What was the name of the school where Bir Bahadur worked?​


Answer 1


Patan Secondary School, Lalitpur

Answer 2


The name of the school that Bir Bahadur worked at was Patan.

Hope this helps

of it isn't correct than text me

Related Questions

When the article states, "These neurohormones are like solvents that help your body process and recover from stressful situations." What type of literary device is being used here? What inference can be drawn from this literary device?





The sentence shown above is using the literary device called a simile. This feature allows the author of the text to make a comparison between two different things, which can present something related between them. In other words, the simile appears when it says that "one thing is like another thing,"

In this case, they can affirm that in the sentence shown in the question above, the simile was used in the expression "These neurohormones are like solvents".

Which sentence uses the underlined
vocabulary word incorrectly?
A. With a look of asperity, the teacher silenced the rowdy boys.
B. With the obstinacy, of a mule, the child refused to leave the
bouncy house,
C. The smell in the air had a vociferation about it.


Answer: C used the underlined word incorrectly. Vociferation means: to utter loudly or to shout, which wouldn't make any sense in this sentence.

Explanation: C sux, it's wronggg!


Help plzz This narrative element involves everything about where and when the story happens, possibly including the time in history, the day of the week, the time of day, whether it's a special day, and what the location is like.

rising action
sensory language


ANSWER:Fiction is make-believe, invented stories. They may be short stories, fables, vignettes, plays, novellas, or novels. Although writers may base a character on people they have met in real life, the characters and the experiences that the character faces in the story are not real.

So, how does a writer write fiction? Characters, setting, plot, conflict, point of view, and theme are six key elements for writing fiction.


Characters are the people, animals, or aliens in the story. Readers come to know the characters through what they say, what they think, and how they act.

E. M. Forster, an English novelist, identified that characters are either flat or round. Flat characters do not play important roles in the stories. They often have only one or two traits with little description about them. A flat character may even be a stock character, which is a stereotypical figure that is easily recognized by readers, for example, the mad scientist or the evil stepmother.

On the other hand, the round characters play an important role, often the lead roles in stories. They are complex, dimensional, and well-developed. The stories are about them; therefore, pages of writing will be about them. They often change by going through a life-changing experience as the story unfolds.

When discussing stories with other readers and writers or when writing an analysis of a story, fictional characters can be described as static or developing. Static means the character stays the same throughout the story. They do not change. Developing, also called dynamic, means the character changes. The change may impact the character’s beliefs, attitudes, or actions. The change may be small or large. This change occurs because the character experiences an epiphany, an insight about life.

If writers write about characters outside their own culture, they need to do research so as not to misrepresent a particular culture. The same is also true of characters, who have illnesses. The writer may need to research the illness and treatment for it in order to be accurate about it.


Setting is where and when the story takes place. It includes the following:

The immediate surroundings of the characters such as props in a scene: trees, furniture, food, inside of a house or car, etc.

The time of day such as morning, afternoon, or night.

The weather such as cloudy, sunny, windy, snow, or rain, etc.

The time of year, particularly the seasons: fall, winter, summer, spring.

The historical period such as what century or decade the story takes place.

The geographical location including the city, state, country, and possibly even the universe, if the writer is writing science fiction.

Setting can function as a main force that the characters encounter, such as a tornado or flood, or a setting can play a minor role such as setting the mood. Often times, the setting can reveal something about the main character as he/she functions in that place and time period.

Writers write about places they are familiar with. If they aren’t familiar with the place, then they need to research it in order to be accurate about the place.


Plot is the order of events in the story. The plot usually follows a particular structure called Freytag’s Pyramid. Gustav Freytag, a German playwright who lived during the 1800s, identified this structure.

Freytag’s Pyramid has five parts: exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and denouement, also known as resolution. See Figure 3.1

ANSWER: c setting


Answer: B setting

Explanation: Hope this helps and i would appreciate it if i got brainliest :)

Giant Squid
by Mary Heath

Giant squid live in waters off southern Australia. Zoologists at the Tasmanian Museum study the invertebrates. Giant squid are called colossal squid. Giant squid live in waters off New Zealand, too. Giant squid contain high levels of ammonia. Recently, a giant squid weighing 550 pounds was found on an Australian beach. The dead squid was 26 feet long from the tip of its body to the end of its tentacles. Giant squid are not common in other parts of the world. Although some people eat squid, scientists said the giant squid would not taste very good. People eat squid called calamari.

