What triangle is this


Answer 1
isosceles triangle


Answer 2



Step-by-step explanation:

It's an isosceles triangle because 2 sides  are congruent ( 2 are 23 yds long).

Related Questions

i need help ON THIS PLS



No, because the ratio of pay to hours is not the same for each pair of value.

In the data set shown below, what is the value of the quartiles?

{4.3, 4.5, 4.7, 5, 5.5, 5.7, 5.9, 6, 6.1}
A. Q1 = 4.6; Q2 = 5.5; Q3 = 5.95
B. Q1 = 4.7; Q2 = 5.5; Q3 = 6
C. Q1 = 4.7; Q2 = 5.5; Q3 = 5.9
D. Q1 = 4.6; Q2 = 5.5; Q3 = 5.92



A. Q1 = 4.6; Q2 = 5.5; Q3 = 5.95

Step-by-step explanation:

{4.3, 4.5, 4.7, 5, 5.5, 5.7, 5.9, 6, 6.1}

First find the median or the 2nd quartile

There are 9 data points so the middle is the 5th

4.3, 4.5, 4.7, 5,     5.5,     5.7, 5.9, 6, 6.1}

Q2 = 5.5

Now looking at the data on the left, we need to find the middle, which is Q1 or the first quartile

4.3, 4.5     , 4.7, 5,

It is between 4.5 and 4.7 so we average

(4.5+4.7)/2 = 9.2/2 = 4.6

Q1 is 4.6

We do the same for the data on the right, which is the third quartile or Q3

5.7, 5.9,  6, 6.1

(5.9+6)/2 = 11.9/2 = 5.95

Q3 = 5.95

Answer: IT'S A !!

Step-by-step explanation:

can someone help? i can’t figure this out; i’ll give brainliest:))


What we need to memorize when finding the slope is this formula:

[tex] \displaystyle \large{m = \frac{y_2 - y_1}{x_2 - x_1} }[/tex]

m here represents the slope. I hope this does not confuse you with line m.

The problem here is that we do not have any given points, but we have a way.

If we notice on the graph, the graph contains or passes through (2,-1) and (-2,1). We can use these points to find the slope. So let these be the following:

[tex] \displaystyle \large{(x_1,y_1) = (2 ,- 1)} \\ \displaystyle \large{(x_2,y_2) = ( - 2 ,1)} [/tex]

Then we substitute these points in the formula.

[tex] \displaystyle \large{m = \frac{ 1 - ( - 1)}{ - 2 - 2} }[/tex]

negative × negative = positive.

[tex] \displaystyle \large{m = \frac{ 1 + 1}{ - 2 - 2} } \\ \displaystyle \large{m = \frac{ 2}{ - 4} } \longrightarrow \boxed{m = - \frac{1}{2} }[/tex]

Since m represents the slope. Therefore, the slope of line m is -1/2

Bod and coa are _____ angles



opposite angles

Step-by-step explanation:

They are formed in the intersection of lines AD and BD.


opposite angles

Step-by-step explanation:

they are formed in the intersection of lines AD and BD. two figures are called similar if they have same shape however have different size.

If the nominal rate of interest is 10% per annum and there is quarterly compounding, the effective rate of interest will be: a) 10% per annum b) 10.10 per annum c) 10.25%per annum d) 10.38% per annum​


9514 1404 393


  d) 10.38%

Step-by-step explanation:

The multiplier for four quarters of quarterly compounding is ...

  (1 +10%/4)^4 = 1.025^4 = 1.103812890625

This is about 1 + 10.38%.

The effective rate of interest is about 10.38% per annum.

