What is the range of g ( x ) = 3x − 2, if the domain is { − 1, 0, 1, 2 }?


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

3(-1)-2= -5


Related Questions

A tax on which of these products or services would not be considered a sin
O A. Alcohol
O B. Gambling
O C. Electronics
O D. Tobacco


Answer: electronics

Hope that helps

The option that is not considered a sin tax is option B, gambling.

What is a sin tax?

A sin tax is a tax that is applied to "harmful things" to society or individuals. An example of this is Tobacco.

From the given options, the harmful ones are alcohol, gambling, and tobacco. These 3 are considered harmful, so would be included under the sin taxes.

Then the option that is not considered a sin tax is option B, gambling.

If you want to learn more about taxes:



Write an equation in point-slope form for the line through the given point with the given slope. (Need ASAP help)
Is it a, b, c or d?


A because le puede hacer el pedido para la que oop no se w no

Can someone help me with this please !!


Step-by-step explanation:

I need help to...

I keep putting it in and no one has ever answered it and I'm struggling and getting stressed.

Find an explicit formula for the geometric sequence \dfrac12\,,-4\,,\,32\,,-256,.. 2 1 ​ ,−4,32,−256,..start fraction, 1, divided by, 2, end fraction, comma, minus, 4, comma, 32, comma, minus, 256, comma, point, point. Note: the first term should be \textit{a(1)}a(1)start text, a, left parenthesis, 1, right parenthesis, end text. a(n)=a(n)=a, left parenthesis, n, right parenthesis, equals



a(n)= 1/2 * (-8) n-1

Step-by-step explanation:

In a geometric sequence, the ratio between successive terms is constant. This means that we can move from any term to the next one by multiplying by a constant value. Let's calculate this ratio over the first few terms:












=−8start fraction, minus, 256, divided by, 32, end fraction, equals, start fraction, 32, divided by, minus, 4, end fraction, equals, start fraction, minus, 4, divided by, start fraction, 1, divided by, 2, end fraction, end fraction, equals, start color #6495ed, minus, 8, end color #6495ed

We see that the constant ratio between successive terms is \blue{-8}−8start color #6495ed, minus, 8, end color #6495ed. In other words, we can find any term by starting with the first term and multiplying by \blue{-8}−8start color #6495ed, minus, 8, end color #6495ed repeatedly until we get to the desired term.

Let's look at the first few terms expressed as products:

nn 111 222 333 444

h(n)\!\!\!\!\!h(n)h, left parenthesis, n, right parenthesis \red{\dfrac12}\cdot\!\!\!\left(\blue{-8}\right)^{\,\large0}\!\!\!\!\!\!  





start color #df0030, start fraction, 1, divided by, 2, end fraction, end color #df0030, dot, left parenthesis, start color #6495ed, minus, 8, end color #6495ed, right parenthesis, start superscript, 0, end superscript \red{\dfrac12}\cdot\!\!\!\left(\blue{-8}\right)^{\,\large1}\!\!\!\!\!\!  





start color #df0030, start fraction, 1, divided by, 2, end fraction, end color #df0030, dot, left parenthesis, start color #6495ed, minus, 8, end color #6495ed, right parenthesis, start superscript, 1, end superscript \red{\dfrac12}\cdot\!\!\!\left(\blue{-8}\right)^{\,\large2}\!\!\!\!\!\!  





start color #df0030, start fraction, 1, divided by, 2, end fraction, end color #df0030, dot, left parenthesis, start color #6495ed, minus, 8, end color #6495ed, right parenthesis, squared \red{\dfrac12}\cdot\!\!\!\left(\blue{-8}\right)^{\,\large3}  





start color #df0030, start fraction, 1, divided by, 2, end fraction, end color #df0030, dot, left parenthesis, start color #6495ed, minus, 8, end color #6495ed, right parenthesis, cubed

We can see that every term is the product of the first term, \red{\dfrac12}  



start color #df0030, start fraction, 1, divided by, 2, end fraction, end color #df0030, and a power of the constant ratio, \blue{-8}−8start color #6495ed, minus, 8, end color #6495ed. Note that this power is always one less than the term number nnn. This is because the first term is the product of itself and plainly 111, which is like taking the constant ratio to the zeroth power.

