What was one major similarity between Jewish nationalism and Arab nationalism during
the 20th century?
A. Both ideologies were centered on persecuting ethnic and religious
B. Both ideologies called for political unity between Christians, Muslims, and
C. Both ideologies encouraged their members to demand complete control
over Palestine.
D. Both ideologies supported the mandate system in the Middle East after
World War I.


Answer 1

Answer: Both ideologies encouraged their members to demand complete control over Palestine.


Jewish Nationalism is the nationalist movement and ideology which supports the Jewish state being centered in Palestine.

Arab nationalism is a nationalist ideology which believes that Arabs are a nation. It also enhances the unity of Arabs. The major similarity between Jewish nationalism and Arab nationalism during the 20th century is that ideologies encouraged their members to demand complete control over Palestine.

Related Questions

Which country is not a former soviet republic?



Pakistan is not a former Soviet republic


What job does Columbus think the American Indians would be well suited for?


Answer:Columbus thought the american indians would be "great workers" in other words slaves


He would sell the natives into slavery (which most died before he could). If they were not sold into slavery he would put them to work to look for gold in mines and work on plantations.

Economic Theories
Use the drop-down menus to indicate the type of economy found in each country.
1. In this country, the government tells an appliance factory that it must produce a minimum of one thousand
refrigerators, People are assigned jobs at the factory based on their abilities, and the government determines
how much they will be paid. The government decides how much a new refrigerator will cost,
2. In this country, an appliance factory produces one thousand dishwashers per month. People want more of its
dishwashers because of their high quality, so the company hires additional workers. The company decides
what the workers' wages will be and how much the dishwashers will sell for. Most of the profits go to the
company's owners,



1. Command economy.

2. Capitalist economy.


An economy is a function of how money, means of production and resources (raw materials) are carefully used to facilitate the demands and supply of goods and services to meet the unending needs or requirements of the consumers.

Basically, there are four (4) main types of economy and these are;

I. Mixed economy.

II. Command economy.

III. Traditional economy.

IV. Capitalist economy.

A command economy also referred to as planned economy, can be defined as a type of economy in which the government owns and control the means of production.

Generally, a command economy requires that the quantity of goods, method of exchange, distribution, sales price, employees or worker's wages,  investments, as well as the means of production of goods and services and allocation of resources for production should be controlled or regulated by the public (government) rather than the private sector (free market).

A capitalist economy also referred to as free-enterprise system, pure capitalism, or free market can be defined as a type of economy in which prices, products and services are being determined by the market rather than the government. Thus, a capitalist economy is devoid (free) of government regulations, interference or control because the market (enterprises) are the ones who are saddled with the responsibility of determining the market forces.

Simply stated, a capitalist economy is a type of economy that is completely driven by demand and supply of goods and services.


1. socialist

2. capitalist


How did Japan gain territory and control of areas of China during WW1?



Japan participated in World War I from 1914 to 1918 in an alliance with Entente Powers and played an important role in securing the sea lanes in the West Pacific and Indian Oceans against the Imperial German Navy as a member of the Allies. Politically, the Japanese Empire seized the opportunity to expand its sphere of influence in China, and to gain recognition as a great power in postwar geopolitics.

Japan's military, taking advantage of the great distances and Imperial Germany's preoccupation with the war in Europe, seized German possessions in the Pacific and East Asia, but there was no large-scale mobilization of the economy.[1] Foreign Minister Katō Takaaki and Prime Minister Ōkuma Shigenobu wanted to use the opportunity to expand Japanese influence in China. They enlisted Sun Yat-sen (1866–1925), then in exile in Japan, but they had little success.[2] The Imperial Japanese Navy, a nearly autonomous bureaucratic institution, made its own decision to undertake expansion in the Pacific. It captured Germany's Micronesian territories north of the equator, and ruled the islands until they were transitioned to civilian control in 1921. The operation gave the Navy a rationale for enlarging its budget to double the Army budget and expanding the fleet. The Navy thus gained significant political influence over national and international affairs.[3]


japan presented chinese leaders with the twenty one demands

During this era, what is the first step of the scientific process?



Creating a hypothesis

Globalism in the twentieth century was promoted by advances in
A. politics.
B. transportation.
C. manufacturing
D. communication.


The correct answer is B) transportation.