Năm báo cáo:
- Tồn cuối năm: trong kho: 800 sp; gửi bán: 1200sp
- Số lượng sản xuất: 10.000 sp
- Giá bán: 100.000 đồng/sp
Năm kế hoạch:
- Dự kiến số lượng sản xuất tăng 10%
- Tồn cuối năm: tăng 10% so với năm báo cáo
- Giá bán: 95.000 đồng/sp
- Giá vốn 1 sp: 79.500 đồng (tăng 6% so với năm báo cáo)
Yêu cầu:
1/ Tính doanh thu năm kế hoạch
2/ Tính giá vốn hàng bán năm kế hoạch (FIFO)




20 kg potatoes are sold at $12.80 each.If you have only $48, how many 20kg bags can you buy



3 bags

Step-by-step explanation:

you can buy three, 20 kg bags

one (1) 20kg bag =  $12.8 (1)

three (3) 20 kg bags = $12.8 (3)

                                  = $38

your balance 10 dollars

I hope it is right answer

Exercise science researchers collecting data within their state noticed that teens who spend more time streaming videos spend less time exercising.

What are the explanatory variable and response variable for this relationship?

Explanatory variable: time spent exercising

Response variable: state of teen’s residence

Explanatory variable: time spent streaming videos

Response variable: time spent exercising

Explanatory variable: time spent exercising

Response variable: time spent streaming videos

Explanatory variable: state of teen’s residence

Response variable: time spent streaming videos

I think it is (B):
Explanatory variable: time spent streaming videos
Response variable: time spent exercising



It is (B) ED2021

Explanatory variable: time spent streaming videos

Response variable: time spent exercising

. Using the identity (a + b)² = (a² + 2ab + b²), evaluate 112²


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 112^2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto (100+12)^2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 100^2+2(100)(12)+12^2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 10000+2400+144[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 12400+144[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 12544[/tex]


Using Identity

(a + b)² = (a² + 2ab + b²)



⇛(100 + 12)²

⇛(100)² + 2 × 100 × 12 + (12)²

⇛10000 + 2400 + 144

⇛12400 + 144


Find the area of a triangle as a mixed number.



I believe the answer is 4 37/50!

A sports centre has a seating capacity of 600. Seventy-five percent of the seats are occupied. How many seats are unoccupied?



150 are unoccupied

Step-by-step explanation:

If 75% are occupied, then 100% -75% = 25% are unoccupied

600 *25%

600 *.25


150 are unoccupied



Step-by-step explanation:

100% - 75% = 25%

25% of seats unoccupied


number of seats unoccupied = 25/100 * 600 = 150

I need to know what this is asap​


6 • (-3)

6 • (-3) = -18
-2 • (-4) = 8
0 • (-2) = 0
-14 • (-5) = 70

*Two negatives will counteract to make a positive. To get a negative product, one value must be negative and the other must be positive.

pls help :c if anyone knows what to do



What is the mean of the following list of extra credit points earned on a statistics test?




Step-by-step explanation:

Given the data :

X : 10,8,18,17,7

The mean value of scores obtained can be obtained thus :

Mean = ΣX / n

n = sample size = 5

Mean = ΣX / n = (10+8+18+17+7) / 5

Mean = 60 / 5 = 12

find the missing side length in the image below​




Step-by-step explanation:

multiply by together. ?=5

Researchers studied symptom distress and palliative care designation among a sample of 710 hospitalized patients. Controlling for age, they used a t-test to compare average distress from nausea scores in men and women. Lower scores indicated less distress from nausea. They report men had an average score of 1.02 and woman had an average score of 1.79. Which statement is correct?
Select Men had significantly less distress from nausea. as your answer
Men had significantly less distress from nausea.
Select Men had half as much distress from nausea as woman but we can not determine if this is a significant difference. as your answer
Men had half as much distress from nausea as woman but we can not determine if this is a significant difference.
Select Men had less distress from nausea on average than women but we can not determine if this is a significant difference. as your answer
Men had less distress from nausea on average than women but we can not determine if this is a significant difference.
Select There is a positive correlation between distress from nausea and gender. as your answer
There is a positive correlation between distress from nausea and gender.



A. Men had less distress from nausea on average than women but we can not determine if this is a significant difference.

Step-by-step explanation:

Working based on the information given, the mean values of each group with with men having an average score of 1.02 and women have an average of 1.79 this reveals that distressing nausea on average is higher in women than in men . However, to test if there is a significant difference would be challenging as the information given isn't enough to make proceed with the test as the standard deviations of the two groups aren't given and no accompanying sample data is given.