Thus, we arrive at the following explicit formula (Note that \red{\dfrac12}  



start color #df0030, start fraction, 1, divided by, 2, end fraction, end color #df0030 is the first term and \blue{-8}−8start color #6495ed, minus, 8, end color #6495ed is the constant ratio):






a, left parenthesis, n, right parenthesis, equals, start color #df0030, start fraction, 1, divided by, 2, end fraction, end color #df0030, dot, left parenthesis, start color #6495ed, minus, 8, end color #6495ed, right parenthesis, start superscript, n, minus, 1, end superscript

Note that this solution strategy results in this formula; however, an equally correct solution can be written in other equivalent forms as well.

please help, i don't understand the subject so i need an answer to help me out:) i will give brainliest to a good answer.


To be honest, I don't think it has anything to do with the exponent part at all. Instead, I think it has to do with the fact that integers are inherently easier to grasp compared to fractions (which is exactly what rational numbers are).

For instance, it's much easier to say 2+3 = 5 than it is to say 1/2 + 1/4 = 3/4

So going back to the exponent example, it's easier to say

x^2*x^3 = x^(2+3) = x^5

than it is to say

x^(1/2)*x^(1/4) = x^(1/2+1/4) = x^(3/4)

So that's my opinion as to why rational exponents are more tricky to grasp compared to integer exponents. Of course, everyone learns math differently so maybe some find fractions easier than others.




37.15 pounds left

Step-by-step explanation:

Add the two pound values

1.3+1.75= 3.05

Subtract it from the total number of pounds in the bag



So you would start by adding up the total amount he ate. So that would be

1.3 + 1.75 = 3.05

Then you have to subtract the amount he ate from the total amount.

40.2 - 3.05 = 37.15

So your answer would be 37.15 let me know if you don’t understand something, more than happy to help.

The following ordered pairs represent a function: {(-3, 1), (1, -2), (3, 0), (4, 5)}.

True or False




Step-by-step explanation:

this is because there is no function of an unknown in this set

Type the equation for the graph



Step-by-step explanation:

This is a "regular" sin graph that's "taller" than the original. The amplitude is 3; other than that, its period is the same and it has not shifted to the right or left, so the equation, judging from the graph, is


The Volume of a sphare is 28/3 times the surface area calculate The surface area and the Volume of the sphere, correct to the nearest whole number.​



Volume of a sphere is [tex]\dfrac{28}{3}[/tex] times the surface area.

To find:

The surface area and the volume of the sphere.


Volume of a sphere:

[tex]V=\dfrac{4}{3}\pi r^3[/tex]              ...(i)

Surface area of a sphere:

[tex]A=4\pi r^2[/tex]                      ...(ii)

Where, r is the radius of the sphere.

Volume of a sphere is [tex]\dfrac{28}{3}[/tex] times the surface area.

[tex]V=\dfrac{28}{3}\times A[/tex]

[tex]\dfrac{4}{3}\pi r^3=\dfrac{28}{3}\times 4\pi r^2[/tex]

Multiply both sides by 3.

[tex]4\pi r^3=112\pi r^2[/tex]

[tex]\dfrac{\pi r^3}{\pi r^2}=\dfrac{112}{4}[/tex]


Using (i), the volume of the sphere is:

[tex]V=\dfrac{4}{3}\times \dfrac{22}{7}\times (28)^3[/tex]

[tex]V\approx 91989[/tex]

Using (ii), the surface area of the sphere is:

[tex]A=4\times \dfrac{22}{7}\times (28)^2[/tex]


Therefore, the surface area of the sphere is 9856 sq. units and the volume of the sphere is 91989 cubic units.

