What was one goal of the Populist Party?

O A. The establishment of Grange Halls in every city

B. A lower number of immigrants allowed into the United States

C. Getting the federal government to embrace the gold standard

O D. The establishment of a national bank that would make low-interest

loans to farmers.


Answer 1

A lower number of immigrants allowed into the United States was one goal of the Populist Party. Hence, option B is correct.

What is  a Populist Party?

The People's Party, also referred to as the Populist Party or simply the Populists, was a left-wing agrarian populist political party in the United States in the late 19th century.

They demanded an increase in the circulating currency, a graduated income tax, government ownership of the railroads, a tariff for revenue only, the direct election of U.S. senators, and other measures designed to strengthen political democracy.

Thus, option B is correct.

For more information about Populist Party, click here:



Related Questions

Why was the Patriot Act created after the 9/11 attacks?



The Patriot Act was started following the September 11 attacks with the stated goal of dramatically tightening U.S. national security, particularly as it related to foreign terrorism, increased penalties for terrorism crimes and an expanded list of activities which would qualify someone to be charged with terrorism.


Which of the synonyms below best describes something that has been destroyed to a point of being reduced to small pieces? A.Cracked—broken or split into splinters B.Crushed—reduced to bits by pounding C.Mangled—injured by cutting or tearing D.Broken—having been fractured



A. cracked or broken


I think I wish it helps

Explain how a boomtown is different from a ghost town.


One is booming in population (a lot of people), and a ghost town is just as it sounds, no one lives there

Answer: What's the difference? A town that experienced (or is experiencing) a period of rapid growth due to some temporary activity. The mining boomtown she remembered, was now a ghost town. Ghosttown has no English definition


What brought about the civil war in



"Immediate causes of the war in 1966 included ethno-religious violence and anti-Igbo pogroms in Northern Nigeria, a military coup, a counter-coup and persecution of Igbo living in Northern Nigeria. Control over the lucrative oil production in the Niger Delta also played a vital strategic role."

Describe the reforms made to state tort law and their impact on citizens' abilities to sue companies and doctors.



It has good impact on the citizens.


There are certain reforms made by the state in order to tort law and their impact on citizens' abilities to sue companies and doctors because this law has good impact on the abilities of citizens and the law provide enable the person to compensate the damages occur to him. The state made these reforms in order make the environment suitable for the citizens to grow and to develop their skills and to compensate whenever it get damaged by the actions of other.

What are 5 important items from the Great Depression?



5 Facts About the Great Depression

- The Great Depression started on Wall Street.

- Herbert Hoover was president during the start of the Great Depression.

- The peak of the Great Depression was during 1932 to 1933.

- The Great Depression caused social upheaval and political unrest.

- Trade policies made the Great Depression worse.

what was The role of the United States in the assassination of Trujillo


Rafael Trujillo, a dictator who ruled the Dominican Republic for more than 30 years, assumed near-absolute control of the Caribbean nation in 1930.

It is unclear what foreign policy objective of the United States would have been served in 1961 by the killing of General Trujillo.

what is the purpose of federal budget



The federal budget is an itemized plan for the annual public expenditures of the United States. It is used to finance a variety of federal expenses, which range from paying federal employees, to dispersing agricultural subsidies, to paying for U.S. military equipment.


Should there be a term limit for Supreme Court Justices who presently
serve for life unless they decide to retire? If so, what should the term be
and why? If not, why not?
PLZ HELPPP I NEED THIS RN !! I will give u a brain list !!!


yes bc,The Supreme Court is the Nation's highest court. ... Like all Federal judges, Supreme Court Justices serve lifetime appointments on the Court, in accordance with Article III of the United States Constitution.




-They produce goods at an exceptionally fast pace. -They helped build a sense of community among workers. -They often employed low wage earners. -They employed women and children at disgracefully low wages.

Which is riskier, a single-resource economy or a diversified economy, and why?



Single resourced i say this becasue acording to this article "Developing countries as a whole have been remarkably successful in diversifying their economies and their export structures. This process of diversification has taken many forms.

The most prominent change has been the shift towards industry. In the 1960’s, some 80% of

developing country exports were primary commodities; today, almost 80% are industrial

products. This massive transformation in export structure has been associated with the rise of

major industrial power-houses; China most prominently, but also countries such as Korea, India,

Brazil, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia and Mexico. Most of these new industrial powers were

previously primary-based economies. Today they are deeply integrated into global production

networks across a wide range of sectors, participating in rapidly-growing South-South trade, and

in most cases rapidly upgrading the sophistication of their export mix."


I kinda think that it is because if the person who settled the first permanent spanish mission is people is from the settlers from santa fe um but if not then can you help me out and if you want to help please friend me or contact me UwU



Can't understand !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Answer: decided that if they were to keep Texas, they must occupy it. ... and settlements provided a stronger hold on Texas than did the French ... Early Spaniards originally named some of Texas's settlements—San Antonio, ... permanent settlement of Europeans in Texas—the mission of Corpus ... When they left Santa Fe, they.


