what part of a glucose molecule provides electrons in cellular respiration?


Answer 1


Hydrogen atoms are the part of the glucose molecule that provides electrons in cellular respiration.


Answer 2
Hydrogen atoms are the part of the glucose molecule that provides electrons in cellular respiration. (b) Electron transport complexes set up a proton gradient by passing protons from the mitochondrial matrix to the intermembrane space. NADH gives up the two electrons it carries to NADH hydrogenase.

Related Questions


Which of the following statements can you infer would happen If one organ system stopped working?
a. The other organ systems would have to work harder to make up for the broken system
b. The other organ systems would stop working too.
c. The other organ systems would still work on their own but might have to work harder to complete their function correctly.





After one system shuts down, the others would slowly start to shut down as well until the body can no longer maintain homeostasis and the person would slowly die. 3. All systems would be working together but the main ones would be muscular, nervous, and skeletal.

Besides plants, what other factor distinguishes one biome from another biome?
(A) the number of plant species in the biome
(B) the variety of animal species
(C) average temperatures and precipitation
(D) geographic location


C) Average temperatures and precipitation

All the following rely on ATP as a source of energy except
Select one:
a. the active transport of glucose from the small intestine to the blood
b. diffusion and osmosis across semi-permeable membranes
c. the movement of the flagella of sperm for motility
d. exocytosis of waste substances across a semi-permeable membrane



b. diffusion and osmosis across semi-permeable membranes


ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is a high energy carrying molecule in the system of living organisms. It posseses the ability to store and release energy for use by organisms during biochemical activities. However, some processes do not require ATP to occur and are called PASSIVE TRANSPORT while those that require energy (ATP) are called ACTIVE TRANSPORT.

In the above options, the processes listed as follows require ATP to occur:

- The active transport of glucose from the small intestine to the blood

- The movement of the flagella of sperm for motility

- Exocytosis of waste substances across a semi-permeable membrane

However, the diffusion and osmosis across semi-permeable membranes, which is a passive transport does not require ATP.

asexual reproduction can be a disadvantage to a population if



it can be a disadvantage to population because it produces many offsprings which can lead to high increase in population.

The disadvantage of asexual reproduction is that it limits the evolutionary process

An individual with two different versions of a gene is genetically ____________ . In traits with a simple pattern of inheritance, only the trait conferred by the ____________ form of the gene will be visible. The other form of the gene is ____________ : it confers a trait that is only visible when the individual is genetically ____________ , or has two identical copies of the gene.



heterozygous; dominant; recessive; h.o.mo-zygous


Genetics can be defined as the scientific study of hereditary in living organisms such as humans, animals and plants.

In Genetics, co-dominance can be defined as a phenomenon in which two (2) alleles of the same gene are present in a living organism and both are equally expressed to a degree or simultaneously.

This ultimately implies that, co-dominance is a phenomenon that typically involves the relationship between alleles i.e the two (2) versions of a gene present in living organisms. Also, a single version of a gene expressed by a living organism is referred to as an allele.

Trait can be defined as a distinguishing quality or characteristic of a living thing.

Simply stated, a trait refers to the specific features or characteristics possessed by a living organism. It is essentially transferred from the parent of a living organism to her offspring and as such distinguishes him or her.

Some examples of traits in genetics are colorblindness, handedness, curly hair, height, complexion, weight, hair color, dimples, tongue-roll, etc.

In Genetics, when an individual has two (2) different versions of a gene, he or she is said to be genetically heterozygous.

In traits with a simple pattern of inheritance, only the trait conferred by the dominant form of the gene from the parent organism will be visible in the offspring of a living organism. The other form of the gene is recessive : it confers a trait that is only visible when the individual is genetically , or has two identical copies of the gene.

If a mutation occurs in the coding sequence of a gene, what types of
issues might happen?
Select one:
A) All of these answers.
B) The gene could be expressed in the wrong cell.
C) The gene could be unaffected.
D) The gene could be permanently broken.





It will be all because of the fact that mutation does sometimes harm the genes and cells so any types of issues might happen

Which organism is an animal-like protist?



✅ C. amoeba

just took the test

The organism that is an animal-like protist is the amoeba.

What are amoebas?

Amoebas are a group of single-celled organisms belonging to the phylum Amoebozoa. They are classified as protists, which are a diverse group of eukaryotic microorganisms that do not fit into the categories of plants, animals, or fungi.