Which of these sentences should be added to the passage as a supporting detail?

A.Sharks and other marine life share the waters off southern Australia.

B.The giant squid was shorter than a train.

C.The giant squid measures three feet across at its widest point.

D.Sperm whales live off the coast of other countries, too.​





C is correct


C.The giant squid measures three feet across at its widest point.


please help i’ll give brainliest if you give a correct answer tysm :))




Simile uses like it as and it is obvious


Its B. because she is struggling to carry groceries so she is waddling "like" a penguin. but her feet are not shaped like a penguin. Lol

02.06 Introduction Paragraph
Using the ideas you previously wrote in your Information Research Chart, you will write the introduction of your informational article.

View the grading rubric as you complete your work. This is your guide to a super submission.

1. Read through the Information Research Chart that you previously prepared. Write a well-developed introductory paragraph of four or more sentences.
- Use an anecdote or quotation hook.
- Write your thesis statement. This is your three-part idea that answers the question: >What problems do my everyday monster cause, who does it affect, and how can it be solved?
>states idea about the topic in one sentence
>can be supported with valid evidence such as facts, expert testimony, and research
>does not include feelings or emotions
>is written in the third person point of view
2. Use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling



  The Komodo dragon is the world's largest living reptile. The Komodo dragons are carnivores and will devour any animal they are capable of dismembering and gulping down. They have great appetites for deer, wild boar, water buffalo, dogs, goats, rats, snakes, birds and once in a great while humans. They hunt by ambush by hiding in the scrub brush along trails and in the tall grass of the savannas. The Komodo Dragon reaches lengths of up to 12 feet long and weighs up to 300 pounds. These reptiles are swift runners and climbers. .

            The Komodo dragon is found mainly on the Indonesian islands of Komodo, Rintja, Padar and Flores. The Komodo population includes only about 350 breeding females out of 5,000 animals. Scientists are concerned that as human populations grow, the Komodo dragons limited habitat shrinks. The primary threats to the dragon's survival include illegal hunting and loss of habitat to human settlement. The Komodo dragons were sought as trophies by big-game hunters. They were also killed for skin and feet. Legal protection of the Komodo dragon has reduced commercial hunting but they are sometimes poisoned by villagers to protect children and domestic animals. In order to protect the dragon, the Indonesian government has made the islands of Padar and Rintja into nature reserves for both the lizard and its prey. .

            The Komodo dragons are good swimmers and they often hunt in the surf for fish and birds. They carry poisonous bacteria in their mouths. Even if the victim gets away, it usually dies from infection in a few days. The dragon's reputation as a human eater is well deserved, it does not seem to fear humans and many attacks and deaths have been reported.



credit =- ahhhhh2001


The Komodo dragon is the world's largest living reptile. The Komodo dragons are carnivores and will devour any animal they are capable of dismembering and gulping down. They have great appetites for deer, wild boar, water buffalo, dogs, goats, rats, snakes, birds and once in a great while humans. They hunt by ambush by hiding in the scrub brush along trails and in the tall grass of the savannas. The Komodo Dragon reaches lengths of up to 12 feet long and weighs up to 300 pounds. These reptiles are swift runners and climbers. .

           The Komodo dragon is found mainly on the Indonesian islands of Komodo, Rintja, Padar and Flores. The Komodo population includes only about 350 breeding females out of 5,000 animals. Scientists are concerned that as human populations grow, the Komodo dragons limited habitat shrinks. The primary threats to the dragon's survival include illegal hunting and loss of habitat to human settlement. The Komodo dragons were sought as trophies by big-game hunters. They were also killed for skin and feet. Legal protection of the Komodo dragon has reduced commercial hunting but they are sometimes poisoned by villagers to protect children and domestic animals. In order to protect the dragon, the Indonesian government has made the islands of Padar and Rintja into nature reserves for both the lizard and its prey. .

