What is the voltage of the power source if a motor with a resistance of 20 2 draws a
current of 1.5 A?


Answer 1


190v I believe

hope this helped a little and if it did pls mark brainiest :)

Related Questions

Chỉ ra kết luận đúng trong các kết luận sau:

Chỉ có các hạt mang điện tích dương chuyển động có hướng mới tạo ra dòng điện.

Chỉ có các hạt mang điện tích âm chuyển động có hướng mới tạo ra dòng điện.

Khi nguyên tử chuyển động có hướng thì xuất hiện dòng điện.

Các dụng cụ điện sẽ hoạt động khi có dòng điện chạy qua.


it should be c! hope this helps

what is electricity???????​



Electricity is defined as the rate of flow of charges in a conductor.

hope it helps.stay safe healthy and happy...


Electricity is the presence and flow of electric charge. Using electricity we can transfer energy in ways that allow us to do simple chores . it's best - known form is the flow of electrons through conductor such as copper wires. The world "electricity " is sometimes used to mean "electrical energy "


hope it is helpful to you


An unbalanced 6.0-newton force acts eastward on an object for 3.0 seconds. The impulse
produced by the force is
18 N:s east
2 Nós east
18 N:s west
2 Nis west


c. 18 N:s West ksmxmak kxkammxj kan

Which of the following measures does not help promote technological progress?

issuing a patent to a company that invents a new product

increased wages for researchers

training programs for workers

reducing the scale of the market for a new product



reducing the scale of the market for a new product


A product can be defined as any physical object or material that typically satisfy and meets the demands, needs or wants of customers. Some examples of a product are mobile phones, television, microphone, microwave oven, bread, pencil, freezer, beverages, soft drinks, automobiles, motorcycles, etc.

The use of technology in the manufacturing of a new product can be effectively and efficiently promoted in the market by doing the following;

I. Issuing a patent to a company that invents a new product. Patent can be defined as the exclusive or sole right granted to an inventor by a sovereign authority such as a government, which enables him or her to manufacture, use, or sell an invention for a specific period of time.

Generally, patents are used on innovation for products that are manufactured through the application of various technologies.

II. Paying a higher amount of money as wages for researchers who are saddled with the responsibility of making finding about a product.

III. Creating a training programs that would help to improve on the knowledge and skills of workers.

However, reducing the scale of the market for a new product in comparison with other products and standards does not help promote technological progress.

In a democracy how is rule of law regarded



It is respected as leaders are accountable to the people. The rule of law within a democratic country will dictate what actions is considered wrong and punishable to do in that country. This will prevent people from harming and violating each other to get what they want and form a stable and safe society

A 1 kg billiard ball collides head on with a 0.1 kg marble that sits at rest on the table. The marble moves at 3 m/s in the same direction the billiard ball was originally moving. The billiard ball continues after the collision at 0.3 m/s. What was the initial speed of the billiard ball?


Let v be the billiard ball's initial speed. The total momentum of the ball-marble system is conserved between the times before and after their collision, so that

(1 kg) v + (0.1 kg) (0 m/s) = (1 kg) (0.3 m/s) + (0.1 kg) (3 m/s)

Solve for v :

v + 0 = 0.3 m/s + 0.3 m/s

v = 0.6 m/s

Water exits straight down from a faucet with a 1.96-cm diameter at a speed of 0.55 m/s. The volume flow rate of the water as it exits from the faucet is Blank
1. Calculate the answer by read surrounding text. cm3/s. As the water falls from the faucet with the given speed, it accelerates due to gravity and reaches a speed of _______
2. Calculate the answer by read surrounding text. after it has moved 0.2 m downward. With this change in speed of the water, the diameter of the stream 0.2 m below the faucet is _______
3. Calculate the answer by read surrounding text. _________ cm.



