What would you use to measure the height of a sample?

Question 2 options:



graduated cylinder

electronic balance


Answer 1


please clear ur ques with image

it's unable to be understood


Related Questions

write molecular formula
1)aurric cloride
2)aluminium hydroxide
3)potassium thiosulphate
4)magnesium bicarbonate
5)magnesium sulphate
6)sodium oxide
7)cuprous oxide
8)mercuric oxide
9)calcium nitrate
10)aluminium oxide
11)ferric chloride
12)ammoium oxide
13)silver chloride
14)hydrogen bromide
15)magnesium nitride
16)hydrogen peroxide
17)sodium sulphate
18)ammonium sulphate
19)ferrous sulphate
20)sodium carbonate
21)zinc carbonate
22)calcium silicate
23)zinc carbonate
24)potassium clorate
25)aluminium hydroxide
26)ammonium hydroxide
27)sodium silicate​



Here's your below answers.

1) AuCl3.

2) Al(OH)3.

3) K2S2O3.

4) Mg(HCO3)2.

5) MgSO4.

6) Na2O.

7) CuO.

8) HgO.

9) Ca(NO3)2.

10) Al2O3.

11) FeCl2.

12) (NH4)2O.

13) AgCl.

14) HBr.

15) Mg3N2.

16) H2O2.

17) Na2SO4.

18) (NH4)2SO4.

19) FeSO4.

20) Na2CO3.

21) ZnCO3.

22) CaSiO3.

23) ZnCO3.

24) KClO3.

25) Al(OH)3.

26) NH4OH.

27) Na2SiO3.

The graph shows the volume of a gaseous product formed during two trials of a reaction. A diferent concentration of reactant was used during each trial, whereas the other factors were kept constant. Trial 2 Amount of Product Trial 1 Time Which of the following statements explains which trial has a lower concentration of the reactant? O Trial 1, because the average rate of the reaction is lower. O Trial 1, because this reaction lasted for a longer duration than Trial 2. O Trial 2, because this reaction was initially fast and later slowed down. O Trial 2, because the volume of product formed per unit time was higher​



A). Trial 1, because the average rate of the reaction is lower.


The first sentence elaborates that 'trial 1 had a lower level of concentration of the reactant that eventually led the reaction's average rate to fall.'

A trial having a higher level of concentration of a specific reactant will cause the concentration's average rate to rise. As per the graph provided, trial 2's average reaction rate is higher which shows that its concentration is greater and more reactive. However, the opposite happens in trial 1 where the amount of reactant is lesser in the concentration that leads the concentration to possess a lower rate of reaction. Thus, option A is the correct answer.

pitch is produced by what??​



Pitch, in the chemical-process industries, the black or dark brown residue obtained by distilling coal tar, wood tar, fats, fatty acids, or fatty oils.


hopes it helps you☺

Jonny Jonny.
Yes papa?
Eating Sugar?
What comes next?
(A) Yes Papa
(B) No Mama
(C) Yes Mama
(D) No Papa



(B) No papa



(D) No Papa


is this even chemistry pffttt

What is the product of the following numbers? Use a scientific calculator to
find the answer.
5.56 x 104 x 2.43 x 106





is being sporty a personality trait



A physical trait can be identified just by looking at a person. Blonde, tall, man, short, fair skinned, injured, brown eyed, athletic, muscular, handicapped. ... For everyone character trait, there is an OPPOSITE character trait

What functional group does the molecule below have?

*two leg spider looking molecule*





Ether, any of a class of organic compounds characterized by an oxygen atom bonded to two alkyl or aryl groups. I attached an image as well.


D. Ether


Ethers look like R---O---R. Thus, this molecule has the ether functional group. :)

If carbon was the most common element found in the moons and planets, what element is
missing that would make them similar to Earth?



The missing element that would make moons and other planets similar to earth is oxygen. The two make carbon dioxide.

