What type of evidence would give a historian the best first-hand account of what occurred in the past?


Answer 1


Historians use primary sources as the raw evidence to analyze and interpret the past. They publish secondary sources – often scholarly articles or books – that explain their interpretation.


Related Questions

which tactic was primarily used by the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s


I believe it is D legal challenges through the court

place each statement on the diagram based on whether it describes the Mughal empire, the ming dynasty, or both.

-allowed limited trade with the Portuguese
-eventually taken over by the British
-produced spices and textiles that European kingdoms sought
-persecuted non-muslim subjects
-exchanged knowledge with the jesuits



The Ming dynasty-allowed limited trade with the Portuguese

The Mughal dynasty-eventually taken over by the British

Both -produced spices and textiles that European kingdoms sought

The Ming dynasty-persecuted non-muslim subjects

The Ming dynasty-exchanged knowledge with the jesuits


The Ming dynasty limited the trade with the Portuguese, produced spices and textiles that European kingdoms sought and also persecuted non-muslim subjects. The Ming dynasty exchanged knowledge with the Jesuits. Jesuits initiated mission work in China introducing Western science, mathematics, astronomy, and visual arts to the Chinese imperial court while on the other hand, Mughal eventually taken over by the British as well as produced spices and textiles that European kingdoms needed.

The Cultural Revolution ended by the early 1970s. In which three ways did it cause devastation in China?



1.  Ancient cultural artifacts and historical buildings were destroyed.
2. The education of millions of youths in China was interrupted.
3.  Mao was still in power when he died in September 1976.


The Cultural Revolution resulted in the destruction of the bulk of ancient buildings and cultural artifacts. Intellectual members of the "Stinking Old Ninth" were murdered, tortured into committing sui*cide, or imprisoned.

After their deaths, schools had to close due to the lack of educators. He subsequently began to enlist youths without an education, which boosted his stature. Mao maintained his position of power until his death from a heart attack in 1976.

Learn more about the "Red Guards" at:


pls help with this question will mark brainliest :))


It’s the 2nd one. To stay loyal to the state.


b. people should stay loyal to the state

What fossil discovered in the 1950s reinforced the hypothesis that Africa was the birthplace of humanity?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached, we can comment on the following.

The fossil discovered in the 1950s that reinforced the hypothesis that Africa was the birthplace of humanity was the "Australopithecus Africanus."

At the end of the 1940s, beginning of the 1950s, renowned archeologists  John T Robinson and Robert Broom excavated the Sterkfontein Caves in South Africa and discovered a 2.3 million-year-old fossil they called "Mrs. Ples," or the Australopithecus Africanus.

Anthropologists consider that South Africa is the cradle of humanity. They think that the first hominids appeared there and they spread to other regions of the earth. The oldest one of the hominids was the Australopithecus and it is considered to have appeared on earth approximately five million years ago. The latest form of hominids, the H*mo Sapiens -you and I- appeared approximately 200,000 years ago.

what is the answer to this please ​




It depends when you are talking about.

Just after the civil war? All walks of life.

In the 1960s Probably mostly liberal Democrats although it was mixed.

Now probably   liberal democrats.

Originally the Klan was against the Reconstruction policies of the republican party (1865 - 1866  and forward).

It's confusing.

For what reason might the United States government raise taxes instead of borrowing money to pay for a new government service?

To decrease public support for the new program
To prevent having to make changes to the federal budget
To show that people support taxation more than borrowing
To avoid paying interest on savings bonds


D: To avoid paying interest on savings bonds. Issuing bonds, entail the obligation to return them in the future, together with the corresponding interest payment.

What is likely to happen to Colombia if it cannot prevent its farmers from growing coca?



The U.S. will stop giving money to Colombia.


cuáles fueron las causas, el desarrollo y las consecuencias de la guerra fría. Mínimo cinco ítems por cada aspecto​


La respuesta correcta a esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Estas fueron las causas, el desarrollo y las consecuencias de la Guerra Fría.

Estaos hablando del conflicto entre la Unión de Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas y Estados Unidos durante el periodo llamado de la Guerra Fría, posterior al término de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

Las causas fueron la tremendas diferencias políticas, estratégicas, ideológicas y territoriales entre los Estados Unidos y la Unión Soviética.

Joseph Stalin, líder de la Unión Soviética, nunca estuvo conforme con los acuerdos tomados en la Conferencia de Yalta al final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Eso distanció a la URSS de los aliados Gran Bretaña, Francia y por supuesto, los Estados Unidos.