Q = 165.95 cm³ / s,  1)    v = [tex]\sqrt{0.55^2 + 19.6 y}[/tex],  2)  v = 2.05 m / s,

3)  d₂ = 1.014 cm


This is a fluid mechanics exercise

1) the continuity equation is

         Q = v A

where Q is the flow rate, A is area and v is the velocity


the area of ​​a circle is

        A = π r²

radius and diameter are related

        r = d / 2


       A = π d²/4

       Q = π/4   v d²

let's reduce the magnitudes

       v = 0.55 m / s = 55 cm / s

let's calculate

       Q = π/4   55   1.96²

       Q = 165.95 cm³ / s

If we focus on a water particle and apply the zimematics equations

        v² = v₀² + 2 g y

where the initial velocity is v₀ = 0.55 m / s

        v = [tex]\sqrt{0.55^2 + 2 \ 9.8\ y}[/tex]

        v = [tex]\sqrt{0.55^2 + 19.6 y}[/tex]

2) ask to calculate the velocity for y = 0.2 m

        v = [tex]\sqrt{0.55^2 + 19.6 \ 0.2}[/tex]

        v = 2.05 m / s

3) We write the continuous equation for this point 2

        Q = v₂ A₂

        A₂ = Q / v₂

let us reduce to the same units of the SI system

        Q = 165.95 cm³ s (1 m / 10² cm) ³ = 165.95 10⁻⁶ m³ / s

        A₂ = 165.95 10⁻⁶ / 2.05

        A₂ = 80,759 10⁻⁶ m²

area is

        A₂ = π/4   d₂²

        d₂ = [tex]\sqrt{4 A_2 / \pi }[/tex]

        d₂ = [tex]\sqrt{ \frac{4 \ 80.759 \ 10^{-6} }{\pi } }[/tex]

        d₂ = 10.14 10⁻³ m

        d₂ = 1.014 cm

a uniform meter ruler is balanced at its midpoint



a) i) x = 0.25 m, ii) x = 0.10 m, iii)  x = 0.050 m

b) i)  x = 0.40 m


a) For this exercise we use the rotational equilibrium equation, where we assume that the anticlockwise rotations are positive.

1) L = 2W  

we set our reference system in the center of the bar where the fulcrum is

              ∑τ = 0

              W 0.50 - L x = 0

              x = 0.50 W / L

we substitute the value

              x = 0.50 W / 2W

              x = 0.25 m

ii) L = 5W

we calculate

              x = 0.50 W / 5W

              x = 0.10 m

iii) L = 10 W

               x = 0.50 W / 10W

              x = 0.050 m

b) a new weight is placed at x₂ = 30 cm on the left side

              W 0.50 + W 0.30 - L x = 0

              x = (0.50 + 0.30) W / L

              x = 0.80 W / L

we calculate

i)  L = 2W

                x = 0.80 w / 2w

                x = 0.40 m

A cricket player lowers his hands while catching the ball. wny?​


because maybe the ball was going downwards or he was getting ready to catch the ball. one of those 2.

What animal would your trapezius muscles look like if you concentrated on working it out



If you went to work your trap muscles you don't need a ton of fancy gym equipment. Here are four trapezius exercises you can perform using your own body.

pushupshrupupright rowshoulder blade squeeze

ANSWER ASAP What happens to a circuit’s resistance (r) , voltage (v) , and current (l) when you decrease the length of the wire in the circuit ?
A . R decreases
V constant
l increases

B . R constant
V increases
l increases

C . R increases
V constant
l decreases

D . R increases
V decreases
I decreases



Explanation:i just took the test

Which of the following travels with a wave?
O A. Energy only
O B. Matter only
O C. Neither matter nor energy
O D. Both matter and energy



A. Energy only is the answer to your question

2 What are(i) free fall , (ii) acceleration due to gravity, (iii) escape velocity , (iv) centripetal force?​




1. Free fall implies an object falling under the gravitational influence only. During the flight, no other force acts on it except the gravitational pull.

