What is the type of diplomacy where you
provide money to a country's economy,
to help American businesses profit later?
A. dollar diplomacy
B. moral diplomacy
C. big stick diplomacy


Answer 1




because A is used to ensure the financial stability of a region while protecting and extending U.S. commercial and financial interests

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Checking for Understanding
Match each word on the left with its definition
to give up control of, or to let go
a small island off the coast of China
to announce or declare publically, in writing or speech
impressive striking, or able to create a desired result
military commanders who use force to govern a small area



Proclaim - to announce or declare publically, in writing or speech

Abandon - to give up control of, or to let go

China -

Taiwan - a small island off the coast of China

Effective - impressive striking, or able to create a desired result

Warlords - military commanders who use force to govern a small area

(there is nothing for china)

To proclaim something in public, whether orally or in writing, Abandonment: the act of letting go or renouncing control

A tiny island off China's coast is called Taiwan. Effectiveness - awe-inspiring force or the capacity to bring about a desired outcome

Military leaders known as warlords who rule a small region by force

What do you know about Taiwan?

Taiwan, often known as the Republic of China (ROC), is a nation in East Asia. It is situated at the confluence of the East and South China Seas in the northwest Pacific Ocean, with the People's Republic of China (PRC) to the northwest, Japan to the northeast, and the Philippines to the south. 168 islands[p] totaling 36,193 square kilometers make up the areas under the sovereignty of the ROC (13,974 square miles).

The main island of Taiwan, commonly known as Formosa, is 35,808 square kilometers (13,826 square miles) in size, with mountain ranges dominating the eastern two-thirds and plains in the western third,

Learn more about Taiwan, from :



f(x)=4x+2 and g(x) = x^2-6 find (f+g)(x)



[tex](f+g)(x)=f(x)+g(x)=4x+2+x^{2} -6=x^{2} +4x-4[/tex]

Why do you think international trade is so important to the world economy?


International trade allows countries to expand their markets and access goods and services that otherwise may not have been available domestically.

Wich one is the correct anwser


The second choice: to emphasize that he shared a cause with all Americans

It’s the second choice because Paine published his pamphlet American Crisis under the name Common Sense.

What responses were triggered by the Wilmington Ten case? Check all that apply.

People believed they had been wrongly accused.
The governor sent the National Guard to escort the students to school.
The case sparked an outcry and gained international attention.
North Carolina created busing programs to speed up school integration.
Thousands marched in Washington to demand their release.



A. People believed they had been wrongly accused.

C. The case sparked an outcry and gained international attention.


They were unjustly accused of arson and conspiracy in 1971 in Wilmington, North Carolina. Most of the ten were sentenced to 29 years in jail, and they were all released following an appeal. Many local and state opponents referred to the campaigners as political prisoners.

Question 6 of 10 I created a compromise at the Constitutional Convention that addressed the concerns of both small and large states about representation. Who am I?
O A. Alexander Hamilton
O B. William Paterson
O C. James Madison
O D. Roger Sherman



whay answer is D. Roger Sherman

after alexander's death who helped spread greek ideas and culture(i need atleast 3)


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

After Alexander's death, the Hellenistic Era helped spread Greek ideas and culture. Indeed, a new Greek culture spread throughout the lands Alexander had conquered.

Alexander’s attempt to make his empire secure help lead to the Hellenistic Age in that he not only looked after the empire as a territory to be dominated but he cared about the spread of the Greek ideas and culture to influence their conquered territories.

After the death of Alexander, the Hellenistic culture started to blend with other cultures in Asia and Africa. After his conquests, Alexander respected the conquered cultures and allowed people to maintain their beliefs, so people thanked that chance and they were more receptive to the Greece influence.

From what today is Pakistan to the Middle East and Mediterranean region, the Hellenistic period influenced these lands with the beauty of the Greek culture, art, literature, and architecture.

Write a 350-500-word essay discussing a current social injustice, and support your findings with an explanation of a reliable source you used during your investigation. Be sure to include in-text citations and a works-cited page, following the APA format using the style guide.





Discrimination is the current social injustice which occurs almost in every society. This social injustice occurs on the basis of race, age, sex, or disability which leads to the violence and lack of peace in the society. For gaining peace in the society we need to solve this social injustice by ending the culture of racism and discrimination on the basis of race, age, sex, or disability.

When the 23rd Amendment was passed, it gave voting rights to residents of Washington, DC. Why were they excluded from all of the previous amendments that gave voting rights?
Only politicians were allowed to live in Washington, DC. Previously, people in government were not allowed to vote for themselves.
Washington, DC is not a part of a state; the original Constitution says that only the residents of states were eligible to vote for president.
Washington, DC did not have a large enough population to be eligible to vote.
Before the amendment, it was thought that it was not a good idea to give people who lived so close to the president the right to vote for the president.



