what were similarities and differences of Detroit and Atlanta during the civil rights movement


Answer 1


Atlanta is more of the a instigator and Dedroit is more of an add on person. In other words, Atlanta is the start of the movement, while Dedroit added on.


Atlanta is famous for being “the cradle of the Civil Rights Movement." From 1940 to 1970, the city became the important as black leaders fought for voting rights and better education for African Americans.

Detroit is famous for "The Walk to Freedom". It was a huge march during the Civil Rights Movement in 1963. Protestors have estimated to be 125,000 or more and was called the largest civil rights march in US' history that day.

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sự kiện diễn ra vào 1/9/1858

Which of the following is true: Select one: a. Mormons stopped practicing polygamy in the United States in the 1900s b. Slaves were not permitted to marry in the United States until the Emancipation Proclamation c. Marriages were not conducted by the Roman Catholic church until the 18th century in England d. The U.S. Supreme Court struck down laws forbidding marriage between whites and people of color in 1949



Slaves were not permitted to marry in the United States until the Emancipation Proclamation


Prior to the Civil War and the subsequent Thirteenth Amendment that is the Emancipation Proclamation, Slaves were not allowed to marry as it was not legal under the law. Marriage amongst other human rights and civil rights were denied individuals who were enslaved in the United States prior to Thirteenth Amendment. The Emancipation Proclamation after the civil war declared slaves in US as free people who had equal rights(human and civil) as American citizens.

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Answer:ranchers and farmers fought over the land


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O B.
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Will go for D because it makes more sense then the other ones

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The correct answer is Despite US efforts, South Vietnam could not prevent a takeover by North Vietnam on its own.


Hope this helps.

S. No. Name of
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No. Name of Article,Type of Fibre r (Natural/ artificial)

tis ans is in pic


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The Electoral College is a method of indirect popular election of the President of the United States. Instead of voting for a specific candidate, voters in an indirect popular election select a panel of individuals pledged to vote for a specific candidate. ... These electors, in turn, vote for the presidential candidate.


An election with electoral delegates is an election in which voters do not choose between candidates for an office, but elect people who then choose. It is one of the oldest forms of elections, and is used by many countries for heads of state (such as presidents), cabinets, heads of government (such as prime ministers), and/or upper houses. It is also used for some supranational legislatures.

Positions that are indirectly elected may be chosen by a permanent body (such as a parliament) or by a special body convened solely for that purpose (such as an electoral college).

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Do you know this it is for social studies


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Previous studies that examined child mortality in Nepal found that the use of antenatal Iron and folic acid (IFA) supplementation; tetanus toxoid (TT) vaccination during pregnancy; lack of skilled birth attendance, lack of antenatal care (ANC) visits; older maternal age; use of polluting fuel; higher parity, mortality

Please mark me as the brainliest

8. The following poster is from WWII.

Why did the U.S. government produce posters like these during World War II?

A. to recruit soldiers
B. to fight espionage
C. to prohibit price gouging
D. to ration natural resources

9. The following chart describes actions of the U.S government following World War II.

The Federal-Aid Highway
Act of 1944:
Increased funds for
federal-aid highway
programs to create a
national system of
interstate highways
The Federal-Aid Highway
Act of 1956:
Planned to link 90 percent
of the cities with
populations of 50,000 or
greater and many other
cities and towns

What was the major result of these acts?

A. Prevented the decline of small town industries
B. Avoided the shortage of farm laborers in rural areas
C. Met the transportation demands of growing suburbs
D. Accommodated the influx of migrants into inner-city areas


Question 8 is B, to find espionage. Can't help with 9 sorry

What is prohibited in a command economy? CHECK ALL THAT APPLY.



The personal ownership of property

The influence of consumer demand


In a command economy, the government has full control of the economy, and the citizens had no ownership of any type of asset. This gives the government the power to determine the price of products even if it's stray away from the flow of consumer demand.

Answer: is these  ones

c. the personal ownership of property.

d. the influence of consumer demand.


which early governing group of the united states adopted the articles of confedertion and ratified it before the end of the revolutionary war
A. First continental congress
B. Second continental congress
C. Sons of liberty



A. The first continental congress


The first continental congress were for the articles of confederation. They were excited to have their first rules of governing away from British rule and something that was completely their own.

Do extinction events such as the Cretaceous-Tertiary Mass Extinction event prove the Great Chain of Being wrong?
indeed I would assume so.
Can someone explain this in detail because I have been informed my whole life that the great chain of being is true.



Assuming your referring to the Christian "Great Chain of Being" then no.


(I will try to be as unbiased as possible)

Just to clarify for anyone who is uniformed on what exactly the Great Chain of Being is... it is a hierarchy chart which first surfaced in Medieval Europe which goes in order as... God, Angelic Beings, Humanity, Animals, Plants, Minerals.

In the Bible it is stated numerous times (I can find the specific page and such if needed) that "great beasts" roamed the earth... now there is no historical or scientific evidence this was referring directly to Dinosaurs but there is evidence that mass extinction events have occurred all throughout history and some are event mentioned in the bible itself (The Great Flood) It is thought that about 75% of all animal life on earth was wiped out (Also most believe that some form of Humanity was alive during the supposed asteroid strike) which means that if you are arguing that a mass extinction event would mean that Great Chain of Being or basically the existence of God then you would be wrong. (Again being unbiased here, there is also no evidence that there is a "God" or Gods)

I hope this could help, my apologies if it didn't. If you need any more elaboration I will gladly try my best to help out down in the comments

Should Indian casinos be permitted to operate?” “Should they be regulated?”  “Don’t they create a moral dilemma?​


1-As a general rule and in ordinary circumstances, the simple answer would be “no,” tribes are not required to follow the state orders. Under federal law, federally recognized tribes are semi-sovereign nations that exercise governmental powers and sovereignty over their members and territory.