Amoebas are characterized by their ability to move and change shape through the use of pseudopodia, which are temporary extensions of their cell membrane. These extensions allow amoebas to engulf and surround their food, typically consisting of bacteria, algae, or other small organisms.

Amoebas are single-celled protists that move using pseudopodia, which are temporary extensions of their cell membrane. They are classified as animal-like because of their ability to move and capture food in a similar manner to animals. Amoebas belong to the phylum Amoebozoa and are commonly found in freshwater and soil environments.

The correct answer is amoeba.

For more details regarding amoebas, visit:



The smell of freshly cut grass occurs because the plant is signaling it is in distress, simultaneously warning other plants, trying to attract a creature to save it, and signaling to the cells around it to divide to close the wound. This type of signal would most likely be:

A. Local signaling
B. Synapse
C. Enzyme
D. Hormone



A. local signaling


the answer is A) local signaling

which of these is a cash crop

A. cucumbers

b. grass

c. latex

d. strawberries ​



The answer is Cccc Latex

the answer is bbbbb grass

VR of wheel and axle is 5.what does it mean. plz help me this question I will Mark u as brainliest​



VR is 5 means that the load moved is five times the effort applied and the distance moved by the effort is five times the distance moved by the load at the same time interval.

I hope it helps you


The mechanical advantage of a wheel and axle is the radius of the wheel divided by the radius of the axle

Cellular respiration is a mirror image of photosynthesis, meaning that the chemical reaction is the reverse. Below is the chemical reaction for photosynthesis.
Which of the following would be the correct chemical reaction for cellular respiration?
6 CO2 + 6 H2O → C6H12O6 + 6 O2

A. 6 CO2 + 6 H2O → C6H12O6 + 6 O2
B. 6 CO2 + 6 H2O → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O
C. C6H12O6 + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O
D. C6H12O6 + 6 O2 → C6H12O6 + 6 O2


Its (C) cz....

Connecting Cellular Respiration and PhotosynthesisThe products of one process are the reactants of the other. Notice that the equation for cellular respiration is the direct opposite of photosynthesis: Cellular Respiration: C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O.

hope it helps you, I tried my best to give an ans to you .

And if your kind enough would you mind marking me as branliest plz plz

The chemical reaction for cellular respiration will be C6H12O6 + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O, the correct option is C.

What is cellular respiration?

Cellular respiration is a succession of chemical reactions that break down glucose to produce ATP, which can then be used as energy to power a variety of reactions throughout the body.

Cellular respiration consists of three major steps: glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation.

It is mirror image of photosynthesis, its chemical reaction is:

[tex]C_{6} H_{12}O_{6} + 6 O_{2}--------- > 6CO_{2}+6O_{2}[/tex]

Thus, the correct option is C.

For more details regarding cellular respiration, visit:



Hemophilia is a serious bleeding disorder caused by a sex-linked recessive allele. What are the chances of a normal male and a female who is a carrier for hemophilia having a child with hemophilia?
1/4 or 25%
1/2 or 50%
3/4 or 75%



‼️A) 1/4 25% Chance‼️


If she gets the X chromosome with the hemophilia gene, she will have hemophilia. A man who has hemophilia and a woman who is a carrier have: a 25% (one in four) chance of having a son with hemophilia.




the sex linked trait is to the x chromosome but only one. that means the female would pass 50% the allele 50% of the time

Which of the following newborns has the lowest chance of having health problems?
A. Rosalind- 6 lbs
B. Charles- 11 lbs
C. Nikola- 7.5 lbs
D. Marie- 5 lbs



C Nikola


7.5 ibs is the most average and ideal weight for newborns.

Rosalind is the newborn who the lowest chance of having health problems. Thus, the correct option is A.

What are health problems?

Health problems may be defined as a situation of disease or medical ailment or an environmental condition that poses the threat of disease or medical ailment practically.

Rosalind weighs 6lbs which is equal to 2.72 kilograms. The most ideal and normal weight of newborns should be ranging in between 2.5 to 3 kilograms.

Therefore, Rosalind is the newborn who the lowest chance of having health problems. Thus, the correct option is A.

To learn more about Health problems, refer to the link:



Hitchhikers thumb (H) is dominant to no hitchhikers thumb (h). A woman who does not have hitchhiker some marries a man who is Carretera genus for hitchhikers thumb. What is the probable genotypic of their children?


