What usually creates or communicates mood in a short story?


Answer 1




mood is set by characters, tone is set by author

Answer 2
The details used in the story to describe the setting (basically the dialogue of the story) creates the mood in a short story.

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1......me a newsapaper when you're out ?
1).will you get
2)Did you get
3)Are you getting
4)were you getting
2.Marisa is in her office. She has been there.....7 o'clock
3.The school bus.....at 6.00
1)usually comes
2)comes usually
3.)usually come
4)come usually



1=1 will you get

2=3 since

3=1 usually comes


your asking a question,which says ....me a newspaper when you're out which would be will will you get cause ur asking the person to get u somethingsince used for a long period of timeusually comes

To compare characters effectively, a reader should notice their
internal influences.
outside influences.
attitudes toward things.
similarities and differences,



similarities and differences

To compare characters effectively, a reader should notice their:

D. similarities and differences

What is Comparison?

This refers to the situation where a person is looking for similarities or differences between two distinct things.

With this in mind, for effective character comparison, it is important that the reader notices their similarities and differences which would help show how unique they are.

Read more about comparison here:


Why is Jeannette more comfortable with Dinita than she is with white children?


Jeannette is more comfortable with Dinitia because Dinitia doesn't judge her for how she looks, or how she lives.

Type the suffix or ending for this word.






PATIENTLY is the answer

What should luka do with this paragraph


what is the paragraph in question can you add a picture of it by any chance

Select the correct answer.
Which narrative point of view is used in this excerpt from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll?

And so it was indeed: she was now only ten inches high, and her face brightened up at the thought that she was now the right size for going through the little door into that lovely garden. First, however, she waited for a few minutes to see if she was going to shrink any further: she felt a little nervous about this; 'for it might end, you know,' said Alice to herself, 'in my going out altogether, like a candle. I wonder what I should be like then?' And she tried to fancy what the flame of a candle is like after the candle is blown out, for she could not remember ever having seen such a thing.

After a while, finding that nothing more happened, she decided on going into the garden at once; but, alas for poor Alice! when she got to the door, she found she had forgotten the little golden key, and when she went back to the table for it, she found she could not possibly reach it: she could see it quite plainly through the glass, and she tried her best to climb up one of the legs of the table, but it was too slippery; and when she had tired herself out with trying, the poor little thing sat down and cried.

first person
third-person omniscient
third-person limited
second person
first-person omniscient



I would say

D. second person


It gives many information on  Alice but when it uses quotations it uses the word "I"

C. Third-person limited

Read the excerpt from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.

Juliet: If they do see thee, they will murder thee.

Romeo: Alack, there lies more peril in thine eye
Than twenty of their swords: look thou but sweet,
And I am proof against their enmity.

Juliet: I would not for the world they saw thee here.

Romeo: I have night's cloak to hide me from their sight;
And but thou love me, let them find me here:
My life were better ended by their hate,
Than death prorogued, wanting of thy love

How are the themes of Romeo and Juliet and Ovid’s "Pyramus and Thisbe" similar?

Both address the cruelty of war.
Both present forbidden love.
Both discuss life after death.
Both show sibling rivalries.



both present forbidden love


Forbidden love


because Romeo says: "And but thou love me, let them find me here:

My life were better ended by their hate, than death prorogued, wanting of thy love."

Romeo mentions love saying that who cares if they find me here atleast I have somebody that I love whether or not that they are enemy. it doesnt change his love for juliet that she is a capulet (if i remember correctly)

Also its correct on edge 2021

Identify all of the parts (subject, verb, direct object, indirect object) of the sentence

Wendy bought Joria a new video game for Christmas.



Subject: Wendy

Verb: Bought

Direct object: Video Game

Indirect Object: Christmas

Read this excerpt from "The Medicine Bag.”

Nothing bothered Cheryl about bringing her friends to see Grandpa. Every day after school started, there’d be a crew of giggling little girls or round-eyed little boys crowded around the old man on the patio, where he’d gotten in the habit of sitting every afternoon.

Grandpa would smile in his gentle way and patiently answer their questions, or he’d tell them stories of brave warriors, ghosts, animals; and the kids listened in awed silence. Those little guys thought Grandpa was great.

Which statement best describes a symbol in this excerpt?

Cheryl is Martin’s younger sister.
Cheryl represents childhood innocence.
The little kids are curious about Grandpa.
The little kids represent warriors and ghosts


This one of those questionsd that does not have a simple straight forward answer.