The distance from Clinton to Greenville is 124 miles. To find the speed of a car, use the expression d divided t, where d represents the distance and t represents time. Find the speed of a car that travels from Clinton to Greenville in 2 hours


Step-by-step explanation:

time = 2 hours

distance travelled(d) = 124 miles


speed = d/t

=  124/2

= 62 miles per hour

Therefore, the speed of car is 62 miles per hour.

a man's income is rupees 12000 per month if the.If the rate of income tax ia rs2.50 per rs100,how much tax should he pay?​



don't know

Step-by-step explanation:

1. Write an expression in simplest form for the area of the figure below:
(answer pls)



(5x+6)(2x+5)-(2x+4)(x+8) simplified is 8x^2+17x-2

Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:






How many natural numbers are between 97 through 256?


Answer: go to this website https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/256_(number) it may help you

Step-by-step explanation:

There are 156 natural numbers between 97 and 256.

What are the Natural Numbers?

Natural numbers are defined as refer to a set of all the whole numbers excluding 0. We generally utilize these numbers in our speech and daily activities. Everywhere we look, numbers are used to count things, represent or exchange money, measure temperature, tell the time, etc. These numbers that are used for counting objects are called 'natural numbers'. For example, while counting objects 5 pencils.

Given data as :

The natural numbers are 97 and 256

To determine the numbers between the following, firstly subtract them and then subtract 2 to it.

97 and 256

⇒ 256 - 97

⇒ 158

Substract 2 from it.

= 158 -2

= 156

Thus, there are 156 natural numbers between 97 and 256.

Learn about natural numbers here :



A heron can travel an average of 400 km in 10h. What is the rate of change of distance?


Rate of change of distance is also known as speed.


Distance (s) = 400km = 400 × 1000m = 400,000m

Time (t) = 10h = 10 × 3600s = 36,000s

We know that,

Speed (v) = Distance/Time

[tex]=> v = \frac{s}{t} \\ => v = \frac{400000m}{36000s} \\ => v = \frac{400m}{36s} \\ => v = \frac{100m}{9s} \\ => v = \frac{100}{9}m {s}^{ - 2} \\ [/tex]

A heron can travel an average of 400 km in 10 hours. Then the rate of change of distance that is speed is [tex]11.12 ms^{-2}[/tex].

What is the meaning of the term “distance”?

Distance is a measurement of how far apart two things or locations are, either quantitatively or occasionally qualitatively. Distance in physics or common language can refer to a physical length or an estimate based on other factors.

The term is frequently used metaphorically to refer to a measurement of the amount of difference between two similar objects, or a degree of separation as exemplified by distance between people in a social network.

The concept of a metric space is used in mathematics to formalize the majority of such concepts of distance, both literal and figurative.

[tex]Distance (s) = 400km \\= 400 \times 1000m \\= 400,000mTime (t) = 10h \\= 10 \times 3600s \\= 36,000s\\\\Speed = Distance / Time\\= 400000 / 36000\\= 11.12 ms^{-2}[/tex]

Therefore, the rate of change of distance that is speed is [tex]11.12 ms^{-2}[/tex].

Learn more about distance from here:



What is the sum of the angles 'a' and 'b' from the diagram below.



90+ 135= 225

Step-by-step explanation:

a can be found with formula (n-2)×180/n, where n is number of sides

a= 135





See below

Step-by-step explanation:


The table is attached


The graph is attached


(a) Cumulative frequency is 500, median is at 249, 250, the horizontal line from point 250 on y-axis intersecting the graph at approximately 52%, this is the median

(b)  Vertical line from the 45% mark intersects the graph at approximately 177th point. The number of candidates passed the test:

500 - 177 = 323

(iii) P(pass) = 323/500 = 0.626 or 62.6%

Out of a class of 150 one third opted for Germany two fifth for Italian and rest for French. find how many opted for French​




Step-by-step explanation:

Total is 150

Germany=1/3 *150 = 50

Italian= 2/5 * 150 = 60

Total - Germany- Italian= French

150 - 50 -60= 40

Solve inequality problem (urgent help please)




Step-by-step explanation:


1 <= 3m-2 or 3m-2 <= -1

3 <= 3m or 3m <= 1

1 <= m or m <= (1/3)

Select the best real-world situation that can be represented by 12 + = 13.50. Group of answer choices Mary wants to buy flowers and perfume. She has $13.50 to spend, but has already spent $12 on perfume. How much does she have left to spend on flowers? Rachel earns $12 per hour. How long does it take her to earn $13.50? Jane has $13.50 to spend. How many roses can she buy if they are $12 each? Sarah has $12 in her checking account, but has written a check for $13.50. How much is she overdrawn?



