What was the purpose of the Declaration of Independence?
Served as a warning against Native Americans.
Informed everyone of America's break away from Britain.
Was written only to Americans
Was a message sent to the troops fighting the war
Question 4 (5 points)


Answer 1


The main purpose of America's Declaration of Independence was to explain to foreign nations why the colonies had chosen to separate themselves from Great Britain.


Related Questions

Read the paragraph.

High school students are busy juggling responsibilities and fun. They often go to bed late and wake up early. This is a mistake because teenagers need about nine hours of sleep each night. Sleep strengthens every part of the body, including the brain and muscles. Students who get enough sleep have better memories and healthier bodies. Without sleep, young people are distracted and are more likely to have accidents.

The topic of the paragraph is


The topic is about sleep and why it's important for students to have enough sleep, as they often stay up late.

Which sentence in paragraph 4 is in the passive voice?
Select one:
O a. (21) A variety of solutions has been suggested.
O b.(22) They address various aspects of the problem.
O c. (24) They suggest tighter controls on Internet use and the
installation of security cameras in teachers' offices,
O d. (25) These measures might help reduce cheating.



I think it is the last one

I. Rewrite the following sentences, keeping the meaning unchanged.

1. How long is it since you came here?
2.When did your mother watch that play?
->How long..
3.How long is it since you met each other?
->when have....
4. When did John buy the car?
->how long is it...
5. How long is it since Tom left school?
6. When did you read that novel?
7. How long has she done that exercise?
->when did...
8. When did you phone her?
->how long
9. How long have his parents visted him ?
->how long ago...
10. How long has your aunt lived in that city? ->How long ago...
11. When did you first know him?
12. When did you start the project?
->How long...
13. How long have you learnt French?
→How long ago..
15. How long has your sister worked for this company?
->How long ago.
16. I haven't seen her for a long time.
-> I didn't..
17. We haven't written to each other since 2001.
->We didn't.
18. I last wrote to my uncle in July.
->I haven't...
19. I haven't heard him since August.
->The last time...
20. Lan hasn't written to Maryam for two months.
-> Lan didn't..
21. The last time I went to that restaurant was 4 days ago..
→I last
22. Minh last wrote to Nga five months ago.
→Minh has....
23. His parents haven't visited that place since they were students.
->the last time.
24. The last time I went to Japan was 4 days ago.
.-> I last
25. I haven't heard this story for a long time. ->The last time..
26. Maryam hasn't written to Lan since their first meeting.
->Maryam last..
27.I haven't seen his sister since last month.
->I didn't...



1. How long has it been since you came here?

2. How long did your mother watch that play?

3. How long has it been since you met each other?

4. How long has it been since John bought the car?



8 I hate shopping _____ clothes. A to ■ B by ■ C for ■ 9 My brother borrowed $10 _____ me last month. A from ■ B by ■ C to ■ 10 It isn't a good idea to get _____ debt. A for ■ B into ■ C on ■ 11 He paid for dinner _____ cash. A in ■ B for ■ C by ■ 12 The hotel charged me $25 _____ a two-minute phone call! A for ■ B of ■ C from ■ 13 Tina still hasn't paid me _____ the money I lent her! A with ■ B back ■ C up ■



8/ c. for

9/ from me

10/ on

11 / in

12 / for

13 / back

Rita got her dress __(washed wash to wash washing)​



Rita got her dress washed.

what is logical evidence



its a piece of evidence or an argument that has been scientifically proven to be true by an expecialist, its an inevitable truth like "you've passed by this door because your muddy footsteps are at the door"


Which two excerpts avoid wordiness and redundancy





It is the most straight to the point answer.

___ is writing that is not influenced by personal feelings or opinions.


Answer: Dialogue


0) Excerpt from Pride and Prejudice (#4) Jane Austen Not all that Mrs. Bennet, however, with the assistance of her five daughters, could ask on the subject, was sufficient to draw from her husband any satisfactory description of Mr. Bingley. They attacked him in various ways--with barefaced questions, ingenious suppositions, and distant surmises, but he eluded the skill of them all, and they were at last obliged to accept the second-hand intelligence of their neighbour, Lady Lucas. What does the term eluded mean as it is used in the first paragraph? A) aid B) avoided C)confront D) encounter​



write letter to your house master telling him about three problem facing in your dormmetry


its c free indirect speech :)