           The Komodo dragons are good swimmers and they often hunt in the surf for fish and birds. They carry poisonous bacteria in their mouths. Even if the victim gets away, it usually dies from infection in a few days. The dragon's reputation as a human eater is well deserved, it does not seem to fear humans and many attacks and deaths have been reported.

Help asap if you want brainliest. And no fake answers.



Sorrow and lyrical I’m pretty sure!





because it would only makes sense for the dead

I will give the Brainliest Answer Help

Write what these words mean or explain the words



Challah means jewish bread/cuisine

poking means:ab or prod (someone or something), especially with one's finger.

clap back respond quickly to critical remarks or unfair treatment.

Ashen is:(of a person's face) very pale with shock, fear, or illness.,(of a person's face) very pale with shock, fear, or illness.,of the pale gray color of ash.


why were playhouses built in the suburbs



Puritan leaders had playhouses and theaters banned from the city of London because they felt that the theatre prevented people from going to church. ... Playhouses were banned from the city limits of London (London proper) so they were built in the surrounding suburbs/outskirts of London.



B edge 2021


authorites restricted playhouse in the city

You usually use initials and acronyms in blank writing





These are commonly used in technical writing. Searched it up ;) Hope this helps!! :)

Identify the most appropriate conjunctive adverb for each sentence.


Where are the sentences?


instead- she could have applied for a scholarship...she chose to take a student loan and pay the tuition fee.

then- first he whipped the eggs and added them to the flour... he baked the mixture

besides- she had always wanted to go outer space because her father was an astronaut.... she loved physics and astronomy

meanwhile- the firefighters battled the blaze bravely; their families waited anxiously for the news.


I said what I said

the hotel agent receive the tourist at the airport change into passive voice

plz solve this​



The tourist were received at the airport by the hotel agent

Three brothers, travelling along a lonely, winding road at twilight reached a deep treacherous
river where anyone who attempted to swim or wade would drown. Learned in the magical
arts, the brothers conjured a bridge with their wands and proceed to cross. Halfway through
the bridge, a hooded figure stood before them. The figure was the enraged spirit of Death,
cheated of his due.
What is the tone of this passage?
Aggressive and angry
Detached and resigned
Menacing and foreboding
Concerned and compassionate



Menacing and foreboding


(Good luck)

What do you feel has been the easiest part of Virtual Learning?



um staying at home


All of the following are strategies that can be used to figure out an "implied main idea" EXCEPT:
Marking brainliest
A. figuring out how well the author utilized parallel structure
B. closely looking at the topic sentence
C. considering how the supporting details all connect
D. reflecting on the overall topic



D. reflecting on the overall topic


The main idea is not always clearly stated. It is more difficult to identify the main idea when it is inferred or implied. It can be implied through other words in the paragraph. An implied main idea can be found in several ways.

1. Several sentences in a paragraph can imply the main idea by introducing facts about the topic before actually stating the topic.

2. Implied ideas can be drawn from facts, reasons, or examples that give hints or suggestions concerning the main idea. These hints will be clues leading you to discover the main idea in the selected text.

Try the passage below to see if you can pick out the main idea.

How is Esperanza the minor protagonist character in the house on mango street



Esperanza starts off the book being a young girl of eleven years. The book ends on her 14th birthday when she finally learns to be appreciative of the things that she has.

Explanation: The House on Mango Street

Which lines from the reading best show the Cyclops to be an antagonist?
A. As soon as he'd (the Cyclops) briskly finished all his chores / he lit
his fire and spied us in the blaze.../ The hearts inside us shook, /
terrified by his rumbling voice and monstrous hulk.
B. I approached my host [the Cyclops] with a cordial, winning word.
C. [T]he monster relit his fire and milked his handsome ewes.
D. Our party quickly made its way into the cave / but we failed to find
our host [the Cyclops] himself inside.


Answer: I think its A

Explanation: The sentence "The hearts inside us shook" could mean the fear they get from the Cyclops




Can someone please give me a summary to the odyssey book 21?