2. Acceleration due to gravity is the earth's natural force of pull on all objects on its surface, close to its surface, or in the region where the force can be felt. This force pulls object to the surface of the earth.

3. Escape velocity is the required minimum velocity for an object to leave the gravitational influence of the earth. It has a constant value which can be determined by;

Escape velocity = [tex]\sqrt{2gR}[/tex]

where g is the gravitation force of the earth and R is the radius of the earth.

4. Centripetal force is the force of pull that is required to keep a rotation object in its curved path.

TRUE OR FALSE. When non-conservative forces are present, the amount of work done increases with the length of the path.





When non-conservative forces are present, the amount of work done increases with the length of the path, this is true because, when a force is applied, the force does when and the non-conservative forces also do work. Since the non-conservative force work against the force  applied, this tend to increase the net work done by the applied force to compensate for the loss in energy due to the work done by the non-conservative forces.

Compared with dim light, what do light waves that look bright tend to have the subject just says science but the picker doesn't have that



The brightness of a light depends on the amplitude of the light wave, which is the extent the waves moves from their equilibrium position. The brightness is also related to the amount of light that is emitted or reflected by an object

Therefore, compared to dim light, light that look bright have a higher amplitude and emit or reflect more light energy (photons)


An egg is dropped onto a wood floor and breaks. When a different egg (same mass) is dropped the same distance onto a foam pad on the wood floor, it does not break. Why (in terms of physics) does this happen?
A. The pad extends the time so the impulse changes.
B. An egg requires a harder surface so it won’t break.
C. The pad pulls the egg to the floor.
D. Wood is harder than the pad.





The pad extends the time so the impulse changes.


A. The pad extends the time so the impulse changes


in term of physics it has same mass:)

A car accelerates from 22ms^-1 to 43ms*-1 in 18.6 seconds.
(a) Calculate the acceleration of the car.
Find the distance covered by the car in 10 seconds.

2(c) Find the velocity after 5 seconds.










Initial Velocity (U)=22m/

Final Velocity (V)=43m/

Time(t) =18.6s

a. a=V-U/t





S=ut+1/2 at²


s= 220+0.57(10)²

s= 220+0.57(100)

s= 220+57








49. A block is pushed across a horizontal surface with a
coefficient of kinetic friction of 0.15 by applying a
150 N horizontal force.
(a) The block accelerates at the rate of 2.53 m/s2
Find the mass of the block.

(b) The block slides across a new surface while
experiencing the same applied force as before.
The block now moves with a constant speed.
What is the coefficient of kinetic friction between
the block and the new surface?



(a) 37.5 kg

(b) 4


Force, F = 150 N

kinetic friction coefficient = 0.15

(a) acceleration, a = 2.53 m/s^2

According to the newton's second law

Net force = mass x acceleration

F - friction force = m a

150 - 0.15 x m g = m a

150 = m (2.53 + 0.15 x 9.8)

m = 37.5 kg

(b) As the block moves with the constant speed so the applied force becomes the friction force.

[tex]F = \mu m g \\\\150 = \mu\times 37.5\\\\\mu = 4[/tex]

The summer camps had a field trip from the campus to Fragrance Hill. They traveled at an average speed of 65 km/h in the first 2 hours. After that, traveled at another average speed of 78 km/h. If the distance between the campus and Fragrance Hill is 364 km, what was the total time for the field trip?




They traveled this distance in 2 parts, essentially. Part 1 had an average speed for a certain number of hours, part 2 had an average speed for a certain number of hours, and those 2 parts taken together took them a distance of 364 km. In equation form, that looks like this:

km/hr part 1 + km/hr part 2 = 364 km

Now we need to find each part on the left side of that equation. Part 1 first:

We traveled 65 km/hr for 2 hours, so that took us

[tex]65\frac{km}{hr}*2hr[/tex] and canceling out the hour label, we have that in part 1 we got

65(2) = 130 km. Good. Now onto the second part, where our unknown is.

