what is the point of human life, what is our purpose on earth and why were we put here?


Answer 1


The purpose of creation for all men and women for all times has been one: To know and worship God.

The Qur’an teaches us that every human being is born conscious of God: “(Remember) when your Lord extracted from the loins of Adam’s children their descendants and made them testify (saying): ‘Am I not your Lord?’ They said: ‘Yes, we testify to it.’ (This was) in case you say on the Day of Judgment: ‘We were unaware of this.’ Or you say: ‘It was our ancestors who worshipped others besides God and we are only their descendants. Will you then destroy us for what those liars did’?” (Qur’an, 7:172-173)

In Christianity, the meaning of life is rooted in faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ. However, the proposition is not without serious problems.

First, if this is the purpose of creation and the precondition for eternal life, why was it not taught by the prophets to all the nations of the world? Second, had God turned into man close to the time of Adam all mankind would have had an equal chance to eternal life, unless those before the time of Jesus had another purpose for their existence! Third, how can people today who have not heard of Jesus fulfill the Christian purpose of creation? Naturally, such a purpose is too narrow and goes against divine justice.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) teaches us that God created this primordial need in human nature at the time Adam was made. God took a covenant from Adam when He created him.

God extracted all of Adam’s descendants who were yet to be born, generation after generation, spread them out, and took a covenant from them. He addressed their souls directly, making them bear witness that He was their Lord. Since God made all human beings swear to His Lordship when He created Adam, this oath is imprinted on the human soul even before it enters the fetus, and so a child is born with a natural belief in the Oneness of God. This natural belief is called fitra in Arabic.

Consequently, every person carries the seed of belief in the Oneness of God that lies deeply buried under layers of negligence and dampened by social conditioning. If the child were left alone, it would grow up conscious of God — a single Creator — but all children are affected by their environment. The Prophet of God said, “Each child is born in a state of ‘fitra,’ but his parents make him a Jew or a Christian. It is like the way an animal gives birth to a normal offspring. Have you noticed any young born mutilated before you mutilate them?” (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim)

The Arabs would cut the ears of camels and the likes as a service to their gods in pre-Islamic times.

So, just as the child’s body submits to physical laws, set by God in nature, its soul submits naturally to the fact that God is its Lord and Creator. However, its parents condition it to follow their own way, and the child is not mentally capable of resisting it.

The religion which the child follows at this stage is one of custom and upbringing, and God does not hold it to account for this religion. When a child matures into an adult, he or she must now follow the religion of knowledge and reason.

As adults, people must now struggle between their natural disposition toward God and their desires in order to find the correct path. The call of Islam is directed to this primordial nature, the natural disposition, the imprint of God on the soul, the fitra, which caused the souls of every living being to agree that He Who made them was their Lord, even before the heavens and earth were created, “I did not create the jinn and mankind except for My worship.” (Qur’an, 51:56)

According to Islam, there has been a basic message which God has revealed through all prophets, from the time of Adam to the last of the prophets, Muhammad (peace be upon them). All the prophets sent by God came with the same essential message: “Indeed, We have sent a messenger to every nation (saying), ‘Worship God and avoid false gods...’.” (Qur’an, 16:36)

The prophets (peace be upon them) brought the same answer to mankind’s most troubling question, an answer that addresses the yearning of the soul for God.

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It is the anther.


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The chemical compound used as energy in the plant is Glucose. Glucose is the plants form of sugar aka food. The plant uses glucose to grow. Hope this helped. Please mark brainiest



I hope this helps

sorry go to my page ill post it again for the same amount of points. keep refreshing posting now


Okay I will and I got you

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A. 1.67 x 10 24 g
B. 16.7 x 10 -25 g
C. 167 x 10 -26 g
D. 1.67 x 10 -24 g



The proton is 1.6726×10−27 kg


1.67 x 10-24g


whats 854 ÷ 10,000 = __ piz help



bruh just use a calculator.

the answer is 0.0854

Answer: 11.709


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evolutionary adaption



growth and development





Homeostasis means the tendency toward a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements, especially as maintained by physiological processes. Meaning your body will regulate itself to keep its normal tempature.

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Yes, it was.


The data did support the hypothesis because the data given was generalized on the change of light each plant received. The hypothesis was that the plant light would have the greatest amount of growth. The data was the different light types and the hypothesis was which one he inferred would work best.


- The type of plants used in the study

- The number of plants in each experimental group

- A complete citation of the source


(photo) which could cause a rigid container of gas to explode?



c. Increasing The Temperature


An egg is protected by its outer shell. However, the shell also allows moisture and air to pass through. Which cell structure performs a similar function? A. cell membrane B. cytoplasm C. nucleus D. vacuole



A. Cell membrane


The cell is the basic unit of the living organisms. The cell consists of the various cell organelles like nucleus, mitochondria and Golgi. The cell membrane covers the cell boundary.

