what kind of love is expressed in the poem " red red rose"​


Answer 1


romantic love


red roses are usually used when when one wants to express his intimate feeling towards someone

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What are the characteristics of the cinema?​



An urban legend, myth, or tale is a modern genre of folklore. It often consists of fictional stories associated with the macabre, superstitions, cryptids, creepypasta, and other fear generating narrative elements. Urban legends are often rooted in local history and popular culture.


hope it's help you



the answer is in addition!

Why is the narrator careful not to go “close to the lip of the well”?


most likely so that he wouldn't fall in.

The narrator was careful not to go close to the lip of the well So he wouldn’t fall.

What is the summary and analysis for the poem, The Sparrow by Paul Laurence Dunbar for each stanza?



Once good time pass, it will never come.


The summary for the poem, ''The Sparrow'' written by Paul Laurence Dunbar is that nature is present around us but we can't see its beauty due to our busy live. The theme of the poem is that nature is present all around us that is beautiful and charming, but people nowadays are so busy in their own work and lives that they do not appreciate the blessings that nature has offer to them. The people realized and regret it when the time passes but then it is useless to regret and weep on it.

help me please today is my tes t​



In Japan


Japanese homes usually have a designated area to leave shoes right near the front door, this area is called a 'genkan'


They are not permitted to enter through the gate.

The athletic company Nike took its name after:

the Greek spirit of victory.

the Roman goddess of vengeance.

the Norse god of sports and games.

None of the choices are correct.



The Norse God of sports and games


Nike was the winged goddess of victory--victory both in war and in peaceful competition

the norse god of sports and games

Your school is organising a farewell trip to a historical place Write a notice to inform the students about the trip.

please answer this​




Nov. 25, 2017


The Cultural Club is organising a week-long tour to Jaipur in the last week of December. The place to be visited will be of historical importance. Boarding, Lodging and bus fare will cost ` 5,000/- per head. Those who are interested should contact the undersigned with fees and parent’s written permission by 15th December, 2016.

Rajesh Kamboj

(Secretary, Cultural club)

What can be inferred about the Cyclops in this excerpt from Homer's Odyssey? The land of Cyclops first, a savage kind, Nor tamed by manners, nor by laws confined: Untaught to plant, to turn the glebe, and sow, They all their products to free nature owe: The soil, untill'd, a ready harvest yields, With wheat and barley wave the golden fields; Spontaneous wines from weighty clusters pour, And Jove descends in each prolific shower, By these no statues and no rights are known, No council held, no monarch fills the throne; But high on hills, or airy cliffs, they dwell, Or deep in caves whose entrance leads to hell. Each rules his race, his neighbour not his care, Heedless of others, to his own severe.



The Cyclops does not follow the typical rules of the civilized human world.  Because they don't mention anything about guests in the passage, and the neighbors were never really mentioned.


the answer is C luvs


a traditional story that explains a belief system, a natural phenomenon, or a world view of a group of people is called a ​


Answer: A traditional story that explains a belief system, a natural phenomenon, or a world view of a group of people is called a "Myth."

Explanation: Myths are legendary and traditional stories that usually portrays the heroic act of a certain person, or even the origin of things and events around the community.




correct on edge

Read this sentence.

“In constant demand as a piano teacher my brother David has never been busier than he is now.”

How should this sentence be revived?

A. Insert a comma after constant

B. Insert a comma after teacher

C. Insert a comma after brother

D. Insert a comma after busier


B- insert a comma after teacher
B insert a comma after a teacher

Read the excerpt from Notes of a Native Son
A few hours after my father's funeral, while he lay in state in the undertaker's chapel, a race riot broke out in
Harlem. On the morning of the 3rd of August, we drove my father to the graveyard through a wilderness of
smashed plate glass.
Baldwin describes a personal event taking place amid a race riot to
symbolize his detachment from the racial prejudice existing in society.
emphasize his amazement with the events taking place around him.
O symbolize the destructive impact racial prejudice has on individual lives
emphasize the contrast between his father's experiences and his own


Answer: symbolize the destructive impact racial prejudice has on individual lives.


From the excerpt, after the funeral of Baldwin's father, there was a race riot that broke out in Harlem and this resulted in the smashed plate glass that was seen when his father was taken to the graveyard.

In this case, Baldwin describes a personal event taking place amid a race riot to symbolize the destructive impact that racial prejudice has on the lives of individual.


C on Edge or Symbolize the destructive impact racial prejudice has on individual lives.


