What is the structure of the following sentence?

I struggled to climb the hill, and I was grateful when my hiking partner extended a hand to help me.



Answer 1


May be simple................,

Related Questions

What is the structure of the following sentence?

Unless the weather turned, my plan for the afternoon was to go hiking.






it was a simple sentence for me

can anyone help me with this English home work?​



i could.....


Which point from the speech most validly supports Warren's
argument that wage discrimination against women currently




To be totally honest, all of them do. However, option B states the actual year that they were in and still having to fight for equality in pay and how absurd it is. This one is difficult to answer though.

In the Native American version of Cinderella, how does the main character differ from her sisters? Why is she rewarded by Strong Wind while they are not?

She is the prettiest.

She has suffered the most.

She is more honest.

She risks her life many times.



She does all the house work

although she was disliked by her stepmother and step-sisters and she stay strong and waited until it was her time to shine

Answer: C) She is more honest.

Why would this be the best answer?

In the story, Strong Wind said he would marry whomever could see him. (Note: he had powers to go invisible) This was an honesty test that all of the women in town (Including Cinderella´s sisters) failed. Exept Cinderella herself! When she was asked if she could see Strong Wind she replied honestly, ´´No.´´

Suppose that you are working on a project where you are attempting to answer the following research question: What impact will new class size laws have on high schools? Two of the sources you have found on the topic are Source A and Source B (below). In your response, evaluate these two sources. Be sure to examine their credibility and their relevance to your research question. Your response should make a clear argument, use transitions to move between ideas, use specific details from the sources, maintain a formal style, and include a concluding statement. (15 points)

Source A:
"New Education Laws Passed" by Jim Jonathan, City News, March 15, 2012, page 1.

Yesterday, lawmakers passed a series of changes to legislation affecting the state's schools. The new laws will alter the ways schools do business next year.
Included in the new laws were changes in the numbers of students assigned to classrooms. The previous law allowed only 20 students to be assigned to each teacher's classroom in kindergarten through fifth grade. Middle school and high school classes were capped at 24. New laws remove those limits. Now the state will provide funding for one classroom teacher per 50 students attending the school. Individual school districts may use local funding to provide additional teachers or to come up with creative measures to reduce class sizes.
"We need to be more responsible with our taxpayers' money and children," said Representative Mike Davis. "We are in an economic recession and just don't have money to throw around."
Some parents disagree, though. "I can't imagine my six-year-old trying to keep up with his reading when the teacher needs to make sure 40 or more kids are doing what they're supposed to." said Pat Patterson, father of two, "I don't know what these people are thinking."
The new laws go into effect next month.

Source B:
"Really?" a letter to the editor by Marcia Thomas, City News, March 17, 2012, page 4.

As a tenth-grade biology teacher for the last 20 years, I thought there was nothing left that could shock me. Boy, was I wrong!
How exactly do these lawmakers, who probably haven't set foot in a public school classroom since they were in school themselves, propose that teachers manage 50 students at a time?
Teachers are asked to do so much right now. We not only need to prepare our students to take end-of-course tests in our subject areas, we also need to get them ready to attend college or go into the workforce. On top of this, we are counselors, and sometimes we are even the ones who feed and clothe them. We do all this because we care about our youth. We think they matter.
At the same time, we can do only so much. If we meet the high standards we set for ourselves under this new legislation, good health will be a thing of the past for us. Not only will we suffer, but the students will suffer as well.



This report gives an overview of the existing evidence base on class size and education in  

England. In particular, it considers how class sizes have changed over time; the impact of the  

increase in birth rate on pupil numbers and how this could affect the teacher requirement and  

class sizes; and the impact of class size on educational outcomes. The report also considers  

the impact of the 1998 School Standards and Framework Act1

. This put a duty on Local  

Authorities (LAs) and schools to limit the size of infant classes taught by one teacher to 30  

pupils. It became a legal requirement from September 2001. Local authority plans, produced  

in order to ensure the legal requirement was met, were subject to challenge, approval,  

intervention when required, funding and monitoring, and held to account against delivery.


You have been assigned to compose a narrative essay in which you describe a time you had an adventure,
Which statement would best establish the narrator's state of mind at the start of the narrative essay?
To be adventurous, one must first be willing to venture outwards.
Adventure is something that makes a person's life fun and enjoyable.
*Adventure' has a positive connotation, and it makes us picture certain
types of events
I am not, generally speaking, the sort of person who thinks of himself as an





How is the setting used in this excerpt characteristic of the gothic style?



Answer to the following question is as follows;


A weird tree and odd noises are described in the scene. These descriptions indicate a fearful and anxious environment, which is typical of gothic literature.

