what type of bonding does Sodium Sulphate comes under?and explain in detail please​


Answer 1


The bond between sodium sulfate is an ionic bond since it's a bond between a metal and non metals however the bond between sulfur and oxygen is a covalent bond since the two are non metals and the other reason that makes this an ionic bond is that there is both losing and gaining of electrons..

I hope this helps

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What will be the molarity of a solution in which 84.5 grams of KNO, are dissolved in 750.0 ml of solution


Molar mass of KNO3

[tex]\\ \large\sf\longmapsto KNO_3[/tex]

[tex]\\ \large\sf\longmapsto 39u+14u +3(16u)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \large\sf\longmapsto 53u+48u[/tex]

[tex]\\ \large\sf\longmapsto 101u[/tex]

[tex]\\ \large\sf\longmapsto 101g/mol[/tex]

Given mass=84.5g

[tex]\boxed{\sf No\:of\:moles=\dfrac{Given\:mass}{Molar\:Mass}}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \large\sf\longmapsto No\:of\:moles=\dfrac{84.5}{101}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \large\sf\longmapsto No\:of\:moles=0.8mol[/tex]


[tex]\boxed{\sf Molarity=\dfrac{Moles\:of\:solute}{Volume\:of\:solution\;in\;L}}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \large\sf\longmapsto Molarity=\dfrac{0.8}{0.750L}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \large\sf\longmapsto Molarity=1.06M[/tex]

Fill in the left side of this equilibrium constant equation for the reaction of acetic acid HCH3CO2 with water.

______ = Ka



The left side equation is:

[tex]Ka = \frac{[CH_{3}COO^{-}] [H_{3}O^{+}]}{[HCH_{3}COO] [H_{2}O]}[/tex]


For the reaction of acetic acid HCH3CO2 with the water, The equilibrium constant equation is

[tex]HCH_{3}COO + H_{2}O \rightleftharpoons CH_{3}COO^{-} + H_{3}O[/tex]

The left side of this equilibrium constant equation will be written as shown below:

[tex]Ka = \frac{[CH_{3}COO^{-}] [H_{3}O^{+}]}{[HCH_{3}COO] [H_{2}O]}[/tex]

Granite is heterogeneous?



yes it is Heterogeneous.

Yes granite is heterogeneous

3. How many grams of water will absorb a total of 4,520 joules of eneray when the temperature
changes from 25°C to 82.7°C


q = mcΔT

q = 4520 J
ΔT = 82.7 - 25 = 57.7°C
c = 4.182 J/g°C

4520 = m(4.182)(57.7)
m = 18.7 g

18.7 g of water

2. For each of the ionic compounds in the table below, name the compound and explain the rule that you
used in formulating your name for the compound.
Rule for naming compound:





Lead(|V) fluoride

Ammonium Nitrate

Lithium sulfide

For the rules, I don't know what you were taught. I just do it intuitively since I have done so much chemistry.

The first one the roman numerals represents the charge of the lead which much match the 4- charge from the 4 fluorides.

The second one is just two polyatomic ions which you just have to remember.

The last one is the typical ionic compound naming technique i guess.

Delta S will be positive for the reaction ________. a. 2Hg (l) + O2(g) ----------> 2HgO (s) b. 2NO2 (g) -------> N2O4(g) c. CO2(g) --------> CO2(s) d. 2H2 (g) + O2(g) ------> 2H2O(g) e. BaF2(s) ------> Ba2 (aq) + 2F- (aq)



BaF2(s) ------> Ba2 (aq) + 2F- (aq)


Entropy refers to the degree of disorderliness in a system. Processes that lead to greater disorderliness in a system are said to increase the entropy of the system or lead to a positive value of ΔS.

If we consider the process, BaF2(s) ------> Ba2 (aq) + 2F- (aq), we will notice that ions were produced in solution thereby increasing the disorderliness of the system.

Write a complete, balanced equation for the following reactions:

e) The heating of sodium carbonate (teachers note: produces sodium oxide and carbon dioxide).
f) chromium (III) hydroxide plus sulfuric acid (teachers note: You figure out products).
g) aluminum metal plus chlorine gas (teachers note: produces aluminum chloride).

Please explain as well, thanks!



