"What mathematical ideas are you curious to know more about as a result of takingthis class? Give one example of a question about the material that you'd like to explorefurther, and describe why this is an interesting question to you."


Answer 1

One mathematical idea I've always been curious about is "integration and derivation".

Integration is about assimilating different variables. Derivation is a mathematical process whereby a result is gotten from some initial assumptions.

Integration is used everyday in different aspects of our lives. For example, if a person is travelling from let's say point A to point B, the speed used by the person might vary but through integration, one can easily get the accurate speed.

Through the division of equations into smaller bits, once can use integration to get the answer that one seeks. Architect can use integration in building the right structures at the exact places where the structures fits.

Likewise derivatives can be used by businesses in assessing whether a profit or loss will be made for a particular transaction or sale of product.

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Related Questions

If a right circular cone has radius 4 cm and slant height 5cm then what is its volume?​




Step-by-step explanation:

Using the formulas




Solving forV




A manufacturer of potato chips would like to know whether its bag filling machine works correctly at the 409 gram setting. It is believed that the machine is underfilling the bags. A 21 bag sample had a mean of 401 grams with a standard deviation of 26. A level of significance of 0.1 will be used. Assume the population distribution is approximately normal. Determine the decision rule for rejecting the null hypothesis. Round your answer to three decimal places.



The decision rule is to Reject H0 if Z ≤ -1.282

Step-by-step explanation:

We are given;

Population mean; μ = 409 g

Sample mean; x¯ = 401 g

Sample size; n = 21

Standard deviation; s = 26

Let's define the hypotheses;

Null hypothesis; H0: μ = 409 g

Alternative hypothesis; Ha : μ ≠ 409 g

Formula for test statistic is;

z = (x¯ - μ)/(s/√n)

z = (401 - 409)/(26/√21)

z = -1.410

z-value is negative and thus this is a lower tail test.

At significance level of 0.1, the critical value is -1.282.

Thus, the decision rule is;

Reject H0 if Z ≤ -1.282

In the past year Christine watched 24 movies that she thought were very good. She watched 60 movies over the whole year. of the movies she watched, what
percentage did she rate as very good?




Step-by-step explanation:

She thought that 24 movies out of 60 were very good. Put the smaller number over the larger number to create a fraction:

Then convert 24/60 to a proper fraction:

24/60 = 2/5

Then, convert that to percent:

2/5 = 40%

40% because 24/60*100 is equal to 40

Assuming that a person going to community college can't afford to go to a four-year college is an example of a) a generalization. b) discrimination. O c) a stereotype. O d) tolerance.



a) generalization

Step-by-step explanation:

The statement is an example of a generalization. This is because the statement is assumming that all individuals who go to community college are poor. Therefore, this is why they cannot go to a four-year college, and instead go to a community college which is far cheaper. This assumption is being applied to all individuals who attend community college, without any further or more-specific information about each individual, therefore generalizing the entire situation.

How many skirt-blouse outfits can a woman choose from if she has 5 skirts and 6 blouses?


She can have 30 different outfits/combinations

ba xạ thủ độc lập bắn vào một mục tiêu. xác suất bắn trúng tương ứng là 0,8; 0,7; 0,6. mỗi xạ thủ bắn một viên. gọi X là số viên bắn trúng.
a) lập bảng phân phối xác suất.
b) tính E(X) và VAR(X)



well I don't know

Step-by-step explanation:

your speaking vietnam


Step-by-step explanation:

look at the image below



4.2 mi²

Step-by-step explanation:

Volume of a cone = (1/3)πr²h, where r = radius and h = height


= (1/3)×π×1²×4

= 4π/3

= 4.2 mi² (rounded to the nearest tenth)

The values of 9’s in 9905482




Million place


one hundred thousandth

plzz help me asap i need help picture below
Which line has a slope of -?

line d
line b
line a
line c


Line d

Explanation: right two and down three since it’s a negative fraction

Help me please guyss


B - 185*
If you do 360* (total angles) minus 175* then you’ll find your coterminal

Which graph shows a set of ordered pairs that represent a function?