A weird tree and odd noises are described in the scene. These descriptions indicate a fearful and anxious environment, which is typical of gothic literature.


The setting describes a mysterious tree and strange noises. These descriptions reveal an atmosphere of anxiety and fear, which are characteristics of gothic literature.


Sample Answer from Edmentum/Plato. :)

1. What is the difference between theme and plot?


Theme is the writer's message about life, whereas plot describes the main events and sequence of a story. A key difference is that themes are often short and can be said in one sentence, whereas the plot of a story can be lengthy.

The difference between them and plot is that the theme is explaining the subject of a piece of writing or a persons thoughts vs plot which is different parts of the story in a certain sequence of events



Answer: As a result


Just makes sense

Which professional would most likely use a diagram for their presentation? Check all that apply.
a science teacher who wants to show the basic structures of a cell
a statistician who wants to illustrate how a math problem was solved
* a river raft guide who wants to show the location of the best rapids
an economic development director who wants to show job growth over time
a senator who wants to visualize the process a bill takes to become law


Science teacher and senator

Which sentence is written in the passive voice?

a:The hotel was run by a couple from France.

b: A couple from France ran the hotel.



A)The hotel was run by a couple from France.


Hope this helps! ♡

Exercise 5 Rewrite the following sentences using going to 'in place of the future tense of the
Example : We won't come to school tomorrow
We are not going to come to school tomorrow.
1. We shall have three weeks holiday during Christmas this year.
2. When will you visit Bengaluru next?
3. I shall see all the new movies this month.
4. I will take medical leave tomorrow, I am very tired
5. It will rain soon, you must carry your umbrella with you.



1. We will be having three weeks holiday during Christmas this year.

2. When will you be visiting Bengaluru next?

3. I will be seeing all the new movies this month.

4. I will be taking medical leave tomorrow, I will be very tired.

5. It will be raining soon, you must be carrying your umbrella with you.


Your cousin, Sameer lives in another city. He has met with an accident in which he has injured his leg. Fortunately, the injury is not that serious but he will have to miss his Pre Mid-term examination. Write a letter to your cousin in about 120 words



ABC ,lane 2 Jammu

Date -19th of December ,2017.

wet ,lane 4,Jammu

dear sister ,

I got shocked to heard that you met an accident.You don't get worry about exams and take rest to get well soon so that you can go to school. I wish that you will get well soon.So that you can give the exams .I miss you very much .God bless you.

Your sister


i need this question helpppppppppppp



c i took that test and got an 100


The answer is B.

What would help you evaluate a speaker's credibility?
A. Asking him or her if she went to college
B. Loaded language scanning
C. Logical reasoning
D. Scanning their speech for colloquial language


I think the answer is D
Maybe D i think so plzz if it’s corrects then like it

How does Twain's use of repetition in this excerpt advance his viewpoint?

Two thousand miles of ceaseless rush and rattle and clatter, by night and by day, and never a weary moment, never a lapse of interest!

It reveals Twain's passion for the wonders of traveling by stagecoach.

It highlights the idea that traveling is tiresome and disruptive but worth it.

It shows the reader Twain's true feelings about traveling through France.

It reinforces the excitement and delight Twain feels about traveling by stagecoach.






It reinforces the excitement and delight Twain feels about traveling by stagecoach.

What is Mark Twain most famous for?

Mark Twain become an American stand-up comedian, novelist, and travel creator. Today he is greatly remembered as the author of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1885). Twain is extensively considered one of the best American writers of all time.

Is Tom Sawyer based on Mark Twain?

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is an 1876 novel by means of Mark Twain about a boy growing up alongside the Mississippi River. It's far set in the 1840s within the city of St. Petersburg, which is primarily based on Hannibal, Missouri, where Twain lived as a boy.

Learn more about Mark Twain here: https://brainly.com/question/4420048


mukesh bought an old car for 90400 rupees indian and spent 5600 on its repairs. he sold for 93600 rupees of indian find his profit or loss per cent.​



mukesh got loss


because he buys the car for 90400 cost of repairs is 5600 and sold it for 93600

frist add 90400+5600=96000

but he sold out for only 93600 so

96000 - 93600 =2400

his loss is 2400

thank you

this is

Sri harshini

Identify the statement that uses a categorical claim.
Athletes never put studying first.
Martin is on the soccer team and studies often.
Kaitlyn is a swimmer and studies only when she is reminded.
Athletes sometimes put studying first.



The answer is "The first choice".


The rationale would be that a categorical assertion or the category statement affirms, or denies, that all and some of the category (the subject term) members were included in the other category (the predicate term).