You can't pick A. We know nothing about Martin: who is that?

The little kids are more than curious about Grandpa. They are awed by him. It is really they who are the innocents.

They are interested in the stories Grandpa has to tell. They are not the warriors--not yet.

I think the answer must be B




Write a letter to the chairman of your local government area requesting for some social amenities in your area



Letter to the chairman of the local government area requesting for social amenities.



The Chairman

ABC District


23 May 2017

Subject: Request for social amenities in our locality.

Dear Sir,

On behalf of the residents of ABC village, I would like to bring to your kind attention the lack of social amenities. For the villagers, it is important that we have some congregational spaces or buildings whenever there's a need to discuss issues. Added to that, we have no means of getting drinking water, which leaves us to try to get it from the nearby village, a hectic and tiring effort for everyone.

And there is also hardly any good infrastructure for the children to learn and study. There are no buildings to be called schools, leaving the children to learn out in the open.

So, as a representative of our locality, we would like to request you o kindly look into the matter and try to get us some of the basic social amenities for our village.

Anticipating your response.

Thank you for your time.


Mr. Ashutosh Singh.

Read the excerpt from Roosevelt’s State of the Union address and the poster below it.

As spokesmen for the United States Government, you and I take off our hats to those responsible for our American production—to the owners, managers, and supervisors, to the draftsmen and the engineers, and to the workers—men and women—in factories and arsenals and shipyards and mines and mills and forests—and railroads and on highways.

Poster about construction workers.

The speech connects factory work to the war by thanking workers in various American industries, whereas the poster relies heavily on

repetition and parallelism to convey this connection.
diction and images to convey this connection.
repetition and colors to convey this connection.
parallelism and images to convey this connection.


Answer: diction and images to convey this connection.


The speech connects factory work to the war by thanking workers in various American industries, whereas the poster relies heavily on diction and images to convey this connection.

The speech by Roosevelt thanked the Americans that were responsible for its production and connected them to the war. The poster on the other hand used diction and images to convey this connection.


Answer A The poster’s images feature the male factory workers more prominently and almost hides the female worker in the background, while the speech specifically acknowledges both male and female workers equally.


Just took the test

Translate Shakespeare please!
"All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages."


Answer: Life and death


The "stage" is the world. The men and women being "merely players" is everyone living their lives on the world, having their own purpose in life, but because the world is depicted as a stage, then the men and women are like actors. "Exits and entrances" refers to the death and birth of humans, meaning we were all born once, and will die one day, when our time comes. The seven ages are seven stages in life that we will reach some point in our lives:

1. infant

2. schoolboy

3. lover

4. soldier

5. justice

6. platoon

7. old age

After old age, comes death.

Hope this helped! ^-^


life and death


write the similarities and differences between the character muntaz and grandfather Akbar​



They were different in many ways. Shahjahan reign was very peaceful. He did not fight many wars hence he was more focused on building monuments etc. Shahjahan was not very religious. He was very secular King. He liked grandeur and had a lavish lifestyle

Aurangzeb was very religious and led a very simple life. Aurangzeb did not like to live a grand life and his personal expenses were borne by selling Quran written by him. Aurangzeb was always fighting some war or the other and as a result, he had a vast Kingdom much larger than he had inherited from Shahjahan,

Even in his death, Aurangzeb preferred to be buried in a simple grave and not build a huge Mausoleum like Taj Mahal preferred by his father


Use an appositive in a sentence about your favorite restaurant


My favorite restaurant, Bill's Breakfast, serves the best pancakes.

Bill's Breakfast is not a real restaurant lol, Hope this helps!

In Oscar Wilde's "The
Importance of Being
Earnest," who found Jack at
the Railroad station when he
was a baby?
A. Sir Thomas Edison
B. Mr. Thomas Cardew
C. Mr. Thomas Cunningham





Jack was discovered as an infant by the late Mr Thomas.

Which words contain an affix? Select 4 options








Read this character description from "The Gift of the Magi." Della finished her cry and attended to her cheeks with the powder rag. She stood by the window and looked out dully at a gray cat walking a gray fence in a gray backyard. Tomorrow would be Christmas Day, and she had only $1.87 with which to buy Jim a present.