We traveled 78 km/hr the second part for x hours, so that took us

[tex]78\frac{km}{hr}*xhr[/tex] and canceling out the hour label, we have that in part 2 we got

78x km. Now we can fill in the main equation (the one in bold print)

130 km + 78x km = 364 km and subtracting 130 km from both sides:

78x km = 234 km and dividing by 78 km:

x = 3 hours. Part 2 took 3 hours. Part 1 took 2 hours, so the whole trip took 5 hours.

When an object is in a gravitational field, it has energy in its __________ __________ energy store.



Gravitational potential


Any object that is not on the surface of the Earth, but at a height instead has potential energy. Eventually, this can become kinetic energy once the object falls.

When an object is in a gravitational field, it has energy in its gravitational potential energy store.

Question 4(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)
(03.02 MC)

Which statement best reflects a change in weather?

Today is cloudy, but tomorrow will be clear and sunny.
The average rainfall has decreased over the past five years.
Ocean temperatures are projected to increase over time.
Glaciers are melting more rapidly now than in the past 100 years.
plzzz helpppp asap



a is your answer.............

The mass of a brick is 2kg. Find the mass of water displaced by it when it is completely immersed in water. (Density of the bricks is 2.5 g/cm^3)​











22) How is it possible to fill medicine in a syringe?explain​


Pressure is what makes syringes work.By sequentially pulling and pushing the plunger, the syringe can incorporate and release liquid or air.

I hope this helps you ^-^

when is the mass of an object if it exerts a force of 160 N and an acceleration of 8.15m/s^2




A light spring with force constant 3.05 N/m is compressed by 7.80 cm as it is held between a 0.400-kg block on the left and a 0.800-kg block on the right, both resting on a horizontal surface. The spring exerts a force on each block, tending to push the blocks apart. The blocks are simultaneously released from rest. Find the acceleration with which each block starts to move, given that the coefficient of kinetic friction between each block and the surface is 0, 0.035, and 0.397. (Let the coordinate system be positive to the right and negative to the left. Indicate the direction with the sign of your answer. Assume that the coefficient of static friction is the same as the coefficient of kinetic friction. If the block does not move, enter 0.)


Complete Question

A light spring with force constant 3.05 N/m is compressed by 7.80 cm as it is held between a 0.400-kg block on the left and a 0.800-kg block on the right, both resting on a horizontal surface. The spring exerts a force on each block, tending to push the blocks apart. The blocks are simultaneously released from rest. Find the acceleration with which each block starts to move, given that the coefficient of kinetic friction between each block and the surface is 0, 0.035, and 0.397. (Let the coordinate system be positive to the right and negative to the left. Indicate the direction with the sign of your answer. Assume that the coefficient of static friction is the same as the coefficient of kinetic friction. If the block does not move, enter 0.)

(a) u = 0 heavier block m/s2 m/s2 lighter block

(b)M = 0.035 heavier block m/s2 m/s2 lighter block


a)  [tex]A_h=0.297[/tex]


b)  [tex]a=0[/tex]



From the question we are told that:

Force constant [tex]k=3.05N/m[/tex]

Compression Length [tex]l_c=7.80cm=0.07m[/tex]

Left Mass [tex]M_l=0.400kg[/tex]

Right Mass [tex]M_r=0.800kg[/tex]

Coefficient of kinetic friction [tex]\mu=0, 0.035, and\ 0.397.[/tex]


Spring force is given as




Generally the equation for Acceleration is mathematically given by


For Heavier block




For Lighter blocks





Generally the equation for Force is mathematically given by


For Heavier block




For Lighter blocks




The gravitational force acting on various masses is measured on different planets. Measured values for the forces acting on the corresponding masses are shown in the data table. Analyze the data and develop a method for comparing the gravitational field strengths on the different planets. Use your method to compare the gravitational field strengths, and report your conclusions.