Graph C.

*See attachment below

Step-by-step explanation:

A graph that shows a set of ordered pairs representing a function would have each x-value being plotted against only one y-value. That is, every x-value must have exactly one y-value. Every x-value must not have more than 1 y-value being plotted against it.

The graph that shows this is the graph in option as shown in the attachment below.

8 A test rocket is fired and follows a path described by y = 0.1x(200 – x). The height is y metres above
ground and x is the horizontal distance in metres.
How far does the rocket travel horizontally?
b How high does the rocket reach mid-flight?



a) The rocket travels 200 meters horizontally.

b) The height of the rocket mid-flight is of 1000 meters.

Step-by-step explanation:

Height of the rocket:

The height of the rocket, in meters, after an horizontal distance of x, is given by:

[tex]y = 0.1x(200 - x)[/tex]

a) How far does the rocket travel horizontally?

This is x when [tex]y = 0[/tex]. So

[tex]0.1x(200 - x) = 0[/tex]


[tex]0.1x = 0[/tex]

[tex]x = 0[/tex]


[tex]200 - x = 0[/tex]

[tex]x = 200[/tex]


The rocket travels 200 meters horizontally.

b How high does the rocket reach mid-flight?

This it the height y when x = 0, so:

[tex]y = 20*100 - 0.1*100^2 = 1000[/tex]

The height of the rocket mid-flight is of 1000 meters.

9.2% written as a decimal is


the answer will be 0.092 as a decimal

A tank is filled at a constant rate. 10 minutes after filling is started, the tank contains 4.8L of water. After 35 minutes the tank contains 7.3L of water.

a. Find the rate at which the tank is being filled?

b. Find the initial volume of fluid in the tank and express it as a function in terms of V and t.

c. Find how long it takes to filled, if the tank has a maximum capacity of 60L?



Part A)

0.1 liters per minute.

Part B)

There was initially 3.8 liters of water.

[tex]\displaystyle V(t) = 0.1(t - 10) + 4.8[/tex]

Part C)

562 minutes.

Step-by-step explanation:

A tank is filled at a constant rate. After 10 minutes, the tank contains 4.8 L of water and after 35 minutes, the tank contains 7.3 L of water.

Part A)

We can represent the current data with two points: (10, 4.8) and (35, 7.3). The x-coordinate is measured in minutes since the tank began to be filled and the y-coordinate is measured in how full the tank is in liters.

To find the rate at which the tank is being filled, find the slope between the two points:

[tex]\displaystyle m = \frac{\Delta y}{\Delta x} = \frac{(7.3)-(4.8)}{(35)-(10)} = \frac{2.5}{25} = 0.1[/tex]

In other words, the rate at which the tank is being filled is 0.1 liters per minute.

Part B)

To find the function of the volume of the tank, we can use the point-slope form to first find its equation:

[tex]\displaystyle y - y_1 = m( x - x_1)[/tex]

Where m is the slope/rate of change and (x₁, y₁) is a point.

We will substitute 0.1 for m and let (10, 4.8) be the point. Hence:

[tex]\displaystyle y - (4.8) = 0.1(x - 10)[/tex]


[tex]\displaystyle y = 0.1(x-10) + 4.8[/tex]

Since y represent how full the tank is and x represent the time in minutes since the tank began to be filled, we can substitute y for V(t) and x for t. Thus, our function is:

[tex]\displaystyle V(t) = 0.1(t - 10) + 4.8[/tex]

The initial volume is when t = 0. Evaluate:

[tex]\displaystyle V(0) = 0.1 ((0) - 10) + 4.8 = 3.8[/tex]

There was initially 3.8 liters of water.

