ramses II and Shelley both depict an ancient ruler, but there are details in visual art that cannot be communicated through text. In a short response of at least five sentences, describe at least one detail clearly shown in the sculpture that is not evident in the poem. Include at least one specific reference to each work in your response.


In her poem, Shelly said that this king had a cold command. She also said "The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed" which suggests that this king often looked down on others, and felt superior. On the other hand, she states how passionate the sculptor was and how the pedestal states, "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings; Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!". Using both of these resources we can determine that the sculptor sees the king as a very powerful figure, and that he looks up to and cares about this ruler. In other words, Shelly believes that rulers are harsh and cold, while the sculptor of this statue believes that rulers are great and powerful.

I just took the test, don't know what I got on this question yet tho, but here is my answer.


All of this is based on current knowledge. The passage written by Shelley was made over 400 years after Ramses II had died. So, Shelley had very limited ways to find out how Ramses II actually ruled. His perception of Ramses II was a weak ruler of Egypt. However, the sculpture (which I have attached) clearly demonstrates a position of power. The connotation the sculpture was intended to give off was positive. And just simply the fact the sculpture was created signifies that the person looked up to Ramses II as an influential figure.

The image is attached below fora anyone who is lost.

Identify the error in the following sentence:
I need to take at least five courses next semester, however, I will also have to make time to attend choir rehearsals.



The sentence has two independent clauses


To fix it, add a period or semicolon where the comma was:

I need to take at least five courses next semester. However, I will also have to make time to attend choir rehearsals.


I need to take at least five courses next semester; However, I will also have to make time to attend choir rehearsals.

Please answer this correctly without making mistakes


Answer: Only some white house reporters have been cleared.


Which of the following is NOT a recommended guideline for practicing positive
a.Establish a way of dealing with your fears.
b.Concentrate on what is going poorly in your life so that you can fix it.
C.Separate irrational fears from ones to which you need to pay attention.
D.Hold yourself accountable for efforts, not results.



separate irrational fears from ones to which you need to pay attention

Write a short story in which you are transformed into an animal for a day


“I felt odd and had the smell of bacon running through my nose when suddenly I had the instinct to wake up and follow the smell. When I sprung to my feet I realized I had paws instead of hands and thought I was dreaming until I discovered that I had turned into a dog! It freaked me out at first but then I remembered how easy dogs have it. It took me awhile to figure out how to walk with four legs but then I was quickly trotting towards the smell of bacon and found myself in my own kitchen watching my (mom, dad, roommate etc.) cooking bacon. Everything was great until they yelled “Who are you? I don’t have a dog, get out!” I was shoed outside and confused as ever. I sat outside and pondered what my next move would be and how I had turned into a dog and how do I turn back into myself…. You can add stuff or change things but I hope this helps!

Which statement is generally true about writing?

Rewriting is necessary only for writing that will be graded.

Intuitive writers are more skilled than those who use outlines to plan their work.

There’s a standard approach to writing that works for every writer.

Writing is a skill that anyone can learn.



for me the first one, but writing can be a skill anyone can pick up.


Among all the given statements, the one that can be stated as true in the context of writing is: “Writing is hard work, but it can be fun.”  Hence, Option E is correct.

What is Writing?

Writing is a kind of human communication that uses a system of physically engraved, mechanically transferred or digitally recorded symbols to represent a language.

Any customary set of markings or signs that represent the words of a language are considered to be writing. Writing makes language clear. Writing is definite and lasting in contrast to speech, which is fleeting.

Expository, descriptive, persuasive, and narrative writing are the only four major styles of writing, despite the fact that there are several reasons why one could be picking up a pen and paper or tapping away on a laptop.

Therefore, option E is correct.

Learn more about Writing from here:



The complete question has been attached in text form:

Which statement is generally true about writing?

Rewriting is necessary only for writing that will be graded.

Intuitive writers are more skilled than those who use outlines to plan their work.

There’s a standard approach to writing that works for every writer.

Writing is a skill that anyone can learn.

Writing is hard work, but it can be fun.

make this passive voice pls ...[it help us to make oo7 conversation style.it will definitly bring a great revolution in our life.]​



The elaboration of the oo7 conversation style was carried out thanks to the help of it, which caused a revolution in our lives.


A sentence that has a passive voice is one where the subject undergoes the action presented by the verb and does not perform the action presented by the verb. As you may already know, the verb is the word that promotes an action or a state, while the subject is the term that allows the action of the verb to happen, promoting it in some way. In this case, in the sentence shown in the question above, we can see that the verb is the word "help" and the subject is the word "it" in the first sentence. "It" is promoting the action represented by the verb "help," which makes this sentence a active voice sentence. To transform it into the passive voice, we must rewrite this sentence, making "it" start to suffer the action of this verb. This can be done as follows:

"The elaboration of the oo7 conversation style was carried out thanks to the help of it, which caused a revolution in our lives."

When the resistance attacks, would you rather join the children as
Eliezer does or join in the fighting?



children as Eliezer


In my opinion

What does the speaker mean by these lines: "And I throbbed with a burning desire/To travel this immensity"?


The speaker means that he had a strong desire to travel to such greatness. Makes sense? Hope so! I’ll see what I can do in case you don’t understand. Oh, and just ignore the spammers. They’re weird.

Investigation Report

You are the Manager at Roberts and Roberts Trading Store in Roseview, and have lately discovered that the revenue is not equal to the items sold in the store. In addition, the financial officer has reported inconsistencies on the pricing of several items- a single item has more than one price and some items are overpriced. You reported this matter to the owner, Mr Ian Roberts, and he tasked you to conduct an investigation into this matter.

how to write this scenario into an investigation report ENN1504​



ụnnh jhjjjj


plzz slove fast plzz ​please please fast



a) A person who admires mothers from a distance.

b) It means "cared for her young sons".


What is the subject and predicate of the sentence



First on is yellow toy plane and the second one is flew over the wall

The subject of the sentence

A subject of a sentence is who or what the sentence is about, so basically the subject of that sentence is yellow toy plane.

the predicate of the Sentence

the predicate tells what the subject is doing or about, so there in the sentence the predicate is flew over the wall.

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