what is the prefix notation of 0.0000738?​


Answer 1


The scientific notation of 738 is 7.38 x 1002.

Answer 2
I agree with the answer above me…

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Type the correct answer in the box. Use numerals instead of words.
Anne has a sample of a substance. Its volume is 20 cm and its mass is 100 grams. What is the sample's density?
The sample's density is








5. For the speaker in this circuit, the voltage across it is always proportional to the current through it. Find the maximum amount of power that the circuit can deliver to the speaker.














- circuit




Sorry but you have no picture shown

An empty parallel plate capacitor is connected between the terminals of a 18.8-V battery and charges up. The capacitor is then disconnected from the battery, and the spacing between the capacitor plates is doubled. As a result of this change, what is the new voltage between the plates of the capacitor



[tex]p.d' = 37.6 V[/tex]


From the question we are told that:

Potential difference [tex]p.d=18.8V[/tex]

New Capacitor [tex]C_1=C_2/2[/tex]

Generally the equation for Capacitor capacitance is mathematically given by


Generally the equation for New p.d' is mathematically given by


  [tex]p.d' = 2V[/tex]

 [tex]p.d'= 2 * 18.8[/tex]

 [tex]p.d' = 37.6 V[/tex]

The human eye can readily detect wavelengths from about 400 nm to 700 nm. Part A If white light illuminates a diffraction grating having 910 lines/mm , over what range of angles does the visible m



The correct answer is "[tex]21.344^{\circ}[/tex]" and "[tex]39.56^{\circ}[/tex]".


According to the question,

Slit width,

[tex]d=\frac{1}{910 \ lines/mm}[/tex]

  [tex]=\frac{1}{910\times 10^3}[/tex]

  [tex]=1.099\times 10^{-6} \ m[/tex]

The condition far first order maxima will be:

⇒ [tex]d Sin \theta = 1 \lambda[/tex]


⇒ [tex]\Theta_{min} = Sin^{-1} (\frac{\lambda}{d} )[/tex]

             [tex]=Sin^{-1} (\frac{400\times 10^{-9}}{1.099\times 10^{-6}} )[/tex]


⇒ [tex]\Theta_{max} = Sin^{-1} (\frac{\lambda}{d} )[/tex]

             [tex]=Sin^{-1} (\frac{700\times 10^{-9}}{1.099\times 10^{-6}} )[/tex]


write physical quantities and its unit​


length= metre

mass= kg

time= second

temperature = kelvin

current= ampere

luminous intensity= candela

Amount of substance = mole


I hope this will help you

stay safe

What distance do I cover if I travel 10 m E, then 6 mW, then 12 m E?
A. 16 m
B. 28 m
C. 16 m E
D. 28 m E



C. 16 m E



The law of addition of vector: Vector in the same direction are added while vector in opposite direction are substracted

From the question above,

Step 1: Total distance covered towards east = 10+12 = 22 m E

Step2: Total distance covered towards west = 6 m W

Therefore, the resultant distance traveled = 22-6 = 16 m E

Hence the right option is C. 16 m E

uniform electric field of magnitude 365 N/C pointing in the positive x-direction acts on an electron, which is initially at rest. The electron has moved 3.00 cm. (a) What is the work done by the field on the electron? 1.753e-18 J (b) What is the change in potential energy associated with the electron? J



a)   W = - 1.752 10⁻¹⁸ J,  b)    U = + 1.752 10⁻¹⁸ J


a) work is defined by

         W = F . x

the bold letters indicate vectors, in this case the force is electric

         F = q E

we substitute

         F = q E x

the charge of the electron is

         q = - e

         F = - e E x

let's calculate

         W = - 1.6 10⁻¹⁹  365  3 10⁻²

         W = - 1.752 10⁻¹⁸ J

b) the change in potential energy is

          U = q ΔV

the potential difference is

          ΔV = - E. Δs


we substitute

         U = - q E Δs

the charge of the electron is

           q = - e

          U = e E Δs

we calculate

           U = 1.6 10⁻¹⁹ 365  3 10⁻²

           U = + 1.752 10⁻¹⁸ J

A person pushes horizontally on a heavy box and slides it across the level floor at constant velocity. The person pushes with a 60.0 N force for the first 16.4 m at which time he begins to tire. The force he exerts then starts to decrease linearly from 60.0 N to 0.00 N across the remaining 6.88 m. How much total work did the person do on the box


Over the first 16.4 m, the person performs

W = (60.0 N) (16.4 m) = 984 J

of work.

