what is the strongest vasoconstrictors secreted by kidney?​


Answer 1



                       Endothelin is one of the most potent renal vasoconstrictors. Endothelin plays an essential role in the regulation of renal blood flow, glomerular filtration, sodium and water transport, and acid-base balance

Related Questions

What are the four main components of soil?
A. Water
B. Sediment
C. Air
D. Humus
E. Bedrock



The four (4) components of soil are;

you’re answer is B sediment

The term voltage describes the:
-electrical potential difference between two points.
-likelihood that an electrochemical gradient will develop.
-process of molecules moving from an area of high concentration to low
-way in which osmosis determines water movement.



electrical potential difference between two points.


Voltage refers to the electrical potential difference between two distinct points. It doesn’t describe the way in which osmosis determines water movement (osmotic pressure), nor does it describe the process of molecules moving from an area of high concentration to low concentration (diffusion), or the likelihood that an electrochemical gradient will develop.

The term voltage describes the electrical potential difference between two points. Option A is correct.

Voltage is a measure of the amount of energy that is available to move electrons from one point to another. It is measured in volts (V). The higher the voltage, the more energy is available to move electrons.

The electrical potential difference between two points is created by the difference in the number of electrons at those two points. If there are more electrons at one point than at another, there will be a voltage difference between the two points. This voltage difference will cause electrons to flow from the point with more electrons to the point with fewer electrons. Option A is correct.

To know more about the Osmosis, here



How are human affiliative and aggressive behaviors different from what is seen in nonhuman primates? Provide specific examples.



Humans are less aggressive as compared to non-human primates.


Human affiliative and aggressive behaviors are different from nonhuman primates because humans do more friendly and peaceful acts and are less aggressive in anger as compared to non-human primates which are less friendly and more aggressive in anger. Due to more aggressive behaviour of non-human primates causes more damaged to other animals and humans as compared to humans who is less damaging and aggressive.

homeostasis is maintained through posterior pituitary endocrine hormones that act on the ______.



may be glands


The glands of the endocrine system secrete hormones into the bloodstream to maintain homeostasis and regulate metabolism. The hypothalamus and the pituitary gland are the command and control centers, directing hormones to other glands and throughout the body.

hey everyone, What is earthquake mention the effects of earthquake.​



earthquake is what happens when two blocks of the earth suddenly slip past one another.


effects of earthquakes are ground shaking, ground rupture, landslides, tsunamis, and liquefaction

What does the QRS complex represents as??​


Answer:give me brainliest


A combination of the Q wave, R wave and S wave, the “QRS complex” represents ventricular depolarization. Ventricular depolarization occurs in part via an accessory pathway (AP) directly connecting the atrium and ventricle and thus capable of conducting electrical impulses into the ventricle bypassing the AV-His Purkinje conduction system.This term can be confusing, as not all ECG leads contain all three of these waves; yet a “QRS complex” is said to be present regardless.


QRS complex represents as ventricular depolarisation

A student wants to know how the number of geese in a study area affects the number of parts in their songs. She
performs an experiment and records the data in a table.
Which two terms describe this type of data?
A. Qualitative
B. Theoretical
C. Empirical
D. Quantitative



B. Theoretical

D. Quantitative

Explanation:Because she is not very sure of the answer but is aware of her solution

Theoretical and quantitative! Quantity would be numerical data (number of geese) Theoretical at this is hypothetical.

Which type of seedless plant has a complex leaf arrangement off a vein?
a. java moss
b. club moss
c. ferns
d. horstails


B. Club moss


This is because club moss is an seedless evergreen plants that have scale-like leaves.

Can you plz mark me as brainliest!!!

answer : club moss

explanation: Because they have vascular tissue, seedless vascular plants

are often larger than nonvascular plants. Vascular tissue is spe-

cialized to transport water to all of the cells in a plant.

What distance was covered by the bicycle during the 10 seconds?


Sorry did you attach a picture with any sort of information? I can’t see it but I wanna help

1. Describe the purpose of mitosis.
2. Describe what is happening in each stage and what each stage looks like:



1) The purpose of mitosis is growth and repair of cells



-DNA condenses (supercoiled, chromatids are visible under light microscope);

-Nuclear membrane begins to disintegrate (by the end of prophase  it is completely gone)

-Centrioles move to opposite ends of the cell

-Splinde fibers start to form from the centrioles and grow


-Spindle fibers, departing from both poles, are attached to each centromere, on opposite sides

-The spindle fibers pull the chromosomes back and forth until they align in a plane along the equator of the cell, which is called the equatorial plane


-The spindle fibers shorten

-The centromeres of sister chromatids split

-Chromatids move apart, pulled by the spindle fibers

-Chromatids become chromosomes

-Half of the chromosomes move to one cell pole, half to the other


-The chromosomes reach the cell pole

-Nuclear membrane reforms

-Spindle fibers break down and disappear

-The chromosomes begin to uncoil, which makes them diffuse and less compact


-The cell membrane pinches inward until the cell divides in two;

