What was the main reason Joseph Stalin created collective farms?


Answer 1

Answer: He believed collectivization was the key to significantly boost the agricultural sector and to address the socio-economic issues arising from it.


Related Questions

What are some current issues you feel are still a concern regarding your right to vote in the United States?



This being an election year, Human Rights magazine is devoting two full issues to voting rights. The first included articles on voter registration, problems facing Native American voters, voter roll purges, the centennial of the Nineteenth Amendment, and racial gerrymandering. This volume features articles on redistricting, voting by disabled persons, voting on college campuses, cybersecurity, campaign finance, and many others. Together, these two issues of Human Rights provide a great tutorial on current issues in voting rights and election administration—subjects that have gained widespread public attention in recent years. Since our first issue on voting rights, a new challenge has emerged: how to conduct elections in the midst of a public health emergency.

AYUDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA es para hoyyyyyy :(



AYUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA es para hoyyyyyy :(

Imagine that you were in the audience for King's

speech and write a one-page first-person account of your experience


can i ask you
i need heelp
can u answer me


How many Africans were killed or enslaved by 1810?



look at picture


the legislative branch is discussed in which article of the constitution
A. Article 1
B. Article 2
C. Article 3
D. Article4


Article One of the United States Constitution establishes the legislative branch of the federal government, the United States Congress. Under Article One, Congress is a bicameral legislature consisting of the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Can someone give me the right answer please!
Who can purpose an amendment to the constitution?​





Congress may submit a proposed constitutional amendment to the states, if the proposed amendment language is approved by a two-thirds vote of both houses. Congress must call a convention for proposing amendments upon application of the legislatures of two-thirds of the states (i.e., 34 of 50 states).

Congress is the answer

२. उत्तर भन:
(क) कुन विद्यालयका विद्यार्थीहरू वनभोज खान गएका हुन् ?
(ख) नदी किनारतिर डुल्न कति जना गए ?
(ग) उनीहरूका बिचमा कुन विषयमा कुरा भयो ?
(घ) संवादको थालनी कसरी भयो ?


Lesson ko name ni bhana nw

Which idea is included in the concept of natural law



the idea is; natural laws are universal concept and are not based on any culture or custom

1. The varieties of jazz dance reflect what?



The diversity of American culture .

What was the cause of the spread of the abolition movement?

Several publications in the mid-1800s made the cruelties of slavery public in the North.

A slave rebellion showed Northerners that slaves were actually very educated.

The publication of a pro-South book made northerners fear for their economy.

Cotton became an economic goldmine and made northern industries lose money.



Several publications in the mid-1800s made the cruelties of slavery public in the North. hope that helps you


Historians today recognize all of the following as contributing to the outbreak of World War I, EXCEPT: a. Austria-Hungary wanted to punish Serbia for encouraging terrorism. c. Russia believed that the Austria-Hungary ultimatum to Serbia was an attempt to dominate the Serbian people. b. Britain feared Germany's growing industrial and military power. d. France wanted to reclaim the Alsace-Lorraine territory from Germany.



c. Russia believed that the Austria-Hungary ultimatum to Serbia was an attempt to dominate the Serbian people.


Indo-European languages are spoken by over _____ of the world's population. A. 1/5 B. 1/4 C. 1/3 D. 1/2


The answer to this is C - 1/3


Indo-European languages are spoken by over __1/4___ of the world's population.

What best describes what social interest groups generally premote



Social interest groups, which are organized individuals' associations, pursue to influence public policy so as to accomplish their goals. These goals, which are intended to benefit citizens or a segment in a society, are achieved by lobbying.

give reason health eduction helps to prevent fatal diseases.



because it makes people aware of bad activities which cause fatal disease

What is a nuclear weapon
A. Nuclear weapons would be donated to smaller
countries that could not afford them.
B. There would be a need to increase weapons to
protect a nation.
C. There would be a stoppage of making more nuclear


The answer to your question is C

Governor Orval Faubus is associated with

A. the “Massive Resistance” speech.

B. the Southern Manifesto.

C. barring the integration of Little Rock Central High School.



Governor Orval Faubus is associated with which of the following?

The speech calling for “massive resistance”

The Southern Manifesto

The integration of Little Rock Central High School

the correct answer is C!!



Governor Orval Faubus is associated with barring the integration of Little Rock Central High School. Hence, the correct answer is option C.

Who was Orval Faubus?

Orval Eugene Faubus was an American politician who served as the Democratic Party's 36th Governor of Arkansas from 1955 until 1967. In 1957, he refused to comply with the unanimous judgment of the United States Supreme Court in the 1954 case Brown v. Board of Education, and ordered the Arkansas National Guard to keep black pupils out of Little Rock Central High School.