Globalism in the twentieth century was promoted by advances in transportation.

Globalism sees the entire planet as a place to exert political and economic influence, basically through trade. That is why transportation has promoted this globalized arena in most countries of the world.

This globalism approach revolutionized societies around the world during the 20th century. It has allowed people, cultures, and ideas to spread rapidly to areas that may not have had access to them before.

Although faced with many difficulties in some countries and by some nationalistic leaders, globalization will continue to affect the world in the 21st century. Trade regions or associations will add to their base to include more members and trade among them. This is the case of the European Union, APTA (Asian Pacific Trade Agreement), or USMCA (former NAFTA-the North America Trade Agreement).


D. communication.


DO NOT CHOOSE ANSWER B. transportation.



*This information came directly from the PENN FOSTER reading material

Section 6.6


○ NATO stands for the "North Atlantic Treaty Organization."

○ The purpose is to create safety and security amongst members.

○ Under the treaty, an attack against one NATO nation was an attack on all members.

2. Globalism

○ Policies are enacted on a global basis, both economic and political.

○ Enhanced communication technologies developed in the twentieth century (phone, Internet).

○ Easier communication helped increase globalism.

3. Automation

○ Automation is the ability to use machines with robotic arms to produce goods, often at a lower cost.

○ One significant impact of automation was the loss of jobs, especially in the middle class.

Which of these costs seem justified? Which costs seem unjustified? France debt


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached or further references or context, we can say the following.

Regarding the French debt, the costs that seemed justified were the French intervention in the Seven Years War, because France had a great rivalry against England, and France had to send troops to the North American territory and other parts of the European continent.

Another justified cost was the support the government of France offered the Continental Army when it was fighting against the British troops during the Revolutionary War of Independence. At that time, the United Kingdom was the natural enemy of France.

Now, the costs that seemed unjustified were the following. First the construction of luxurious buildings such as the Versailles Palace, in the outskirts of Paris. This was an excessive massive luxurious building in a time where most of the French people were very poor.

The other unjustified cost was the extravagant parties and luxurious lifestyle of the King of France Louis XIV and his wife Maria Antonieta. Fancy parties, fancy clothes, and fancy food, when the Third State in France was dying of hunger.

We then can say that a class conflict started the revolution.

The French Revolution began in 1789. The Storming of the Bastille started the hostilities in Paris, France. French people were tired of the tyranny of the monarch. The class system had produced social inequality and the tax burden on the thirds state (the commoners, the poor people) angered the French.

Communist governments traditionally believe that the needs of society as a whole are mor
Basic civil rights are severely restricted.
Local governments assume more power than the central government does.
Education is considered less important.
Ethnic groups are allowed to keep their cultural identity.



Basic civil rights are severely restricted


Communism is a system of government in which all property are controlled by the state/community and those properties are allocated or given out to citizens based on their needs.

With this in mind, communist governments traditionally believe that the needs of society as a whole are more important than those of the individual.

Therefore, in a communist system, basic civil rights are severely restricted

Describe how the design of the church contributes to its purposes as a spiritual sanctuary. (ten sentences minimum) Art History



People attend churches. The church building is a geographical location that provides sanctuary.

Biblically, there is a specified design for how a holy sanctuary should look like. This is found in the Good Book from the 25th Chapter of Exodus to the 31st.

It is clear, however, that over the course of history,  those recommendations have been modified.

These changes, some mostly triggered by the radical liturgical activities of the Second Vatican Council, the Catholic Church (which holds Church Building Architecture with utmost reverence and importance) has found it greatly challenging to adopt a newer and better standard architecturally to express its Mass.

For the Catholic church, it is important that the geographical location has a sense of sanctity and sacredness which will serve to enhance the unique spiritual experience of the Catholic Mass.

The above being said, the architectural devices of the church that exude space and a sense of sacredness works together with the liturgical processes to create evoke or amplify an emotional response.

The emotional response in this case relates to the connection between the church attendee and the sacredness they have come to want to achieve.


Which is true about the nation’s first economic crisis?

Stockholders bought government bonds for less than they were worth.

The American Revolution had left the nation deeply in debt.

The government had enough money to pay back war veterans and farmers.

The national government refused to pay back state debts.



The government had enough money to pay back war veterans and farmers

Socorroooóoóoóó alguém me ajuda pfvrrrrr



this is too much


A Lone Star Reader by Swanlund/Bane/Sosebee.