Complete question:

3. Hitchhiker’s thumb (H) is dominant to no hitchhiker’s thumb (h). A woman who does not have hitchhiker’s thumb marries a man who is heterozygous for hitchhiker’s thumb. What is the probable genotypic ratio of their children? What is the probable genotypic of their children?

Answer and Explanation:

Due to technical problems, you will find the complete answer and explanation in the attached files

can someone help me?



I believe it's A, commencualism.


Because it means that one type of animal pairs itself with another to provide a service or perk, while the other maybe offers protection or something similar, improving the species.

I hope it's correct tho, sorry if it's not. ♥

Which of the following best describes the difference between a cation and an anion?



An anion is a negatively charged ion that has gained more electrons than protons and added them to it's energy levels. A cation is a positively charged ion that has lost electrons from it's energy levels. It also has more protons than neutrons.


The statements on the left are incorrect
Write the correct statement.
Incorrect statements
1. Breathing produces carbon
dioxide from glucose
2. Only animals carry out
respiration. If someone can help with this it’d be greatly appreciated



Carbon dioxide creates oxygen so we can breathe and seperates it from glucose

All species and humans breathe fish have gills to breathe underwater so not just animals have respiration.


Write down the functions of
2.tripletsof microtubules



Microtubules are filamentous intracellular structures that are responsible for various kinds of movements in all eukaryotic cells. Microtubules are involved in nucleic and cell division, organization of intracellular structure, and intracellular transport, as well as ciliary and flagellar motility

Centrioles are cylindrical structures that are made up of protein tubes called microtubules. Specifically, nine groups of three microtubules, known as triplet microtubules, are linked together to make the walls of the cylinder.

Hope it helps :)


Microtubules have several functions. For example, they provide the rigid, organized components of the cytoskeleton that give shape to many cells, and they are major components of cilia and flagella (cellular locomotory projections). They participate in the formation of the spindle during cell division (mitosis).

triplet microtubules are linked together to make the walls of the cylinder.


. Most of the matter in the universe: A. Exists within stars B. Is made when planets are formed C. Is unknown, called dark matter and energy D. Is blue-shifted





is made when planet are formed

Which of the following statements is MOST accurate?
a. Most people who engage in gambling activities become addicted to it
and end up taking bankruptcy because they cannot pay their bills.
b. People at lower income levels lower use a larger percentage of their
income to buy lottery and scratch tickets than people at higher levels of
c. Gambling is a moral issue, with little or no economic or financial impact
on individuals or society.
d. Casinos only have a positive impact on communities because they create
jobs and generate wealth.





if the velocity of a vehicle starting from rest reaches 5m/2s in 2seconds, is the velocity of the vehicle uniform ?explain.​



Avg speed × total times = total distance


Since acceleration in the 1st interval is same as deceleration in the 3rd interval and deceleration is from the same velocity achieved after acceleration, t
































































Solving (1 ) and (2) ⇒t





The diagram below shows a light ray striking Medium A and Medium B at the same angle. (4 points)

A rectangle labeled Medium A is drawn on the left. A ray of light travels through air and strikes the surface of medium A making an angle of 50 degrees with the vertical. The light ray bends towards the vertical as it travels through Medium A and makes an angle of about 15 degrees with the vertical. A rectangle labeled Medium B is drawn on the right. A ray of light travels through air and strikes the surface of medium B making an angle of 50 degrees with the vertical. The light ray bends towards the vertical as it travels through Medium B and makes an angle of about 25 degrees with the vertical.

Which statement is correct?
The speed of the light ray is the same in air and Medium A.

The speed of the light ray is the same in air and Medium B.

Medium A and Medium B have different densities because light refracts at different angles.

Medium A and Medium B have the same density because the light ray strikes both at the same angle.



A the speed of the light ray is the same in air and medium

Can someone please help me!



thats the 2 number point okay,plasma contains platelets ,ok

Which is the difference between an antibiotic and an antiviral?



There are no options in this question, the options are as follows:

A. Antibiotics build up immunity, and antivirals increase white blood cells.

B. Antibiotics treat the symptoms, and antivirals destroy the causing organism.

C. Antibiotics are in liquid form, and antivirals are in mist form.

D. Antibiotics treat patients who have Staphylococcus, and antivirals treat patients who have the flu.

The answer is D


Specific drugs are used to curb infection or diseases caused by specific pathogens. An infection can be caused by either bacteria, virus or fungi. Considering their different mechanism of infection, viral infections are treated with the use of ANTIVIRAL DRUGS while bacterial infections are treated with the use of ANTIBIOTICS.