Solution given:

e) The heating of sodium carbonate to produces sodium oxide and carbon dioxide

Solution given:

Balanced chemical equation:

[tex]\boxed{\bold{\green{Na_{2}CO_{2} +heat \rightarrow Na_{2}O +CO_{2}}}}[/tex]

when sodium carbonate is heated it decomposed and form sodium oxide and carbon dioxide

f) chromium (III) hydroxide plus sulfuric acid

Balanced chemical equation:

[tex]\boxed{\bold{\green{2Cr(OH)_{3}+ 3H_{2}SO_{4} → Cr_{2}(SO_{4})_{3} + 6H_{2}O}}}[/tex]

When chromium (III) hydroxide react with sulfuric acid double displacement takes place and forms produce chromium(III) sulfate and water.

g) aluminum metal plus chlorine gas

[tex]\boxed{\bold{\green{2Al(s) + 3Cl_2(g) \rightarrow 2AlCl_2 }}}[/tex]

When aluminum metal is added to chlorine gas Combination reaction takes place and forms aluminum chloride.

e) The heating of sodium carbonate to produces sodium oxide and carbon dioxide

Solution given:

Balanced chemical equation:

[tex]\boxed{\bold{\green{Na_{2}CO_{2} +heat \rightarrow Na_{2}O +CO_{2}}}}[/tex]

when sodium carbonate is heated it decomposed and form sodium oxide and carbon dioxide

f) chromium (III) hydroxide plus sulfuric acid

Balanced chemical equation:

[tex]\boxed{\bold{\green{2Cr(OH)_{3}+ 3H_{2}SO_{4} → Cr_{2}(SO_{4})_{3} + 6H_{2}O}}}[/tex]

When chromium (III) hydroxide react with sulfuric acid double displacement takes place and forms produce chromium(III) sulfate and water.

g) aluminum metal plus chlorine gas

[tex]\boxed{\bold{\green{2Al(s) + 3Cl_2(g) \rightarrow 2AlCl_2 }}}[/tex]

When aluminum metal is added to chlorine gas Combination reaction takes place and forms aluminum chloride.

You have 10 pounds of egg whites. You need 6oz to make one serving of cosomme. How many servings can you make?



I think you can make 26, hope this helped.


The half-life period for a first order reaction is independent of
1) rate constant
2) Concentration


I believe the answer is concentration

Sorry if I’m wrong hope this helps


2 concentrations


Gogle - " The half-life of a reaction is the time required for a reactant to reach one-half its initial concentration or pressure. For a first-order reaction, the half-life is independent of concentration and constant over time. "

How many grams of S206 are in 17.7 moles of S206?



2721.02 g


you need the molar mass of the compound to solve this

S2O6's molar mass: 2(S) + 6(O)

Sulfur (S) molar mass: 32.06

Oxygen (O) molar mass: 15.99

2(32.06) + 6(15.99) --> 64.12 + 95.94 = 160.06 g/mol

We want to know how much of it is in 17.7 moles, so you perform the following stoichiometry

160.06 g/mol * 17.7 mol

mol units cancel out and we are left with g.

160.06 * 17.7 = 2721.02 g of S2O6 in 17.7 moles of it

Answer:  The correct answer is 2721.02 g

Based on the electron configuration of the two atoms, predict the ratio of metal cationic (+) atom to nonmetal anionic (-) atom in the compound.
Lithium 1s^22s^1
Chlorine 1s^22s^22p^6 3s^23p^5



Option A. 1:1


From the question given above, the following data were obtained:

Li => 1s² 2s¹

Cl => 1s² 2s²2p⁶ 3s²2p⁵

Lithium (Li) will form compound with Cl by losing 1 electron as shown below:

Li —> Li⁺ + e¯ ..... (1)

Cl on the other hand will accept 1 electron from Li to form the chloride ion, Cl¯ as shown below:

Cl + e¯ —> Cl¯ ...... (2)

Combining equation 1 and 2, we have:

Li + Cl + e¯ —> Li⁺ + Cl¯ +

Cancel e¯ from both side

Li + Cl —> Li⁺Cl¯

Thus, the ratio of metallic cation (+) to non-metallic anion (-) in the compound is 1:1

Please help a brother out!



Choice 'B'


Choice B => SCl₂ => 2 bonded pairs + 2 nonbonded pairs => 4 electron pairs => AX₄ parent => tetrahedral parent, but the shape is defined only by what's bonded to the central element that is, sulfur bonded to two Cl substrates. The electron pairs will assume positions in space (to minimize repulsion forces) like a regular tetrahedron (AX₄) but will have an AX₂E₂ geometry which is a Bent Geometry.

