What part of the hip and what part of the sternum does the rectus abdominis attach to?


Answer 1


The proximal attachments are the pubic crest and the pubic symphysis. It attaches distally at the costal cartilages of ribs 5-7 and the xiphoid process of the sternum.

Related Questions

Gilberto is trying to eat healthier but loves eating hot Cheetos at the grocery store he avoided walking down the junk food aisle to keep from buying chips however one day his roommate brings home a big bag of hot Cheetos and leaves them in the pantry according to research on automatic self control by fish Bach and colleagues 2003 what is likely to happen when Gilberto notices that big bad of Cheetos in the pantry



he will most likely eat them


just a guess


ele irá comê-los


Se ele adora comê-los provavelmente não resistirá e comirá-los-á

A GFR of 95 ml/minute indicates


90 mL/min is normal, mostly in healthy people. Few symptoms are shown at this stage for early chronic kidney disease.

Breweries were first found in ______ around 3700 B.C. Group of answer choices



Godin Tepe in the central Zagros Mountains of Iran


At 17 months of age Aidan was diagnosed with a neuropathy which caused weakness of his left leg. The condition was treated with a 2-week course of prednisone and ibuprofen. He still has some residual weakness in the leg. He has no other medical problems.

Was the fever caused by the vaccines? If so, which vaccine was responsible?



Yes, both


So this is kind of tricky, because prednisone gives you a fever sometimes, usually if your a female over the age of 60+ , but its still possible to get a fever at a younger age.

ibuprofen does give you a fever but that is only because it is specialized to prevent fevers and sicknesses that may enter your body.

So really, both vaccines do give you a fever.

Try to be more specific next time and say if the effects were bad or not because,

bad effect: predisone, may give you a fever but usually taken at the age of 60+.

good effect: ibuprofen, prevents sicknesses and diseases from entering your body.

But if we were to talk in reality, ibuprofen would be responsible for the fever, because i doubt that you give a 17 month year old prednisone.

what is the relation between child development and learning​



Child development is simply the developing of children from one age to the next. For example, the development between a pre-teen to a teenager. Not only can be for physical use it also affects children mentally. Children learn during child development causing them to mature faster which is the relation between child development and learning.

Hope this helped.

Many of the foundations of sophisticated forms of learning, including those important to academic success, are established in the earliest years of life. Development and early learning can be supported continuously as a child develops, and early knowledge and skills inform and influence future learning.

Some believe that learning leads to development whereas others contend that development leads to learning (Piaget). Learning awakens the developmental processes through social interactions with peers and teachers in such a way that it would not occur if the child were in isolation.Jun. 23, 2021

I hope this helps the top answer I actually got from a teacher and the second is what I thought of so if mines not right the first one is most likely

Where to place aed pads on a ten year old



Apply one pad on the upper right chest above the breast. For infants, apply on the front of the chest. Apply the second pad on the lower left chest below the armpit. For infants, apply a second pad to the back


Which of the following statements is generally true regarding change in the workplace? Q A) Most people accept change easily. SB) Smart companies can avoid change altogether. c) Change in the workplace occurs somewhat infrequently. Q d) Individuals can learn how to manage change in their lives.


Hello there if I’m not wrong then it’s d

How are the nervous system and the endocrine system important for teenagers in terms of health, growth, and development?​



Please mark me as brainlyest

Because of ethical issues concerning abortion and other reproductive matters, many states have laws that

Question 7 options:

prohibit the refusal of legal medical services to anyone based on personal beliefs.

require agencies who receive government funding to provide all legal services.

allow individuals, agencies, and facilities to refuse to participate in providing abortion services.

allow state agencies to decide services where ethical issues are a concern.



is this the full question?



allow individuals, agencies, and facilities to refuse to participate in providing abortion services.


Many states have laws that allow certain individuals, agencies, and facilities to refuse to participate in providing abortion services. Some states have laws that allow doctors and others to refuse to provide contraception and information and services regarding contraceptives. Some states laws prohibit using government money to provide abortions and abortion counseling.

Explain relationship of cells,tissues,organs and system​



Cells make up tissues, tissues make up organs, and organs make up organ systems. The function of an organ system depends on the integrated activity of its organs. For instance, digestive system organs cooperate to process food.

Hope it works!!!!!