UNIT 6. WILL & BE GOING TOI. Supply the correct verb form:
1. Jack: We need some bread for lunch Ben: Oh, do we? I _____________ (go) to the shop and get some. I feel like a walk Before he goes out, Ben talks to Jane: Ben: I _____________ (get) some bread! Do you want anything from the shop? Jane: Yes, I need some envelopes Ben: Okay, I _____________ (get) some
2. John has to go to the airport to catch a plane. He hasn’t got a car. John: Alan, can you take me to the airport this evening? Alan: Of course, I _____________ (take) you. I’d be delighted Later that day, Eric offers to take John to the airport Eric: John, do you want me to take you to the airport? John: No, thanks, Eric. Alan _____________ (take) me
3. A: Has George decided what to do when he leaves school? B: Oh, yes. Everything is planned. He _____________ (have) a holiday for a few weeks and then He _____________ (do) a computer programming course
4. You have made an appointment with the dentist for Friday morning Friend: Shall we meet on Friday morning You: I can’t on Friday. I _____________ (go) to the dentist
5. A: Did you post that letter for me? B: Oh, I’m sorry. I completely forgot. I _____________ (do) it now
6. A: What shall we have for dinner? B: I don’t know. I can’t make up my mind A: Come on, hurry up! Make a decision! B: Okay then. We _____________ (have) chicken
7. A: The ceiling in this room doesn’t look very safe, does it? B: No, It looks as if it _____________ (fall) down
8. A: Can I speak to Marco? B: Hold on, I _____________ (get) him


1. Will go, can get,

What is a peer group?

people from the same culture

people who have nothing in common

people of similar age, who share similar interests

people in one’s biological family



people of similar age, who share similar interests

Harper Lee was born in Maycomb, Alabama.





True,Harper Lee was born in maycomb Alabama


no its false

coz harper lee was born in Monroeville , Alabama.

Which detail best characterizes the narrators uncle in the excerpt in a journey to the center of the earth


Hi. Unfortunately you didn't show the excerpt your question refers to. This makes it impossible for your question to be answered. However, when searching for your question on the internet, I could find another question exactly like yours, which had the text shown in the attached figure. In that case, I hope the answer below will help you.

A detail of the text that characterizes the narrator's uncle well are the lines "As I said, my uncle, Professor Hardwigg, was a very learned man; and I now add a most kind relative."

That's because these lines summarize two very striking points of the narrator's uncle's personality, which allows the reader to have a strong view of this man and even be able to understand the way he behaves throughout the story. In addition, the narrator shows evidence that the uncle has, in fact, these characteristics, showing how the uncle is a cultured and scholarly man, who values science and studies, especially in relation to mineralogy, in addition to showing that the uncle valued family ties and was very affectionate with his relatives.

Before finalizing your answer, it is important that you know that "Journey to the center of the earth" is a book written by Jules Verne, which shows the story of how Axel, the narrator, and his uncle discover an ancient document that guide them to a series of underground caves, where they live many adventures.

You can find more information in the following related questions:


it’s a rare thing for me to be absent from his lectures is correct !!

Define personification


giving a nonhuman thing human characteristics
Giving something that is non human human characteristics

III. Give the correct form of the word in the brackets to complete the following sentences.
16. The house was left _______ for most of the year. (USE)
17. Never leave young children ________. (ATTEND)
18. She’s _________ in her own language.(LITERATE)
19. Samples of _______ were drawn using sterile syringes.(BLEED)
20. The animals huddled together for _______.(WARM)


16. Unused.
17. Unattended.
18. Literate.
19. Blood.
20. Warmth.

You are trying to persuade members of your class to volunteer to tutor underprivileged children Is it Ethos, Pathos, or Logos and why.



Pathos appeals to the audience's emotions and evokes feelings.


Logos or the appeal to logic is the use of logic or reason to persuade an audience.

Ethos  It is an appeal to authority and credibility in persuasive language. Ensuring an audience of the speaker/or writer's argument's reliability or credibility. Making yourself (or your argument) appear credible and trustworthy will help you persuade your audience.

on their vacation the Stovin's are going to go to India which they have both been interested in visiting ever since an Indian family moved in next door for commons


Answer: what question not clear


Why did Jonathan think himself as extraordinarily lucky? (Civil peace)



a. Why did Jonathan think of himself as 'extraordinarily lucky'? ➜ In the story, Jonathan thought himself is extraordinary lucky because he and his family with his house were saved in the Nigerian war. Moreover, he got his bicycle back and could repair his house cheaply.