Part C)

To find how long it will take for the tank to be completely filled given its maximum capacity of 60 liters, we can let V(t) = 60 and solve for t. Hence:

[tex]60 = 0.1(t - 10) + 4.8[/tex]


[tex]55.2 = 0.1(t - 10)[/tex]


[tex]552 = t - 10[/tex]

Add. Therefore:

[tex]t = 562\text{ minutes}[/tex]

It will take 562 minutes for the tank to be completely filled.

If two angles are complementary, find the measure of each of angle.



B: 30 and 60

Step-by-step explanation:

First, let's set up an equation. Since the two angles are complementary, we can write the equation like this:

2p + p = 90

Now, let's solve it!

2p + p = 90

Combine like terms:

3p = 90

Divide each side by 3 to isolate p:

3p/3 = 90/3

p = 30

Now that we know how many degrees one of our angles is, we can subtract that from 90 to get both of the complementary angles.

90 - 30 = 60

Therefore, the two angles that are complementary in this case are 30 and 60 degrees.

6/6/ Is a proper fraction or improper fraction



proper fraction

Step-by-step explanation:

a proper fraction has smaller numerator than its denominatot.

Answer: Proper Fraction

Step-by-step explanation:

The denominator is equal or bigger than the numerator.

Must click thanks and mark brainliest

Determine what type of model best fits the given situation: A 4% raise in salary each year.


the models aren't given..

Answer: no models given

Step-by-step explanation:

The area of a circle is 144cm².Find the radius​



It's a decimal, so it's around 6.771cm

Step-by-step explanation:

First, divide 144cm² by pi, or 3.14. Then find the square root of the answer, giving you the radius. The formula for the area of a circle is pi x radius squared, so to find out the radius you just use this formula in reverse.

If I messed up or didn't make my explanation clear, please comment.


radius is [tex]\frac{12}{\sqrt{\pi } }[/tex] = 6.77 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

we know,

[tex]\pi[/tex] × r² = Area

⇒ [tex]\pi[/tex] × r² = 144

⇒ r² =[tex]\frac{144}{\pi}[/tex]

⇒ r= [tex]\frac{12}{\sqrt{\pi } }[/tex]

∴ r= [tex]\frac{12}{\sqrt{\pi } }[/tex]

pls mark this as the braniliest

Question 3 of 28
What is the length of IN in the right triangle below?
O A. 442
B. 442
O c. 1200
D. 280



Option C. √280

Step-by-step explanation:

From the question given above, the following data were obtained

MN = 19

ML = 9

LN =?

We can obtain the value of LN by using the pythagoras theory as illustrated:

M ² = ML² + LN²

19² = 9² + LN²

361 = 81 + LN²

Collect like terms

361 – 81 = LN²

280 = LN²

Take the square root of both side

LN = √280

Therefore, the length of LN is √280

For the function f(x) = x^2 + 4x -5 solve the following f(x)=0


That's a question about quadratic function.

Any quadratic function can be represented by the following form:



[tex]f(x)= -3x^2-9x+57[/tex] is a function where [tex]a=-3[/tex], [tex]b=-9[/tex] and [tex]c=57[/tex].

Okay, in our problem, we need to find the value of x when [tex]f(x)=0[/tex]. That's mean that the result of our function is equal to zero. Therefore, we have the quadratic equation below:


To solve a quadratic equation, we use the Bhaskara's formula. Do you remember the value of a, b and c? They going to be important right now. This is the Bhaskara's formula:

[tex]\boxed{x=\frac{-b\pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} }{2a} }[/tex]

So, let's see the values of a, b and c in our equation and apply them in the Bhaskara's formula:

In [tex]x^2+4x-5=0[/tex] equation, [tex]a=1[/tex], [tex]b=4[/tex] and [tex]c=-5[/tex]. Let's replace those values:

[tex]x=\frac{-b\pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} }{2a}[/tex]

[tex]x=\frac{-4\pm \sqrt{4^2-4\times1\times(-5)} }{2\cdot1}[/tex]