Write a Narrative Essays on Give an account of a fearful experience you have had. Your essay should be about two hundred and fify words



I still can remember that day; the memory is fresh on my mind. It was during the summer holidays of 2017. I was with my family in Hawaii. We decided to go to a beach with clifts.

The beach was one of the nicest places I have ever seen. The blue water, the palm trees, the sun shining above my head,  warming the white sand under my bare feet, it was such a nice place. The most peculiar thing about that beach was the cliff and how the people jumped from it to the sea. Some locals were experts and did some tricks while on the air; others just dived straight into the water.

I had been watching all of them along with my brother. We were lying on the sand, under a shade, when he tells me -I bet that you would never jump from there, you are always scared of everything- I felt offended, so, I told him - Well you are wrong, to prove my point, I'm going to jump. What about you?-

He looked at me with a shocked expression, and when I stood up, he did too. Silently we walked towards the cliff. Ten minutes later, we were there, it was much higher than what I had thought, but I couldn't go back.

My brother looked at me and told me -See you- Then he stood on the edge, and with a  jump in the air, he was gone. Now it was my turn. My heart was beating fast; my palms were sweating; I was on the cliff's edge but couldn't dare to move. It was so simple, I just had to give a little jump, but I couldn't.

Suddenly, a local man came to me and told me -I was as scared as you, the first time, but trust me, it is one of the best feelings in the world. 5-year-old kids are jumping. If they can do it, you can too-

I took a deep breath and jumped. I was in the air, flying, the wind was on my face, I felt free. Then, I felt something cold and wet touch my feet, my legs, and the rest of my body. I did it!.

Once I had emerged from under the water, I looked at my brother and told him - let's do it again!-.

It was the most fearful experience I have had, but I am thankful that I faced my fear and jumped. It made me realize that I can do anything that I want and that the limits are in my head. I  have to be brave enough to face them.


In a narrative essay, we have to describe an experience such as an anecdote, or we can tell a story. In this case, we describe a fearful experience, which was jumping from a cliff.

The narrative has to be in chronological order. We have to describe all the previous events that led us to the principal part of the narrative, which was the jumping moment. We have to tell the reader how the story ends. Also, in the last paragraph, we have to write a reflection about that situation.

Describing the feelings and the place is an important part of the narrative since it helps the reader to imagine the scenario and comprehend what you felt in that moment.

What are you doing after you pass English class? Two to three sentences.



I will go to church and thank God


After I will Relax my body

1) what has the pandemic taught you or shown you. It can be related to family, life etc. (10 marks)​


to be grateful and care more about others

Under which of the following headings in the Apollo 13 article could a reader expect to find out how NASA engineers figured out a way to get the crew back to Earth?
On the way to the Moon
O Solving the Crisis
Returning to Earth


Answer: Solving the Crisis

Explanation: The crew would have to solve the problem they faced before they could return to Earth, so I think the author would place this information under this heading.

Which statement best describes the persuasive strategy of the speaker?
A. The speaker ethically highlights the idea that America has pledged its loyalty to friends.
B. The speaker logically presents the idea that all Americans need to stand together.
C. The speaker emotionally calls upon American citizens to be united in pursuit of ideals.
D. The speaker passionately argues the idea that America needs to continue to grow.





Why is the work of a engineer important?


please maek me brainlist and like also

Select the correct answer.
Read the passage.
Gina waited with anticipation as her math teacher handed back the recent math test. Eager to see her grade, she grabbed the test the instant
her teacher placed it face down on her desk. Quickly turning the test over, she saw that she'd earned a lower score than expected. Although
Gina was disappointed, she examined her mathematical errors with a positive attitude and encouraged herself to use different studying
strategies in the future. She felt confident that she would do better next time.
How does the last sentence help develop the tone of the passage?
The short sentence shows that the tone of the passage is proud.
The sentence illustrates a bittersweet tone through two clauses.
The short sentence helps to emphasize the passage's optimistic tone.
The sentence contributes to a conflicted tone through two clauses.





The character stays optimistic and encouraged herself to do better.  

What can a speaker use to prove a claim?
Facts and examples
Thesis statement
Emotional delivery



Facts and examples


To prove something you must provide evidence. Which includes facts and examples.

The speaker can use facts and examples

Successful readers ask themselves what is happening, why it is happening, and what it means, even though they do not always have the answers.



True, Hope This Helps!

Explanation: Just Took This Quiz.

