What was the Stamp Act of 1765? What did the tax mean for the colonies? What did the tax represent to the colonists?


Answer 1



The Stamp Act was imposed by the British Parliament after the Seven Years’ War in order to pay for the stationing of their troops during the war. The Act forced colonists to pay a tax on papers, documents etc in the form of a stamp. The tax represented the beginning of a series of unfair taxes to the colonies. It represented a loss of freedom and voice (or representation) in British legislature. Things would get worse though.

So basically, the Stamp Act marked the beginning of a series of imposed taxes (The Stamp Act was the first).

Related Questions

How did the French Revolution influence African slaves in Frances Caribbean colonies?



C. It inspired them to launch their own political revolution.

An example of this was the Haitian revolution. For over a century, French had been ruled in the Haitian island (called Saint Dominique by the French). Although at the time, it was one of the wealthiest colonies producing sugar and coffee mainly, it was all at the expense of the Haitian slaves. Haitian had to endure oppression, violence and poor living conditions.


The French Revolution was a period of radical political and societal change in France that began with the Estates General of 1789 and ended with the formation of the French Consulate in November 1799. Many of its ideas are considered fundamental principles of liberal democracy, while phrases like Liberté, égalité, fraternité reappeared in other revolts, such as the 1917 Russian Revolution, and inspired campaigns for the abolition of slavery and universal suffrage. Its values and the institutions it created dominate French politics to this day.

Thank you !!  I think this is right


Which mountain range lay north and west of the indua Valley Civilization?
Himalaya Mountain
Hindu Kush





they both lie in the northwest paet

Answer:  Himalayas and Hindu Kush, two mountain ranges to the north. across the northwestern part of the subcontinent has a tropical climate. For subcontinent. The Indus forms part of a much of the year, the land bakes under a river system, or a main river and all of the high, hot sun.

Need helppppp tnnnn?!!



Answer would be STEAM POWER

who was the leader that pointed people toward protestantism?


Martin Luther led the people
The correct answer is Martin Luther

Why did Mier y Terán suggest that Mexico send more troops into Texas?



I belive the right answer is: Terán recommended the increase in trade between Texas and Mexico so that Texans would be discouraged from trading with the United States


which of the following causes for the women's rights movement in the 18000s?



women are left out of the political process


because women didnt really have rights back then

When did Aurengazeb died?


3 March 1707

Apka answer

Aurangzeb died in 3 march 1707.


Why was the Scientific Revolution important to us today?
O All of the options are correct
Studies in Astronomy created a new view of the universe and corrected beliefs that were
previously thought as true.
Many scientific theories and inventions were created during this period
Scientist discovered and learned about many aspects of the human body during this period



a significant era of discovery


How did Ancient Rome influence Western



A people known for their military, political, and social institutions, the ancient Romans conquered vast amounts of land in Europe and northern Africa, built roads and aqueducts, and spread Latin, their language, far and wide. Use these classroom resources to teach middle schoolers about the empire of ancient Rome.

The Romans were a bridge between the older cultures and the western civilization. The Roman greatness was marked by their willingness to receive other peoples ideas for their own purposes. Their architecture, technology, city planning, art and military plan- ning are all as a result of other peoples influences.

Roman law had a significant influence over the modern-day laws of many countries. Legal ideas like trial by jury, civil rights, contracts, personal property, legal wills, and corporations all were influenced by Roman law and the Roman way of looking at things.

The legacy of Ancient Rome is still felt today in western culture in areas such as government, law, language, architecture, engineering, and religion. Many modern-day governments are modeled after the Roman Republic. The U.S. even named one house of Congress, the Senate, after the Senate of Rome.

They built the justly famous Roman highway system of military and commercial interconnecting roads. The Romans built aqueducts, bridges, tunnels, public and private buildings of all kinds and for all purposes. History records famous one-of-a- kind projects that are still wonders today.

