What reforms did Napoleon introduce?


Answer 1


A tax code, road and sewer systems, and establishment of Banque de france


Napoleon instituted various reforms, such as higher education, a tax code, road and sewer systems , and established the Banque de France, the first central bank in French history.

Social reforms included giving French workers the right to strike, the right to organize, and the right for women to be admitted to a French university . In foreign policy, Napoleon III aimed to reassert French influence in Europe and around

the world.

i hope this helped

Related Questions

The entry of the United States into World War I in April 1917:
a. gave the nearly-defeated Allied Powers a psychological boost.
b. was greatly feared by the German naval staff.
c. was a response to Turkey's entrance into the war on the side of the Central Powers.
d. put an end to Germany's use of unlimited submarine warfare.
e. was an attempt to keep Russia in the war after the February Revolution.


The entry of the United States into World War I in April 1917 because to declare war on Germany to put an end to Germany's use of unlimited submarine warfare.

In Europe when more than two and half years of World war I passed then U.S. entered in first world war for their benefits and entry of U.S. was the turning point for the first world war. Because it evetually defeated the Germany possible. Germany destroyed  many Americans merchant ship around the British Isles which makes the sense for the U.S to entered into the World War I

U.S. troops played a major role to determined the outcome of european battlefields in time to deliver the support on most of the fronts and considerably the war ended sooner.

Learn more about World War I click the link here:



of the following options best summarizes why American colonists separated from Great
A. The colonists were unhappy with life in Great Britain because there were few jobs and
low wages.
B. The colonists struggled to communicate with Great Britain because of the distance
between the two countries.
C. The colonists wanted to expand their territory further into North America, but Great
Britain forbade them from doing so.
D. The colonists were unhappy under British rule because they had little power and
representation in Great Britain's government.


Americans wanted to make sure that they would never again be taxed without representation since they were exceedingly unhappy living under British rule.

Why did America secede from Britain?

They fought the British because of their excessive taxation. They clashed because they lacked self-government. They were a part of Britain when the American colonies were founded. For colonies, Britain raised levies on daily essentials like tea that they bought and consumed.

Why did some American colonists demand independence?

The colonists no longer desired to follow English traditions. The colonial government's backing from Britain was terminated. Without their permission, taxes were being levied against the colonists. Unfair trade regulations had been enforced by Britain.

To know more about British visit:




B. The colonists struggled to communicate with Great Britain because of the distance

between the two countries


13. How many of Europe's Jews were killed by Nazi's "Final Solution"?


Answer: It is estimated that six million Jews were killed by the Nazis during the Holocaust as part of the "Final Solution".


The _____ quickly developed a distinctive Romanesque architecture style that became the major source of French Gothic architecture.
Group of answer choices






The Normans quickly developed a distinctive Romanesque architecture style that became the major source of French Gothic architecture.

Who were Normans?

The Norse Viking settlers mixed with the local West Franks and Gallo-Romans to become the Normans, a population that emerged in the medieval Duchy of Normandy.

The phrase is also used to refer to emigrants from the duchy who conquered nations like Sicily and England.

The Norse settlements in West France came after a series of invasions, mostly from Denmark but also from Norway and Sweden, on the French northern shore.

Following the siege of Chartres in 911, Rollo, a Scandinavian Viking leader, decided to swear fealty to King Charles III of West Francia, giving these settlements their final stamp of approval.

In the first part of the 10th century, the mingling in Normandy led to the emergence of an ethnic and cultural "Norman" identity.

Learn more about Normans, here



Which statement best describes Nat Turner's beliefs?

All conflicts can be solved with a peaceful, nonviolent solution.

Spain had allowed slavery in Florida, so it should be allowed there.

Fighting against slavery was his God-given purpose in life.

The United States had no claim on the territory in Texas.


Answer: Fighting against slavery was his God-given purpose in life.

