What role did James Meredith play in integrating the University of Mississippi?


Answer 1



The next day on October 1,1962 after federal and states forces took control,Meredith became the first African-American student to enroll at the university of Mississippi.Meredith's admissions is regarded as a pivotal moment in the history of civil rights in the united states.

Answer 2

Answer: He convinced the governor and state legislature to help keep him safe in class. He asked the NAACP for support after the university refused to admit him. He appealed to the Supreme Court, which had ruled that segregation was illegal.


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hallucination by isaac asimov



whats the question


Jasper wrote a friendly letter. Part of his letter is shown My vacation to the beach was so much fun! I wish you could have gone with us. What part of his friendly letter is shown?



Most likely the beginning


“What would you consider your greatest weakness in a job interview ”



Saying something that is more a positive aspect rather than a negative one is very overused and will be seen as avoiding the question nowadays, employers look for people who will admit to their weakness and their incapabilities, they'd rather hire someone who's self aware and tells so than someone who says something that'd make it look like you don't really have a weakness. Don't make it too terrible of a weakness though, say something like: I can be forgetful sometimes.


What warning does Friar Lawrence give Romeo



"Wisely and slow, they that run fast stumble."


Friar Lawrence warns Romeo, "Wisely and slow, they that run fast stumble." He gives this warning after agreeing to marry Romeo and Juliet. He is essentially warning against the hastiness of their union. They have only just met, and he is cautioning them against moving too quickly.

Kono Dio Da!!!

What does Linda reveal to her sons about Willy? Why is she angry at her sons? Why does she put the rubber hose back after she had taken it? What does this tell about her?



1) Linda reveals to her sons that Willy has been trying to take his own life.

2) Linda is angry with her sons because they do not respect their father properly.

3) Linda puts back the hose because she wants Willy to take off the hose with his own hands, facing him directly would come as an insult to his personality.

4) This act clearly shows how Linda employs patience when tackling various issues because she knows what best suits her husband.


According to the book "Death of a salesman" Willy Lofman is a shadow of his former self, at his old age he has incurred a lot of debts with different people, he has totally run out of cash and the worst of it all he gets kicked off from his place of work. Linda is his loyal and patient wife, she is always willing to support his in any aspect including financially. She has two sons for her husband, Happy and Bifff. Linda described her sons as an ungrateful set of children because they do not accord their father with the amount of respect that he deserves.

Linda reveals to her sons that Willy has been trying to end his life because of his frustration with recent happenings, she found out about this when she found a rubber hose hidden at the back of the heater. Willy ends up taking his life so his sons could inherit his life insurance.

In three to five sentences, compare and contrast the poems, descriptions of the painting.



The differences between these three elements are:

Poems explain the feelings about the author about the topic, and his ideas about it.

Descriptions use stylistic devices to represent and explain the perception and understanding of the author about a certain object or topic.

Paintings, represent an idea related to an element or object.


The reasons for this answer are just two. First of all, depending on the material, graphic, or literary. The author will employ different tools to create them. And even when they can be created with the same tools, they will have different purposes like the poem and description. Second, there are creations like descriptions that don't express feelings and base themselves in reality. Unlike poems and paintings that can communicate something imaginary.

Read this excerpt from "The Medicine Bag." "You found the money in my boots?" he asked Mom. "Martin did," she answered, and roused herself to scold. "Grandpa, you shouldn't have carried so much money. What if someone had stolen it from you?" Grandpa laughed. "I would've known if anyone tried to take the boots off my feet. The money is what I've saved for a long time—a hundred dollars—for my funeral. But you take it now to buy groceries so that I won't be a burden to you while I am here." Which statement is best supported by the dialogue? Grandpa is upset because they removed the money from his boots. Grandpa believes that it is time to begin preparing for his death. Mom offends Grandpa when she scolds him about the money. Mom is angry that Grandpa came to her home uninvited.



Grandpa is upset because they removed the money from his boots.


From the dialogue, Grandpa seems upset that the hundred dollars he's been saving for a long time for his funeral has been discovered but he offers it to Mom so she can use it and buy groceries because he doesn't want to be too much of a bother.


B. Grandpa believes that it is time to begin preparing for his death.


It's indirectly stated in the text that he knows he will be passing soon. This is also proven by the end of the story when they also indirectly state that he died. So, it's NOT A. Besides, if you need more proof, I got a 100 on the test.