Queen Elizabeth most likely used different rhetorical appeals in her address to the troops at tilbury and her response to parliament’s request that she marry due to differences in



she used appeal to pathos when addressing both the troop and members of parliament .she used an appeal to pathos when addressing the troop she used an appeal to logos when addressing parliament

Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given. (5) i. We had been studying French, ............? (Add suitable question tag.) ii. Michael was rewriting the answers. (Change into passive voice.) iii. Where did they see the box? (End:.....seen) iv. As soon as I cleared the test, I asked them to accept my entry. (Begin: No sooner did......) v. He does not know the correct answer. (Begin: Little…​


i.having we?

ii Michael had written the answers

III. Where had they seen the box?

iv.No sooner did I cleared the test, l asked them to accept my entry.

v.Little did he Know the correct answer.

Why might it be necessary to revise a thesis during the revision process?



I hope this helps!!


To make the tone of the thesis relevant to the audience. ... to ensure the thesis correctly cites a credible source.

Which characteristics does Gilgamesh display in this passage? Check all that apply.
confident speech
great intelligence
risk-taking behavior
readiness to embark on a journey




C. risk-taking behavior

D. courage


Which characteristics does Gilgamesh display in this passage? Check all that apply.

confident speech

great intelligence

risk-taking behavior <<<CORRECT

courage <<<CORRECT

readiness to embark on a journey


Edge 2021

Question 3 Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)
Read the text, then answer the question that follows:
Wild animals as viewed from a mountain camp-Camille Grant, October 2011
Through my binoculars, I viewed a group of wild animals in action. A pride of lions was sleeping when a small, yellow bus pulled up beside them.
Tourists on a safari were packed into the bus like sardines in a can. Armed with cameras, they invaded the lions' territory, hoping to capture the
perfect photograph. The crowd leaned out the windows, hooting and hollering, until the lions awoke. When the lions moved away, the bus rolled
after them, relentlessly stalking the pride. One of the lions turned and roared to protect the young. This was greeted with cheers and a
celebratory honk of the bus hom. The curious visitors observed the lions' routine for an hour before moving on. Leaving a cloud of dust, the bus
headed away, taking the wild animals off to disturb someone else's home.
Review the following in from the text:
Armed with cameras and cell phones, they were invading the lions' territory in hopes of capturing the perfect photograph.
The author uses several verbs to describe the tourists' actions. The connotative tone of these verbs implies that the photographers are



D) Students


The connotative tone of the verbs used by the author suggests that the photographers are students, which is supported by the author's use of them.

Fill in the blanks with correct form of verb in Past Continuous Tense they _______ their lunch at the time (take)​


They took their lunch at the time




they took their lunch at the time

Anyone wanna ta lk....




Python is an interpreted high-level general-purpose programming language. Python's design philosophy emphasizes code readability with its notable use of significant indentation.

1. He/ not/ know /foreign language/ made/ it /difficult/ him / get /well-paid job.
→ ………………………………………………………………………………………………



He didn’t know a foreign language, which made it difficult for him to get a well-paid job

What seems to be the purpose of the speech?
Which rhetorical strategies does he use? For example, does he use appeals such as pathos, logos, or ethos? Does he use devices such as figurative language, repetition, or rhetorical questions?
Which logical fallacies do you notice?



The purpose of the speech is to recount the events of his governorship and frame those events as successes achieved through teamwork.


Arnold uses a few rhetorical appeals. He uses ethos with his anecdote of the pig and pony. By conveying a household event involving pets, he wants his audience to sense that he shares their values. He uses pathos when he says that there were "leaders who sacrificed their careers" to close the budget gap. He uses logos when he lists some of his administration's accomplishments: "We made painful spending cuts. We passed temporary tax increases. We permanently eliminated COLAs for most state programs, and we made major reforms in welfare and parole."

The most noticeable rhetorical device Arnold uses is repetition. He repeats the word "together" five times in just a few sentences. He also uses the word "teamwork" three times during the same portion of the speech. He does this to strengthen his claim that his administration achieved success collectively.

His comparison of the pig-and-pony's cooperation to the California state legislature seems like a false analogy. He also makes a hasty generalization toward the end when we says he and legislators "did what we had to do," suggesting that there were no possible alternatives.

1. find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part
1. a. turn b. put c. burn d. fur
2. a. silence b. absent c. content d.legend
3. a. further b. answer c. future d.teacher
4. a. learner b. prefer c. sister d. return
5. a. concern b. control c. correct d. hot




The words which have different sounds or pronunciation are called homophones.


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