Can u search it in goógle plz

2. Dentro del contexto ideológico como proyecto de nación los contrastes más marcados eran: A) Un gobierno centralista. Un gobierno monárquico
B) Un gobierno constitucional. Un gobierno centralista
C) Un gobierno constitucional federalista. Un gobierno monárquico absolutista
D) Un gobierno monárquico constitucional. Un gobierno monárquico centralista
3. El primer problema internacional que enfrento México para ser reconocido como país independiente fue:
A) Que no lo reconoció Estados Unidos
B) El bloqueo de los países centro americanos
C) El no reconocer la independencia por parte de España
D) Todos los países europeos dieron el total apoyo a España
4. A los simpatizantes de la corriente federalista se les llama en la historia de México: A) Radicales B) Liberales
C) Moderados D) Conservadores
5. El primer presidente de México de tendencia liberal fue:
A) Vicente Guerrero B) Guadalupe Victoria
C) Anastasio Bustamante D) Antonio López de Santa Anna
6. El primer conflicto internacional de México en 1838, donde destaco Santa Anna defendiendo el puerto de Veracruz fue:
A) La guerra de Texas B) La intervención inglesa
C) La “Guerra de los pasteles” D) La guerra con Estados Unidos

7. ¿Cuál es orden cronológico correcto en que se dieron las agresiones extranjeras contra México en la primera mitad del siglo XIX?
A) Imperio de Maximiliano; Independencia de Texas; Guerra con EE.UU. y Guerra de los pasteles
B) Independencia de Texas; Intento de reconquista española; Guerra con EE.UU. y Guerra de los pasteles
C) Guerra con EE.UU.; Guerra de los pasteles; Imperio de Maximiliano e Intento de reconquista española
D) Intento de reconquista española; Independencia de Texas; Guerra de los pasteles y Guerra contra EE.UU.
8. Al término del conflicto armado contra Estados Unidos, los mexicanos cedían más de la mitad de su territorio a cambio de una «indemnización» de 15 millones de pesos, mediante el tratado llamado:
A) Los nuevos límites B) Guadalupe Hidalgo
C) La paz y la concordia D) Frontera México Estados Unidos
9. ¿Qué características tenía el programa político de los conservadores?
A) Promover un estado federal, laico, con libertad económica
B) Cambiar todo el orden colonial, eliminar al clero y acercarse a Europa
C) Fomentar las relaciones con Estados Unidos y eliminar fueros de la iglesia D) Establecer un estado centralista, mantener privilegios y apoyarse en España
10. ¿Qué características tenía el programa político de los liberales?
A) Preservar todo el orden colonial, eliminar al clero y acercarse a Europa
B) Estado federal, con reformas agrícolas y acercamiento a los Estados Unidos
C) Establecer un estado centralista, con entidades asociadas y separar la iglesia del estado D) Defender a México de España, mantener un ejército fuerte y establecer un estado central

11. El impacto de las medidas liberales que se tomaron en México como la Constitución de 1857 y las Leyes de Reforma, tuvieron sus efectos tales como:
A) Un mayor aprovechamiento de las aguas en el territorio, así como sus minas. B) Un impacto en la educación ya que se volvió obligatoria y gratuita
C) Una revolución llamada la guerra de reforma y la intervención francesa
D) El levantamiento de varios Estados pidiendo la separación de México
12. Una de las reformas que más impacto a los conservadores, y que de ella se sirvieron para el inicio de una rebelión fue la de:
A) Educación gratuita
B) Impuestos a la casa habitación
C) Prohibición de los establecimientos de bebidas alcohólicas
D) Desamortización de los bienes de mano muerta como los del clero
13_ Presidente mexicano que durante la guerra de reforma puso en riesgo la soberanía mexicana ante E:E:U:U, con el tratado McLane _ Ocampo
A) Antonio López de Santa Anna
B) Porfirio Díaz
C) Félix Díaz
D) Benito Juárez
14. Al perder la guerra de los tres años o guerra de reforma, los conservadores no se dieron por vencidos y pidieron ayuda extranjera dirigiéndose a __________________ para traer un emperador que gobernase México.
A) Carlos III de España B) Napoleón III de Francia
C) Federico el grande de Rusia D) La reina Victoria de Inglaterra
15_ Emperador que llega a México, invitado a gobernar por el grupo conservador pero que impuso leyes de corte liberal, fue fusilado por órdenes del presidente Benito Juárez.
A) Agustín de Iturbide B) Napoleón Bonaparte
C) Maximiliano de Aragón D) Maximiliano de Habsburgo




15_ Emperador que llega a México, invitado a gobernar por el grupo conservador pero que impuso leyes de corte liberal, fue fusilado por órdenes del presidente Benito Juárez.