Over the remaining 6.88 m, they perform a varying amount of work according to

F(x) ≈ 60.0 N + (-8.72 N/m) x

where x is in meters. (-8.72 is the slope of the line segment connecting the points (0, 60.0) and (6.88, 0).) The work done over this interval can be obtained by integrating F(x) over the interval [0, 6.88 m] :

W = ∫₀⁶˙⁸⁸ F(x) dx ≈ 206.4 J

(Alternatively, you can plot F(x) and see that it's a triangle with base 6.88 m and height 60.0 N, so the work done is the same, 1/2 (6.88 m) (60.0 N) = 206.4 J.)

So the total work performed by the person on the box is

984 J + 206.4 J = 1190.4 J ≈ 1190 J

A covalent bond is formet by of electrons..?​



The covalent bond is formed by pairs of electrons that are shared between two atom


The covalent bond is formed by pairs of electrons that are shared between two atoms, in general the electrons must have opposite spins to have a lower energy state.

In this bond, the electrons are between the two atoms and are shared between them in such a way that there is a configuration of eight electrons in the orbit.





[tex]A_1[/tex] = 4.5 cm[tex]^2[/tex]

[tex]v_1[/tex] = 40 cm/s

[tex]v_2[/tex] = 90 cm/s

[tex]A_2[/tex] = ?

a) The continuity equation is given by

[tex]A_1v_1 = A_2v_2[/tex]

Solving for [tex]A_2[/tex],

[tex]A_2 = \dfrac{v_1}{v_2}A1 = \left(\dfrac{40\:\text{cm/s}}{90\:\text{cm/s}}\right)(4.5\:\text{cm}^2)[/tex]

[tex]= 2\:\text{cm}^2[/tex]

b) If the cross-sectional area is reduced by 50%, its new area [tex]A_2'[/tex] now is only 1 cm^2, which gives us a radius of

[tex]r = \sqrt{\dfrac{A_2'}{\pi}} = 0.564\:\text{cm}[/tex]

Two 0.20-kg balls, moving at 4 m/s east, strike a wall. Ball A bounces backwards at the same speed. Ball B stops. Which statement correctly describes the change in momentum of the two balls?

a. |ΔpBl<|ΔPA|
b. |ΔpBl=|ΔPA|
c. |ΔpB|>|ΔPA|
d. ΔpB > ΔPA



Option A


From the question we are told that:

Mass [tex]m=0.20kg[/tex]

Velocity [tex]v=4m/s[/tex]

Generally the equation for momentum for Ball A is mathematically given by

Initial Momentum




Final Momentum



 [tex]\triangle M_a=-1.6kgm/s[/tex]

Generally the equation for momentum for Ball B is mathematically given by

Initial Momentum




Final Momentum

 [tex]M_{b2}=-0 kgm/s[/tex]


 [tex]|\triangle M_a|>|\triangle Mb|[/tex]

Option A

How many joules of energy are required to accelerate one kilogram of mass from rest to a velocity of 0.866c?



the amount of energy needed is 1.8 x 10¹⁷ J.



mass of the object, m₀ = 1 kg

velocity of the object, v = 0.866 c

By physics convection, c is the speed of light = 3 x 10⁸ m/s

The energy needed is calculated as follows;

E = Mc²

As the object approaches the speed of light, the change in the mass of the object is given by Einstein's relativity formula;

[tex]M = \frac{M_0}{\sqrt{1- \frac{v^2}{c^2} } } \\\\ M = \frac{1}{\sqrt{1- \frac{(0.866c)^2}{c^2} } }\\\\ M = \frac{1}{\sqrt{1- \frac{0.74996c^2}{c^2} } }\\\\ M = \frac{1}{\sqrt{0.25} } \\\\ M = 2 \ kg[/tex]

The energy required is calculated as;

E = 2 x (3 x 10⁸)²

E = 1.8 x 10¹⁷ J

Therefore, the amount of energy needed is 1.8 x 10¹⁷ J.

The _______ principle encourages us to resolve a set of stimuli, such as trees across a ridgeline, into smoothly flowing patterns
A.) depth perception.
B.) perception.
C.) similarity.
D.) continuity.



The answer is continuity ( D )



A hungry monkey is sitting at the top of a tree 69 m above ground level. A person standing on the ground wants to feed the monkey. He uses a tee-shirt cannon to launch bananas at the monkey. If the person knows that the monkey is going to drop from the tree at the same instant that the person launches the bananas, how should the person aim the banana cannon



Well if you want to be sure you should just throw it to the ground so then when he lands he can catch it.