Did you read that book?

According to the Bueareau of Justice Statistics (BJS), drug offenders received an average sentence of years in 2009.

Group of answer choices







the drug offenders received 7 years in prison

One of the political "pros" of the Industrial Revolution was the formation of Unions to protect the workers. It is almost 200 years later, are these Unions still an asset to workers?



Yes it is still an asset to workers

After 200 years later this union is an asset to the workers as it is designed to protect workers from exploitation.

What is a union?

A union is referred an association formed to protect the rights of workers in an organization and helps them to provide minimum wages for the work they did.

This union still exists as it is developed to protect the workers from exploitation and raise their voices for their rights and benefits. This will be considered an asset as it safeguards the position of workers in the organization.

Learn more about unions, here:



American policy toward Indians was comprised of these two things _____________________.



Native American Relation

How is Animalism and the animals' creation of "Animal Farm” similar to Communism
And the rise of the Soviet Union?



Animalism and the creation of "Animal Farm" presented a policy of equality for all individuals, where everyone should work for the common good, which should be available to all members of the community in an equal way. Communism and the rise of the Soviet Union presented this same policy, but like animalism and the "Animal Farm" it did not distribute the common good with equality among the members, but promoted the exploitation of some members to promote the privilege of other members.


"Animal farm" is the title of the fable written by George Orwell. In this fable we are introduced to a farm, where animals take over and expel humans because they are tired of being exploited. Soon after, animals create an animalism, a kind of political system that states that all animals are equal and will be treated that way in the farm, because everyone would work in it to promote privileges to each other in an equal way. However, over time, we can see that this "equality" among animals is not true, as many animals continue to be exploited by a small portion of animals that have many privileges that are not available to all animals equally.

The rise of the Soviet Union is similar to this, as this rise happened with the hard work of individuals who believed they would live in an egalitarian country, since the communism established in the country precluded the end of the private institution and the equal distribution of the common good to all citizens. However, what happened was the exploitation of workers to maintain an extremely privileged and overvalued class.


Well it would be called an animal farm because of the animals being held hostage

in which are of study did avicenna make his main contribution



he made his main contribution in science and philosophy




Avicenna made significant strides in his ideas of metaphysical doctrine and the existence of God.

What kind of impact on the environment did urbanization and industrialization have?
A. A positive one as people began to care
B. A negative one full of pollution and smog
C. A positive one through effective use of the land
D. A negative one as people began to move away from cities and spread more into the rural areas





The impact on the environment due to urbanization and industrialization is a negative one, full of pollution and smog. Hence, Option (B) is correct.

Urbanization involves the growth of cities and the concentration of population and infrastructure in specific areas.

Industrialization, on the other hand, refers to the development of industries and the increased production of goods.

These processes have resulted in several negative environmental consequences.

The expansion of industries has led to increased pollution, including air pollution from factories and vehicles.

This pollution contributes to smog and poor air quality, impacting human health and ecosystems.

Furthermore, industrialization and urbanization have also caused water pollution through the release of pollutants into water bodies, and deforestation has occurred to make way for urban development, resulting in habitat destruction and loss of biodiversity.

Thus, the negative environmental impact is associated with urbanization and industrialization.

Learn more about urbanization here:



90 points!! Explain at least 3 core beliefs/concepts of Zoroastrianism and provide 2 examples of its influence on other religions.




Zoroastrian beliefs about God

Omniscient (He the god knows everything)

Omnipotent (He the god is all powerful and all knowing)

Omnipresent (He the god is everywhere)

The Creator of life.

The Source of all goodness and happiness.

Many academics believe Zoroastrianism affected the religious systems of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam since it has both monotheistic and dualistic aspects.

Hope this Helps! Please Mark Brainliest!

They believe God is all knowing, all present, all powerful, the creator of everything

Read the following list of events:
• The Sixteenth Amendment allows Congress to levy income tax.
• The Seventeenth Amendment allows for the direct election of senators.
• The Eighteenth Amendment prohibits the sale of alcohol.
• The Nineteenth Amendment grants women the right to vote.
The events in this list are part of which of the following broader periods of
American history?
O A. The Cold War
B. The Great Depression
C. The Progressive Era
D. The Gilded Age


C - The progressive Era. All of the amendments belonged in this era as they were deemed as progressive

The events in the list are part of The Progressive Era. Option (c) is correct.