Mary wants to buy flowers and perfume. She has $13.50 to spend, but has already spent $12 on perfume. How much does she have left to spend on flowers?

Step-by-step explanation:

12 + c = 13.50

OpruonnA seems to be the best, hence, Breaking down in real world terms :

13.50 = total cost

Number of variables added to make up total cost = 2 ; this represents the cost of the 2 items purchased ; flowers and perfume

Cost of perfume = 12

Cost of flowers = c

Total cost of items = $13.50

Which greatest digit should replace m so that the number 10m6415 is divisible by 11


The answer is to ur question is 8


Step-by-step explanation:

Sum of digits of rank even - sum of digits of rank odd  must be a multiple of 11





Proof: 1086415/11=98765

PLEASE HELP ME!. I will give thanks, 5 star rating, and brainly to the most helpful answer, and I will report unrelated answers, so don't try me.

Three vertices of a parallelogram are (0,1), (2,0), and (2,5). Label all the possible location(s) of a fourth vertex.



(0, 6), (4, 4), and (0, -4)

Step-by-step explanation:

basically you pick 2 sides (each with endpoints at two of the three verticies) to be the adjacent sides, and then you can easily find the fourth vertex for each case.

Chọn bốn ví dụ sau Ví dụ nào không phải là phân số
A.3/-5 B.1,7/3 C.0/2 D.-13/-4




Step-by-step explanation:

vì số âm không nằm ở dưới

ABCD is rotated counterclockwise about the origin. By how many degrees
was ABCD rotated?



180 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

ABCD is now opposite where it started, so it was rotated 180 degrees

I hope this helps!


180 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

what is soil erosion​



Soil erosion is the natural process in which the topsoil of a field is carried away by physical sources such as wind and water. In this process, the soil particles are loosened or washed away in the valleys, oceans, rivers, streams or far away lands.

It occurs when the impact of water or wind separates and removes soil particles, causing the soil to deteriorate. Soil deterioration and low water quality due to erosion and surface runoff have become severe problems worldwide.

Algebra 1 need help fast



1st option

Step-by-step explanation:

at the 3rd hour, the money was $100

At 7th hour, the money increased to $160

Now, the rate is,


= 60/4

= 15

so, $15 per hour

( 2 + 3 ) ^-1 x ( 2 ^-1 + 2^-1 )



Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\la\la\la\la\ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddcleverdddddd\ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp\ddddddddddddddddddd\displaystyle\ \Large \boxed{ \boxed{\boldsymbol{Rule : a^{-1}=\frac{1}{a} }}} \\\\\\\\ (2+3)^{-1} \times (2^{-1}+2^{-1}) = \\\\1)\ (2+3)^{-1}=5^{-1}=\frac{1}{5} \\\\2)\ 2^{-1}+2^{-1}=\frac{1}{2} +\frac{1}{2} } =1 \\\\3)\ \frac{1}{5} \cdot 1=\boxed{\frac{1}{5} }[/tex]

The option which is not a solution of the equation 2x + 3y = 6 is:
(A) (0, 2)
(B) (1, 1)
(C) (-3, 4)
(D) (3, 0).​



Step-by-step explanation:


Look at photo I tested each thing, your answer to this question in option B

Solve the following.
Can someone explain how to solve this.



Which one have same variable gather or decrease up

Step-by-step explanation:





56 is less than the square of 10 ​


Let X be the positive number.

From the given condition, we get X = X^2–56

=> X^2-X-56=0

Factorizing the above equation,

=> X^2–8X+7X-56=0



X=8 or -7

Since it is said the number is positive. Our output number will be 7

A set of composite number less than 12.Express it in listing and set-builder methods


composite numbers less than 12={1,3,4,6,8,9,10}

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