When did the War of the Triple Alliance take place? 1865-1875 1865-1871 1865-1870 1865-1867.



The Paraguayan War, also known as the War of the Triple Alliance, was a South American war that lasted from 1864 to 1870.


The war of triple alliance was a South American war which started in 1864 and ended in 1870.

The war of Triple Alliance

The Paraguayan War, whichbis also referred to as the War of the Triple Alliance was a South American war that lasted from 1864 to 1870.

This war was between Paraguay fighting against the Argentina, the Empire of Brazil, and Uruguay collectively known as the triple alliance.

The paraguayan was the deadliest and bloodiest inter-state war in Latin American history.

Learn more about the war of triple alliance at https://brainly.com/question/1375584




Brainliest please


The United States was justified in going to war because Mexico had exfoliate American blood on American soil, Texas (a land that numerous Mexicans still considered theirs) was an independent democracy and had the right to govern itself, and Texas was trying to come part of the United States, which means that the United States.

During 1846-1848, Mexico and the United States were mooting over whether Texas and California was Mexico's home or America's home.. The United States was unjustified in going into war with Mexico because President JamesK. Polk provoked it, the thievery of land, and the slavery expansion.

The main purpose of NAD is to

A preserve and represent the deaf and hard of hearing of the United States
B construct deaf schools in all major U.S. cities and communities
C engage hearing populations using advertising campaigns
D decrease resistance to mainstreaming the deaf population



the answer is A


The main purpose of National Association of the Deaf is to preserve and represent the deaf and hard of hearing of the United States. Therefore, the option A holds true.

What is the significance of the National Association of the Deaf?

The National Association of the Deaf is an association that primarily works towards the matters in the interest of the people in the United States who are deaf or have a problem in hearing properly. The association was established in the year 1880.

The main purpose of the National Association of the Deaf is to look after promotion and representation of the deaf and hard of hearing of the United States. Moreover, they also look after the promotion of the ASL language as an official one in federal matters of the United States.

Therefore, the option A holds true regarding the significance of the National Association of the Deaf.

Learn more about the National Association of the Deaf here:



How the colonists interacted with their environment and other indigenous peoples.



First Nations have lost approximately 98% of their land and were forced to live in isolated reserves. ... Many First Nations people died due to European diseases such as smallpox. European colonization destroyed their way of life and caused anger and resentment that still exists today.

Why did Indian merchants invest in trade along the Silk Roads?

A. They made much profit as middlemen

B. They were able to increase the production of silk

C. They were able to spread their religion along the trade routes.

D. That the Romans could not tell the difference between Indian Silk and Chinese Silk


Answer: The silk road was a network of paths connecting civilizations in the East and West that was well traveled for approximately 1,400 years. Merchants on the silk road transported goods and traded at bazaars or caravanserai along the way. They traded goods such as silk, spices, tea, ivory, cotton, wool, precious metals, and ideas.


how did the code of Indian Offenses try to force native Americans to assimilate in terms of funeral and mourning practices



The code of Indian Offenses restricted the religious and cultural ceremonies of Native American tribes.


The major objective was cultural assimilation.

Which statement best completes the diagram?


The statement that best completes the diagram is C. An early draft of Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence circulates widely through colonial newspapers.

The statement "An early draft of Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence circulates widely through colonial newspapers" best completes the diagram because it represents a significant step in the process leading to the ratification of the Declaration of Independence by the Second Continental Congress.

Prior to the formal adoption of the Declaration, Thomas Jefferson drafted a preliminary version that outlined the colonists' grievances and their intent to break away from British rule. This draft was then circulated through colonial newspapers, allowing the public to become familiar with its contents and ideas.

This dissemination of the draft helped build support for independence and created a sense of unity among the colonists. Ultimately, this led to the ratification of the Declaration of Independence by the Second Continental Congress, solidifying the American colonies' resolve to separate from British rule and assert their natural rights.

For more such questions on Thomas Jefferson's Declaration: https://brainly.com/question/17188316


How were Native Americans impacted by the revolutionary war


Answer: In the long-term, the Revolution would also have significant effects on the lives of slaves and free blacks as well as the institution of slavery itself. It also affected Native Americans by opening up western settlement and creating governments hostile to their territorial claims.