¿Por qué la sociedad que surgió después de la revolución era más igualitaria, pero seguía siendo profundamente desigual en otros aspectos?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Desafortunadamente, no especificas a qué país te estás refiriendo.

Hubo muchas revoluciones en el mundo y en Latinoamérica. La Revolución Francesa, la Revolución Rusa, la Revolución Mexicana. ¿A cuál te refieres?

Como no especificas a qué país te refieres, vamos a responder tu pregunta en términos generales.

¿Por qué la sociedad que surgió después de la revolución era más igualitaria, pero seguía siendo profundamente desigual en otros aspectos?

La sociedad que surgió después de la revolución era más igualitaria, pero seguía siendo profundamente desigual en otros aspectos, debido a que el movimiento revolucionario hizo posible la destitución de los dictadores que sólo favorecían la burguesía y a la aristocracia(los hombres del dinero), pero oprimían a la clase baja, que cada día se volvía más pobre.

Sin embargo, el hecho de que sacaran del poder a esos dictadores y autoritarios gobernantes, no significó un verdadero cambio en la calidad de vida de los indígenas revolucionarios o de los miembros de clase baja.

Lo que siguió a los movimientos revolucionarios fue una lucha interna por el poder, en la que los caudillos se pelearon entre sí por llegar al poder, olvidándose de las causas justas y nobles que en un principio los habían llevado a tomar las armas para derrocar a los gobiernos autoritarios.

Tristemente, la justicia, el empleo y la ayuda al campo, nunca llegó a los indígenas ni a la clase baja.

Which constitutional amendment was created to outlaw the poll-tax requirement and ensure voting equality in all
O the 15th Amendment
O the 19th Amendment
O the 24th Amendment
O the 26th Amendment


The 15th Amendment the state


c) the 24th amendment


Use this chart to list details about the daily lives of people under slavery. Describe at least three details for each category.

Topics Details
General 1. 2.5 million enslaved in 1840, 4 mission by 1860



Family Life









Day-to-Day Resistance
1. Some enslaved people learned to read and
write, though against law.





Italian immigrants helped provide the labor for American factories and mines and helped build roads, dams, tunnels, and other infrastructure. Their work provided them a small economic foothold in American society and allowed them to provide for their families, which stood at the core of Italian-American life.


¿Cuáles fueron las causas de la crisis de la crisis económica mexicana? ¿Cuáles fueron las consecuencias de la crisis económica mexicana?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Desafortunadamente, no especificas a cuál de las crisis que ha sufrido México te refieres, porque a lo largo de su historia moderna ha sufrido muchas crisis.

Sin embargo, con el deseo de ayudarte, podemos asumir que estás hablando de una de las crisis más severas que ha vivido México y nos referimos a la crisis de 1994, cuando México sufrió una de las mayores devaluaciones del peso frente al dólar.

¿Cuáles fueron las causas de la crisis de la crisis económica mexicana?

Bueno, pues básicamente fueron las siguientes.

Al término del sexenio del presidente Carlos Salinas de Gortari, muchos inversionistas extranjeros querían cobrar sus inversiones porque ya se vencían. Fueron tantos los que querían retirar su dinero, que México no pudo afrontar ese compromiso y tuvo que devaluar su moneda para seguir manteniendo esas inversiones y que no salieran del país. Esto es, con la devaluación, ofrecer mejores tasas de interés a los inversionistas extranjeros.

Estamos hablando de una crisis económica que fue conocida como el "error de diciembre." El saliente presidente Salinas culpó del error al entrante presidente Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de León, y éste a su vez, culpó a Salinas.

Esto se juntó con el anuncio de la creación del Ejercito Zapatista en el Estado de Chiapas, lo cual agudizó la tensión creada por el asesinato del candidato priista a la presidencia, Donaldo Colosio Murrieta, en Marzo de ese año.

: Describe the working conditions for factory workers in 5 sentences. Was this fair, would you like to work during this time, was child labor fair?


Answer:  working conditions during the Industrial Revolution including long days, dangerous jobs, child labor, unsafe facilities, poor living.  The Industrial Revolution was a time of great progress. Unlike today, workers during the Industrial Revolution were expected to work long hours or they would lose their jobs. No I would not wanna work during that time. And Child Labor was definitely unfair

Explanation: Hope this helps, if not I'm sorry

Why did Henry VIII leave the Catholic Church in the 1500s?



he wanted to prevent the sale of indulgences


yeah bro trust

If you lived in the midivil times what would you be like?