Explanation: I got it right on the test

Fighting against slavery was his God-given purpose in life. statement best describes Nat Turner's beliefs, Thus, option (C) is correct

What is slavery?

Slavery and enslavement are both the state and the situation of being a slave, which is someone who is forbidden to leave their service for an enslaver and is viewed as property by the enslaver.

Slavery supporters maintained that the abrupt end to the slave system would have had a devastating economic impact in the South since reliance on slave labor was the foundation of their economy. Cotton's economy would implode. In the fields, the tobacco crop would dry. Rice would no longer be profitable.

In Southampton County, Virginia, on a plantation, Nat Turner was born on October 2, 1800. Turner had a strong commitment to Christianity and thought that God spoke to him through visions and natural evidence. These symptoms, while he was in his early twenties, led him to an attempt to flee back to his master.

Therefore, He believed that his fight against slavery was his life's work. sentence sums up Nat Turner's philosophy the best. So, the answer is (C).

Learn more about slavery here:



1815. Napoleon met his final defeat ; Island of Elba. Napoleon died on this island ; Charles X · The July revolution forced this king to flee to England ; Consulate.


Napolean met his final defeat in 1815 and he was died on Island of Elba. Charles X ensured to the July revolution that was forced to the king to flee to England.

Napolean was a French military Commander and also good political leader. He played major role in the French Revolution in 1789-99 and served as a first consul and also the first empror of France.

Napolean was so genius because he controlled every detail of the battlefield with an attack based formula playing against the enemy's weakness. Naploean was Defeated by the Duke of Wellington and also the end of Napolean era from European history.

Learn more about Napolean click the link here:



ANSWER PLEASEWhich of the following countries entered World War I the last?

A. Great Britain
B. Russia
C. Italy
D. United States


Which of the following countries entered the World War I the last?

D. United States


United States



the auto workers who participated in the 1936-37 strike at general motors were concerned about their safety but continued to protest the company's refusal to


The auto workers who participated in the 1936-37 strike at general motors were concerned about their safety but continued to protest the company's refusal to leave the factory.

The 1936–1937 Flint sit-down strike, also known as the General Motors sit-down strike, the great GM sit-down strike, and so on, was a sitdown strike at the General Motors plant in Flint, Michigan, United States. It changed the United Automobile Workers (UAW) from a collection of isolated local unions on the fringes of the industry into a major labor union, and led to the unionization of the domestic automobile industry.

The Flint sit-down strikers set up their own civil system within the strike. A mayor and other civic officials were elected by the workers to maintain order within the plant. Departments included Organized Recreation, Information, Postal Service, and Sanitation.

All rules were enforced by what was called a "Kangaroo Court" by the workers. Any person who broke the rules was given a trial, and punishments ranged from washing dishes to expulsion from the plant.

To know more about General motors visit:



Which statement describes the outcome of the Iran-Contra Affair for John Poindexter and Oliver North?

The U.S, government fined them a large amount of money.
Congress asked them to testify against Ronald Reagan.
They helped reform the National Security Agency.
Courts reversed their convictions on appeal


The statement that describes the outcome of the Iran-Contra Affair for John Poindexter and Oliver North was that the Courts reversed their convictions on appeal. Hence, option D is appropriate.

What is the Iran-Contra Affair?

The Iran-Contra controversy, often known as the McFarlane affair, the Iran-Contra scandal, or just Iran-Contra, was a scandal that happened in the United States as during the second term of something like the Reagan government.

A covert operation during which the US state provides financial support to a rebel force and discreetly transferred weapons to something like a known enemy. Both of those things were forbidden.

The Reagan administration surreptitiously transferred weapons to Iran as part of the Iran-Contra scandal to secure the release American American hostages detained in Lebanon. The Contras, a group of army guerrilla "freedom fighters" opposed to that same Marxist government of Nicaragua, were later funded with money from the sale of arms to Iran.

Hence, option D is appropriate.