Which behavior can reduce one's risk of acquiring a sexually transmitted infection (STI)?



Abstinence, using condom, staying faithful to your partner and checking your health status

Which description shows the best balance of physical, social, and mental or emotional health?



La salud mental y la salud física tienen una relación bidireccional y compleja. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (también conocido como el OMS) define: La Salud como un estado de bienestar físico, mental, y social y no simplemente la ausencia de enfermedad o debilidad. “La salud no existe sin la salud mental.”


What is a good strategy to use when a client denies personal problems


I would say reverse psychology

what is health class 11 phe​



World Health Organisation (WHO): “Health is the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely an absence of disease or infirmity” (old definition).28 Nov 2016



the state of being well and free from illness is called health .

Which action is the best method for assessing fluid balance?
O a. Ask the client what his daily fluid intake usually is?
O b. As the client to describe his daily elimination patterns.
O c. Compare the amount of a client's fluid intake with fluid output.
d. Summarize the client's daily diet and analyse his fluid needs.


I’m sure it would be d because you got to make sure everything will balance out. And making sure he/she gets the Daily right amounts

Which of these is an example of a positive influence on avoiding tobacco



there's all sorts of positive influences. Less tar in the lungs, lower blood pressure, no social stigmas which result in a more positive social experience. Not to mention more money as tobacco products are expensive.

The answer is c because looking up to an actor that doesn't support tobacco displays avoiding tobacco abuse because of a positive influence which in this case is the actor.

All of the following are signs or symptoms of a concussion, except



All of the following are signs or symptoms of a concussion, except difficulty breathing.

5 points ) Which of the following is a benefit of using email to communicate at work ? a) You can express yourself in a limited number of characters b) You don't have to worry about using proper grammar. c) You always get a response right away. d ) You can reach a large audience with one communication .


D sounds the most accurate to me

What kind of study has a post-test but no baseline measurement?

A: Survey
B: True Experiment
C: Placebo-Controlled study
D: Double-blind study


The kind of study that has a post-test but no baseline measurements is a placebo-controlled study. So the correct option is C.

What is a placebo-controlled study?

This is a study performed during human- trials of a drug. In this study, the people selected for the trial are divided into two groups. One group gets the actual drug or the active treatment and the other group is given a placebo.

A placebo is a substance that has a look and taste similar to the actual drug but it contains no active substance as the drug. This is given to eliminate the chance of a placebo effect.

A placebo is a tendency to feel better when we are receiving treatment for a disease even if the treatment is not having an actual effect.

Since, in a placebo-controlled study, the two groups do not know if they are receiving the actual drug or the placebo, the chances of a placebo effect occurring are reduced to a minimum.

Thus, a placebo-controlled trial is required for a drug trial.

therefore, the correct option is C.

Read more about the placebo-controlled study, here



The instrument developed for use in the bisected-angle technique is
A) collimator.
C) XCP instrument.


You’re best choice has to be D

Why is developing partnerships to improve global health such an important effort?

a. Because countries with high resources should keep them

b. Because global health is a global public good

c. Because even though there is no MDG specific to global partnerships, cooperation is still a good thing

d. Because transational issues require solely domestic action



Because even though there is no MDG specific to global partnerships, cooperation is still a good thing

Charlie’s friend has been questioning her gender identity and is now being harassed by a group of students at school.

Which statement best explains how Charlie should respond?

He should avoid the situation since he is not directly affected
He should confront the group of students and tell them to stop
He should encourage his friend to fight back and defend herself
He should tell a trusted teacher and get advice on how to proceed


Getting an older peers advice could be helpful since they have experience in what to do and say in a situation like that.




Please help me ?!!!!!!!


True, false, and false?

5 Select the correct answer. What is technology? A. the ability to perform a task in a short period of time using little to no energy B. the ability to perform a task using a full range of motion in a short period of time C. the production of new machines as a result of processes using science and knowledge D. the interaction among people, companies, and governments of different nations



C. The production of new machines as a result of processes using science and knowledge.


Technology is the application of scientific research and knowledge .