Suggest searching molecular geometry images online. Look for derivatives of AX₄ geometries. Example: H₂O (AX₂E₂ bent geometry; also a derivative of AX₄ tetrahedral parent geometry).

The product of the following reaction is



must undergo addition because they have easily broken π bonds. ____________ rule states in the addition of HX to an unsymmetrical alkene, the H atom bonds to the less substituted carbon atom. ____________ are unsaturated hydrocarbons because they have fewer than the maximum number of hydrogen atoms per carbon. ____________ have good leaving groups and therefore readily undergo substitution and elimination reactions. In hydroboration, the boron atom bonds to the ____________ substituted carbon.



Alkenes, Markovnikov's, Alkenes, Alkyl halides, and less.


Alkenes must undergo addition because they have easily broken π bonds.

Markovnikov's rule states in the addition of HX to an unsymmetrical alkene, the H atom bonds to the less substituted carbon atom.

Alkenes are unsaturated hydrocarbons because they have fewer than the maximum number of hydrogen atoms per carbon.

Alkyl halides have good leaving groups and therefore readily undergo substitution and elimination reactions.

In hydroboration, the boron atom bonds to the less substituted carbon.

Consider the reaction of 2-chloro-2-methylpentane with sodium iodide.
Assuming no other changes, how would it affect the rate if one simultaneously doubled the concentration of 2-chloro-2-methylpentane and sodium iodide?
A) No effect.
B) It would double the rate.
C) It would triple the rate.
D) It would quadruple the rate.
E) It would increase the rate five times.




The reaction between 2 chloro- 2 methyl pentane and sodium iodide takes place through SN2 mechanism . iodide ion is the nucleophile which attacks the substrate . The rate of such reaction depends upon concentration of both the nucleophile and the substrate .

Hence rate of reaction will be increased by 2 x 2 = 4 times.

option D ) is correct.


The given reaction represents the reaction between a tertiary alkyl halide that is 2-chloro-2-methylpentane and a nucleophile that is NaI.

This reaction favors SN1 mechanism which has order one.

So, the given reaction follows first-order kinetics.

For a first-order reaction, the rate law is:

rate =k [A]

That means the rate of the reaction is dependent on the concentration of reactants.

So, when the concentration of the reactant is doubled then, the rate of the reaction is also doubled.

Among the given options the correct answer is option B) It would double the rate.

X = atomic number - number of core electrons

Which of the following explains the identity of X and its trends down a group?

A. X is the effective nuclear charge, and it remains constant down a group.

B. X is the screening constant, and it remains constant down a group.

C. X is the effective nuclear charge, and it increases down a group.

D. X is the screening constant, and it increases down a group.


Based on the expression given in the question, X is the effective nuclear charge, and it increases down a group.

What is an effective nuclear charge?

Effective nuclear charge is the net nuclear charge that an electron in an atom experiences, after subtracting the nuclear charge shielded by other electrons.

The effective nuclear charge is denoted by Zeff and can be calculated by subtracting the number of shielding electrons from the atomic number.

Therefore, based on the expression given in the question, X is the effective nuclear charge, and it increases down a group.

Learn more about effective nuclear charge at: https://brainly.com/question/13664060


Hydrogen gas and fluorine gas will react to form hydrogen fluoride gas. What is the standard free energy change for this reaction



[tex]\Delta G=-541.4kJ/mol[/tex]


Hello there!

In this case, according to the given information, it turns out firstly necessary to write out the described chemical reaction as shown below:

[tex]H_2+F_2\rightarrow 2HF[/tex]

Now, we set up the expression for the calculation of the standard free energy change, considering the free energy of formation of each species, specially those of H2 and F2 which are both 0 because they are pure elements:

[tex]\Delta G=2\Delta G_f^{HF}-(\Delta G_f^{H_2}+\Delta G_f^{F_2})\\\\\Delta G=2*-270.70kJ/mol-(0kJ/mol+0kJ/mol)\\\\\Delta G=-541.4kJ/mol[/tex]


How did the work of Dmitri Mendeleev differ from that of John Newlands in the development of the periodic table?


Answer: Mendeleev predicted elements that would later be discovered.

Which does not result in deviations from linearity in a Beer's law plot of absorbance versus concentration?a. light losses at the cell interface b. all are sources of nonlinearity c. stray radiation d. equilibrium between different forms of the analyte e. a wide bandwidth relative to the width of the absorption band





Beer-Lambert Law shows the relationship between the factors affecting the absorbance of a sample in relation to the concentration. These factors are:

the concentration c, path length (l), and the molar absorptivity (ε).