What is the Progressive Era?

In the United States, the Progressive Era saw widespread political and social reform with a focus on eradicating corruption.

By including amendments 16, 17, 18, and 19 to the United States Constitution, the Progressives succeeded in getting some of their ideas passed into law. After the 16th amendment, income taxes became permissible.

Through the 17th Amendment, the Progressives also made progress in their efforts to eradicate political corruption. The most extreme and divisive amendment was passed amid the anti-German sentiment of World War I, which assisted the Progressives and others in passing their proposal for prohibition through the 18th amendment.

The ratification of the 19th amendment in 1920, which was recognized as women's suffrage, was the last amendment during the progressive era.

Therefore, Option (c) is correct.

Learn more about Progressive Era, here;



The leader who resisted white settlement on Nez Perce lands was


The leader who resisted white settlement on Nez Perce lands was Chief Joseph.

Chief Joseph, also known as Hin-mah-too-yah-lat-kekt, was a notable Nez Perce tribe leader in the late nineteenth century. He became well-known for his role in leading the resistance to European settlers' encroachment on Nez Perce territories in the Pacific Northwest.

Tensions erupted in the 1870s as the US government attempted to compel the Nez Perce people into a smaller reservation in Idaho. Chief Joseph and his tribe rejected the relocation because they wanted to save their ancestral grounds and way of life. They attempted to talk with the government in order to find a peaceful solution to the issue.

For such more question on leader:



How will public broadcasting give meaning to social responsibility theory in an essay



Public broadcasting has to do with transmission through radio, television and other media channels to provide news service to the public.

Therefore, public broadcasting gives meaning to social responsibility by providing basic information to the general public that is beneficial to their welfare and sustainability.

In many countries of the world, funding comes from governments, especially via annual fees charged on receivers. In some countries, a single organization runs public broadcasting.

What is the term Public Broadcasting about?

Public broadcasting has to do with transmission through radio, television and other media channels to provide news service to the public.

Therefore, public broadcasting gives meaning to social responsibility by providing basic information to the general public that is beneficial to their welfare and sustainability.

Learn more about Broadcasting, refer to the link:


Competition is to be expected in what type of economy?



Monopolistic competition  monopoly and perfect competition, as it combines elements of both market structures. Within monopolistic competition market structures all firms have the same, relatively low degree of market power; they are all price makers, rather than price takers.

What is the meaning of a “closed shop”?

A “closed shop” is a factory where all of the workers are union members.
A “closed shop” is a factory that hires both union and non-union members.
A “closed shop” is a factory where the owners are in control of setting wages.
A “closed shop” is a factory where the owners control the supply of labo



1: an establishment in which the employer by agreement hires only union members in good standing

2: an exclusive group or establishment

And exclusive group for establishment

Which was the first American military unit dedicated to aviation?



1st Reconnaissance Squadron; Fort Sill, Oklahoma


The facts don't lie, and this is history.

Could you give me brainliest please?

La grandeza de Roma o la libertad frente a la paz en Maquiavelo


Primero, los antiguos romanos han influido en la cultura mundial y han tenido un gran impacto en el desarrollo de la tecnología y la ciencia.

Maquiavelo intenta llegar a un compromiso entre el libre albedrío y el determinismo argumentando que la fortuna controla la mitad de las acciones humanas y deja la otra mitad al libre albedrío.

Use your understanding of the political philosophies Founding Fathers. Which phrase shows that Patrick Henry was anti-federalist in his ideas?
"The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government
- lest it come to dominate our lives and interests."
-- Patrick Henry

-It is an instrument for the people to restrain the government

This phrase talks about literally restraining the government and giving power to the people which is what he believed in. This statement is bold and straight up.



This phrase talks about literally restraining the government and giving power to the people which is what he believed in.


The Supreme Court’s ruling in the civil rights cases of 1883 led to


The rise of Jim Crow laws
Declared the civil rights act of 1875 to be unconstitutional

Black people were not significantly impact by the 2008 mortgage crisis. What the correct answer to the question true or false


False is your answer mate

Which branch of government creates most government agencies?