Orval Faubus was the longest-serving governor in Arkansas history, serving six consecutive terms. His record was progressive in many areas, but he is best known for his unsuccessful attempt to prevent the desegregation of Little Rock's Central High School in 1957.

Therefore, Governor Orval Faubus stopped the integration of Little Rock Central High School. The Little Rock Crisis was named after this occurrence.

To learn more on Orval Faubus, click here:



what is the name of the world most amazing mountain​


Hi! I think the mountain to your question is Mount Everest. I hope this helps, Goodluck :)

¿Qué demostraron la prensa y la propaganda patriota a los libertadores?


La invasión de la Península por parte de Napoleón supuso en España el inicio de la Guerra de Independencia y en las colonias americanas el arranque de los procesos emancipadores. Inicialmente, en América encontramos dos tendencias, realistas y patriotas, que comparten la lealtad al monarca español pero discrepan sobre la forma de ejercer el poder. El enfrentamiento entre estas dos corrientes dará lugar a las guerras de independencia. En estos conflictos ambos bandos recurrirán a la prensa para dar a conocer sus ideas, rechazar las del oponente y formar a los ciudadanos. Pese al escaso número de imprentas disponibles y al ínfimo porcentaje de la población que sabía leer, el interés de unos y otros por poner en marcha sus propias publicaciones revela la creciente importancia de la palaba escrita como arma de guerra.
Palabras clave: América; prensa; propaganda; prensa emancipadora; prensa realista; Guerras de Independencia.

The Progressive movement was a response to ______.

European Imperialism and American expansionism overseas
the effects of rapid industrialization, immigration, and urbanization
increased governmental involvement in people's lives



B. The effects of rapid industrialization, immigration, and urbanization


The main objectives of the Progressive movement were addressing problems caused by industrialization, urbanization, immigration, and political corruption.

How did the bonus army in Washington, D.C. respond to being told they were not getting their $500 in 1932?





World War I victory, the US government guaranteed in 1924 that veterans would get a bonus in 1945. The "Tombstone Prize" was another name for the bonus.


The "Tombstone Prize" another name for the bonus-If there was an official start to the movement, it would have been in Portland, Oregon. By May 17, 1932, 400 veterans had assembled there, led by a fellow veteran, Walter M. Waters. They started their long journey to Washington on a freight train that the rail authorities had provided them for free. They hitched rides and walked the rest of the way to Washington after getting off the train in Iowa on May 18. Smaller splinter parties made their own way to the capital. Around 1,500 men, some with their families, had arrived in Washington by June 1.

The veterans received their bonus four years later, in 1936, when Congress overrode President Franklin D. Roosevelt's veto. While World War II was still going on, Congress established the G.I. Bill in 1944 to help veterans get a better education.

Learn more about Bonus Army here-



It is a letter in a form of picture writing.

a. cuneiform c. bousterophedon

b. hieroglyphics d. old roman


C is the correct answer

In which of the following places is it legal to park?
A. In front of driveways
B. By curbs with no markings
C. By yellow painted curbs D. Next to a fire hydrant​



By curbs with no markings


Driveways are illegal for safety and convenience reasons

yellow painted curbs are for dropping off/picking up passengers

fire hydrants can't be blocked so the fire dept can access them

What was the Kansas- Nebraska act?


The Kansas–Nebraska Act of 1854 was a territorial organic act that created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska. It was drafted by Democratic Senator Stephen A. Douglas, passed by the 33rd United States Congress, and signed into law by President Franklin Pierce.


In 1854, Senator Stephen Douglas of Illinois proposed a bill to organize the Territory of Nebraska, a vast area of land that would become Kansas, Nebraska, Montana and the Dakotas. Known as the Kansas-Nebraska Act, the controversial bill raised the possibility that slavery could be extended into territories where it had once been banned. Its passage intensified the bitter debate over slavery in the United States, which would later explode into the Civil War.

Stephen Douglas and Westward Expansion

The discovery of gold in California in 1849, and California’s subsequent request to become a state, sparked a fierce battle in Congress. As California had banned slavery, its admission to the Union would upset the fragile balance between slave and free states. By the end of 1850, Senator Henry Clay (with Douglas’ help) had persuaded Congress to accept the Compromise of 1850. By its terms, California entered the Union as a free state, while the territories of Utah, New Mexico, Nevada and Arizona (all acquired in the Mexican-American War) were left to decide for themselves whether to permit slavery within their borders.

Did you know? Kansas was admitted as a free state in January 1861 only weeks after eight Southern states seceded from the union.