Hope this helps you. And try to really think about the answers and use this website to CHECK your answers NOT TO CHEAT!!!

What’s the purpose of a folktale?



It is typically performed in a particular place, at a particular time, and uses a special language. Despite those rules, it employs flexible patterns and structures that aid composition, memory, and re-performance. The audience often participates in the performance as well.

Hope this helps!


"Often, the purpose of these stories is to teach a lesson or to describe characteristics of one's culture." Folktales are used to entertain will teach a lesson using fictitious tales.


Hope i helped!

What does Annabeth wanna be when she grows up (Lightning Thief Percy jackson)


As she had been at camp halfblood longer than anyone else (since she was 7) she wanted to gain life experience and go on an adventure

Answer: Annabeth want's to be an architect that way she can build something permenant.


can you please summarize The Untiming of Ben and Ruby: Episode 5


That is not a question

Write a letter to a friend of yours telling him/her about a gift you received.​



Dear (their name),

I hope this letter finds you in sound health and vibrant spirits. I have written you this letter to tell you about the present that I have received from (so-and-so). They gifted me (so-and-so e.g books and a bicycle). As I am very fond of (purpose of the gift e.g reading), I loved the gift which they gave me. Also, I was dreaming to buy a (name one of the gifts e.g bicycle) for myself next month. Having a bicycle in such a polluted place like Delhi is important. I hope to meet you soon and share some of my books with you.

Yours lovingly,

(your name)


Their thoughts were like golden birds?



C. simile


because they used the word like. if you use like or as in the sentence it is a simile

It is impossible to read a speech as one reads a work of literature. True or false


Both... But that depends.

True. It is generally considered impossible to read a speech as one reads a work of literature. This is because speeches are designed to be delivered orally to a live audience, whereas literature is designed to be read silently and interpreted by the reader.

What are Speeches?

Speeches are typically written with the intention of being spoken aloud and heard by an audience, and as such, they often contain rhetorical devices, such as repetition, parallelism, and alliteration, which are used to emphasize key points and engage the audience. The delivery of the speech also plays an important role in how it is received by the audience, as factors such as tone of voice, pacing, and body language can all affect how the message is conveyed.

On the other hand, literature is designed to be read silently and interpreted by the reader. It typically contains complex themes, characters, and plots, which are explored in depth through the use of language, symbolism, and narrative techniques. Unlike a speech, which is designed to be delivered in a specific context and to a specific audience, literature is generally intended to be enjoyed and appreciated by a wide range of readers.

Therefore, while there may be some overlap between the techniques used in speeches and literature, the two are fundamentally different forms of communication and cannot be read or interpreted in the same way.

To learn more about context clues click:



Provide an excerpt from a text and evaluate and explain how the Authors word choice and use syntax contribute to the texts overall meaning and tone



He broke his fast in the hall of the old maiden, while he listened to the knights and the sellswords talk. He knew he was in dangerous fields, but he had an oath and no knight of the kings' guard would turn his shield against it. Much less, the most acknowledged king's guard on history.


In this paragraph we can see the syntax uses ancient English expressions to describe the events. "He broke his fast" is an old English expression to say someone had breakfast. Also, the tone is dark and filled with honorable conceptions that let the reader adopt a knightly perspective to understand the causes and the effects of someone's behavior.

Answer these 10 questions correctly and you'll get Brainliest!

1. Why is the sky blue?

2. How much does the earth weigh?

3. How far away is the sun?

4. What is a black hole?

5. How do airplanes fly?

6. How do flies walk on the ceiling?

7. How are rainbows made?

8. Are sharks mammals?

9. Why can I see the moon during the day?

10. Why do birds fly south for the winter?



1. Why is the sky blue? Answer: Blue light is scattered in all directions by the tiny molecules of air in Earth's atmosphere. Blue is scattered more than other colors because it travels as shorter, smaller waves. This is why we see a blue sky most of the time. Closer to the horizon, the sky fades to a lighter blue or white.

2. How much does the earth weigh? Answer: 5.972 × 10^24 kg

3. How far away is the sun? Answer: 94.001 million mi.

4. What is a black hole? Answer: A black hole is a region of spacetime where gravity is so strong that nothing, no particles or even electromagnetic radiation such as light can escape from it. The theory of general relativity predicts that a sufficiently compact mass can deform spacetime to form a black hole.