This question is incomplete. I looked this question up and was able to find one that begins exactly like this one and uses the same excerpt. I will add the answer choices here:

What inference can best be made about Della from this description:

A. She is depressed about her options.

B. She is concerned about the stray cat in her yard.

C. She enjoys decorating for the holidays.

D. She does not like being married.


The inference that can best be made about Della from this description is:

A. She is depressed about her options.


Born in North Carolina, O. Henry (1862-1910) was a short story writer. Among his works is "The Gift of the Magi," the short story we are analyzing here. The characters are Della and her husband, Jim.

The inference we can make about Della after reading the passage is that she is sad about her options. It is Christmas Eve, and she does not have near enough money to buy her husband a gift. She is even crying, since she loves him very much and wishes to give him something nice.

As the story unfolds, Della ends up selling her long and beautiful hair to buy Jim a pricey chain for his watch. When Jim finally arrives, we learn he has sold his watch to buy beautiful combs to adorn Della's hair. Even though one will not be able to wear the other's gift, they have both proven how much they love each other by selling their most valuable possessions.




Mr. Shae’s class is having a discussion about the writings of Shakespeare. One student says, "One theme found in Romeo and Juliet is that love can cause violence. Although the play is a famous love story, it is actually very violent.”

Which would be an appropriate follow-up question to ask this student?

“Who is the most romantic character in Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet?”
“What are some specific examples of love causing violence in Romeo and Juliet?”
“Who were the most violent characters in this classic Shakespeare play?”
“What are some symbols used by Shakespeare to depict love and violence?”



“What are some specific examples of love causing violence in Romeo and Juliet?”


Although William Shakespeare’s romantic tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" is known for its romance and unfailing love story, there are also numerous scenes that show violent acts. These violent scenes are also part of the story's plot and help navigate the circumstances of the whole resolution.

For an appropriate follow-up question for the theme of violence is an integral part of the story, the best question to ask will be

"What are some specific examples of love causing violence in Romeo and Juliet?"




I took the test

Another source from the article – ​Teacher Attrition and Retention ​– says that “teachers under the age of 30 are 5.32 times more likely to attrite out of the profession than those just 5 years older.” This is an interesting fact and highlights the issue even more. Even math and science where there is a high demand for teachers can’t seem to hold on to their young educators for very long. If these teachers only stay a year, or two, what effect does this have on the students? They suffer, too. The Department of Justice and the National Education Administration says we spend more than 50% more on inmates in prison per year than on students in schools. Does this make sense? No. If teachers aren’t invested in their profession, education, then we can’t expect kids to be either. With no role model to look up to, a kid might be led into a life of drugs and crime and end up in jail.



I have read through this a few times it all seems good to me :))

Complete each sentence with an appropriate adverb of time.

1) My uncle will come by train

2) Jane hasn't left for the party

3) I cleaned the attic
4) Kevin works as a teacher

5) Matt will be back now

6) She pays her car insurance

7) Valerie is going to Chicago

8) We stayed at a beach resort

9) I have never seen him

10) Grace volunteered at the local library

• last week
• before
• last month
• yet
• now
• today
• tomorrow
• yearly
• later
• yesterday ​


8)last week
10)last month

Complete each sentence with an appropriate adverb of time.

1) My uncle will come by train Tomorrow

2) Jane hasn't left for the party yet.

3) I cleaned the attic today.

4) Kevin works as a teacher now

5) Matt will be back now later

6) She pays her car insurance yearly

7) Valerie is going to Chicago tomorrow

8) We stayed at a beach resort last week

9) I have never seen him before

10) Grace volunteered at the local library last month.

What is an adverb of time?

Adverbs of the time describe the timing of an event while also describing how regularly and for how long it occurred. Adverbs of time are everlasting. They are also known as adverbs of frequency since they quantify the frequency of the action being described.

A verb, an adjective, another adverb, a determiner, a phrase, a preposition, or a sentence are all commonly modified by adverbs in any sentence.  

Learn more about the adverb, here:



I NEEEEEEEED HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!!!!!! Summarize how the English language developed into what it is today.


Solution :

The English language is an old language. It is spoken almost at all parts of the world.

In the early times, the spoken English evolved around fifth centuries ago. The language soon became widespread because of the British Empire. The Industrial revolution also gave rise to the spread of English language.

Now-a-days, globalization has made it easy for almost all human beings to communicate and speak in English. It has become the language of the world. People travelled to all parts of the country speak in English as a medium to translate their native language to others. Thus English language have developed to be world language today.


The English language is an old language. It is spoken in almost all parts of the world.