It depends


It depends on witch side they were on British offered them "Freedom"(It was really just slavery) and the Americans offered Respect during the war but after only the High ranking Officers where allowed to live as normal people


How might the American public have justified the palmer raids during the 1920's



Palmer faced significant opposition, especially from Congress, but the raids were justified as necessary in the face of a larger American panic over communists and other perceived subversives supposedly embedded in parts of the American government.


Explanation: Palmer faced significant opposition, especially from Congress, but the raids were justified as necessary in the face of a larger American panic over communists and other perceived subversives supposedly embedded in parts of the American government.



Palmer Raids, also called Palmer Red Raids, raids conducted by the U.S. Department of Justice in 1919 and 1920 in an attempt to arrest foreign anarchists, communists, and radical leftists, many of whom were subsequently deported. The raids, fueled by social unrest following World War I, were led by Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer and are viewed as the climax of that era’s so-called Red Scare.

What by wind and rain left no soil for plant life in the Badlands.








I'm not sure but i just remembered

the processes of weathering and erosion, and tectonic activity create canyons.

oh on top of that you said Badlands so I was assuming it it something to do with canyons.


where did people migrate from to populate north america



Europe. Mostly countries such as England, Spain and France in the 16th through 18th century, but once the 19th century came and the Industrial Revolution hit, America saw a lot of immigrants from Ireland, Germany, China and East Europe.


What were the main differences between Soviet and Western leaders about the world after world war II?
I give Brainliest :)



one of the main reasons for this invading scepticism was that The Soviet Union had been invaded by Napoleon and the Germans before.

Moreover, since the Soviet Union is so different from the western political system and the economy, they feared that as the democratic and capitalist nations saw communism as a threat and that they might eventually attack the Soviet union.


The Soviet Union is communist and the western countries are capitalist

What area change was Calvin Coolidge



Calvin Coolidge was the president during the roaring 20s and was Americas 30th president, he is best known for the major tax cuts he made, however this made an uneven distrubation in wealth. He is also connected to Americas future wealth problems, which is known as The Great Depression.


ayuda sociales xd skngfkkg​


Not 100%
However I think:
1. Is people around the world.
2. Language.
3. Is continents, countries, or connection between other countries.

What do the best politicians recommend?



They recommend you to vote for them.


In which of the following years is voter turnout likely to be the highest?

A. Turnout in 2014, 2015, and 2016 will likely be about the same.
B. 2016, when both a presidential election and congressional elections will occur
C. 2014, when only congressional elections will occur
D. 2015, when elections for the U.S. Senate will occur ​



2016 when both presidential election and congressional elections will occur

2016, when both a presidential election and congressional elections will occur of the following years is voter turnout likely to be the highest. Thus, option (c) is correct.

What is election?

The systematic process of selecting a candidate to be their political leader or representative in government through voting is known as “election.” If a candidate is elected, his duty in office will be to the economy. The election is to decided who is to win the election. The totally dependent of the citizen choice as the to give the vote.

During the period of the 2016, was the based on the presidential election and congressional elections. The voter turnout likely to be the highest in this year. The term voter turnout is the static data of the visual representation of the engaged voters were in a particular election.

As a result, the significance of the election are the aforementioned. Therefore, option (c) is correct.

Learn more about on election, here:



Which statement best describes women Iegal rights in the United States during the early s 1800


Women had few legal rights and were barred from the court system.

Why did US influence in Hawaii increase during the 1800s? Check all THREE that apply.

Group of answer choices

The US negotiated a deal to buy Hawaii from Spain.

US plantation owners dominated Hawaiian politics.

The US began to import many goods from Hawaii.

The US sent its military to Hawaii to overthrow the queen.

US settlers purchased land in order to start plantations.




The US began to import many goods from Hawaii. The United States helped plantation owners revolt against Hawaii's queen by. sending soldiers to Hawaii.

our welcome!!!!!!!! <33333

one consequence of automation is that producers need fewer



They will need fewer workers


They will need workers less because automation is the process of delivering services or goods will little help from humans or little human intervention

Hope this Helps!


workers. EDGE

29 - 35 please

50 points to who ever answers

No links please and thank you



I don't understand your question

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