B. Washington, DC is not a part of a state; the original Constitution says that only the residents of states were eligible to vote for president.


The reason Washington, DC. residents were excluded from all of the previous amendments that gave voting rights was because " Washington, DC is not a part of a state; the original Constitution says that only the residents of states were eligible to vote for president."

Before the passage of the 23rd amendment in the United States in 1961, the United States Constitution only allows each state with a presidential elector that is equivalent in numbers to the total number of representatives it has in the House of Representatives and Senate. And given the fact that Washington DC is only but a District, the residents were not allowed to vote, until the passage of the 23rd Amendment




Did it on edge.

Which of these was a goal of the unions?

A. Government reform
B. Government ownership of business
C. A shorter work week
D. Union ownership of business


Answer: A shorter work week


The main purpose of labor unions is to give workers the power to negotiate for more favorable working conditions and other benefits through collective bargaining

Why did some countries seek to hold on to their colonies


They did not want to lose their vast resources and people to work for them


The answer is

B; These countries didn't want to lose access to supplies of natural resources


What was the main reason Joseph Stalin created collective farms?


Answer: He believed collectivization was the key to significantly boost the agricultural sector and to address the socio-economic issues arising from it.


The State of Israel
is established.
The United States
becomes more
active in Middle
Eastern diplomacy.
Palestinians are
forced from or
flee their homes.
Which statement best completes the diagram on the short- and long-term
effects of the establishment of Israel?
A. Arab nationalism loses support from powerful Arab leaders.
B. Great Britain secures colonies in Arab territories.
C. The Arab League is forced to disband.
D. A series of Arab-Israeli wars begins.



On May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion, the head of the Jewish Agency, proclaimed the establishment of the State of Israel. U.S. President Harry S. Truman recognized the new nation on the same day.

The statement that best completes the diagram on the short- and long-term effects of the establishment of Israel is a series of Arab-Israeli wars begins. The correct option is d.

What is the Arab-Israeli war?

The 1948 Arab–Israeli War was the second and final stage of the 1948 Palestine war. It formally began following the end of the British Mandate for Palestine at midnight on 14 May 1948; the Israeli Declaration of Independence had been issued earlier that day, and a military coalition of Arab states entered the territory of British Palestine in the morning of 15 May.

The day after the 29 November 1947 adoption of the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine – which planned to divide Palestine into an Arab state, a Jewish state, and the Special International Regime encompassing the cities of Jerusalem and Bethlehem – seven Jews were killed in the Fajja bus attacks by Arab militants in an incident regarded as the first in the civil war.

This attack was retaliation to the assassination of five members of an Arab family, suspected of being British informants, by Lehi on 19 November.

Learn more about Arab-Israeli, here:



describe the part played by the British expeditionary force in the first three months of the first World War​



At the outbreak of World War I, the British Expeditionary Force, initially made up of only four infantry divisions, later increased to seven infantry divisions and three cavalry divisions, was transferred to Belgium under General Sir John French. He participated in the first Battle of Mons, where he suffered heavy losses, and later helped to block the German advance in the First Battle of the Marne.

However, the term "British Expeditionary Force" refers only to the British forces present in France prior to the first Battle of Ypres, on November 22, 1914. At the end of the battle, the British forces reorganized and the BEF left to exist officially. when his men were divided between the two new British armies that had just been formed.

answer all questions history

Outline the ways in which the natural features of Japan/its geographic makeup have shaped its history.

List the major ‘periods’ of Japanese history, including the approximate start and end dates of each period.

Define the following terms:








the Warring States period



Emperor - the supreme ruler of an empire

Shogun - a title for a military ruler in Japan

Bakufu- governments that ruled Japan from 1192-1868, also known as Shogunate.

Jito - land stewards appointed by the shogunate during Feudal Japan.

Shugo - a title translated as protector which was given to certain officials in Feudal Japan

Shoen - a field or manor in Feudal Japan

Samurai - a member of the Japanese warrior caste

The Warring States Period - A long period of Civil War from 1467 to 1615 in the Sengoku Period.

Daimyo - wealthy landowners in Feudal Japan.

James Madison is the father of the constitution


Or false?





"James Madison Jr. was an American statesman, diplomat, expansionist, philosopher, and Founding Father who served as the fourth president of the United States from 1809 to 1817. He is hailed as the "Father of the Constitution" for his pivotal role in drafting and promoting the Constitution of the United States and the United States Bill of Rights."




He is known as the "Father of the Constitution" for his significant role in drafting and promoting the Constitution of the United States and the United States Bill of Rights.