The outer shell protects the egg and allows the exchange of moisture. The plasma membrane performs the similar functions ad allows the transport of some selected particles only.

Thus, the correct answer is option (A).


A. cell membrane

I hope this helps

All members of a species that live in the same area at the same time make up alan)


answer: population

All the members of one species in one area are referred to as a population.

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Humans, lions, and cows, as well as all other organisms that gather energy by consuming other organisms can be considered heterotrophs!

I hope I was of assistance! #SpreadTheLove <3

32. If available, the body will always digest which macromolecule for energy first?
A. lipids B. proteins C. enzymes D. carbohydrates

33. The class of macromolecule that would most likely be involved in contracting muscles would be A. lipids B. proteins C. enzymes D. carbohydrates



Sty I have not learned this yet hopefully i will next year

D, carbohydrates are the body’s main source of energy.

Topo map ,30 points! !!!



410   500  450


Even though sunlight looks white, what is it really made up of?



White light means your not missing any of the visible color spectrum, so all the colors.



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hydrophobic molecules



Carbon dioxide


Large polar molecules





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yes because the protein atoms in the fish will be consumed by the human


1. During mitosis, a single cell divides to produce two daughter cells. What must happen in the original cell so that each of the daughter cells has a complete set of chromosomes?


In mitosis a cell divides to form two identical daughter cells. It is important that the daughter cells have a copy of every chromosome, so the process involves copying the chromosomes first and then carefully separating the copies to give each new cell a full set.

Mitosis is the cell division which occurs in all types of cells in the body. This results into formation of daughter cells with same set of genetic material as the parent cell.

What is Mitosis?

Mitosis is a type of cell division which occurs in all types of cells. This division is also called as Equational division as the genetic content remains constant from the parents to offspring. This process results into formation of two daughter cells which are similar to the parent cell.

In mitosis, a cell divides to form two identical daughter cells with same genetic material. It is important that the daughter cells have a copy of every chromosome in their nucleuc, so the process involves copying of the chromosomes first and then carefully separating the chromosomes copies to give each new cell a full set of genetic material.

Learn more about Mitosis here:



during duffusion molecules move ?



During diffusion, molecules do move.


Many different types of mutations can occur within the body. An individual experiences a mutation that changes a base in
a mRNA strand, but during translation the mRNA strand still creates the same protein. Which type of mutation is
responsible for the change in the mRNA base?







A. Silent, The type of mutation responsible for changing a base in the mRNA strand, without changing the coding aminoacid or protein, is called a silent mutation.


In a silent mutation occurs the change of a nitrogenous base in one of the codons that encodes an aminoacid, without changing the aminoacid or altering the structure or function of the protein to be synthesized.

In this type of mutations the change of the base does not mean the change of the aminoacid, because some aminoacids can be coded with more than one codon. In the case of Leucine, the codons that encode it are CUU, CUC, CUG or CUA, so even if a base changes, the final protein will be the correct one.

For the other options:

Missense: the change of the base in the DNA chain implies the change of the codon in the mRNA and of the encoded aminoacid, in that way a structural and functional alteration of the synthesized protein occurs. Nonsense: the change in the nitrogenous base in the DNA leads to the coding of a termination codon, so that the protein is ultimately incomplete. Insertion: in this case there is the addition of more nitrogenous bases to the DNA chain, with respect to the original one.




Edge 2021

Please help with this question will give brainiest to best answer



I am going with b because I am 100% sure this is the correct answer


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Water is denser as a liquid than as a solid.


The property of water that makes icebergs float on is due to the fact that water as a liquid is denser than as a solid.

According to the rules of floatation, a less dense substance will always float on a denser liquid because a body will always displace its own weight when placed in a liquid. At room temperature, water as a liquid has a density of 1 g/cm3 but if the same water forms ice, the density would be 0.92 g/cm3. Hence, when ice is placed on water, it will float on it.

look at the picture for question


Answer:its the second one mate


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Who is credited with creating the first accurate model of DNA? Rosalind Franklin Friedrich Miescher James Watson and Francis Crick Marshall Nirenberg and Heinrich Matthaei



The answer is C


The persons credited by accurate model of DNA are James Watson and Francis Crick.

What is model of DNA?

The molecular models of DNA structures are representations of the molecular geometry and topology of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).

First accurate model of DNA

The first accurate model of DNA also known as 3-dimensional double helix structure of DNA, was correctly elucidated by James Watson and Francis Crick.

Thus, the persons credited by accurate model of DNA are James Watson and Francis Crick.

Learn more about models of DNA here: https://brainly.com/question/24686262

Which layer is it found on?



D. Troposphere

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body systems



a collection of tissues working together is an Organ

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The sun makes rainbows when white sunlight passes through rain drops. The raindrops act like tiny prisms. They bend the different colors in white light, so the light spreads out into a band of colors that can be reflected back to you as a rainbow.

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