A.) the legislative branch
B.) the executive branch
C.) other agencies
D.) the judicial branch


The answer is A.) the legislative branch

Picture of the correct answer


I would assume the other agencies.


The Constitution of the United States divides the federal government into three branches to make sure no individual or group will have too much power:

Legislative—Makes laws (Congress, comprised of the House of Representatives and Senate)

Executive—Carries out laws (president, vice president, Cabinet, most federal agencies)

Judicial—Evaluates laws (Supreme Court and other courts)

Other Questions
Which sentence about planning a short story is a true statement? a Make sure the entire story takes place in the same setting. b Don't worry about the conflict until you actually start writing. c Before doing anything else, decide on characters' names. d Decide what problem the main character will face. An organization has experienced significant turnover among its creative writers. During exit interviews, the writers have expressed dissatisfaction with rigid starting times, a lack of recognition for their work, and poor communication between managers and employees. How should the organization incorporate the social well-being aspect in its action plan to address the issue? HELP ME WITH THIS PROBLEM PLEASE!! the adjacent sides of a parallelogram are (x + 3) and (x + 2). Find the perimeter of the parallelogram Given a circle with centre O and radius 2.4cm. P is a point such that the lenght of the tengent from Q to the circle is 4.5cm. Find the lenght of OP Refer to Animation: Filtration, Reabsorption, Secretion. Cells of the excretory tubule _________water by osmosis, from which we can conclude that the solute concentration in these cells must be _________ than in the filtrate. reabsorb; lower excrete; higher reabsorb; higher excrete; lower 2. Refer to Animation: Filtration, Reabsorption, Secretion. What drives the reabsorption that occurs in animal excretory systems pls help me solve this multiplication fractions. (show work) A boxcar contains six complex electronic systems. Two of the six are to be randomly selected for thorough testing and then classified as defective or not defective.a. If two of the six systems are actually defective, find the probability that at least one of the two systems tested will be defective. Find the probability that both are defective.b. If four of the six systems are actually defective, find the probabilities indicated in part (a). The author MOST likely includes the section "How Are Hurricanes Categorized?" for all of the following reasons EXCEPT: A to connect hurricane wind speeds to relatable conceptsB to distinguish between tropical storm and hurricane strength C to outline characteristics of hurricane categories D to help readers to understand hurricane strength ratings If the woman in the picture below measured the angle of elevation from herself to the top of castle and found it to be 64 degrees, and she also measured the distance from herself to the base of the castle as being 124 meters, what would the height of the castle be? (round to the nearest whole meter.) Years ago, the travel industry was controlled by a few large travel companies that booked holidays, air tickets, bus tickets, and hotels for their customers. However, with the emergence of the internet, smaller travel agencies started mushrooming in the industry and customers started making their own reservations. Which of the following can be inferred from this information?A. The travel industry changed from a consolidated structure to a fragmented one.B. The structure of the travel industry changed from monopolistic competition to an oligopolistic one.C. The pricing power of the incumbent firms in the travel industry has increased.D. The bargaining power of buyers in the travel industry has decreased. Hola me ayudarian con un tema es de SOBRE EL RGIMEN POLTICO DINSTICOe estado leyendo el tema les agradeceria mucho si me ayudan es un tema de sociales1 Diga ejemplos del proceso por medio del cual se consolid el poder dinstico.2 De qu modo el inicial proceso de centralizacin de los poderes arroja por resultado histrico la constitucin de relativas nacionalidades como soporte de la soberana dinstica?3 En el contexto de cuales revoluciones y de cul rgimen poltico se gest la vida y obras de Jos Prudencio Padilla? Write the equation of the line in fully simplified slope-intercept form. Amanda, a florist, is the owner of Flush Inc. She receives a mail from Pluto Corp., a manufacturer of foam products, offering a water-soluble foam brick frequently used for arranging fresh flowers. According to the offer, if Amanda places an order with Pluto, she would be automatically registered to win $10,000 in a customer appreciation contest. This is an example of combining direct marketing with geometry help translations Does this graph show a function? Explain how you know. which of the following were not an effect of the industrial revolution in the United States Answer the following question Company X has a P/E ratio of 10 and a stock price of $50 per share. Calculate earnings per share of the company.A) $5 per share.B) $ per share.C) $0. per share.D) $6 per share. The slope of a line is 5/9 and the slope of another line is -975. The two linesare