5. How do airplanes fly? Answer: A plane's engines are designed to move it forward at high speed. That makes air flow rapidly over the wings, which throw the air down toward the ground, generating an upward force called lift that overcomes the plane's weight and holds it in the sky. The wings force the air downward and that pushes the plane upward

6. How do flies walk on the ceiling? Answer: On the underside of each foot are two tiny claws on which the fly walks in a tiptoe manner. Under the claws are pads which give off a sticky liquid, It is these sticky pads which cling to the surface on which the fly is walking.

7. How are rainbows made? Answer: A rainbow is a meteorological phenomenon that is caused by reflection, refraction and dispersion of light in water droplets resulting in a spectrum of light appearing in the sky. It takes the form of a multicoloured circular arc. Rainbows caused by sunlight always appear in the section of sky directly opposite the sun.

8. Are sharks mammals? Answer: No they are not mammals, although sharks give birth to their young ones like mammals, they are species of fish and not mammal. They are however classified as mammals because they feed their young ones on milk from their mammary glands which the sharks do not. So the answer is no they are not mammals.

9. Why can I see the moon during the day? Answer: We can see the moon during the day for the same reason we see the moon at night. The surface of the moon is reflecting the sun's light into our eyes. ... When we see the moon during the day it's because the moon is in the right spot in the sky and it's reflecting enough light to be as bright, or brighter, than the sky

10. Why  do birds fly south for the winter? Answer: Birds that nest in the Northern Hemisphere tend to migrate northward in the spring to take advantage of burgeoning insect populations, budding plants and an abundance of nesting locations. As winter approaches and the availability of insects and other food drops, the birds move south again


Select the correct answer.
Which transitional word correctly begins the second sentence in this paragraph?
Like many realist writers, Tolstoy uses a simple writing style in his novella The Death of Ivan Ilych. much of what the author tells
readers about Ivan Ilych's state of mind is not matter-of-fact description. Tolstoy is in effect conveying his protagonist's despair at his
approaching death.
C. Although
D. Therefore
stum. All rights reserved
Good Writing Versu...
10:38 PM
D# de 5/14/2020
Which is the correct answer





E2020 took it

Practice and Apply Demonstrate an understanding of each Critical Vocabulary
word by explaining your answer.
1. If you possessed acuity of vision, would you be more or less likely to need
prescription glasses? Why?
2. Which of these stimuli is more likely to bring about a reaction from you the
sound of a ringing telephone or the smell escaping from a bakery? Why?
3. If you have a propensity for organization is your closet messy or tidy? Explain
4. fa singer's songs transcend musical genres, can you dassify them as either
country or rock? Why?
5. If your job was precarious would you look for a new one? Explain
Vocabulary Strategy: Using Reference Sources
The author of the essay incorporates pop culture historical and scientific references
into the text. Though you may be able to discern the central dea without knowing
what these references are understanding them will enhance your comprehension
For example if you didnt know the meaning of the Critical Vocabulary words
Show all
2:52 PM


yo u from skills?


what effect did the road have on the village


Can u add a text and question

Answer: I’m going to try and infer on what you meant when you asked this question ok......the road allowed easy passage way for cars to travel through villages making it easier for people to visit but also led the village to being destroyed by pollution and other harmful things coming from human due to the roads giving them the easy access they do not deserve.


Sorry for the run on sentence.

Why do authors write
historical fiction?



For many writers, it is location that triggers enough emotion to make them delve into the past history of a place they hold dear. For others, it's a particular period in history, or a character of the time, that fascinates them.


Hi there, Historical fiction transports readers to another time and place, either real or imagined. Writing historical fiction requires a balance of research and creativity, and while it often includes real people and events, the genre offers a fiction writer many opportunities to tell a wholly unique story.

Hope this helps!




u feel good bc the feeling u get u make other people feel happy and it gives them a good day



Which quotation best supports the authors' claim and


5 set out from


s and bought

cross the

or sugar. Then

be sold or

back to Europe.


"Textbooks talk about the Triangle Trade."

"Beekman's trade, for example, could cut out Europe


"What could the Europeans use to buy Indian cloth?"

© "What we call a triangle was really as round as the globe."

Europe entirely.

lew York and

at the islands

erchants brought

their sugar for

ctured goods, or

laves-to sell to




Answer: D took test


A book by Marc Aronson and Marina Budhos is titled Sugar Changed the World. What is commonly referred to be a triangle is as circular as the world, which supports the author's assertion and goal.

What is Sugar Changed the World?