Summary: Book 21

Penelope gets Odysseus’s bow out of the storeroom and announces that she will marry the suitor who can string it and then shoot an arrow through a line of twelve axes. Telemachus sets up the axes and then tries his own hand at the bow, but fails in his attempt to string it. The suitors warm and grease the bow to make it supple, but one by one they all try and fail.

Meanwhile, Odysseus follows Eumaeus and Philoetius outside. He assures himself of their loyalty and then reveals his identity to them by means of the scar on his foot. He promises to treat them as Telemachus’s brothers if they fight by his side against the suitors.

When Odysseus returns, Eurymachus has the bow. He feels disgraced that he cannot string it, because he knows that this failure proves his inferiority to Odysseus. Antinous suggests that they adjourn until the next day, when they can sacrifice to Apollo, the archer god, before trying again. Odysseus, still disguised, then asks for the bow. All of the suitors complain, fearing that he will succeed. Antinous ridicules Odysseus, saying that the wine has gone to his head and that he will bring disaster upon himself, just like the legendary drunken centaur Eurytion. Telemachus takes control and orders Eumaeus to give Odysseus the bow. Needless to say, Odysseus easily strings it and sends the first arrow he grabs whistling through all twelve axes.

Which excerpt from "Black Hole Beginnings" would this image best support in a multimedia presentation?
A- As more stuff gathers, its combined gravitation grows stronger.
B- . . . the nuclei are going so fast that their speed overpowers their repulsion.
C- In one giant, sudden WHOOOOOSH!, the center of the star compresses.
D- . . . the crushing weight of the star material continues to press inward.



A- As more stuff gathers, its combined gravitation grows stronger.


According to the given image, the excerpt from "Black Hole Beginnings" that would best support the image in a multimedia presentation is option A.

This is because, as more stuff gathers, its combined gravitation grows stronger and they are attracted to each other which is illustrated in the image.


a is the answer


The human skull is older than the fish fossil is a type of relative dating. true or false?


ummmmmmmmmm trueeeee

Which of the following sentences contains imagery?

A: I told Charlie I had a lot of homework to do
B: i could hear the waves crashing against the rocks somewhere nearby.
I opened my eyes and looked around.

D: "It was nice to see you again," Jacob said.



It is B: i could hear the waves crashing against the rocks somewhere nearby. I might be wrong.

What type of verb is “sang” in the following sentence
Over by the window merry sang with her mom
A.helping verb
B.linking verb
C.action verb



What type of verb is “sang” in the following sentence

Over by the window merry sang with her mom

A.helping verb

B.linking verb

C.action verb

Explanation: Its c

Part C
Do the film version and the original story have the same plot? Does the film version make any noticeable changes to the
plot? If there are changes in plot, why do you think the director decided to make them? If there are no changes, why not?


no. yes. because he/she wanted to give it some more intese drama. there are some none things that they belived were pefercted so they didnt change.

Use the abbreviation below to label the sentence pattern. S=subject V=verb IO=indirect object DO=direct object PA=predicate adjective PN=predicate noun Leroy swims at 3:00p.M. Every day.





Sentence pattern refers to the specific sentence construction pattern that is followed so as to form a meaningful sentence. The sentence pattern here is subject+verb.

In the given sentence, 'Leroy' is the subject and 'swims' is the verb.

There is no direct or indirect object in the sentence.

Here, 'Leroy' is the subject and 'swims at 3:00 P.M. everyday' is the predicate.

'Leroy' is the action performer. 'At' is the preposition and 'everyday' is the adverb.

chapter 2 percy jackson & the sea of monsters question/ Why did no one else realize the kids had turned into monsters?



They didn't see them trasnform because of the Mist.



The mist obsucred their vision. Demigods also suffer from the effects of the mist since their half-mortal, some are more affected than others.

hope this helped! :))

Which word has a VCe syllable with a long u sound?
A. applause
B. conclude
C. injure
D. purple



Its conclude


I know its conclude because it has that long u sound and its has 2 syllables.

Hope this helps!!!

Can I have Brainliest???

Identify a character trait for the main character of "How to Fight a Monster."



answer choices please so I can give you the answer to your question on whatever you need it for.