As a result, more radiation is assimilated as the concentration rises, and the absorbance rises as well. However, the longer the path length, the increase in the number of molecules and the higher the absorbance.

Thus, the straight-line equation for Beer-Lambert's law is:

A = εcl

From the above explanation, the option that doesn't relate to the deviations from linearity of Beer's law plot is in Option (a).

5) When heated in a flame, the element Indium emits electromagnetic radiation with a distinctive indigo blue
color (the name indium is derived from the word indigo). The emitted photons that give rise to this
have energies of 4.405 x 10^-19J. Calculate the wavelength of this radiation in nanometers.





Hello there!

In this case, according to the given information, it turns out possible for us to solve this problem by using the following equation, defined in terms of energy, Planck's constant, wavelength and speed of light:

[tex]E=\frac{hC}{\lambda }[/tex]

Thus, we solve for the wavelength as shown below:

[tex]\lambda=\frac{hC}{ E}[/tex]

And finally plug in the energy, Planck's constant and speed of light to obtain:

[tex]\lambda=\frac{6.6261 x 10^{-34} m^2 kg / s*3x10^8m/s}{4.405x10^{-19}m^2kg/s^2}\\\\\lambda=4.513x10^{-7}m*\frac{1nm}{10^{-9}m} \\\\\lambda=451nm[/tex]


How many atom in protons



Its atomic number is 14 and its atomic mass is 28. The most common isotope of uranium has 92 protons and 146 neutrons. Its atomic number is 92 and its atomic mass is 238 (92 + 146).

from where the baby plant gets nutrition while its under ground?​



The "baby" plant grows entirely from stored energy and food from the cotyledons until it reaches sunlight

what must occur for a change to be a chemical reaction?


there must be a change in chemical properties, during a chemical reaction matter is neither created of destroyed

Manganese-56 is a beta emitter with a half-life of 2.6 hr. What is the mass of manganese-56 in a 49.7-mg sample of the isotope after 10.4 hr?



3.11 mg


From the question given above, the following data were obtained:

Half-life (t½) = 2.6 hr

Original amount (N₀) = 49.7 mg

Time (t) = 10.4 hr

Amount remaining (N) =.?

Next, we shall determine the number of half-lives that has elapsed. This can be obtained as follow:

Half-life (t½) = 2.6 hr

Time (t) = 10.4 hr

Number of half-lives (n) =?

n = t / t½

n = 10.4 / 2.6

n = 4

Thus, 4 half-lives has elapsed.

Finally, we shall determine the amount remaining. This can be obtained as illustrated below:

Original amount (N₀) = 49.7 mg

Number of half-lives (n) = 4

Amount remaining (N) =.?

N = 1/2ⁿ × N₀

N = 1/2⁴ × 49.7

N = 1/16 × 49.7

N = 0.0625 × 49.7

N = 3.11 mg

Therefore, the amount remaining is 3.11 mg

Which type of element is almost always found as a single atom in nature?
O A. Alkaline earth metal
O B. Halogen
c. Noble gas
D. Oxygen family element


Noble gas elements are almost always found as a single atom in nature.

What is inert gas?

An inert gas is a gas that does not undergo chemical reactions under a set of given conditions. The noble gases often do not react with many substances and were historically referred to as inert gases.

All noble gases have the maximum number of electrons in their outer shell; i.e. 2 electrons for helium and 8 for the other five.

Noble gases are monoatomic, which means they exist as single atoms. This is because of their electronic stability.

Thus, noble gas elements are almost always found as a single atom in nature. Hence, option C is correct.

Learn more about the inert gas here:



Which of the following is TRUE?
A.The equivalence point is where the amount of acid equals the amount of base during any acid-base titration.
B. At the equivalence point, the pH is always 7
C. An indicator is not pH sensitive
D.A titration curve is a plot of pH vs. the [base]/[acid] ratio
E. none of these is true



D. a titration curve is a plot of pH vs. the [base]/[acid] ratio

What's the hybridization of the central atom in OF2?



sp3 hybridization


How many protons are in iron (Fe)?
A. 30
B. 82
C. 26
D. 56



26 protons

make sure its write answer

Can someone please help me!!!


sorry but I don't know so sorry

g The rate constant for binding of P to L is 106 M-1s-1. What is the rate constant for dissociation of L from PL



Eq 4 would predict a basal rate constant of 6 × 109 M−1s−1. ... ci(li) = Pli−1(cosδi)−Pli+1(cosδi) .

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