Learn more about the Iran-Contra Affair here:



briefly describe how the developments in the first half of the 1800s discussed in the excerpt relate to earlier developments in the second half of the 17


The European continent underwent industrialization in the second part of the 17th century. There was a rise in the workforce engaged in producing commodities for export in the first half of the 18th century.

There was a great deal of development taking on on the European continent in the second half of the seventeenth century. It was the era of the industrial revolution on the continent, which prompted a great deal of trade and the mass manufacture of commodities, particularly for the consumer market. Additionally, it increased job opportunities.

There was an increase in the number of workers producing commodities for export in the first part of the eighteenth century.

To know more about on Developments:



Incomplete Question:

Briefly describe how the developments in the first half of the 1800s discussed in the excerpt relate to earlier developments in the second half of the 1700s.

What was one major element of John Quincy Adams's preferred foreign

OA. Ensuring that the United States had the world's largest military
B. Separating the United States from other nations to avoid foreign
C. Supporting foreign democracies without fighting alongside them
D. Refusing to support any country ruled by a dictator or monarch


Answer: C

Explanation: John Quincy Adams's preferred foreign policy was centered around the idea of America remaining neutral in the conflicts and disputes of other nations. He believed that the United States should avoid entangling alliances and focus on building up its own strength and prosperity. He also emphasized the importance of maintaining good relations with other countries, particularly through diplomacy and trade.

B, American isolation and individualism was pushed through the Monroe Doctrine to avoid European entanglement and prosper as an individual country

What strategies did slaves employ to resist, revolt, and sustain their own independent communities and cultures? How did slaves use white southerners’ own philosophies—paternalism and Christianity, for example—to their advantage in these efforts?


Here are the strategies slaves used to resist, rebel, and maintain their own communities and cultures is nurture mutual friendships and family ties.

The slaves used white Southerners' own philosophies, such as paternalism and Christianity, to their advantage in this effort by: Mixing Christian Songs and African Songs  .From the questions given, it can be seen that African slaves did their best to preserve their culture and make it unforgettable in the midst of another culture.

As a result, these African slaves were able to forge friendships and family ties, preserving their culture and traditions by mixing the Christian songs they were taught with African songs.

What steps did slaves take to oppose slavery?

Many people opposed slavery in a variety of ways, with varying degrees of intensity and methodology. Less visible methods of resistance included behaviors such as pretending to be sick, working slowly, shoddy work, and misplacing or damaging tools and equipment.

How did slaves use guardians to their advantage?

Slaves often used the concept of paternalism to their advantage and found opportunities within this system to engage in resistance and gain some degree of freedom and autonomy. For example, some slaves complicit in their master's racism by hiding their intelligence and feigning childishness and ignorance.

Learn more about African slaves :



how the concept of modernism shown in art and literature reflected postwar disillusionment.


During and after a battle, it can be difficult to adjust. In order to deal with the aftermath of the war, individuals in America turned to literature and the arts.

What caused post-war disillusionment?

Felt deceived by their leaders, their culture, and their institutions as a result of the horrors of the war. Many others experienced "Shell Shock," also known as Post-Traumatic War Syndrome. There was a decline in faith in established systems and a fear of the future.

Why did people get dejected after World War One?

Resistance to foreign rule was a tenet of anti-colonial movements. The capitalist system of global commerce was opposed by revolutionaries. As a means of consolidating their own power, authoritarians started to reject the international system. As much as the actual combat did to change the globe, the post-war disenchantment had a similar effect.

To know more about  post war disillusionment visit:



witch characteristic of the government under the roman republic had the greatest impact on democratic tradition?



the Roman republic cn!!!!!!!

The holocaust was the only genocide event in History. After the Geneva Convention, there is no longer a concern for another to occur.
True or false?