Hope this helps!

The American revolution can be interpreted in whitch of the following ways



It was an agreement between England and the

American colonies.


ka kalo mpps di tele harus pake bot?​



ka kalo mpps di tele harus pake bot?


k vniraxauuu huhh!??

As a result of the problems of the Industrial Age, some influential reformers called for

a new economic system.
a single world government.
a dictatorship in the United States.
an end to all factories.



A new economic system.

Explanation :

Correct me if I'm wrong :)

Industrial reformers in the Industrial Age were so angry with several problems that some called for A. a new economic system.

What happened in the Industrial Age?

In order to make more profits, owners of factories and companies often paid people very little and allowed them to work in unsafe conditions.

This led to industrial reformers calling for a new economic system that would safeguard the rights of workers.

Find out more on the Industrial Age at https://brainly.com/question/1399795.


what was the flaw in sending 1500 soldiers to Cuba?



The error was in sending 1500 soldiers to Cuba.

A brigade of 1,500 CIA-trained troops assaulted the beach in Cuba's Bay of Pigs. Kennedy planned a secret expedition to overthrow Fidel Castro in order to stem the spread of communism across the globe. But the subsequent five days saw one of the worst military disasters in U.S. history.

Under the codename Operation Zapata, President Kennedy was given the go-ahead just days after his inauguration. The main force would head into Matanzas, establishing a defensive position. United Front representatives would be sent from South Florida to create a provisional administration. The plan's success relied on Cubans' ties to the invaders.

Following these orders, some 20,000 soldiers advanced towards the shore, thus Castro's air force continued to control the skies. However, six Cuban aircraft were left intact after the initial strike. During the operation, plans for a tactical maneuver backfired, and the Cuban air force was not wiped out. The Bay of Pigs incident had a lasting impact on the Kennedy administration. The administration began Operation Mongoose, a plot to disrupt and destabilize the Cuban government and economy, including the prospect of assassinating Fidel Castro.


Have yo helped and received the same from others of different caste,linguistic group,religion or disability?If yes ,how did you do?write​


well i have helped many people in my religion and have gotten the same in return

during coivid 19 lockdown you must have noticed that only essential items were bought by you and your family list down the good which are luxurious and were bought by you and your family before lockdown but not during the lockdown sit with your item into two categories neccessites and luxirious make an analyze why it is important to spend money rationally on resources


The correct answer to this open question is the following.


In my family's case, we used to buy a lot of electronics, hardware, and software We also spent a lot of money paying subscriptions for on-demand websites suck as movies or TV series.


However, since lockdown, the number of clients and consumers that purchased in my father's business dropped. This meant that my father had just enough money for basic necessities. We started to just buy food, water, medicine, soap, toothpaste, and just the basics.

We learned to be more cautious about how we spend our hard-earned money.

We also learned a lesson. We have to spend money more wisely. Entertainment is ok but in a responsible way.

What was Clarence Gideon forced to do during his burglary trial?
A) represent himself
B) flee the state
C) remain silent
D) declare his guilt


A Represent himself he wanted to do that so its A

Hope this helps :))

James Madison Thomas Jefferson and George Washington all signed the constitution


Or false?


the answer to your question is false

It’s false because James Madison and George Washington signed the constitution, but Thomas Jefferson did not.

The official ideology of totalitarian government is based on..


Its based on history

I need a short speech on the Haiti revolution in the perspective of toussaint louverture.




Toussaint Louverture led a successful slave revolt and emancipated the slaves in the French colony of Saint-Domingue (Haiti). A formidable military leader, he turned the colony into a country governed by former black slaves as a nominal French protectorate and made himself ruler of the entire island of Hispaniola.

Which one goes with which


1. F
2. G
3. A
4. I
5. B
6. D
7. H
8. J
9. E

How does the image of buddah tend to vary from statue to statue



people believe in so many gods which is Not smart when there only one..Dont worry about the buddah statues its all full of non sense


Question 4
1 pts
Which of the following was part of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964?
O affordable health care for the elderly
O help finding people work in manufacturing and health care
O job training and education for young people aged 16 to 21
O fighting hunger through food stamps



Option C : job training and education for young people aged 16 to 21


The Economic Opportunity Act helped the youth by providing job training and education for them.

Hope this Helps! Please Mark Brainliest!

What is continuity??



Dictionary and fraction


Dictionary meaning: the unbroken and consistent existence or operation of something over a period of time.

Fraction meaning: In mathematics, a continuous function is a function that does not have any abrupt changes in value, known as discontinuities. More precisely, a function is continuous if arbitrarily small changes in its output can be assured by restricting to sufficiently small changes in its input.

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