Two staff members just quit during the restaurant's busiest season . Denise would like to be considered for an assistant manager role . Which behavior will best help her earn her supervisor's respect and demonstrate that she would be a good fit for the promotion ? a ) Telling her supervisor that more staff needs to be hired to keep more people from quitting b ) Expressing disapproval over the employees who just quit c ) Trying to do all the work herself d ) Offering to take on some extra shifts


Its D, offering to take some extra shifts. The manager will see you trying to compensate for the people who quit in a modest way. Also it shows integrity.




















among says D

which is/are true regarding bruxism? 1. Stress is not a factor in the etiology of TMD. 2.
Stress is associated with an increase in bruxism. 3. There are two separate categories of
bruxism: sleep bruxism and awake bruxism. 4. Certain medications can cause an increase
in bruxism.



1. Stress is not a factor in the etiology of TMD. TRUE.

2. Stress is associated with an increase in bruxism. TRUE.

3. There are two separate categories of bruxism: sleep bruxism and awake bruxism. TRUE.

4. Certain medications can cause an increase in bruxism. TRUE.


1.  Stress can definitely contribute to TMJ, or even be a direct cause of TMJ. This is because stress is thought to be a big factor that contributes to grinding and clenching, also known as “bruxism.”

2. In particular, bruxism seems to be more severe during periods of heightened stress and anxiety.

3. Awake bruxism (AB) and sleep bruxism (SB) are considered to be two different behaviours observed during wakefulness and during sleep.

4. Certain medications increase the risk of bruxism, so sometimes a prescription change could be all it takes to ​resolve the condition.

Part C
Choose a classmate, friend, or family member to work with as your partner. You'll practice having a conversation in which a friend (played by your
partner) will try to persuade you to drink alcohol in a situation that you're not comfortable with. You'll practice assertive refusal. Also pay attention
to body language C during your conversation. Try to be assertive both verbally and with your body language.
Imagine you're on a camping trip with a group of friends. One friend (played by your partner) pulls a bottle of liquor out of a backpack and starts
to pass it. Your entire group of friends drinks from the bottle before passing it to you.
Begin your dialogue with your friend by assertively refusing the drink. You may explain your refusal in any way that makes the most sense to you.
Your friend should then respond by trying to persuade you. Continue this role-playing until each of you has had a few opportunities to speak.
Describe the conversation you had with your friend. In what ways were you assertive in your refusal? Describe your body language. What
methods of persuasion did your friend use? Were they difficult to resist? Why or why not? If you found yourself in a similar situation, would you be
able to practice assertive refusal? Explain
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because I'm now a grown up who knows what's good and bad, I gat my principles. I'm experienced

Changing which of the following can reduce anger?
B) Sleeping schedule
C)Communication style
D)Stimuli causing the anger



Explanation: common sense
C) Communication style

Can sonophoresis infuse products into skin?




This allows products and vitamins selected to suit your skin condition to be pushed into the dermis (deeper layers of the skin) where they are more effective in treating acne, pigmentation, ageing and improving the skin's overall appearance.


• • •


Sonophoresis uses sound waves (ultrasound) to gently infuse these products into your skin. During the treatment you will hear slight ticking sounds, these are micro-currents working to infuse product, it feels like small vibrations on the skin.

Hope this help you!:)

You are a general practitioner and a mother comes into your office with her child who is complaining of flu-like symptoms. Upon entering the room, you ask the boy to remove his shirt and you notice a pattern of very distinct bruises on the boy's torso. You ask the mother where the bruises came from, and she tells you that they are from a procedure she performed on him known as "cao gio," which is also known as "coining." The procedure involves rubbing warm oils or gels on a person's skin with a coin or other flat metal object. The mother explains that cao gio is used to raise out bad blood, and improve circulation and healing. When you touch the boy's back with your stethoscope, he winces in pain from the bruises. You debate whether or not you should call Child Protective Services and report the mother.

a. Should we completely discount this treatment as useless, or could there be something gained from it?
b. When should a physician step in to stop a cultural practice?
c. Should the physician be concerned about alienating the mother and other people of her ethnicity from modern medicine?



1. This treatment should be considered useless, as its based on blind superstition causing pain only to the boy because of which he developed flu.

2. A physician should step into stop a cultural practice when it becomes harmful to the health of the individual .

3. No, the physician should not be concerned about alienating the mother and other people of her ethnicity from modern medicine rather than make them understand about the harmful effects of the cultural practices on the health and provide them guidance and education .

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