-There are two daughter cells with the same structures and number of chromosomes as the parent cell

-Chromosomes decondense

You are in charge of genetically engineering a new organism that will derive all of its ATP from sunlight by photosynthesis. Will you put the enzymes of the citric acid cycle in this organism





I will put the enzymes of the citric acid cycle in this organism so that in the absence of sunlight, it also produces energy to grow quickly. Citric acid cycle is a series of chemical reactions which release stored energy through the oxidation of acetyl-CoA derived from carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. This cycle is also called Krebs cycle so incorporation of this cycle is good for the organism.

A couple owned a fine pure-bread albino female poodle (an autosomal recessive phenotype) and wanted to mate her to produce a litter of white puppies. They took her to a breeder, who said he would mate the female with an albino stud male, also from a pure stock. When six puppies were born, they were all black, so the couple sued the breeder, claiming that he had replaced the stud male with a black dog, producing six unwanted puppies. You are called as an expert witness, and the defense asks you whether it is possible to produce black offspring from two pure-breeding recessive albino parents. What testimony do you give



No, it is not possible to produce black offspring from two pure-breeding recessive albino parents. If he would have mated the female with a white male, the whole progeny should be white.


Due to technical problems, you will find the complete explanation in the attached files.

From a population of red, brown, orange, yellow, and green butterflies, only the red and green ones survive since they can blend into their environment and reduce predation. Which evolutionary mechanism is involved?



Natural Selection


Since the other species don't survive naturally, the red and green ones continue to breed so that their species will continue to live.

Which organism exhibits behavioral adaptation?









A Behavioral Adaptation is something an animal does - how it acts - usually in response to some type of external stimulus.

Examples of some Behavioral Adaptions:

Migration, Hibernation, Dormancy, Camouflage.


Behavioral adaptations are the actions that organisms take in order to stay alive. Behavioral adaptations include things like bird cries and migration. Evolution produces adaptations. Evolution is a long-term change in a species.


Which of the following processes releases heat?



The correct answer is B: Melting




I got 123% on the quiz (Jokes aside yes it is freezing)

A cytoskeleton is:_______.
a. a structure that aids in the process of cell division.
b. found in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells.
c. a system of tracks used for transport.
d. composed of microtubules and microfilaments.
e. All answers are correct.


Answer: e

Explanation: Cytoskeleton is a microfilaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules that provide support and movement for eukaryotic cytoplasm.

1. Prokaryotic cytoplasm lacks certain features of eukaryotic cytoplasm, such as cytoskeleton and cytoplasmic streaming.

2. The cytoskeleton provides support and shape to cell.

3. It help in transporting substances through cell.

4. It help in phagocytosis.

5. It help in cytoplasmic streaming that is movement of eukaryotic cytoplasm from one part of cell to another which help distribute nutrients and move the cell over the surface.

6. The study of the numerous interaction between microbes and host cell cytoskeleton is a very intense area of investigation on virulence mechanism.

All answers are correct. Therefore, option (E)  is correct.

What is cytoskeleton?

The cytoskeleton is a complex network of protein filaments that extends throughout the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. It plays a number of important roles in the cell, including providing structural support, helping cells maintain their shape, and assisting in the movement of organelles and other cellular components. The cytoskeleton is also involved in the process of cell division, or mitosis, which is the process by which a single cell divides into two daughter cells.

The cytoskeleton is composed of three types of protein filaments: microtubules, microfilaments, and intermediate filaments. Microtubules are long, thin protein fibers that form a kind of scaffolding within the cell. Microfilaments, which are made of actin proteins, are thinner than microtubules and are involved in muscle contraction and cell movement. Intermediate filaments are thicker than microfilaments and provide structural support to the cell. Together, these three types of protein filaments form a system of tracks that can be used for transport within the cell.

Learn more about cytoskeleton, here:



Which of the following is the best definition of climate?

1 . The day to day changes in the atmosphere

2. The average weather over a long period of time and over large areas

3. The state of the atmosphere across the world




Answer : 1

Explain: The day to day changes in the atmosphere

Which scientist was responsible for coining the phrase "Big Bang"? *
O Fred Hoyle
O Albert Einstein
O Sir Isaac Newton
O Edwin Hubble



Fred Hoyle


Sir Fred Hoyle FRS was an English astronomer who formulated the theory of stellar nucleosynthesis. He also held controversial stances on other scientific matters—in particular his rejection of the "Big Bang" theory, a term coined by him on BBC radio, and his promotion of panspermia as the origin of life on Earth

The scientist that was responsible for coining the phrase “Big Bang” was
a) Fred Hoyle