[tex]x=\frac{-4\pm \sqrt{16-(-20)} }{2}[/tex]

[tex]x=\frac{-4\pm \sqrt{16 + 20)} }{2}[/tex]

[tex]x=\frac{-4\pm \sqrt{36} }{2}[/tex]

[tex]x=\frac{-4\pm 6 }{2}[/tex]

From now, we have two possibilities:

To add:

[tex]x_1 = \frac{-4+6}{2} \\x_1=\frac{2}{2} \\x_1=1[/tex]

To subtract:

[tex]x_2=\frac{-4-6}{2} \\x_2=\frac{-10}{2} \\x_2=-5[/tex]

Therefore, the result of our problem is: [tex]x_1 = 1[/tex] and [tex]x_2=-5[/tex].

I hope I've helped. ^^

Enjoy your studies.  \o/

What function type does the table of values represent?




Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

for every one unit increase in x, there is a 3 unit increase in y

The slope of the plot line would be 3

The y intercept of the plot line would be -1

y = 3x - 1

Simplify 13 x - 4[ x + (3 - x )].


13x - 4[x + (3 - x)] =

= 13x - 4(x + 3 - x) =

= 13x - 4 · 3 = 13x - 12



13x -12

Step-by-step explanation:

13 x - 4[ x + (3 - x )].

Combine like terms inside the brackets

13 x - 4[ 3 -0x]

13x - 4[3]


13x -12

Need help with this- Precalculus


use x^2 when x=0 because the restriction for it is "use x if x is less than or equal to 1"

when x = 0, (0)^2 will make f(x) = 0

the graph of f(x) will just be a dot at 0

Please tell me answer not by directly step by step please don't write answer only please please please


y + z + r + x = 360

2x + 3x + 4x + x = 360

10x = 360

x = 360/10

x = 36


x = 36

y = 72

z = 108

r = 144

Answered by Gauthmath must click thanks and mark brainliest

simplify each expression below. Compare your answers with your classmates answers.









Step-by-step explanation:


Hope this helped:

Find the inequality represented by the graph

I'm using khan academy btw



Step-by-step explanation:

slope of line through (0,0) and (4,3) =(3-0)/(4-0)=3/4

eq. of line is y-0=3/4(x-0)

y=3/4 x

put x=4




which is true if 2<3


so y<3/4 x

Use the information angle 8 is congruent to angle 11 to determine which lines are parallel.
A. p || q
B. l || m
C. m || n
D. l || n




Step-by-step explanation:

based on line p and q

Answer: p || q

Or A

Step-by-step explanation:

good luck

The weight (in pounds) and height (in inches) for a child were measured every few months over a two-year period. The measurements are given in the table.

Using technology, what is the equation for the least-squares regression line?

y= –34.13 1.98x

y = 1.98 – 34.13x

y = 17.37 0.50x

y = 0.50 17.37x

I think it's (C) y = 17.37 0.50x --> 100%



The answer is (C)

17.37 + .50x


Are the ratios 6:3 and 2:1 equivalent?


yes because 2 x 3 is 6 and 1 x 3
is 3 so it would be equivalent

What are Julie’s taxable wages as a data-entry operator if her withholding allowances total $1,500 and her annual gross pay is $24,500?


Julie's Taxable Wages:

Julie's taxable wages as a data-entry operator is:

= $23,000.

Data and Calculations:

a) Annual gross pay =           $24,500

Total withholding allowances = 1,500

Taxable wages (income) =  $23,000 ($24,500 - $1,500)

b) Julie's total withholding allowance of $1,500 is the total exemption that reduces how much income tax her employer can deduct from  Julie's paycheck.  This means that $1,500 will be deducted from $24,500, the gross pay, before arriving at her taxable income.

Thus, Julie's taxable wages represent the difference between her annual gross pay and her total withholding allowances.

Learn more about taxable income here: https://brainly.com/question/8653999

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