Douglas hoped this idea of “popular sovereignty” would resolve the mounting debate over the future of slavery in the United States and enable the country to expand westward with few obstacles. But the Compromise of 1850 (especially the strict new Fugitive Slave Act it contained) galvanized the abolitionist movement and fueled mounting debate over whether the institution of slavery should be allowed to expand along with the nation.

Introduction of the Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1854

Known as the “Little Giant,” Douglas was one of the country’s most prominent politicians by 1854, and was seen as a likely future president. He was also a big booster of the planned transcontinental railroad, which would provide faster, more reliable transportation across the country. Douglas wanted the railroad to be built along a northern route that would go through Chicago as well as a vast area of land known as the Nebraska Territory, which had been included in the Louisiana Purchase.

Southern slaveholders and their allies in Congress opposed Douglas’ initial bill to organize the Nebraska Territory. In 1821, the Missouri Compromise had outlawed slavery everywhere in the remaining Louisiana Purchase lands north of the 36º 30’ parallel, and the two proposed territories lay north of this line.

Douglas needed proslavery votes to pass his “Nebraska Bill,” as it was known at the time. To get them, he added an amendment that repealed the Missouri Compromise and created two new territories, Kansas and Nebraska. Settlers in each territory would vote on the issue of whether to permit slavery or not, according to the principle of popular sovereignty.

what were the causes of the Black Death, and why did it spread so quickly throughout Western Europe? Where was it most virulent? How did it affect European society?


Overpopulation, economic depression, famine, and bad health weakened the population of Europe. This made them more vulnerable to the plague. It was carried by rats on trade roots. A victims sneezing and wheezing also spread it from person to person.


Quizlet : Overpopulation, economic depression, famine, and bad health weakened the population of Europe. This made them more vulnerable to the plague. It was carried by rats on trade roots. A victims sneezing and wheezing also spread it from person to person. It was most virulent in port areas. This had a bad effect on European society.

The Black Death had many bad effects on European society. It caused people to be more pessimistic and think about death more. The labor supply shrunk and a caused a decline in the value of a noble's estate. The prices of food fell because there was less demand. Also, the price of manufactured goods and other luxuries rose. The plague caused people to take extreme measures for remedies.

Government works to maintain a competitive business environment by preventing __________.
too many new companies going into business all at once
one business from unfairly taking over a market
competition from outside the US
prices from becoming too high


Answer: C.





if theres a monopoly theres no competition

What was the main reason that foreign nations intervened in Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in 1990?



The main reason that foreign nations intervened in Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in 1990 was to protect interests in Kuwait's oil fields.

Which type of tax provides money to the federal government?
A) poll tax
B) Income tax
C) Property tax
D) Sales tax



Income tax



Income tax


People pay tax to the government yearly and those government make up the federal revenue

n the 1968 presidential campaign, Richard Nixon called for Group of answer choices stability and national law and order. an immediate withdrawal of American military forces in Vietnam. the diplomatic recognition of China. an end to the Cold War with the Soviet Union.



What is your question this seems like a statement


In the 1968 presidential campaign, Richard Nixon called for Group of answer choices stability and national law and order for "an immediate withdrawal of American military forces in Vietnam"

Who was Richard Nixon?

Richard Milhous Nixon was the 37th president of the United States, serving from 1969 to 1974. Known as Richard M. Nixon for most of his career, he was a member of the Republican Party who previously served as a representative and senator from California and was the 36th vice president from 1953 to 1961

In June 1969 Nixon announced the withdrawal of 25,000 U.S. troops from Vietnam. In September he announced further troop withdrawals, and by March 1970 he was announcing the phased withdrawal of 150,000 troops over the next year.

Hence, option A is correct.

To learn more about Vietnam, here



President Ronald Reagan's foreign policy was based on achieving which of
the following goals?
O A. Forming alliances with moderate communist organizations
O B. Reducing American commitments abroad to reduce military
O C. Ensuring that the U.S. military was larger than the Soviet military
O D. Reducing support for Israel to gain support from Middle Eastern



C.  Ensuring that the U.S. military was larger than the Soviet military


President Ronald Reagan's foreign policy was set to C. Ensure that the U.S. military was larger than the Soviet military.

What is foreign policy?

foreign policy serves as general objectives which direct the activities and relationships of a county in relation with another country.

Therefore, one of the President Ronald Reagan's foreign policy is to achieve a big military set up so as to withstand any nation in the world.

Learn more about foreign policy at;


The main purpose for creating the United Nations was to _____.

1. create a homeland for the Jews
2. help prevent future world wars
3. run the German government
4. write peace treaties


2. Help prevent future world wars
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