El tipo de enlace se puede determinar mediante la diferencia de electronegatividades de los átomos que lo forman. Basado en eso, si se unen un átomo de Calcio y un átomo de Bromo, el enlace será del tipo:



Cuando se unen un átomo de calcio y un átomo de bromo, forman bromuro de calcio que se compone de Ca2 + y 2Br-. El tipo de enlace que se forma es el enlace iónico.

Calculate the mass of nitrogen dioxide gas that would occupy
the same volume as 10g of hydrogen gas at ē same pressure and temperature
(H= 1.0 N = 14.0 O= 16.0) GAS LAWS/MOLES





Assuming they are ideal gases at the same temperature and pressure, equal moles of gasses have equal volume. IN this case, if we have 10g of hydrogen gas, that is 5 moles of H2 gas. That means 5 moles og NO2 will occupy the same volume which is 5*(14.0 + 16.0*2) =  230 g

What do the coefficients in the following balanced chemical equation mean?

2H2 + O2 → 2H2O



number of moles of the substance


The chemical formula for carbonic acid, a compound used in carbonated drinks, is H2CO3. Assume that these symbols represent the three elements of this compound:

Which picture correctly represents carbonic acid?






Option A correctly represents the structure of carbonic acid.

What is the carbonic acid?

Carbonic acid is a compound that is composed of three elements which are carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. This compound is important in the production of carbonated soft drinks that are usually sold in shops. There are three atoms of oxygen, two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of  carbon in the compound.

Now, we can see in the question that red refers to atoms of oxygen, grey refers to atoms of hydrogen and ash refers to the atoms of carbon. We now want to know which diagram represents the structure of carbonic acid.

From the images, we can see that option A correctly represents the structure of carbonic acid.

Learn more about carbonic acid;https://brainly.com/question/28175742


Electron transition can be likened to moving up and down a ladder. Which of the following statements best describes how an electron transitions in an electron cloud?
A. An electron can only gain or lose energy to move between quantized energy levels.
B. An electron can only gain or lose charge in integers when ions are formed.
C. An electron can only change its mass in quantized amounts when it gains or loses energy.
D. An electron can only change into certain types of particles when it gains or loses charge.​



C. An electron can only change its mass in quantized amounts when it gains or loses energy.


The electron mostly acts in a wave form and shales the orbit and in other worlds the electron transition to  lower energy change its wave shape and sinks less but it does not leap or bounce back anywhere.

What happens if kinetic energy of a gas is lowered



"If you lower the kinetic energy of a gas its temperature will decrease because temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of a substance."


it’s temperature will decrease

Explanation: because temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy and its substance

Which pair of substances would react the
a. Copper sheet and concentrated
nitric acid.
b. Copper powder and dilute nitric acid
C. Copper powder and concentrated
nitric acid.​



C. It has the highest rate of reaction. Copper has the highest TSA/V and concentrated nitric acid has huggest num of solute

For a reaction: aA → Products, [A]o -4.3 M, and the first two half-lives are 56 and 28 minutes, respectively. Calculate k (without units). Show Work!

A. 7.7 x 10^-2
B. 4.2 x 10^-3
C. 3.8 x 10^-2
D. 8.3 x 10^-3
E. None of these​



C.[tex]3.8\times 10^{-2}[/tex]


We are given that

Initial concentration, [tex][A]_o=4.3 M[/tex]

First half life, [tex]t_{\frac{1}{2}}=56[/tex]minutes

Second half life, [tex]t'_{\frac{1}{2}}=28[/tex]minutes

We have to find K.

The given reaction is zero order reaction.

We know that for zero order reaction


Using the formula


[tex]k=\frac{4.3}{2\times 56}[/tex]

[tex]k=3.8\times 10^{-2}[/tex]

Hence, option C is correct.

Zero-order reactions are the reactions when a surface or a catalyst is required for the reaction to proceed and is saturated by the reactant chemicals. The result of the concentration versus the time plot will be a straight line in a zero-order reaction.

[tex]3.8 \times 10 ^{-2}[/tex] is the value of k.

How to calculate the value of k?