In the early times, spoken English evolved around five centuries ago. The language soon became widespread because of the British Empire. The Industrial Revolution also gave rise to the spread of the English language.

Nowadays, globalization has made it easy for almost all human beings to communicate and speak in English. It has become the language of the world. People traveling to all parts of the country speak in English as a medium to translate their native language to others. Thus the English language has developed to be a world language today.

he saw a terrible accident while______along ben luc bridao


while driving along Ben luc bridao


He saw a terrible accident while was walking along Ben Luc Bridge.

Match each example of characterization with the correct type.
Mrs. Boggs's generosity inspired us to
study harder.
Mrs. Boggs agreed to tutor us all before
the test.
"Of course I will tutor you before the
test," she said
I believe that Mrs. Boggs is the most
caring teacher I know.



Reaction: Mrs. Bogg's generosity inspired us to study harder.

Dialogue: "of course i wiil tutor you before the test", she said.

Thought: I believe that Mrs Boggs is the most caring teacher i know.

Action: Mrs. Boggs agreed to tutor us all before the test.

Explanation: U welcome :p

Suppose your younger brother or sister has failed an exam. Write a short letter do encouraging him/her to do better in the next term. ​



address city state dear your brother name we have received two letters from the principal of your school complaining about your irregular pretty in summiting O mark and not doing your exam properly so you have scored low marks in your current India test so you should read based i

Dear Megan, i know school is only getting tougher as the years go on.. i’m sure you’re devastated on your exam but there’s only room for improvement now! let’s look at it in a positive way for a second yeah? a lot of the time how to teacher teaches their class might just not work for you, and that’s ok sometimes. you just need to try and focus more on finishing your work, and becoming more prepared. next time exams come around let me know which week it is and we’ll start studying earlier on! motivation gets hard but i’ll be your cheerleader! that show you love? why don’t you apply it do what you’re doing! that’s what i use to do. look at each task as a battle you have to win to save your people, this is the only way of being able to defeat what’s coming and studying/training will induce the chances of winning!

A letter to the leader of the project analyzing the poem and explaining why you think it should be displayed. Your letter should be written in Standard English, starting ‘Dear Mr. Bolton,' and ending ‘Yours sincerely.'


I think it’s c I hope it helps have a good day come back if y need more heeelp

What’s a prepositional phrase



A group of words consisting a preposition


Every prepositional phrase is a series of words consisting of a preposition and its object (noun etc etc). For example :

At home

At : preposition

home : noun

Complete the sentences by supplying appropriate transitional words. Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. Bowling is a sport in which the player with the highest score wins. ______, the goal in golf is to get the lowest score.
D.in other words

2. You'll be able to____ eat dinner and review your work.

3.__________, Ellen loves chocolate fudge brownie sundaes.
B.In addition

4._______, they could be called the greatest team of all time.
A. that is
B. in other words
C. with this in mind
D. to put it in another way

i need correct answer​


1. C
2. B
3. C as something specific is talking about a person.
4. C

Using the chart of word roots, prefixes, and suffixes below, which is the most
likely meaning of the word mortician?
A. Asking for an undeserved favor
B. Having too much to eat

C. Serving under a specific leader

D. One who directs funerals



One who directs funerals

Cuente o cree una corta historia en pasado simple, al menos de 5 líneas, recuerde subrayar los verbos en pasado.



When I was a child, I used to believe in ghosts and witches. There was an old lady who lived not far from my house, and my best friend and I thought she was a bit mysterious. We never saw her much, and her house was surrounded by trees and tall plants, which prevented us from seeing it well. We often saw smoke come out from somewhere, and we wondered if she was making potions in her cauldron. One day, we decided to get as close as possible and see what she was doing. However, the woman spotted us and yelled, so we ran away to never come back.


Usamos el pasado simple en inglés para expresar acciones completas. Con verbos regulares, añadimos -d, -ed, o -ied al verbo infinitivo:

- dance (infinitivo) - danced (pasado)

- work (infinitivo) - worked (pasado)

- study (infinitivo) - studied (pasado)

Con verbos irregulares, necesitamos memorizar la forma pasada de cada verbo:

- eat (infinitivo) - ate (pasado)

- drink (infinitivo) - drank (pasado)

- read (infinitivo) - read (pasado)

Combine the sentences using parallel structure.

I love eating popcorn at the amusement park. I also like to ride the Ferris wheel and watch the performers



At the amusement park, I love eating popcorn, riding the Ferris wheel, and watching the performers.


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