According to this question, staphylococcus is a bacterial genus and hence, patients with staphylococcus can be treated with antibiotics while flu is a viral disease, hence can only be treated with antivirals.


A. Antibiotics build up immunity, and antivirals increase white blood cells.



In order for natural selection to occur, organisms must (select all that apply) Check All That Apply have variation that can be passed from one generation to the next. have variation that can be passed from one generation to the next. have differential reproductive success. have differential reproductive success. survive longer than another organism. survive longer than another organism. compete for resources. compete for resources. have adaptations to their environment. have adaptations to their environment.



have variation that can be passed from one generation to the nextsurvive longer than another organismhave adaptations to their environment. have differential reproductive success.


Naturla selection is the survival and reproduction of individuals due to different phenotypes. The naturla selection represents a mechanism of evolution and changes in traits of species.

In order for natural selection to occur, organisms must :

have a variation that can be passed from one generation to the next.have differential reproductive success.

Natural Selection is a mechanism of evolution that occurs when there is a heritable variation for a trait and individuals with one version of the trait have greater reproductive success than do individuals with a different version of the trait.

In order for natural selection to occur, three conditions must be met:

There must be variation for the particular trait within a population.The variation must be inheritableIndividuals with one version of the trait must produce more offspring than those with a different version of the trait.


In order for natural selection to occur, organisms must :

have a variation that can be passed from one generation to the next.have differential reproductive success.

Learn more:


Explain how homologous and the fossil records support evolution.
Thanks so much!!!



Los fósiles, una prueba de la evolucion. El estudio de los fósiles nos da una idea muy directa de los cambios que sufrieron las especies al transformarse unas en otras; existen muchas series de fósiles de plantas y animales que nos permiten reconstruir cómo se fueron adaptando a las cambiantes



homologous: have identical position, value, or structure

Fossils: In the oldest rocks area unit fossils of the best organisms and within the newest rocks area unit fossils of additional advanced organisms.



The evolution theory is supported by multiple sorts of evidence: homologous structures show common ancestry, whereas similar selective pressure will manufacture similar variations. analogous structures (beneficial features).

In the oldest rocks area unit fossils of the best organisms and within the newest rocks area unit fossils of additional advanced organisms. This supports Darwin's organic process theory, whereby straightforward life forms {progressively|increasingly|more and additional} evolved into more advanced. Proof of adolescence forms comes from fossils.

Explain the reciprocal relationship between human society and limiting factors



humans try to modify environment factors to suit their needs. Limiting factors can be controlled in a specific area however, we can't control larger area. Like water or energy.

How do the frequencies of the waves compare?

Wave A has a higher frequency because it has a larger amplitude.
Wave A has a lower frequency because it has a longer wavelength.
The waves have the same frequency because they have the same wavelength.
The waves have the same frequency because they have the same amplitude.



The waves have the same frequency because they have the same amplitude.

List three of water’s unique properties.



1.water is called universal solvent it can dissolve almost every solute on it

2.water can show anamolus expansion which mean it density will me most on 4 degree celsius

3.it is neutral substance

universal solvent, water cane expand, neutral substance

Chemosynthesis _______. Question 11 options: uses energy derived from hydrocarbons and hydrogen sulfide in place of solar energy produces carbohydrates and sugars occurs around hydrothermal vents near the oceanic ridge system Both a and c are correct. All of the above are correct.



The answer is all of the above are correct.


Chemosynthesis occurs in bacteria and other organisms and involves the use of energy released by inorganic chemical reactions to produce food. All chemosynthetic organisms use energy released by chemical reactions to make a sugar, but different species use different pathways. For example, at hydrothermal vents, bacteria oxidize hydrogen sulfide and add carbon dioxide and oxygen to produce sugar, sulfur, and water:  

CO2 + 4H2S + O2 ⇒ CH20 + 4S + 3H2O.

Chemosynthesis is the process by which food (glucose) is made by bacteria using chemicals as the energy source, rather than sunlight. Chemosynthesis occurs around hydrothermal vents and methane seeps in the deep sea where sunlight is absent. During chemosynthesis, bacteria living on the seafloor or within animals use energy stored in the chemical bonds of hydrogen sulfide and methane to make glucose from water and carbon dioxide (dissolved in seawater). Pure sulfur and sulfur compounds are produced as by-products.

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