False. The Holocaust was not the only genocide event in history. The term "genocide" was coined in 1944 to describe the systematic extermination of the Jewish people by the Nazis during World War II. However, there have been numerous other instances of genocide throughout history, including the Armenian Genocide, the Rwandan Genocide, and the ongoing genocide against the Rohingya people in Myanmar.

Furthermore, the existence of the Geneva Convention, which is an international treaty that seeks to protect the rights of individuals during times of war, does not guarantee that there will never be another genocide. The Convention sets out certain legal obligations and standards for the protection of individuals during times of armed conflict, but it cannot prevent all instances of genocide.

In summary, the statement "The Holocaust was the only genocide event in history" is false, and the statement "After the Geneva Convention, there is no longer a concern for another genocide to occur" is also false.

Write a comprehensive note on Songhai empire.​


The Songhai Empire was a West African state that flourished in the 15th and 16th centuries. It was located in what is now modern-day Niger, Mali, and Burkina Faso, and it controlled a vast territory that extended from the Atlantic coast to the Niger River. The Songhai Empire was founded by the Sonni dynasty, which came to power in the 14th century and established its capital at Gao, a city located on the Niger River.

During the 15th and 16th centuries, the Songhai Empire reached its peak of power and prosperity under the leadership of three great rulers: Sonni Ali, Askia Muhammad, and Askia Dawud. Sonni Ali, who ruled from 1464 to 1492, was a brilliant military strategist who expanded the empire's territory through a series of successful wars. He also made Gao a center of trade and learning, attracting scholars from across West Africa.

Askia Muhammad, who ruled from 1493 to 1528, was known for his religious tolerance and his efforts to centralize the government. He also promoted the spread of Islam throughout the empire, establishing schools and mosques throughout the region.

Askia Dawud, who ruled from 1549 to 1582, was a patron of the arts and sciences and made Gao a center of scholarship and learning. He also established a system of government that was based on Islamic law, which ensured that justice was administered fairly and evenly throughout the empire.

The Songhai Empire was a major economic power in West Africa, and it played a key role in the trans-Saharan trade that linked West Africa to North Africa and the Mediterranean. The empire's wealth was based on trade in gold, salt, and other valuable commodities, and it was also known for its sophisticated system of government and its cultural achievements.

However, the Songhai Empire eventually declined and collapsed in the late 16th century due to internal conflict and external pressure from European powers. Despite its decline, the Songhai Empire left a lasting legacy in West Africa and continues to be remembered as one of the greatest empires in African history.

Learn more from here:


Why is the archaeological site at Stallings Island in Georgia so significant?
It includes the oldest pottery in North America.
It provides evidence of the first toolmakers.
It contains the country's oldest Clovis points.
It houses the remains of the first Spanish explorer in Georgia.


The earliest pottery found on Stallings Island dates back several thousand years, making it the site with the greatest technological significance.

Stallings Island was the site of what?

The earliest pottery found on Stallings Island dates back several thousand years, making it the site with the greatest technological significance. Other signs of an increasingly sophisticated hunter-gatherer economy appeared alongside this breakthrough, including permanent architecture and storage technologies.

Stallings Island is located where?

In the Savannah River, close to Augusta, Georgia, is Stallings Island, a shell mound-filled archeological site. Stallings fiber-tempered pottery, the earliest known pottery in North America, and the Stallings civilization of the Late Archaic era both bear the name of the location.

To know more about Island visit:



what is the purose of NATO​


Answer: Its purpose was to secure peace in Europe, to promote cooperation among its members and to guard their freedom – all of this in the context of countering the threat posed at the time by the Soviet Union. The Alliance's founding treaty was signed in Washington in 1949 by a dozen European and North American countries.

HELP ME GUYS!!! What was the first major sign of an active policy of the German government against Jewish people?

A. Nuremberg Laws
B. Wannsee Conference
C. Evian Conference
S. Final Solution


The answer is S. Final solution


Nuremberg Laws


I'm sure this is correct. The Final Solution was wrong! Do not choose it!