Initial concentration [tex][A_{0}][/tex] = 4.3 MThe first half-life of the reactant [tex](t \dfrac{1}{2})[/tex] = 56 minutesThe second half-life of the reactant [tex](t \dfrac{1}{2})[/tex]  = 28 minutes

The given reaction in the question is of zero-order and for that, we know that,

[tex]t \dfrac{1}{2} = \dfrac{[A_{0}] }{2\;\rm k}[/tex]

Substituting the values in the equation we get:

[tex]\begin{aligned}56 &= \dfrac{4.3 }{2\; \rm k}\\\\\rm k &= {4.3 }{2 \times 56}\\\\\rm k &= 3.8 \times 10^{ -2}\end{aligned}[/tex]

Therefore, option C is correct.

Learn more about the zero-order reaction here:


In the laboratory, concentrated hydrogen chloric acid reacted with aluminum. Hydrogen gas was collected over water at 25 degrees Celsius and had a volume of 355 cm33 at a total pressure of 750 mm Hg. The vapor pressure of water at 25 degrees Celsius is 24 mm Hg. Find the partial pressure of hydrogen gas.



i dont no this one plz the question is hard

What do the coefficients in the following balanced chemical equation mean?
2H2 + O2 + 2H2O

A) 2 moles of hydrogen and 1 mole of oxygen in the reactants

B) 2 moles of oxygen and 1 mole of hydrogen in the reactants

C) 2 moles of oxygen and 1 mole of hydrogen in the products

D) 2 moles of hydrogen and 1 mole of oxygen in the products



2moles of hydrogen and 1 mole of oxygen in the reactants

What is the name of this compound





does anyone know the substance of an egg after it has been cooked?​



Denaturation is what happens when heat is applied to the eggs. ... The heat coming from your stove denatures the protein by disrupting some of its bonds that held the molecule into shape. In the case of hard-boiled eggs, the proteins clump together and solidify, causing the egg white and yolk to harden.



Which is a mixture?
Sodium metal
chlonne gas
sodium metal and chlonne gas
sodium chlonde (salt) and water



I believe it's salt and water


not sure


Mixture is a electronic device used to peel the things such as onion ,tomato,ginger, garlic etc.


The scattering of sunlight by the mixture of gas molecules in air results in the blue color of the sky. Calculate the energy (in Joules) of a single photon of blue light with a frequency of 6.00 × 10¹⁴ Hz. (h = 6.626 × 10⁻³⁴ J • s)



It's me mario


If an atom contains more
electrons than protons, it is



If an atom has the same number of electrons as protons, it is a neutral atom.


A thief who has stolen large quantities of uranium-235 may have increased
the threat of what?
A. Alpha decay
B. Nuclear fusion
C. Nuclear waste
D. Proliferation


Since uranium - 235 decays by alpha decay, the thief runs a risk of exposure to alpha decay.

What is alpha decay?

Radioactive decay is the sponteanous disintergration of a nuclide to yiled daughter nuclide and release energy.

We can see the decay of Uranium -235 in the image attached to this answer. Hence, it then follows that the theif here runs the risk of exposure to alpha decay.

Learn more about alpha decay: https://brainly.com/question/9904853


D. Prolideration


Just took the test

Liquids have a(n)____shape and A(n)_____volume.

A. indefinite, indefinite

B. indefinite, definite

C. definite, definite

D. definite, indefinite


B. Indefinite, definite

La masa de una olla es de 300g y contiene 90% de aluminio. Hallar el número de moles de aluminio de la olla. P.A.(Al= 27)



The mass of a pot is 300g and contains 90% aluminum. Find the number of moles of aluminum in the pot. P.A. (Al = 27)

The mass of aluminum present in the pot is:

[tex]300 g * 90/100\\=270 g[/tex]

Hence, in the given pot 270g Al is present.

[tex]Number of moles of Al=\frac{given mass ofAl}{its molar mass}[/tex]

The gram atomic mass of Al -27 g/mol

Given the mass of Al is 270 g

Substitute these values in the above formula:

[tex]Number of moles of Al=\frac{given mass ofAl}{its molar mass}\\=\frac{270 g}{27 g} \\=10.0 mol[/tex]

Answer is 10.0 mol of Al is present.

what is another name for hard water?