If the cannon throws the banana with the same force the monkey falls

(m.g=Fz <=> m.9,81N/kg=...N).

Then the throw will slow down because of the gravitational pull.

Because the banana cannon is selfmade you can choose what mass the bananas in question have, so let that be the same as the monkeys.

The monkey falls with the speed of 9,81m.s => so it takes the monkey 7,1s to land.

If the cannon can shoot the banana at the same speed the monkey falls then they would cross in the middle.

So to do so you need to throw the bananas with a speed of at least 9,81m.s

Soo ... throw them with a force of that is greater then the gravitational pull and things will work out.

I'm sorry I don't know why I wrote all of this irrelevant information it's 2:21 right now and I'm tired.

kind regards

Una bala de 10 g se dispara contra un bloque de madera de 102 g inicialmente en reposo sobre una superficie horizontal. Después del impacto el bloque se desliza 8 m antes de detenerse. Si el coeficiente de fricción entre el bloque y la superficie es 0,5, ¿Cuál es la velocidad de la bala inmediatamente antes del impacto?



una ess abola cola sola answer

The same constant force is used to accelerate two carts of the same mass, initially at rest, on horizontal frictionless tracks. The force is applied to cart A for twice as long a time as it is applied to cart B. The work the force does on A is WA; that on B is WB. Which statement is correct?

a. WA = WB
b. WA = 2WB.
c. WA=4WB
d. WB= 2WA



Option (c).


Let the mass of each cart is m and the force is F.

Time for cart A is 2t and for cart B is t.

Work done is given by the

W= force x displacement

As the distance is given by

S= u t +0.5 at^2

So, when the time is doubled the distance is four times.

So, WA = F x 4 S

WB = F x S

WA= 4 WB

A weight suspended from a spring is seen to bob up and down over a distance of 20 cm triply each second. What is the period? What is the amplitude?


The period and the amplitude of the weight suspended from spring are 0.33 seconds and 10 centimeters, respectively.

1) The period is given by:

[tex] T = \frac{1}{f} [/tex]


f: is the frequency = 3 bob up and down each second = 3 s⁻¹ = 3 Hz

[tex] T = \frac{1}{f} = \frac{1}{3 Hz} = 0.33 s [/tex]

Hence, the period is 0.33 s.

2) The amplitude is the distance between the equilibrium position and the maximum position traveled by the spring. Since the spring is moving up and down over a distance of 20 cm, then the amplitude is:          

[tex] A = \frac{20 cm}{2} = 10 cm [/tex]  

Therefore, the amplitude is 10 cm.          

You can learn more about the period and amplitude here: https://brainly.com/question/15169209?referrer=searchResults

I hope it helps you!                    

A compact disk with a 12 cm diameter is rotating at 5.24 rad/s.

a. What is the linear speed _______m/s
b. What is the centripetal acceleration of a point on its outer rim _______
c. Consider a point on the CD that is halfway between its center and its outer rim. Without repeating all of the calculations required for parts (a) and (b), determine the linear speed of this point. _______m/s
d. Determine the centripetal acceleration of this point. _______



(a) 31.44 m/s (b) 164.74 m/s²


Given that,

The diameter of a disk, d = 12 cm

Radius, r = 6 cm

Angular speed = 5.24 rad/s

(a) Linear speed,

[tex]v=r\omega\\\\v=6\times 5.24\\\\v=31.44\ m/s[/tex]

(b) Centripetal acceleration,

[tex]a=\dfrac{v^2}{r}\\\\a=\dfrac{31.44^2}{6}\\\\a=164.74\ m/s^2[/tex]

Object A has a mass m and a speed v, object B has a mass m/2 and a speed 4v, and object C has a mass 3m and a speed v/3. Rank the objects according to the magnitude of their momentum.

Rank from smallest to largest.



Momentum of object A = Momentum of object C < momentum of B.


The momentum of an object is equal to the product of mass and velocity.

Object A has a mass m and a speed v. Its momentum is :

p = mv

Object B has a mass m/2 and a speed 4v. Its momentum is :

p = (m/2)×4v = 2mv

Object C has a mass 3m and a speed v/3. Its momentum is :

p = (3m)×(v/3) = mv


Momentum of object A = Momentum of object C < momentum of B.