Finalmente, en búsqueda de una mayor presencia y dominio mundial, la Unión Soviética se apropió de países en los que instaló la ideología Comunista. Estos países fueron Checoslovaquia, Hungría, Alemania del Este, Polonia, Bulgaria y Rumania.

Esas diferencias provocaron serios incidentes como:

1) El primer incidente grave entre estos dos países fue el bloqueo de Berlín, ordenado por el líder Soviético Joseph Stalin en Junio de 1948. Las tropas Rusas bloquearon las entradas hacia Berlín, como una represalia por las decisiones de los Aliados.

2) El segundo incidente fue la decisión de los Aliados de llevar víveres, alimentos y provisiones a Berlín, por medio de aviones. Durante los once meses siguientes, aviones de la Fuerza Aérea Británica y Norteamericana transportaron todo tipo de ayuda a Berlín.

3) El derribo del avión norteamericano "U-2," en mayo 1, de 1960.

4) La Crisis de los Misiles Cubano, en octubre de 1962. El mundo estuvo al borde de otra Guerra Mundial, debido a la crisis por los Misiles Soviéticos instalados en Cuba, que apuntaban a las ciudades importantes de los Estados Unidos.

5) La Guerra de Corea. En su lucha por mantener el control en ciertas regiones del mundo, la Unión Soviética brindó apoyo a Corea del Norte, bajo la influencia Comunista. Como era de esperarse, los Estados Unidos dieron todo su respaldo a Corea del Sur.

Finalmente, la Unión Soviética y los Estados Unidos mantuvieron una competencia-pelea en la Carrera Armamentista, la Carrera Espacial, la expansión de Comunismo en el mundo por parte de la URSS y la contención de esa expansión, por parte de los Estados Unidos.

What was the effect of the Berlin Airlift?
1) East Germany and West Germany united.
2) The Soviet Union gained control over West Berlin.
3) West Berlin remained free from communist control.
4) The United States lost influence in the region.



4The United States lost influence in the region.

What was the U.S. government's response to the 9/11 attacks?

a. President Bush only blamed the attackers and no one else.
b. President Bush made it clear that the U.S. would make no distinction between the ones who attacked the U.S. and the ones who protected those attackers.
c. President Bush called for the Western nations to attack the Middle East since they all wanted to stop democracy.
d. President Bush wanted to calm all tensions and ensure no conflicts would take place.


B- president bush made it clear that the U.S. would make no distinction between the ones who attacked….

The Non-Aggression Pact was
signed in the 1930s by
A. Japan
B. Germany
C. France



I'm pretty sure it would be Germany!


I'm just going with what i remember

It was B, so Germany

HELP ASAP!!!!!!!!! I’ll give 100 points!!!

Describe wordy Guthrie's radio audience in California, their living conditions, and why they liked him



His music influenced young singers and songwriters like Bob Dylan; second of two ... They urged him to go to New York City to make recordings of his songs. ... Woody Guthrie sang songs that described the conditions at farm worker camps. ... He sang and played folk music on a radio program that was ...


His music influenced young singers and songwriters like Bob Dylan; second of two ... They urged him to go to New York City to make recordings of his songs. ... Woody Guthrie sang songs that described the conditions at farm worker camps. ... He sang and played folk music on a radio program that was ...

He influenced many people including singers like Bob Dylan

According to Dahl's definition of a democratic political system, the ability to change what policies the association already has is determined by the members'



In political science, the term polyarchy (poly "many", arkhe "rule") was used by Robert A. Dahl to describe a form of government in which power is invested in multiple people. It takes the form of neither a dictatorship nor a democracy.


Which organelle aids in the production and movement of proteins and other materials through the cel
O endoplasmic reticulum
O cell wall


one of them i hope probably...


endoplasmic reticulum

Which best explains how religious tolerance helped the ottoman and Mughal empires succeed


Answer:By showing religious tolerance, both empires maintained stability and earned loyalty from different peoples.


Name four important sources of tribal history?​



Stone inscriptions.Paintings.Artefacts.Documents.


The four important sources of tribal history are:

-Stone inscriptions.




What are some of the major themes or big ideas found in the constitution



Popular sovereignty



Merchant and craft guilds formed to provide support for their members, who shared a certain economic role. Today, in the United States, many labor and trade unions exist for the same purpose. They unite workers in specific industries so that they may together work for their mutual benefit.