Try going with the Nuremberg Laws.

Hope this helps,

Have a wonderful rest of your day!

Alexander Hamilton scans the future (1787)

Write 3-4 sentences, a well formed paragraph to respond to each question.

1. Why would the rich be favorable (supportive) to the new instrument (Constitution)?

2. Why would the poor and the states' righters be unfavorable to the new instrument (Constitution)?




The rich would be favorable to the new instrument (Constitution) because it protected their wealth and property. The Constitution included provisions that ensured that debts and contracts would be honored, which would benefit those who had accumulated wealth and had entered into financial agreements. Additionally, the Constitution established a strong central government that could effectively regulate trade and commerce, which would benefit those with business interests.

The poor and the states' righters would be unfavorable to the new instrument (Constitution) because they saw it as a threat to their interests. The poor may have been concerned that the Constitution would not adequately address their needs or protect their rights, and they may have feared that it would strengthen the power of the wealthy at their expense. States' righters may have opposed the Constitution because it established a strong central government that could potentially encroach on the powers and autonomy of the states. They may have viewed the Constitution as a threat to their sovereignty and independence.

In at least 250 words, make a claim as to whether or not becoming an imperial power was more beneficial or detrimental (harmful). Consider viewpoints from pro and anti-American imperialists and Cubans and Filipinos: Primary voices can include Theodore Roosevelt, Josiah Strong, William Sumner, Henry Cabot Lodge, Emilio Aguinaldo, Jose Marti.

please help


The question of whether becoming an imperial power was more beneficial or detrimental is a complex one that has been debated by historians and political scientists for many years. The answer likely depends on one's perspective and the specific circumstances involved. Some, like Theodore Roosevelt and Henry Cabot Lodge, were strong proponents of American imperialism and believed that it was a necessary and natural extension of the country's manifest destiny. Others, like Josiah Strong and William Sumner, were opposed to imperialism and believed that it went against the country's founding principles of liberty and democracy.

From the perspective of pro-American imperialists, the benefits of imperialism were numerous. For example, they believed that imperialism would allow the United States to spread its democratic ideals and Christian values to other parts of the world. In addition, they believed that imperialism would provide new markets for American goods and allow the country to exert greater influence on the global stage. Some also argued that imperialism would help the United States to defend itself against potential threats from other powers.

On the other hand, those who were opposed to American imperialism argued that it was detrimental in several ways. For example, they believed that imperialism would lead to the exploitation of other nations and their people, and would ultimately result in a loss of freedom and democracy for both the United States and the countries it conquered. In addition, they believed that imperialism would result in unnecessary wars and conflicts that would drain the country's resources and harm its reputation on the world stage.

Cubans and Filipinos, who were among the countries that were conquered by the United States during this period, also had their own perspectives on the issue. For example, Emilio Aguinaldo and Jose Marti were leaders of the Filipino and Cuban independence movements, respectively, and were strongly opposed to American imperialism. They believed that it was a violation of their countries' sovereignty and that it would lead to the exploitation of their people and resources.

Overall, the question of whether becoming an imperial power was more beneficial or detrimental is a complex one that likely depends on one's perspective.

Pls award brainliest!

Why do you think it is important to notice if the content of an article (including headings, word
choice, etc.) provides you with information or opinions?


Whether you must reference secondary sources of data in a paper depends on its topic and goal. Choose the sources that you believe are also most likely to

Definition of secondary sources

The definition of secondary sources Secondary sources, unlike firsthand reports, are assessments, analyses, or representations of events or subjects based on firsthand experiences. Primary sources, on the other hand, were made by those who were directly involved; secondary ones were not.

What do primary sources and secondary sources mean?

You get immediate access to your study's subject thanks to a primary source. Secondary sources give information that is secondhand and perspectives from other researchers. Examples include journal articles, scholarly publications, and review pieces. An analysis, synthesis, or description of primary sources can be found in secondary sources.