9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

Perhaps you want to simplify ...



The applicable rules of exponents are ...

  (a^b)/(a^c) = a^(b-c)

  a^-b = 1/a^b


Comment on notation

When writing a fraction in plain text, any denominator that includes an arithmetic operation must be enclosed in parentheses. Your given expression is properly written as ...


Without the parentheses, the product xy^8 is in the numerator. This is demanded by the order of operations, which requires you evaluate your expression as (-3x^5y^7/6)·xy^8

Which of the following functions best describes this graph? y=(x+2)(x+7)



hope. It helps. What. I Understood

Venn diagrams: unions, intersections, and complements

Attached is the photo reference



(a) {5}

(b) {1, 2, 5, 6}

(c) {1, 2, 5, 6}

In this diagram,which equation could prove to be true in order to conclude that the lines are parallel?



b/a = c/d    (first option)

Step-by-step explanation:

Two lines:

f(x) = a*x +b

g(x) = m*x + s

are parallel if m = a, and s ≠ b.

So the lines must have the same slope and different y-intercept.

For the graphed lines is obvious that the y-intercepts are different, so let's look at the slopes.

Remember that if a line passes through the points (x₁, y₁) and (x₂, y₂), then the slope can be written as:

slope = (y₂ - y₁)/(x₂ - x₁)

So now let's look to our lines.

The top one, passes through (-a, 0) and (0, b)

Then its slope is:

a₁ = (b - 0)/(0 - (-a)) = b/a

The bottom line passes through the points (0, -c) and (d, 0)

Then the slope will be:

m₁ = (0 - (-c))/(d - 0) = c/d

Then the lines will be only parallel if the slopes are equal, which means that we must have

b/a = c/d

The correct option is the first one.

Simplify this expression.

6 + 8 ÷ 2







Using PEMDAS, subtract first, then add the quotient.


Which key correctly represents the information below? A. 11 | 2 = 12 B. 1 | 2 = 12 C. 11 | 2 = 112 D. 11 | 2 = 13



The answer is (B) 1/2=12

look at the image for the question



112 ft^2

Step-by-step explanation:

The volume of the rectangular prism is

V = l*w*h where l is the length, w is the width and h is the height

V = 4*4*7

V = 112 ft^2

From September 1991 to September 1994 the enrollment at a particular school declined by 20 percent. If the number of students enrolled at that school in September 1994 was 720, what was the enrollment in September 1991




Step-by-step explanation:

Given that :

Enrollment declined by 20% from between September 1991 to September 1994

This means there was a reduction in enrollment ;

Enrollment in September 1994 = 720

Enrollment in September 1991 = x


Enrollment in 1994 = (1 - decline rate ) * enrollment in 1991

720 = (1 - 20%) * x

720 = (1 - 0.2) * x

720 = 0.8x

720 / 0.8 = 0.8x/0.8

900 = x

Hence, Enrollment in September 1991 = 900 enrollments

A sound technician analyzes the audio feedback by placing a microphone at certain distances from a speaker. If the microphone is connected to the speaker, then the microphone senses 606060 decibels (\text{dB})(dB)left parenthesis, start text, d, B, end text, right parenthesis at a distance of 000 meters (\text{m})(m)left parenthesis, start text, m, end text, right parenthesis from the speaker with the decibel level decreasing by half of itself for every additional meter from the speaker. If the microphone is not connected to the speaker, then the microphone senses 30 \, \text{dB}30dB30, start text, d, B, end text at a distance of 0 \, \text{m}0m0, start text, m, end text from the speaker with the decibel level decreasing by 888 for every additional meter from the speaker. Three meters from the speaker, what is the difference between the decibel level when it is connected to the speaker versus when it is not connected to the speaker?