Research the history of early labor unions and their relationship to the earlier guilds in Europe. Then select one of the labor or trade unions from the list below to research:

American Federation of Government Employees
American Federation of Teachers
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
International Union of Police Associations
National Association of Letter Carriers
Office and Professional Employees International Union
United Mine Workers of America
Writers Guild of America
Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association
Service Employees International Union
United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America
United Farm Workers of America

Use the internet or the library to learn more about your chosen union. Finally, combine your research with the knowledge you gained from this lesson to write a short response in which you compare and contrast your union with the medieval merchant and craft guilds. Your short response should contain at least two paragraphs and should address both similarities and differences between the modern union and medieval guilds.



American Federation of Government Employees.


American Federation of Government Employees was founded on August 18, 1932. Everett B. Kelley was the first President of this union.  In 2015, it had 301,992 members. The American Federation of Government Employees is an American labor union in which more than 670,000 employees of federal government, about 5,000 employees from District of Columbia, and few hundred private sector employees are the members of this labour union.


           American Federation of Government Employees

 The American Federation of Government Employees also known as AFGE was formed in 1932 in the midst of the Great Depression. In 1945 in the year of the end of the World War II, after years of suspended salary, the AFGE secured a 16 percent pay increase with the passage of the Federal Pay Act – the largest single pay increase, the largest increase in its history since then and now. In the 1950s, AFGE won the introduction of within-grade pay increases, transportation allowances for transferred workers, and payment for ensued annual leave, overtime, and night and holiday work, but it still didn’t acquire bargaining rights. President Kennedy in 1962 announced that “the right of Federal employees to deal collectively with the Federal departments and agencies in which they are employed should be protected.” The Executive Order 10988 established the right of federal employees to exercise their voice in the workplace.  Since then, it has extended a union contract to more than 700,000 government employees in thousands of federal and DC government facilities across the country. As of today, the American Federation of Government Employees stands as one of the largest and most influential forces for worker, civil, and human rights in the world.    

Labor unions such as are similar to the medieval merchant and craft guilds. The purpose of guilds is for individuals with common goals to form an association. Guilds were formed by merchants who traded goods in foreign lands. Merchants started grouping to protect themselves from highway men when they traveled. As their business increased, they hired other people to do the traveling for them. They set up their bases in towns and cities. Some established shops at ports and crossroads around which new towns developed. Many merchants banded together to travel and trade, especially in urban centers. The American Federation of Government Employees fights for workers' rights. Just like many guilds in the Middle Ages, it did not just appear. It started with a few people who wanted workers’ rights. Then more and more people joined as they saw the benefit of the organization. It soon became a national organization recognized by many individuals. The difference between the AFGE and medieval guilds is that guilds never became national organizations as did the AFGE. Guilds in the Medieval times were for the benefit of each town rather than the nation because each town had different types of resources and many were at war against each other, causing them not to have national organizations for the common good.


I hope this helps

Make decisions about your body. Participate in a protest . Join a civic organization. Travel to another state. Personal rights . Political rights



The answer is below:


Given that "Personal rights" are a form of rights that an individual possesses over his or her being. It involves rights to freedom of movement, honor, reputation, etc.

While "Political rights" are forms of rights that an individual has to perform his or her public activities without any form of discrimination. It involves rights to join political activities such as protests, civil rights movements, etc.

Hence, the correct answers are:

1. Make decisions about your body -

Personal Right

2. Participate in a protest - Political Right.

3. Join a civic organization - Political Right.

4. Travel to another state - Personal Right.

Which of these women’s rights advocates fought for women’s suffrage, abolishment of slavery, and co-authored the Declaration of Sentiments declaring that women were created equal with men?
Jeannette Rankin
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Carrie Chapman Catt
Margaret Sanger


One of the women's rights advocates that fought for the suffrage of women, abolishment of slavery, and also co-authored in the Declaration of Sentiments is Elizabeth Cady Stanton.

Who is a women's rights advocate?

A woman rights advocate are female activist that supports the equality of women to men in all spheres of life  including

Voting rightsEqual opportunity in the workplace.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton is a woman rights activist(American). In the mid 19th, she was the Leader of the women's rights activists who staged the movement for the fight for women's rights and also co-authored the Declaration of Sentiments declaring that women were created equal with men.