we Know that gravitational field strength(g) at a point on a planet is equal to gravitational force exerted per unit mass placed at that point.
It Means,
g=gravitational field strength
F=Gravitational force
Case A
planet force =10 and mass= .5
case B
F=30 and m=2
therefore g2=30/2
case C
F=45 and m=3
case D
from above results it is clear that the gravitational field strength of planet D is minimum which is 10m/s^2 and gravitational field strength of planet A is maximum which is 20m/s^2

The boiling point of water is 1000 C at sea level. The boiling point of butane is -1.50C… If we leave liquid butane in a bowl on a table in a room where the temperature is 240C, butane will

A. evaporate.
B. condense.
C. freeze.
D. melt.


Answer: If we leave liquid butane in a bowl on a table in a room where the temperature is [tex]24^{o}C[/tex], butane will evaporate.


A temperature at which the the liquid and gaseous phase of a substance of a substance are present in equilibrium with each other is called boiling point.

For example, the boiling point of butane is -1.5 degree Celsius.

This means that at a temperature above -1.5 degree Celsius, butane will exist is gaseous state. That is, at a temperature of 24 degree Celsius butane will evaporate.

Thus, we can conclude that if we leave liquid butane in a bowl on a table in a room where the temperature is [tex]24^{o}C[/tex], butane will evaporate.

Write the sentences in your copybook and draw a line through one of the words in
bold to complete each of these sentences about alkali metals correctly.

 Alkali metals generally become more / less dense going down the group.

 The melting and boiling points of alkali metals increase / decrease down the group.

 The softness of alkali metals increases / decreases going down the group.

 The speed with which alkali metals react with oxygen increases / decreases going
down the group.



Densities increase down the group

MP and BP decrease down the group

Softness increased going down the group

Speed of reacting increases going down the group

Please help me with this...
And write all steps..​


Use this equation acceleration= final velocity-Initial velocity/ time taken


Hope this help


[tex]2\frac{m}{s^2} =a[/tex]


Use the kinematic equation.

[tex]v_{2} =v_{1} +at[/tex]

This equation can be derived from [tex]f=ma[/tex], but we can just memorize, or look them up when needed as it saves us time.

Now we can plug our measurements into each variable to solve for acceleration.

[tex]18\frac{m}{s} =8\frac{m}{s} +a*5s[/tex]

Subtract 8m/s from both sides.

[tex]10\frac{m}{s} =a*5s[/tex]

Divide by 5 seconds. Left with acceleration in terms of [tex]\frac{m}{s^2}[/tex]

[tex]2\frac{m}{s^2} =a[/tex]

. Una varilla de cobre de coeficiente de dilatación 1,4*10-5 °C -1 , tiene una longitud de 1.20 metros a una temperatura ambiente de 18 ˚C . ¿Cuál sera su longitud 100 ˚C



La longitud de la varilla de cobre es de 1.201 metros a una temperatura de 100 °C.


Asumiendo que la varilla de cobre experimenta deformaciones muy pequeñas y que las deformaciones no longitudinales son despreciables con respecto a las deformaciones longitudinales, la deformación longitudinal de la varilla se estima mediante la siguiente fórmula:

[tex]l_{f} = l_{o}\cdot [1+\alpha \cdot (T_{f}-T_{o})][/tex] (1)


[tex]l_{o}[/tex] - Longitud inicial de la varilla, en metros.

[tex]\alpha[/tex] - Coeficiente de dilatación, en [tex]^{\circ}C^{-1}[/tex].

[tex]T_{o}[/tex] - Temperatura inicial de la varilla, en grados Celsius.

[tex]T_{f}[/tex] - Temperatura final de la varilla, en grados Celsius.