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treated them?


British colonists did not write about the indigenous people due to their bad behaviour and mistreatment with them.

British colonies wrote about indigenous people that live in the United States of America but not write about the treatment they perform with indigenous people because they mistreated and do cruel behaviour with them.

The British colonists considered themselves superior to indigenous people and some of them considered these indigenous people not even human and that's why they mistreated them and do wicked things with them so that's why they did not write about their treatment and behaviour with indigenous people due to their bad behaviour and cruel behaviour.

Please learn more: https://brainly.com/question/24414328


the Declaration of Independence and the Northwest Ordinance


edmentum answer

Compare and contrast the policies of Louis XVIII and Charles X.



They were both rather reactionary intent on rolling back the revolution but Louis XVIII.   Both were monarchs who seeked to crush those against their will and impose their images as the legitimate rulers. Louis XVIII was more moderate and a consensus builder who often selected centrist oriented ministers to help the French people and shunned violence used against former members of the Bonapartist regime.  He also made no attempts to overturn the constitutional monachy and respected elections.  Charles X was a brutal autocrat who was extremely reactionary and hoped to restore France to the ancien regime.  He selected his fellow ultra royalists as his ministers who did not care about the interests of the French people.  Charles X also attempted to override the charter that had create the constitutional monarchy of the Bourbon restoration.  Charles was overthrown in the Revolution of 1830 which installed a more liberal king, Louis Phillipe.  

Melting point of ice of pure water​



a. Melting point of ice of pure water - iii. 0 c

b. SI unit of area - v. m2

c. SI unit of volume - i. m3

d. Boiling point of water - ii. 100 c

e. The scientific learning begins from - iv. observation

How does chronological thinking help a historian when studying history ?



The right answer should be A) Chronological thinking helps the historian organize events in the order in which they occurred.


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The Indian subcontinent is the birthplace of four of the world's major religions: namely Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism—collectively known as Indian religions that believe Moksha is the most supreme state of the Ātman (soul).

Explain the rise of populism in Latin America during the 20th century.

Help ASAP please



The rise of populism in Latin America in the mid-twentieth century...

The rise of populism in Latin America in the mid-twentieth century has its roots in which of the following?  

rapid urbanization and rising social inequality in the midst of global economic depression

spread of Marxist literature throughout Latin America

increased manufacturing of consumer goods

the 1929 world crisis

Populism has been an important force in Latin American political history, where many charismatic leaders have emerged since the beginning of the 20th century, as the paramountcy of agrarian oligarchies had been dislocated by the onset of industrial capitalism, allowing for the emergence of an industrial bourgeoisie and the activation of an urban working class,[9] causing the emergence of reformist and multi-class nationalist politics, centered on a charismatic leadership,[10] such as Aprismo in Peru, the MNR in Bolivia, and the political movements gravitating around Getúlio Vargas in Brazil, Perón in Argentina, Lazaro Cárdenas in Mexico, Ecuador's Velasco Ibarra and others.

what is meaning of importance​



sorry i dont know


what led to ancient china's isolation



hope this helps, let me know if it doesn't and i can look deeper into it.


dry deserts to the north and west, the Pacific Ocean to the east, and impassable mountains to the south. This enabled the Chinese to develop independently from other world civilizations.

Was the American Revolution a revolution overthrowing a foreign government or a civil war between American colonists?


it was a civil war between American colonists because it was within the British empire, it was later an international war once spain and france joined in.

How did nationalism contribute to global conflicts following World War 1



Nationalism helped lead to world War one because it lead to conflict. Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated due to nationalism

Were European goods (foodstuffs, weapons, tools) a help or a detriment to the Indian tribes that acquired them?



Fur traders like John Hollis in the Chesapeake traded the beads to other Indian tribes for beaver pelts, which were then sold for tobacco ...


The first US presidential election is curious because




Congress sets January 7, 1789 as the date by which states are required to choose electors for the country's first-ever presidential election. A month later, on February 4, George Washington was elected president by state electors and sworn into office on April 30, 1789. The first US presidential election is curious because of some reasons .


Q: What was Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction? Select one: O a. It was his plan for reconstruction which required fewer changes in the South than the Congressional plan. O b. It was his statement which officially freed the slaves. O c. It was his plan for reconstruction which required 100% of a state O d. It was his plan for reconstruction which was based on the idea that since the South had seceded from the Union all members of the Confederacy would be imprisoned.​





Lincoln's Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction allowed Confederate states to reunite with Union if 10% of the voters swore allegiance. All members of the Confederacy, except the high rank ones, will be pardoned from their actions.

Congress thought these plans were too easy, so they responded with the Wade Davis bill, making 50% of a Confederate state swore allegiance. Lincoln vetoed this bill, preventing its effects.

Which event was a consequence of the Haitian Revolution?
A. The Haitian government banned all forms of slave labor.
B. The Haitian economy experienced a period of rapid growth.
C. Napoleon Bonaparte added Haiti to the French Empire.
D. Haiti formed a close economic relationship with the United States.


A. The Haitian government banned all forms of slave labor.

B is wrong because the Haitian economy did not do well after the revolution. C is wrong because Haiti broke away from France because of the revolution. D is simply not true; I do not know how else to explain that one.

Hope this helps. :)

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