Learn more about women's rights advocate here:





Took the test

who got independent for Africa how??​



following the war, rapid decolonisation swept across the continent of Africa as many territories gained their independence from European colonisation

Why was Galileo Galilei punished by the Roman Catholic Church for his



Galileo was ordered to turn himself in to the Holy Office to begin trial for holding the belief that the Earth revolves around the sun, which was deemed heretical by the Catholic Church. Standard practice demanded that the accused be imprisoned and secluded during the trial.



For historical context, Galileo Galilei believed that the world circled around the sun, rather then the sun circling the world (as the Roman Catholic Church suggests). The Roman Catholic Church persecuted Galileo and tried to silence him due to his discovery that was contradictory to the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, in which it, when proven true, would lead people to question other teachings of the Catholic Church and "lead people astray". Therefore, in an effort to not only keep the public image of the Catholic Church afloat, but also the respect and therefore funding of the church, The Roman Catholic Church moved to punish Galileo.


What is the primary purpose of an argumentative thesis?



The primary purpose of an argumentative thesis is to persuade others to accept a particular claim.


Ayon sa teorya ni Peter Bellwood, dumating an mga Austronesian sa Pilipinas mula sa bansang _______.





[tex]{{correct me if i am wrong}}}[/tex]

On Edg: Who won the fighting in North Africa in 1943?
A. Axis forces
B. Allied forces
C. North African forces
D. German forces


The Allied Forces won the fighting in North Africa in 1943


the answer is German forces

Which of these describes the Reconstruction Amendments?

A. They gave women the right to vote
B. They prohibited the sale of alcohol
C. They provided former slaves with civil war on


The best that describes it is the C they provided former slaves with civil war on
The answer for this question is C

What was the effect of manifest destiny on the American Indian population?Many
A.) American Indians welcomed new settlers into their tribal groups.
B.) Almost all American Indians died from disease and starvation.
C.) Many American Indians were killed or forced to move to reservations.
D.) Most American Indians gave up their land and fled to Mexico.



The anwer is 3.


Under the Old Regime, the people of France belonged to one of three estates. What was the basis of these divisions?


Clergy, nobility, and commoners.

Under the Old Regime, the people of France belonged to one of three estates. Clergy, nobility, and commoners were the basis of these divisions.

What were the 3 estates of France?

The clergy, nobles, and commoners made up this assembly, which had the authority to determine whether to impose additional taxes and carry out national reforms. The French Revolution officially began on May 5, 1789, with the inauguration of the Estates General in Versailles. The parade of the Estates General, the final major event of the Ancien Régime, took place in Versailles on May 4, 1789. 1,200 parliamentarians had traveled from all around France to attend the ceremony.

The majority of the Third Estate (commoners) deputies were dressed in all-black with a gold topcoat. With the exception of those carrying flags and the King's Falconers, everyone was holding a candle in their hand. The Regent Diamond, the biggest diamond in the realm, was displayed on his hat. The clothing of the queen was made of gold and silver. The queen was not applauded, only the king.

Learn more about 3 estates of France here:



Please help me with this I’m so confused..
Cite 5 events that happened during the Great Fear movement


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

The five events that happened during the Great Fear movement were the following.

1.- The beginning of the French Revolution.

2.- Unrest and turmoil in the French society.

3.- Shortage of crops to feed the people.

4.- Peasants took their weapons and decide to rebel.

5.- Attacks to many villages and the burn of houses.

We are talking about the tumultuous times that started on July 22 and ended on August 6, 1789, when the French Revolution was living its first stages. Poor farmers rebel and started mobilizations due to the rumors about a possible famine created by the aristocrats.

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Everything below the line is shaded.On a coordinate plane, 2 straight lines are shown. The first solid line has a positive slope and goes through (0, negative 1) and (4, 0). Everything below the line is shaded. The second dashed line has a positive slope and goes through (negative 1, 0) and (0, 1). Everything below the line is shaded. ir you increased the amount of muscle mass in your body, what other changes would occur? formula of Al and SO [tex](v+6)^{2}=2v^{2}+14v+12[/tex] The fund has 49,000 shares and liabilities of $124,000. Assume the fund is sold with a front-end load of 2.5 percent. What is the offering price of the fund Question 11 ptsHow many mols of bromine are present in 35.7g ofTin(IV) bromate? define cell and atom Solve this4 X (10 - 3+2) Find m angle NML; m angle QML=115^ and m angle NMQ=28^ Priya, a software developer at SkillThink, is instructed by her team leader to minimize interaction with other team members. 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