Which person ha the most freedom to make his or her own lifestyle decisions?
A. Frieda is 10 years old and lives with her grandmother
B. Vladimir is 3 years old and attends preschool
C. Quincy is 16 years old and lives in a dormitory
D. Lucinda is 32 years old and has two children



C Quincy


Both Frieda and Vladimir are too young to be making their own decisions. Lucinda has limited freedom due to having two children, while Quincy is just now becoming an adult and has his whole life still ahead of him. Therefore, Quincy has the most freedom to make their own lifestyle decisions.

I hope this helps!


The correct answer is C. Quincy is 16 years old and lives in a dormitory


Quincy being 16 may be able to get a job and hold a membership at a gym even if not at a gym he still has the most freedom period with Lucinda having children and Frieda and Vladimir being to young to make the choices of exercising on their own.

Please tell me if I'm wrong so I may give you the correct answer!

Happy Holidays!!  

please help me .finish this paper​



[tex]\boxed{\sf \dfrac{10\times 1000}{60\times 60}}[/tex]


[tex]\boxed{\sf Sodium\:and\:Potassium}[/tex]


[tex]\boxed{\sf 320m}[/tex]


[tex]\boxed{\sf Rough\:tiles\:are\:used\:in\:bathroom}[/tex]


[tex]\boxed{\sf Mg_3N_2}[/tex]


[tex]\boxed{\sf Grapes\:and\:Rambutan}[/tex]


[tex]\boxed{\sf {}^{}_{}N}[/tex]


[tex]\boxed{\sf Galactuse}[/tex]


[tex]\boxed{\sf Y-X}[/tex]


[tex]\boxed{\sf Cell\:wall}[/tex]

A force of 15 N toward the WEST is applied to a 4.0 kg box. Another force of 42 N toward the EAST is also applied to the 4.0 kg box. The net force on the 4.0 kg box


Answer :

[tex]\implies F_1 < F_2[/tex]

[tex] \implies F_{net} = F_2 - F1[/tex]

[tex]\implies F_{net} = 42 -15[/tex]

[tex]\implies \underline{ \boxed{ F_{net} = 27 \: N}}[/tex]

The net force on the 4.0 kg box is 27 N towards EAST.

TRUE or FALSE: The acceleration of projectile is 0 m/s/s at the peak of the trajectory. Identify the evidence which supports your answer.


FALSE The vertical velocity of a projectile is 0 m/s at the peak of its trajectory; but the horizontal component of the velocity at the peak is whatever the value was when first launched

The vertical acceleration of the projectile is at 0 m/s while the horizontal acceleration of the projectile at the peak of the trajectory = initial acceleration  ( i.e. statement in the question is False )

Projectile motion follows a parabolic path with x and y components of its velocity and acceleration. also the acceleration of a projectile is subject only to the acceleration due to gravity unlike other kinds of motions.

In a parabolic motion an object ( projectile ) is thrown into the air and left to move through a parabolic path under the effect of acceleration due to gravity.

Hence we can conclude that the statement is false, because horizontal acceleration of the projectile at the peak of the trajectory = initial acceleration

Learn more : https://brainly.com/question/24658194

A barge is hauled along a straight-line section of canal by two horses harnessed to tow ropes and walking along the tow paths on
either side of the canal. Each horse pulls with a force of 839 N at an angle of 15° with the centerline of the canal. Find the sum of these
two forces on the barge.
answer in ___kN



1.621 kN


Since each horse pulls with a force of 839 N at an angle of 15° with the centerline of the canal, the horizontal component of the force due to the first horse along the canal is F= 839cos15° N and its vertical component is F' = 839sin15° N(it is positive since it is perpendicular to the centerline of the canal and points upwards).

The horizontal component of the force due to the second horse along the canal is f = 839cos15° N and its vertical component is f' = -839sin15° N (it is negative since it is perpendicular to the centerline of the canal and points downwards).

So, the resultant horizontal component of force R = F + f = 839cos15° N + 839cos15° N = 2(839cos15°) N = 2(839 × 0.9659) = 2 × 810.412 = 1620.82 N

So, the resultant vertical component of force R' = F' + f' = 839sin15° N + (-839sin15° N) = 839sin15° N - 839sin15° N = 0 N

The magnitude of the resultant force which is the sum of the two forces is R" = √(R² + R'²)

= √(R² + 0²)  (since R' = 0)

= √R²

= R  

= 1620.82 N

= 1.62082 kN

≅ 1.621 kN

So, the sum of these  two forces on the barge is 1.621 kN

I need the help
Please. I’m terrible at physics




so opposite and equal , right?    forces are. soooo..