Si sabemos que [tex]l_{o} = 1.20\,m[/tex], [tex]\alpha = 1.4\times 10^{-5}\,^{\circ}C^{-1}[/tex], [tex]T_{o} = 18\,^{\circ}C[/tex] y [tex]T_{f} = 100\,^{\circ}C[/tex], entonces la longitud final de la varilla es:

[tex]l_{f} = (1.20\,m)\cdot \left[1 + \left(1.4\times 10^{-5}\,^{\circ}C^{-1}\right)\cdot (100\,^{\circ}C-18\,^{\circ}C)\right][/tex]

[tex]l_{f} = 1.201\,m[/tex]

La longitud de la varilla de cobre es de 1.201 metros a una temperatura de 100 °C.

Other Questions
Why do tourism business have market cost for the printing When it was built, the given stadium held 31,080 fans per game. Today, it holds 86,047. How many more fans could attend per year (12 games) compared to the year it was built? 8. The following excerpt is from President Franklin D. Roosevelt.When, on March 11, 1941, the Lend-Lease Act first became law, Britain stood virtually alonebefore the tide of Axis aggression, which had swept across Western Europe. Everywhere thepeace-loving peoples of the world were facing disaster. But the passage of the Lend-Lease Actgave firm assurance to those resisting the aggressors that the overpowering material resources ofthe United States were on their side.Which factor contributed to the extension of the act discussed in this excerpt?A. Allied nations needed supplies to continue the war effort against Nazi Germany.B. Neutrality prevented Americans from boarding ships belonging to nations at war.C. Reparation payments from former Allied nations were suspended by executive order.D. The Kellogg-Briand Pact called for participants to refrain from warfare to resolve conflicts. Find area and perimeter of shaded regions below Actual texture uses your sense of _____ 1)I cook food in the morning to help my mother. 2)Farmers grow food for other people. She helped me in the exam. 3) They were playing hockey in school. 4)He was pulling water from the pond.(change in passive voice) name the organ that helps a turtle to swim in water? Why is avian influenza (H5 N1) rarely transmitted from poultry to humans? Why is it is often lethalin humans? Why is it rarely spread from person to person? what is the similarities between written curriculum,taought curriculum and teasted curriculum? Looking for specific requirements willnot help answer a question or receiveall points possible.TrueFalse Which situation is most clearly ironic?A.A gazebo on a lonely hilltop during a huge stormB.A contest between two chess grand mastersC.A warlord who fears blood and violenceD.A pothole that damages a bus's front tires Complete to get an equal ratio3x/y = ? /2y A car travels 100 km to the east. If the first half of the distance is driven at 50 km/h and the second half at 100 km/h, what is the average velocity if wu feed cat 1 time and got $5 so how much wu will earn over the winter if he feed the cat 13 times The measurements of a triangle are given. Is there exactly one triangle that can be formed using the given measurements? If so, identify the appropriate triangle congruence postulate.ABC : m A = 90, AB = 15, AC = 15A)No, More than one triangle could be made with these measuresB)Yes, SSS congruencyC)Yes, ASA congruencyD)Yes, SAS congruency Which graph represents the solution set for the quadratic inequality x2 + 2x + 1 > 0? Can someone help me with this plz plz pls Pepe and Leo deposit money into their savings accounts at the end of eachmonth. The table shows the account balances.If their patterns of saving continue, and neither earns interest nor withdrawsany of the money, how will the balances compare after a very long time? Prepare an argument for or against the proposition that the following is ethical behavior. While visiting a friend in another city you turn on your laptop and your wireless adapter senses a strong signal of an unsecured access point named siren-island. You connect to it and use Internet access throughout the weekend. Does the argument change if the time period is not just a weekend but unlimited (you are not just visiting but you live there) and the access point name obviously relates to the person who lives in the next apartment? Company XYZ is working on a marketing strategy for a new oral hygiene product and just discovered that XYZ's biggest competitor is launching a very similar product a month later. In conducting a SWOT analysis, the launch of the competitor's product represents an opportunity.a. Trueb. False