To know more about secondary sources visit:



"My purpose was
to see if the shameful facts, spread out in all their shame, would not burn through our civic
shamelessness and set fire to American pride."

According to Steffens, what was the purpose of muckraking journalism?

• to encourage people to buy fewer newspapers
O to encourage people to become muckraking journalists themselves
• to encourage people to rise up against their government
O to encourage people to take action against widespread corruption



to" (and any subsequent words) was ignored because we limit queries to 32 words.

The most prominent ruins that survive of Aztec and Mayan cities indicate a significant influence of what class of people there?

Terrace farmers


The prominent ruins that survived the Aztec and Maya cities indicate that a significant influence was exerted by people from the class of D. Priests.

How religious were the Aztec and Maya ?

The Mayans practiced human sacrifice, revered astronomy and astrology, had a priestly class, and worshiped natural gods. Due to their intricate mythology and rites, it is clear that both the Mayans and the Aztecs placed a high value on religious practices in everyday life.

As a result of this, the priests in Mayan and Aztec society were able to exerted immense influence on the nations. This allowed them to be some of the most influential class there was.

Find out more on Aztec priests at https://brainly.com/question/11325161


Why did Wilson make this statement?


Wilson, as usual, took the moral high ground in his speech to a special session of Congress and stated that not only had America's neutral rights been violated, but that "The world must be made safe for democracy."

Americans must "bring peace" and "fight for the rights and liberties of small nations."

What justifications did Wilson give for going to war against Germany?

Wilson's justification for declaring war was Germany's attempts to persuade Mexico to join an alliance against the United States and its breach of its promise to suspend unlimited submarine warfare in the North Atlantic and Mediterranean.

What was Wilson's top priority?

The Progressive Movement's leader, Woodrow Wilson, served as the 28th President of the United States from 1913 to 21. Wilson led the United States into World War I in order to "make the world safe for democracy," following a policy of neutrality at the outbreak of the conflict.

To learn more about Wilson's here



Prohibition affect society in the 1920’s



Prohibition was enacted to protect individuals and families from the. However, it had unintended consequences including: a rise in organized crime associated with the illegal production and sale of alcohol, an increase in smuggling, and a decline in tax revenue.

there are various theories about the origins of poseidon. the god was worshipped as poseidon heliconius by the ionians, a race of people who migrated from mainland


There are various theories about the origins of poseidon. the god was worshipped as poseidon heliconius by the ionians, a race of people who migrated from mainland. [TRUE]

About Poseidon

Poseidon is the ruler of the sea as well as the god of earthquakes and horses. He is the son of Titan Kronos and Rea. In Roman mythology, he is known as Neptune.

After helping his younger brother Zeus in defeating Kronos and confining the other Titans in Tartaros, Poseidon obtained the seas as his territory. When not at Olympus, Poseidon usually lived with his wife, Amphitrite, in his underwater palace at Aegeia. Poseidon was the father of the sea god Triton, and two daughters - Rhodes and Benthesikime.

Poseidon rides in a war chariot pulled by a hippocampus.

Poseidon is always depicted as a muscular and bearded man carrying a powerful trident. A single strike from his trident can shatter a very large rock. He boarded a war chariot pulled by two Hippokampos on the water. In Hesiodos' Theogonia , Poseidon is referred to as the Dark-Haired One.

Learn more about Poseidon at https://brainly.com/question/23963588.


president nixon claimed that he had the right to protect the privacy of conversations, which led to a constitutional conflict over taping phone conver


The correct option is A ;  PUCL case , The Representation of People Act of 1951, according to the People's Union of Civil Liberties (PUCL), infringed the right to freedom of speech since it did not sufficiently preserve secrecy while recognising the choice to not vote.

In order to protect the national interest and retain the confidentiality of discussions inside the executive branch, Nixon claimed that the idea of executive privilege allowed him the authority to withhold sensitive material, such as the tapes, from other government branches.