"Sugar Changed the World" comprehensively analyzes the global sugar trade. Across the oceans and the continents, it involved dealing with several nations and merchants.

Yet, sugar also sowed the seeds of revolt, resulting in independence in the American colonies, Haiti, and France. Sugar was the fuel that propelled the horrific slave trade and claimed untold lives.

The author intends to demonstrate that the triangle trade is a complicated network system rather than a triangle. Trade was conducted with numerous nations and regions, including the Netherlands, the Philippines, Africa, South America, England, India, Spain, and France.

Learn more about "Sugar Changed the World" here:



Read the excerpt from The Inheritors. EMIL: Guess you don't know much about the Espionage Act or you'd go and make a little friendly call on your uncle. When your case comes to trial—and Judge Lenon may be on the bench—(whistles) He's one fiend for Americanism. What best describes the effect of the word fiend in this excerpt?



It characterizes Judge Lenon as a corrupt judge who cares more about patriotism than he cares about justice.


a fiend can simply be said to be an individual who hold on to their believes, points and do not waiver in their integrity or truth about what they believe in. they are  enthusiast, believers, devotee of a particular thing, idea, e.t.c.




Which statement best expresses the theme of "The Pursuit of Happiness"?
America is a land of opportunity and hope.
America is a place where living is easy.
America is a place of great hardship.
America is a land with closed borders.



A is the answer(America is a land of opportunity and hope)


The reason is that america is the land of the free and the home of the brave so that means great hope and opportunity.

The statement that best expresses the theme of the "The Pursuit of Happiness" is America is a land of opportunity and hope.

What is the Pursuit of Happiness?

The pursuit of Happiness is a story about a man and his son. The man tried many works for earning but failed. He struggled so much to get success and his son with himself.

Thus, the correct option is A. America is a land of opportunity and hope.

Learn more about Pursuit of Happiness



Which character from The Phantom Tollbooth is the most realistic?helppppp






i believe it is Milo


Milo is a boy. The Phantom Tollbooth novel for kids full of adventures for its main character, Milo, a boy that is bored and has nothing to do. Suddenly finds a tollbooth with magical powers that transports him to the Kingdom of Wisdom where he lives many adventures.

A tenant loses or breaks something in an apartment such as a window. Who should pay or replace the item? Please answer with less than five sentences and provide an example, such as lost keys. I will mark as Braintlies :) !!! Plz answer this ! ARGENT !!!!
Subject - ESL !



The tenant should pay for whatever it is that they broke. The landlord should not have to because the landlord was not the one who broke it. There is a common rule if you break it you buy it. That should apply in this situation


Make questions and negative sentences

You speak English
Question: Do you speak English?
Negative. You don’t speak English

1. They play tennis.

2. Ramón likes pizza.

3 My best friend works in a hotel.

4. My parents get up early.

5. We like your house.

6. I study English.

7. My friend lives in Paris.



1. they play tennis.

Q: do they play tennis?

N: they do not play tennis.

2. Ramón likes pizza

Q: does Ramón like pizza?

N: no Ramón does not like pizza

3 My best friend works in a hotel.

Q:does your best friend work in a hotel?

N: no my best friend doesn't work in a hotel.

4. My parents get up early.

Q: do your parents get up early?

N: no my parents do not get up early.

5. We like your house.

Q: do they like your house?

N: no they dislike my house.

6. I study English.

Q: do you study English?

N: no i do not study English.

7. My friend lives in Paris.

Q: does your  freind live in paris?

N: no my freind doesn't live in paris.

i hope i did it right.

How do you do this? Please help me!!!



I would suggest that you think of adjectives that apply to sports but then can be related to your feelings.

E.G, the bikes wheels were puffy, riding free along the sidewalk, like my feet on the pavement.

Make a diary entry as a person who experienced extreme situations while on a trip.



Something crazy and most unexpected thing happened while I was on my trip.



Something crazy and most unexpected thing happened while I was on my trip.


happy to help mark me as brainliest pls !!!!!!!

Which sentence uses a active verb?
A. Julie is studied by motivational speakers all the time.
B. Wallace will never finish studying for his test.
C. Julie was known as a woman on a mission.
D. Wallace inhaled his lunch since he needed to study for a test.





What caused the bad weather that Mary Shelley experienced while on vacation?

a three year harvest failure

b volcano eruption in Indonesia

c period of very cold weather in Switzerland

d period of several weeks of very dark days in the middle of summer



It would be c !


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