A counterclaim is?
A. a claim that includes a true statement.
B. an argument made against a claim.
C. an examination of a claim
D. evidence used against a claim.



I think the answer is B♥️


An argument made against a claim




what is the best thing that has happened ?



A significant milestone for me as a student, would be graduation day.

Select the correct text in the passage . Which detall best creates tension in the plot “the tell-tale heart”


The correct answer is: I moved it slowly - very, very, slowly.


Suspense is a term to refer to the expectation about the resolution of a situation causing tension or impatient expectation of the viewer or reader. According to the above, it can be inferred that the sentence "I moved it slowly- very, very slowly" because it describes an action that is being performed slowly and is described in great detail causing tension in the reader as the reader wanders wether the protagonist of the story will be discovered as he tries to enter to the room. According to the above, the correct answer is: I moved it slowly - very, very, slowly.

can i ask if the orange is orange, it is named orange or it called orange ? ​




Orange the fruit came first. The word came into English either from Old French 'pomme d'orenge', or from the Spanish 'naranja' (with the subsequent transfer of the 'n' over to the indefinite article, as per 'apron' and 'adder', originally 'napron' and 'nadder'). The Spanish word is itself a modification of the Arabic 'naaranj' (cf. also Persian 'naarang'). Our colour term thus derives from the name of the fruit, not the other way round; we also have apricot, peach, violet, lilac, maroon, indigo, burgundy, and so on, which show how productive this process of colour naming is

To speak truly, few adult persons can see nature. Which sentence from Nature best supports Emerson’s claim? I am glad to the brink of fear. Nature is a setting that fits equally well a comic or a mourning piece. The sun illuminates only the eye of the man, but shines into the eye and the heart of the child. In the woods too, a man casts off his years, as the snake his slough, and at what period soever of life, is always a child.



The sun illuminates only the eye of the man but shines into the eye and the heart of the child.

The author expresses that most adults have a very superficial way of seeing things. They cannot truly appreciate the beauty of nature. Only a true nature lover whose inward and outward senses are truly aligned and adjusted to each other is able to appreciate nature's beauty. This quality is present in every child but only a few men are able to retain this quality into adulthood

5. Imagine you are the manager of a company that organizes celebrations and

parties, and you've been put in charge of organizing a high school dance.


any three of Fayol's five management functions and describe what

performing that function will look like in preparing for this job.



You must begin by determining who will not be working on the project and who will be working on it. I would also include a list of the items we would require, as well as any decorations. Following that, I'll look at which restaurants I'd like to do catering for. Following the planning step, I must organize the tasks that each employee must do. In addition, I must order the staff in a detailed manner so that they understand their responsibilities.

What is the best revision of the error in sentence
[1] On her way home from practice, Rebekka
found a gold man's watch. [2] She wasn't sure
what to do. [3] There was no name engraved
on the back. [4] Looking at the gold links on
the band, the watch seemed to Rebekka to be
expensive. [5] She felt badly that someone
had lost such a nice watch.
"gold watch of a man"
"man's gold watch"
"man's watch of gold"



"man's gold watch"


just got it right.


first one is BAD

second one is MANS GOLD WATCH



just took it on edge lol (。_。)

If you were a principal and you had to hire some new teachers for your school, what qualities would you look for in a teacher? Explain what would make a good teacher.
Please give a good answer it doesn't have to be very long. The answer should just have very good points in them. ​


I a good teacher must:

love to teach;be a good learner, open to new knowledge that may upset or erode what he or she may have previously learned;make learning enjoyable for students- using different methods and tools, such as games, storytelling, challenges, experiments, "real-life" examples, riddles, etc.; be able to adapt to different students, learning technology and environments, and educational institutions;know about the subject matter he or she teaches;be able to learn by experience and by sharing with other teachers;use evaluations as a development tool for self and students- not as an instrument for punishmentconsider each failing student a challenge;help students become full members of the Knowledge Society- by developing their skills to learn and teach.



1. The teacher has to be loyal and trustworthy.

2. She/he should maintain a good bond with the children.

3. They should be always willing to help the kids

1. Make a list of festivals that you celebrate. Then, share your list with your friends.​



The festival that I celebrate are as follows :

DashainTihar Holi ChristmasBudhajayanti Maghe sankranti ID etc


Hansik, Korean Traditional Food, is known to start and finish on the ground: slow, humble and vivid. The practice of fermenting vegetables, peppers and beans inside jars reveals their need to keep the land close. It exposes the secret behind the characteristic deep and complex flavor of ingredients.