At three meters, the difference in the decibel level if and if not connected to the speaker is 1.5 dB

The reason for arriving at the above value is as follows:

The known parameters:

The audio sensed by the microphone when connected to the speaker are;

0 meters = 60 decibels

The level of the decibel decrease by half for each additional meter;

Therefore, when the microphone is connected to the speaker, we have;

[tex]\begin{array}{|c|cc|}\mathbf{Distance \ (m)}&&\mathbf{Sound \ (dB)}\\0&&60\\1&&30\\2&&15\\3&&7.5\end{array}\right][/tex]

If the microphone is not connected to the speaker, we have;

0 meters = 30 decibels

The level of the decibel decreasing by 8 dB for every additional meter from the speaker, therefore, when the microphone is not connected to the speaker we have;

[tex]\begin{array}{|c|cc|}\mathbf{Distance \ (m)}&&\mathbf{Sound \ (dB)}\\0&&30\\1&&22\\2&&14\\3&&6\end{array}\right][/tex]

At three meters from the speaker, the difference in the decibel level when it is connected and when it is not connected to the speaker is therefore;

Decibel level at 3 meters when connected, s₁ = 7.5 dB

Decibel level at 3 meters when not connected, s₂ = 6 dB

The difference in the decibel level = s₂ - s₁ = 7.5 dB - 6 dB = 1.5 dB

The difference in the decibel level when connected to the speaker and when not connected to the speaker is 1.5 dB

Learn more about sound level here:


a) Express the prime number 31 as the difference of two squares? 31 =​



31 = 16²-15²

Step-by-step explanation:

16² = 256

15² = 225

256 - 225 = 31

Can anyone help me?



y is not a function of x

Step-by-step explanation:

This fails the vertical line test. This means that not all inputs have exactly one output. This makes this not a function.

A ball was bounced 3 times between 3:15p and 3:18p, thrown 10 times between 3:20p and 3:30p and bounced 7 times between 4:15p and 4:20p. What is the rate per hour of ball bouncing based on a 2 hour data collection time period.



strange phrasing of a question

If one assumes that the "observation" was from 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm (2 hours)

and the ball was ONLY "bounced" 10 times (3+7)

we can can say that the rate was 10 bounces/2 hours or 5 b.p.h. (bounces per hour)

Step-by-step explanation:

Express as index form
log 2 64 = 6



hsv s deutsche ki bhar ke dekhte hai mera gham na

What is the slope of a roof on a house that has a vertical height of 2.4 feet from the ceiling of the top floor to the top of the pitch and a length of 8.2 feet from the center of the edge of the house?



Step-by-step explanation:

It is unclear from the phrasing what dimension 8.2 ft represents.

If 8.2 ft is the direct distance from the edge of the roof to the top of the pitch, then the horizontal distance from the edge to the top is √(8.2²-2.4²) ≅ 7.84 ft, and the slope is 2.4/7.84 ≅ 0.31

If 8.2 ft is the horizontal distance from the edge of the root to the top of the pitch, then the slope is 2.4/8.2 ≅ 0.29

The slope of a roof on a house is 0.2926 and the angle of elevation is 16.31°.

What is slope of a line?

The slope or gradient of a line is a number that describes both the direction X and Y and the steepness of the line. It is the ratio of the vertical change to the horizontal change between any two distinct points on a line.

For the given situation,

The diagram below shows the house with the roof.

The vertical height of roof on a house, rise = 2.4 feet

The horizontal length of a roof on a house, run = 8.2 feet

The slope of a roof can be found as

[tex]Slope = \frac{rise}{run}[/tex]

⇒ [tex]slope = (\frac{2.4}{8.2} )[/tex]

⇒ [tex]slope = 0.2926[/tex]

The angle of the slope of a roof can be found as

[tex]tan \alpha =\frac{vertical height}{horizontal length}[/tex]

⇒ [tex]\alpha =tan^{-1} (\frac{2.4}{8.2} )[/tex]

⇒ [tex]\alpha =tan^{-1} (0.2926)[/tex]

⇒ [tex]\alpha =16.31[/tex]

Hence we can conclude that the slope of a roof on a house is 0.2926 and the angle of elevation is 16.31°.

Learn more about slope of a line here



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