Al wonders if adding salt to water will affect how long it takes the water to freeze. Al thinks that salt water will freeze more quickly than fresh water. He decides to check his hypothesis by conducting an experiment. Al takes two ice trays and fills one with distilled water and the other with distilled water that has two tablespoons of salt added. He makes sure he puts exactly the same amount of water in each ice tray. Al takes the trays and puts them side by side in the freezer. Al checks the ice trays every 10 minutes to see if the water in each tray has begun to freeze. Al finds that after 20 minutes the water in the ice tray without the salt has started to form ice, while the ice tray with the salt water is still completely liquid.
What is his hypothesis?
a. Salt water freezes slower than fresh water.
b. Water freezes in a freezer
c. Salt water freezes faster than fresh water.
d. water will freeze in 20 minutes


salt water freezes slower than fresh water

Sucrose and monosodium glutamate (MSG) are added to a salad dressing made of vinegar and oil. If the mixture is then shaken, it will eventually separate into two phases. After this phase separation, where will most of the sucrose and MSG be located?
a. Both will concentrate in the vinegar.
b. Both will concentrate in the oil.
c. Both will concentrate at the interface between the two phases.
d. Sucrose will concentrate in the oil, and MSG will concentrate in the vinegar.
e. Sucrose will concentrate in the vinegar, and MSG will concentrate in the oil.



both will concentrate in the vinegar layer because both are polar and Hbond with vinegar (an acid)


what is the function of folds and villi



The inner wall of the small intestine is covered by numerous folds of mucous membrane called plicae circulares. The surface of these folds contains tiny projections called villi and microvilli, which further increase the total area for absorption.


Hope this helps

what are the components of blood


1 . RBC red blood cells

2. WBC white blood cells.


plasma, RBCs, WBCs, platelets.

The genetic code contains thousands of genes. Each gene codes for a
A. fatty acid
B. amino acid
C. polypeptide
D. polysaccharide



amino acid


The genetic code contains thousands of genes. Each genetic code represents a specific amino acid. Hence, option B is correct.

What is Genetic code?

A genetic code represents a set of three-letter that are a combination of nucleotides known as codons. Each of them correlates to a particular amino acid.

Amino acids are the molecules that combine to form protein which serves as the base of life. Genetic code is translated into a sequence of amino acids with the help of a codon table.

Codon is a sequence of three nucleotides that form a unit of genetic code in DNA or RNA molecules.

Therefore, the amino acid is represented by each genetic code. Thus, option B is correct.

Learn more about genetic code, here:



Please use the following information to answer the questions below. The southern grasshopper mouse feeds regularly on the Arizona bark scorpion, the most venomous scorpion in the United States. While attempting to capture the scorpion, the mouse usually gets stung multiple times by the scorpion but does not seem to be affected. While attempting to capture the scorpion, the mouse's heart rate increases, and there is an increase in epinephrine in the mouse's blood. What nervous system division is responsible for the mouse's physiological state


The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for the mouse's physiological state.


The nervous system divides into the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system.

In the central nervous system, we have the brain and the spinal cord.

The peripherical nervous system, which is all the nerves that are not in the spinal cord or the brain, is divided into:

The somatic nervous system, which is the one that makes the conscious movements of our body.The autonomic nervous system consists of:

-Sympathetic nervous system. It is the one that works under stress. It gives the fight or flight response preparing the body for a dangerous situation. It increases the heart rate and epinephrine's release. Epinephrine is a hormone that helps in this response stimulating the sympathetic system.

-Parasympathetic nervous system. It is the one that works in calm situations, like after we ate, regulating digestion, and trying to save energy for any upcoming event.

In conclusion, as there is an increase in epinephrine and heart rate, and the mouse is "fighting" against a scorpion, the nervous system division responsible for this physiological state is the sympathetic nervous system.

Learn more about the nervous system here: https://brainly.com/question/13487019?referrer=searchResults

According to Sandel, when companies companies attempt to incentivize employees to quit smoking:__________
a) It never works.
b) There are no data on this incentive scheme.
c) It tends to work.
d) Employees tend to return to smoking when the incentive ends.



employees tend to return to smoking when the incentive ends


because employees love to smoke on breaks and they are addicted to smoking.

Classify amoeba to species level


Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Amoebozoa
Phylum: Tubulinea
Order: Tubulinida
Family: Amoebidae
Genus: Amoeba
Species: Proteus, Animalcule, Dubia, Animulecule, etc

Please mark as brainliest if it’s rigjt thx

Which statement is most likkely to applyto a cell that has DNA whitin its ytoplasm



It performs all functions for the organisms

Which statement describes her hypothesis



A hypothesis is a plausible answer to a scientific problem or question that is testable, but not yet tested. Some science textbooks call it an "educated guess.

A ______, such as a bean, has two seed leaves.



A dicotyledonous plant

hope this helps you





C ạ

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