Hansik is a korean festival we used to celebrate. It starts 105 days after Dongji(Water Solstice).

Hope it will be helpful!

What are some reasons adults should read fairy tales? Reasons I've already listed:
-Can encourage creativity
-Can teach lifelong lessons

I need one more!



helps to relax and drive away stress

6. Which is NOT a complete sentence?
I smell the flowers.
Tammy bought a purse today.
Red and blue socks in her room.
Did you eat breakfast?



I smell the flowers


can u help me plz asap
plz plz
i will give brainliest u


Answer: You want to be a doctor. Make sure you be very specific and detailed, ok?


Will be doing: I'm a doctor, I specifically work for the lower rank emergency.

Will still want to do: I really hope to be higer ranked one day.

Will have done: I went through my med school with flying colors. I tried hard to my top of my classes.

Won't have done: Unfortunately, my first plan as a lawyer didnt make the cut. I went for the second best option!

Other Questions
Following someone's every move on social media, including where they go and who they associate with, is an example of cyberstalking domestic harassment verbal harassment visual harassment find area of a square garden having a length 45m How has the development of technology positively affected our wellness?A. It has provided entertainment in which people are less active.B. It has increased the quality and availability of treatments.C. It has increased the amount of advertising on the Internet.D Some technology has led to an increase in pollution.Please select the best answer from the choices provided.BMark this and returnSave and ExitNextSubmit 31. Which choice describes the value of m when -5(m + 1) = 23?B.m 2-3ms-6 m2D.ms- evaluate (-1)^6-4^0+(3/7)^0 A ball is dropped from the roof of a 25-m-tall building. What is the velocity of the object when it touches the ground? Suppose the ball is a perfect golf ball and it bounces such that the ve locity as it leaves the ground has the same magnitude but the op posite direction as the velocity with which it reached the ground How high will the ball bounce? Now suppose instead that the ball bounces back to a height of 20 m. What was the velocity with which it left the ground? what is the value of x Which of the following paragraphs would not fit into the body of an essay withthe thesis below?Thesis: Choosing where to attend college was a difficultdecision; I knew that my family needed me, but I alsodesired to expand my own horizons of learning andexperience more of the world.A. A paragraph about personal education goals during the collegeperiodB. A paragraph describing the athletic opportunities at a college outof stateC. A paragraph comparing the benefits of colleges close to home andcolleges far awayD. A paragraph discussing the specific needs of the family What volume of 1.50 mol/L stock solution is needed to make 125 mL of 0.60 mol/L solution? Setting y = 0 allows you to determine the what of a graph Suppose the distributor charges the artist a $40.00 cost for distribution, and the streaming services pays $4.00 per unit. (Note: One unit = one thousand streams)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Formula: y = 40x + 4 (Graph Attached)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -After how many streams will you pay for the distributor charges? (Hint: this is where the line crosses the x-axis, round to the nearest thousand) In A Journey to the Center of the Earth if the Theory or Central Fire were true, what would be happening?The humans would become roasted very quickly.The rocks should become more solid as they get closer to the center of the Earth.The temperature should be increasing as they descend into Earth.The temperature should be decreasing as they descend into Earth. in a fruit punch drink,the 3 ingredients are apple juice,orange juice and cramberry juice.if 3/4 of the drink is apple juice and 1/10 is orange juice then write the ratio of cranberry juice to apple juice to orange juice in its simplest form Nobody helps me in need. (into affirmative) Which choice correctly shows the solution(s) of the equation x2 = 1442A)x= 144B)x=V12X=--V144D)x = 1V144 trnh by cc vai tr ca o c kinh doanh trong pht trin doanh nghip What number line shows Point A at -4, Point B at 2.5, Point C at -2 1/2, and Point D, which is the opposite of Point A. Why can viruses not fit in any domain? How are they different from all other forms of Life? What would need to occur for viruses to be classified as "alive"? Please help im begging youFind the domain of the function expressed by the formula:y = 1/x - 7 What is the volume of a metal block 3cm long by 2cm wide by 4cm high? What would be the volume of a block twice as long, wide, and high?