5. Do you trust this author? Do you think this author is deceptive? Why or why


Can you give more background on this. Who’s the author? What did they write about?
Is there a story to go with this question

Hi guys my final grades were due yesterday and I thought I wasn't gonna be able to pass but I made it!! As and Bs after the most stressful month ever! Just need one more semester of high school and I’m done



Heyy thx for the points!!!


Congrats on passing your first semester!!!


Well congratulations glad you made it. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year early.


Hope you have a great weekend

1. Which of the following can be wreaked?
(a) audacity
(b) prudence
(d) destruction





it can be wrecked




wreaked means cause (a large amount of damage or harm

Other Questions
Which of the following was a problem for the British army at the beginning of the American Revolution?1) Experience of the officers2) Financial support3) Knowledge of the terrain4) Age of the equipment I could really use the help Label each remaining tick mark with its value. aAdults: 0, 2, 6, 4, 8. Children: 0, 24, 76, 48, 96. bAdults: 0, 2, 3, 4, 8. Children: 0, 24, 48, 72, 96. cAdults: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8. Children: 0, 24, 48, 72, 96. dAdults: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8. Children: 0, 24, 12, 6, 96. will give brinley! :) yea yea yea yea yea help please i have a zero in this class lol 50 POINTS!! write a poem about Christmas, it has to be two stanzas long, make the tone joyful. (Cloudy Day) Lines 9 - 12 and 20 - 23 refer to the presence of the guards. What ideas about prison life are conveyed by these references?"the wind carried our worlds over the fence, while the vigilant guard on the tower held his cap at the sudden gust" "The brim girded with barbwire with the gusty sitting there also, listening intently to the sounds as clouds cover the sun" thomas jeffersons main contribution to the american revolution was- On your bike, you can travel 6 miles per hour. Which variable is independent? A rock thrown with a horizontal velocity of 20m/s from a cliff that is 125m above level ground. If air resistance is negligible, the time that it takes the rock to fall to the ground from the cliff is most nearly A.3s B.5s C.6s D.12s E.25s What is the most important factor that determines the thickness, and therefore strength, of the lithosphere? What percent of 75 is 21??? Help I'm bad at math and didn't listen lol- . A basketball player made 12 out of the 30 shots she attempted. What percent of shots did the basketball player make? * for the following equation to be bal A recipe calls for the following spices: 18 teaspoon of turmeric, 18 teaspoon of ginger, and 14 teaspoon of cumin. What is the total quantity of these three spices? Answer these 5 questions please Which of the following graphs represents the slope of -1 - 3 Una zorra que huia de unos cazadores vio a un lenadory le suplicoque la escondiera. El la invito a entrar a su cabaa para ocultarse. Nomucho despus, aparecieron los cazadores y preguntaron allenadorsi haba visto pasar a una zorra. El otro negaba de voz haberia vistopero con las manos sealaba hacia donde estaba escondida. Comono atendieron a las seas, los cazadores le creyeron solo de palabraLa zorra, cuando vio que se habian ido, se march sin dirigirle lapalabra al leador. Este se quej porque, si bien l la habia salvado.La zorra y el leadorEsopoAutores y obrasdestacadasscubre masche de oroerrepidque los cuentosicos tambinaban aleccionaroceden de la tradicinno se consideranlas porque el cuentomayor flexibilidadstructura y personajesGoran Encodepate1875LoremContemerseatrey Chaucesi los gestos de tus manos hubieran coincidido con tus palabrasella no se lo agradecia. Y dijela zorra: "Pues yo te daria las graciasEsta fbula conviene a aquellos hombres que predican elevadosvalores, pero que actan con bajeza.copilacin de CentOSIrres de losLes ComCuentascheOntario de CharlesParrot 12628-1703Esopo. (s.f) la zorra y el leador Oudad SevaRecuperado de http://gpoemx/keudo1. Retoma el texto y transformalo en el inicio de una epopeya en elsiguiente espacio. Modifica los elementos que consideres necesarios 9. Which of these was NOT a technological invention before theAmerican Civil War?A. The telegraphC. The telephoneB. Railroads-Steam EnginesD. the Erie Canal Which two Canadian Provinces are in the United Province of Canada?O Ontarioo QuebecO VancouverO Nova Scotia