528+52= 580 N    is the force that is being exerted up on the scale

12. A car travels in a straight line with an average velocity of 80 km/h for 2.5h and then an average velocity of 40 km/h from 1.5 h (a) what is the total displacement for the 4 h trip? (b) What is the average velocity for the total trip?



a. Total displacement = 140 km/h

b. Average velocity = 35 km/h


Given the following data;

Average velocity A = 80 km/h

Time A = 2.5 hours

Average velocity B = 40 km/h

Time B = 1.5 hours

a. To find the total displacement for the 4 h trip;

Total time = Time A + Time B

Total time = 2.5 + 1.5

Total time = 4 hours

Next, we would determine the displacement at each velocity.

Mathematically, displacement is given by the formula;

Displacement = velocity * time

Substituting into the formula, we have;

Displacement A = 80 * 2.5

Displacement A = 200 km/h

Displacement B = 40 * 1.5

Displacement B = 60 km/h

Total displacement = Displacement A - Displacement B

Total displacement = 200 - 60

Total displacement = 140 km/h

b. To find the average velocity for the total trip;

Mathematically, the average velocity of an object is given by the formula;

[tex] Average \; velocity = \frac {total \; displacement}{total \; time} [/tex]

Substituting into the formula, we have;

[tex] Average \; velocity = \frac {140}{4} [/tex]

Average velocity = 35 km/h

A 59.0 kg bungee jumper jumps off a bridge and undergoes simple harmonic motion. If the period of oscillation is 0.250 mins, what is the spring constant (in N/m) of the bungee cord, assuming it has negligible mass compared to that of the jumper



The spring constant of the spring is 10.3 N/m.


Given that,

Mass of a bungee jumper, m = 59 kg

The period of oscillation, T = 0.25 min = 15 sec

We need to find the spring constant of the bungee cord. We know that the period of oscillation is given by :



k is the spring constant

[tex]T^2=4\pi^2\times \dfrac{m}{k}\\\\k=4\pi^2\times \dfrac{m}{T^2}\\\\k=4\pi^2\times \dfrac{59}{(15)^2}\\\\k=10.3\ N/m[/tex]

So, the spring constant of the spring is 10.3 N/m.

A 650-kg elevator starts from rest. It moves upward for 3.00 s with constant acceleration until it reaches its cruis- ing speed of 1.75 m/s. (a) What is the average power of the elevator motor during this period


Answer: [tex]P=5573.43\ W[/tex]



Mass of the elevator is [tex]M=650\ kg\\\[/tex]

Time period of ascension [tex]t=3\ s[/tex]

cruising speed [tex]v=1.75\ m/s[/tex]

Distance moved by elevator during this time

Suppose Elevator starts from rest

[tex]\Rightarrow v=u+at\\\Rightarrow 1.75=0+a(3)\\\Rightarrow a=0.583\ s[/tex]

Distance moved

[tex]\Rightarrow h=ut+0.5at^2\\\Rightarrow h=0+0.5\times 0.5833\times (3)^2\\\Rightarrow h=2.62\ m[/tex]

Gain in Potential Energy is

[tex]\Rightarrow E=mgh\\\Rightarrow E=650\times 9.8\times 2.62\\\Rightarrow E=16,720.3\ N[/tex]

Average power during this period is

[tex]\Rightarrow P=\dfrac{E}{t}\\\\\Rightarrow P=\dfrac{16,720.3}{3}\\\\\Rightarrow P=5573.43\ W[/tex]


The power is 331.7 W.


mass, m = 650 kg

time, t= 3 s

initial  velocity,  u = 0 m/s

final velocity, v = 1.75 m/s

(a) The power is defined as the rate of doing work.

Work is given by the change in kinetic energy.

W = 0.5 m (V^2 - u^2)

W = 0.5 x 650 x 1.75 x 1.75 =  995.3 J

The power is given by

P = W/t = 995.3/3 = 331.7 W

What is the total kinetic energy of a 0.15 kg hockey puck sliding at 0.5 m/s and rotating about its center at 8.4 rad/s





From the question we are told that:

Mass [tex]m=0.15[/tex]

Velocity [tex]v=0.5m/s[/tex]

Angular Velocity [tex]\omega=8.4rad/s[/tex]

Generally the equation for Kinetic Energy is mathematically given by




A container is filled with water and the pressure at the container bottom is P. If the container is instead filled with a liquid having specific gravity 1.05, what new bottom pressure will be measured


eat ahah is when s susuehs
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