No século XVII, primeiro século da colonização da América do Norte, a Inglaterra quase não interferiu nos assuntos internos das Treze Colônias. No século seguinte, porém, a Inglaterra mudou sua política colonial e passou a oprimir suas colônias na América. Assinale a única opção que não diz respeito aos verdadeiros motivos que levaram a essa mudança.
A. A questão de disputa comercial, uma vez que as mercadorias norte-americanas começaram a concorrer com as inglesas no mercado externo.
B. Os desdobramentos da Guerra Franco-Índia, iniciada em 1754, quando os colonos norte-americanos invadiram as terras indígenas situadas além dos Montes Apalaches, provocando a reação dos franceses que lá viviam e dos indígenas aliados a eles.
C. A Guerra dos Sete Anos (1756-1763), motivada pela disputa entre a Espanha e a Inglaterra por terras situadas na África, na Ásia e na América do Norte.
D. Uma série de conflitos, principalmente a Guerra dos Sete Anos uma vez que a Inglaterra entrou em dívida profunda no século XVIII entrando em uma enorme crise financeira.



i cant understand your talking but please give a star to this comment thank u

At the turn of the 20th century , what impact did dietary changes have on immigrants ? A. There was no difference in their diet in America . B. Most immigrants already knew how to make American dishes . C. Lamb became their primary source of meat in America . D. There were many new foods to which immigrants had to get used to .


Well during the early twentieth century, food became a major cultural battleground. The influx of large numbers of immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe Progressive Era brought new foods to the United States. Settlement house workers, and food nutritionists, and domestic scientists tried to "Americanize" immigrant diets and teach immigrant wives and mothers "American" ways of cooking and shopping. So I think the answer would be D. There were many new foods to which immigrants had to get used to.

why was thailand not colonized by britian or france during the british empire



In the 19th and early 20th centuries, only Thailand survived European colonial threat in Southeast Asia due to centralising reforms enacted by King Chulalongkorn and because the French and the British decided it would be a neutral territory to avoid conflicts between their colonies

In the Webster-Hayne debates, who described the United States as a league of independent states?


Adams. In the Webster-Hayne debates, Hayne described the United States as a league of independent states. The value of a person in the West was based upon his or her common sense and willingness to work.

Name one innovation from the golden age and explain its impact



the invention of the sugar mill/ plantation changed the world trade and eventually led to the end of slavery

What can be learned about the ancient Greeks from this excerpt? Choose two answers.

They established the first democratic government.
They contributed to art, science, and philosophy.
They valued perseverance, bravery, and strength.
They believed the gods were active in people’s lives.
They emphasized the importance of physical fitness.



C and D


bc it is right trust

We can learn more about the ancient Greeks from this passage about how they respected tenacity, bravery, and strength and how they believed that the gods were actively involved in people's lives. Thus, choices (C) and (D) are appropriate.

What do you know about Ancient Greece?

Greek urban poleis started to emerge around the eighth century BC, ushering in the Archaic period and the colonization of the Mediterranean Basin, some three centuries after the collapse of Mycenaean Greece in the Late Bronze Age.

The period known as Classical Greece, which included the Greco-Persian Wars and the Golden Age of Athens in the 5th and 4th centuries BC, came next. Hellenistic civilization was brought to Central Asia by Alexander the Great of Macedon's conquests of the western Mediterranean.

The Roman Republic's conquest of the eastern Mediterranean region and its subsequent annexation of the Roman province of Macedonia in Roman Greece, and later the province of Achaea during the Roman Empire, marked the end of the Hellenistic period.

Learn more about Ancient Greece, from :



1.what was the real name of mother teresa​



Mother Mary Teresa Bojaxhiu,

Hope this helps!

What role did women fill in Roman society?

Women participated in politics and government.
Women were responsible for household matters.
Women were responsible for managing family property.
Women participated in the running of family businesses.


Answer: C

Explanation: Women were responsible for managing family property.


B ) women were responsible for household matters


Please add brainliest :)

The _____ made it illegal to form trusts that interfered with free trade and prohibited monopolies that hindered competition in the marketplace.



Sherman Antitrust Act


Sherman Antitrust Act was given the approval on June 2, 1890. It was passed to maintain a lawful scenario in the businesses. The members of Congress anticipated in the formulation of the law in order to provide a regulation to the interstate commerce. It was a law that stressed upon preventing the emergence of monopolistic economy. The monopolistic trade was turned to be illegal. Any trust that would interfere with the working of the free trade was made illegal.

The Albany Congress believed that under the Albany Plan of Union, the colonies would


The Albany Congress believed that under the Albany Plan of Union, the colonies would "better protect themselves", since it was becoming clear by this point the the British were taking advantage of the colonies for their own gain and nothing else


C- better protect themselves.

Life during The Great Depression was challenging becasue many people:

Cared less about the way te economy was going.

Did not challenge the system for better.

Could not eat, get work, or had any where to live.

Accepted the change



C. Could not eat, get work, or had any where to live.


Life during The Great Depression was challenging becasue, many people could not eat, get work, had any where to live.

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