Hyponym is the another name for hard water.


Please Mark me brainliest

how to convert Kelvin to degree Celsius? is there any method​



[tex]{ \tt{kelvin = 273 + celcius \: degree}} \\ { \boxed{ \bf{celcius = kelvin - 273}}}[/tex]


To convert Kelvins into Celsius degrees, the formula is K − 273.15 = °C

Pls mark me brainliest.

Fumaric acid, which occurs in many plants, contains, by mass, 41.4% carbon, 3.47% hydrogen, and 55.1% oxygen. The molecular mass of this compound is 116 amu. The molecular formula of this compound is

Question 15 options:









C = 41.4/12 = 3.43

H = 3.47/1 = 3.47

O = 55.1/16 =3.44

CHO is the skeletal formula (divide each by the lowest number above). The results are close enough to 1 to be 1.

(CHO)_x = 116

C + H + O = 29

(29) _ x = 116

x = 116/29

x = 4

So there area 4 carbons 4 hydrogens and 4 oxygens.

The correct formula is C4H4O4

If 45.6 g of CO2 is in a 2.75 L container at 25.0 °C, predict the pressure in this container, in kPa.



936.97 KPa


We'll begin by calculating the number of mole in 45.6 g of CO₂. This can be obtained as follow:

Mass of CO₂ = 45.6 g

Molar mass of CO₂ = 12 + (16×2)

= 12 + 32

= 44 g/mole

Mole of CO₂ =?

Mole = mass /molar mass

Mole of CO₂ = 45.6 / 44

Mole of CO₂ = 1.04 mole

Next, we shall convert 25.0 °C to Kelvin temperature. This can be obtained as follow:

T (K) = T (°C) + 273

T (°C) = 25.0 °C

T (K) = 25.0 °C + 273

T (K) = 298 K

Finally, we shall determine the pressure. This can be obtained as follow:

Mole of CO₂ (n) = 1.04 mole

Volume (V) = 2.75 L

Temperature (T) = 298 K

Gas constant = 8.314 KPa.L/Kmol

Pressure (P) =?

PV = nRT

P × 2.75 = 1.04 × 8.314 × 298

P × 2.75 = 2576.67488

Divide both side by 2.75

P = 2576.67488 / 2.75

P = 936.97 KPa

Thus, the pressure is 936.97 KPa

Other Questions
Jill and Kane, with their attorneys, meet to try to resolve a dispute. A neutral third party works with both sides and proposes a solution, but does not make a decision resolving the matter. This is:____.a. arbitration. b. negotiation. c. mini-trial. d. mediation. Frank is a 60- year-old man who is well-loved in his community since he was a boy. He is someone who is outgoing, a party lover, and love to have fun hanging out with peers. Frank is confident about life. From an early age he knew exactly what he wanted to become, and now as a man, he is confident about his career and family and want to leave them a good life when he departs this life. Frank express that he is not afraid of dying but he wants them to be ok when he is gone. At work Frank is helpful to his colleagues, and even in his community he is well-known among the elderly since he is always putting on Christmas treats for them. Imagine that Frank is your colleague, and that your boss asks you to write a character reference for Frank. Using Jungs personality theory to guide your writing, present a minimum one- page character reference in which you spell out Franks behaviour, his outlook on life, his philosophy about people and all the other important things you know about him. Ensure you point out how these different parts of Franks life fits into Jungs theory and overall what Jungs theoretical concept says about him. 1Work out the area of the shape:3cm6cm2cm2cm . Read the situations and then write sentences, using past perfect continuous.1. The two boys came into the house. One had a black eye and the other had a cut lip.(they/ fight)- They ..2. Tom was watching television. He was feeling very tired. (he / study / hard all day) He .3. When I walked into the room, it was empty. But there was a smell of cigarettes. (somebody / smoke/ in the room) Somebody.....4. 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