It enables us to supplement the logic of a statement with the formal approach that deals with such reasons that the logic of a proposition cannot handle. The logic that concerns a functional connection of categorical propositions was its category logic.


Athletes never put studying first.

Martin is on the soccer team and studies often.

Kaitlyn is a swimmer and studies only when she is reminded.

Athletes sometimes put studying first.

Select the statements that are true. Question 9 options: An intransitive verb cannot have an NP-sister as its complement. A ditransitive verb needs a complement and an adjunct. An adjunct doesn't modify the head of the phrase as closely as a complement does. A transitive verb can have an NP-sister as its complement but doesn't need one.



Intransitive verb cannot have an NP-sister as its complement.

A ditransitive verb needs a complement and an adjunct.


Transitive verb has atleast one argument which is NP. An intransitive verb have no complements. Distransitive verb have have two complements which alternate position in dative alteration. There are various verbs which take clause as complement.

Match each statement with the part of a viewpoint it represents



Voting is the best to involve all of the community → reason

Statistics show that voting promotes community engagement → evidence

Communities should encourage people to register to vote → rebuttal

Voting takes too much time → counterclaim

Once you register to vote, it is actually really easy and quick → claim


I have been able to match each statement with the part of a viewpoint it represents.

We see that the reason here is that voting is actually the best way to see involve all of the community.

A rebuttal is seen to be one which nullifies the other evidence. From the evidence stated, it is seen that the statistics show that voting actually promotes community engagement. But the rebuttal tends to nullify that evidence. This is true because the rebuttal reveals that people still find it hard to vote so they need to be encouraged to vote. This then contradicts the promotion of community engagement.


Voting takes too much time - counterclaim

Communities should encourage people to register to vote - claim

Once you register to vote, it is actually really easy and quick - rebuttal

Voting is the best way to involve all of the community - reason

Statistics show that voting promotes community engagement - evidence


please help i need it

What conventions can you play with to enhance your writing. Explain how you will use each and what effect they will have on your style.



Writing conventions such as spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar help make a student's essay clear and understandable. When the audience can finish reading, without having to stop to try to figure out what was actually intended, the value of learning these writing conventions becomes clear.

Some "writing rules" can be recognized as spelling, punctuation, capitalization and grammar. These rules help students clarify and understand their essays. It is worth learning these writing rules when the audience can finish reading without stopping to figure out what they really intended. Readers won't read your essays if they find gramamr mistakes because it would make them "boring".

Hope this helps!

Have a great day :)

The most likely reason the author uses repetition is to emphasize Mrs. Valenzuela’s




personal connections.


If we take this except “Mrs. Valenzuela touched countless lives. She reached out to her students and taught them about history.


fish tacos are pretty good ngl


what is the best definition of "shimmies" at it used in paragraph 1



Where exactly is paragraph 1?

Which is the correct way to cite a quotation in the body of his paper using MLA style?



when citing two or more paragraphs use block quotation format even if the paragraph is 4 lines long.

In text citations
You can:
•Name the author in your statement
Example: Johnson argues that milk goes before cereal

•express the author’s statement and put his name and the page number you got the statement from if applicable
Example: cereal goes before milk (Johnson 43)

Don’t forget to still include them in your works cited list (:
I hope this helps !! <3

answer this question​



in is the correct answer

They could not decide which one they liked and in the end they didn’t bother.

The correct answer is the third one: in

In your opinion, did Gerald Veltmann do a good job defending the Port Chicago 50?
Why or why not?


i i’m gonna be honest i don’t really know, but i would hope so

How can you help your younger brother or sister to be a good person?​


Be a good example and inhabit the manners you want to teach them beacuse actiins speak louder than words

can someone help me?


20 heat
21 sound
22 form
23 book
24 geo


20. Heat-thermal

21. Sound-audio

22. Form-morph

23. Book-bibliography

24. Earth-geography


A thermal relates to body heat. Like the thermals clothing holds body heat to provide warmth

A sound is an audio that can be recorded and played as on a CD

Morphing something is changing the shape or form ie from circle to square

A bibliography is included in essays/books to show the sources and where quotes came from

Geography is the study of Earth

Select the correct answer.
What is George Washington's main argument regarding the future of the United States?
O A.
The United States should form alliances with powerful nations.
O B.
The United States should isolate itself from all foreign nations.
© C.
The United States should lead in foreign diplomacy and peacekeeping.
• D.
The United States should remain as politically neutral as possible.
O E.
The United States should align its interests with those of Europe.


Answer: D. The United States should isolate itself from all foreign nations.


According to the passage the neon lights are for? Please find me answer


Answer: The answer is "designed to attract customers"


since it is visually pleasing to look at neon lights, the lights are telling the customers to take a look inside and shop around.

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