The Nixon White House recording system's history Haldeman, Nixon ordered the system to be taken down, but in his first two years in office,

he came to the opinion that audio recordings were the only way to guarantee a complete and accurate account of discussions and conclusions (after attempting alternative methods).

President Nixon invoked executive privilege, claiming the authority to maintain the confidentiality of discussions, resulting in a constitutional disagreement over...

Learn more about to President Nixon visit here;



Full Question ;

president nixon claimed that he had the right to protect the privacy of conversations, which led to a constitutional conflict over taping phone conver

A PUCL case

B LED Cover

C Starlight Cover

D Mood light LED

who is china 1st president?



Chiang Kai-shek



Sun Yat-sen 孫中山 was China's first president.

President Nixon resigned the office of the presidency in 1974, in the wake of the Watergate scandal and cover-up. True. or false


The answer is True

Between 1972 and 1974, President Richard Nixon's administration was embroiled in the massive political scandal known as "Watergate," which forced Nixon to resign. The scandal was caused by the Nixon administration's persistent efforts to hide its role in the June 17, 1972, break-in at the DNC headquarters at the Watergate Office Building in Washington, D.C. 

48 defendants—many of them high-ranking Nixon administration officials—were found guilty after 69 defendants were indicted. The term "Watergate" came to refer to a variety of covert and frequently unlawful actions taken by Nixon administration officials, including bugging the offices of political rivals and individuals who Nixon or his officials were suspicious of, ordering investigations into activist organisations and political figures, and using the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the Internal Revenue Service as political weapons. Since then, adding the suffix "-gate" to an identifying term has come to mean public controversy, particularly political scandal.

Learn more about the Watergate scandal here: https://brainly.com/question/26283734


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The United States had no claim on the territory in Texas. the operation of marine transportation determines the efficiency ofmoving goods. the progress in terminals, technologies and management principles improves the moving load, delivery speed in g long note on the difference between educare and educere What revenue stream can run into the billions of dollars for some professional sports teams? which of the following is classified as investment in national income (gdp) accounting? group of answer choices building a new factory buying a 10-year-old home depositing money in a bank purchasing corporate stocks and bonds Which paragraph shares the same purpose as the answer to part A?A: paragraph 81B: paragraph 86 C: paragraph 89D: paragraph 92 if at the end of the first year the yield curve flattens out to 8%, what will the 1-year holding-period return on the coupon bond? hyaline cartilage extracellular matrix of hyaline cartilage identify the structure indicated by the arrows each of the structures for clocl , ncoh , and clno has atoms connected in the order given in their formulas. identify the type of hybridization for the central atom in each compound. 16. The points graphed below show the how completing homework can affect a student's test scores.What is the meaning of the slope of the line inthe context of the problem?A student's test score goes down 20 pointsevery time they complete 2 homeworkassignmentsA student's test score goes up 9 points everytime they complete 1 homework assignmentA student's test score goes down 10 pointsevery time they complete 1 homeworkassignmentA student's test score goes 80 points everytime they complete 1 homework assignment what is a investor whose highest priority is avoiding risk most likely invest in? which of the following is not correct regarding the pleistocene? question 74 options: the ohio and missouri river systems marked the southern terminus of continuous ice at its greatest extent. sea levels were 100 m (330 ft.) higher than today. at its height, almost a third of earth was covered with ice. Why are people in the novel so fascinated by the mystery surrounding Gatsbys past? What does this say about human nature in general? treatment for an ntd will depend on whether it is caused by a prokaryote or a eukaryote. in this section, place each organism in the appropriate bin. a hydraulic lift (jack) has two pistons, one large and one small. the pistons are at the same elevation. if it is equilibrium, which piston exerts the greatest force strategy is an integrated and coordinated set of commitments and actions to develop core competencies and gain a competitive advantage. b. core competencies are resources and capabilities that can be developed through r