What’s a change agent here

Whats A Change Agent Here


Answer 1


She is a change agent because she's making local change - using local honey and then raising money to help save the bees.


Related Questions

4. Compare the different kinds of appetizers, and indicate the nature of each. Why are color, contrast, and arrangement important in preparing these?


Two appetizers are cheese sticks and bread. You want both appetizers to be golden brown because nobody want to eat burned or blacked bread or cheese sticks you want both appetizers to glisten and to hold a certain shape or form and you want them both to be presented in nice way not just any kind of way

Which sentence best avoids bias?
A. If there is an engineer on staff, he likely knows me.
B. The girls from accounting know I'm a good boss.
C. I have extensive experience in women's health.
D. Every Veterans Day, I support the men overseas.




The sentence which best avoids bias among the answer choices is; Choice A; If there is an engineer on staff, he likely knows me.

Which sentence best avoids bias?

In the context of writing, objectivity means to write with curiosity, rather than having a preset opinion, Similarly, in sentence construction, to avoid bias involves leaving allowance for objectivity and hence, the sentence which avoids bias is; Choice A; If there is an engineer on staff, he likely knows me.

Read more on avoiding bias;



People play a very important role in our lives. Describe in vivid detail, any one person and how he/ she has been a very special influence in your life. plz answer i cant find the answer



When I was born, my older sister was but eighteen months of age. She immediately became an integral figure in my life and has ever remained my best friend, my closest ally, and the principal partaker in my fondest memories. I was frequently ill as a child, and she never failed to divert me from my ailments with her spellbinding stories. In adolescence, we have served as each other's confidantes. My sister, undoubtedly the most intelligent and inspiring person with whom I am well acquainted, has served as my idol, and her example has shone sharply and brightly all the length of my existence. One of my great passions, writing, was a discovery made by her example. Many of my ambitions, great and small, were born of her support and direction. I have long dreaded the day when my sister would depart for the world, embarking on life's great adventure, and the day has come too soon. She has entered adulthood and will soon be departing for university, filled with dreams and ambition. I shall necessarily be left behind in some way. But she shall forever continue to inspire me.


This example is highly personal, but hopefully it can serve as an adequate example. Perhaps there is someone similar in your own life. In any case, I hope this helps :)

The Goose with the Golden Eggs
One day a monkey went to the nest of his Goose and found there an egg all yellow and glittering. When he took it up it was as heavy as lead and he was going to throw it away, because he thought a trick had been played upon him. But, on second thought, he took it home and soon found to his delight that it was an egg of pure gold. Every morning the same thing occurred, and he soon became rich by selling his eggs. As he grew rich he grew greedy; and thinking to get at once all the gold the Goose could give, he killed it and opened it only to find nothing.

What is the moral of the Story?

Explain how your answer relates to the story:




It tells you right towards the end.

He got greedy.

He thought he could get all the gold the goose could give.

He killed the poor animal.

He got nothing.

There's a loop in his logic. He thought He could get wealthy just by killing the animal.

There are too morals.

1. Don't get greedy. When given a gift, treasure it. Don't make it into something it's not.

2. Don't try and manipulate an outcome. Accept it the way it is.

thank you everyone for the answer that they had all provided me and it helped me alot


may u pass all your examinations with flying colours:))!!!!

As the newly elected senior prefect of your school write a speech that you would deliver at the swearing in ceremony on at least three things that you would do to improve upon the academic performance of the school



Good day everyone, it is an honor to stand before you guys and make this speech as your newly elected senior prefect of this great school.

Without much ado, I want to thank everyone for believing in me and for the votes and would like to waste no time in laying out my plans as the senior prefect to improve on the academic performance of the school.

First, my administration would work hard to improve reading culture amongst the students by publicly acknowledging the people that make use of the library resources and encouraging them to keep it up

Next, we would try to form study groups among the students so that they could ask themselves questions and improve on their class work.

Finally, we aim to bring in suggestion boxes in and around the school where the students can put in their suggestions on ways to improve their academic performance.

Thank you all for your time and belief in me. God bless you.

write a essay about the great chicago fire


Answer: The Great Chicago Fire was a conflagration that burned in the American city of Chicago during October 8–10, 1871. The fire killed approximately 300 people, destroyed roughly 3.3 square miles (9 km2) of the city, and left more than 100,000 residents homeless.[3] The fire began in a neighborhood southwest of the city center. A long period of hot dry windy conditions, and the wooden construction prevalent in the city, led to the conflagration. The fire leapt the south branch of the Chicago River and destroyed much of central Chicago and then leapt the main branch of the river, consuming the Near North Side.

Help flowed to the city from near and far after the fire. The city government improved building codes to stop the rapid spread of future fires and rebuilt rapidly to those higher standards. A donation from the United Kingdom spurred the establishment of the Chicago Public Library, a free public library system, a contrast to the private, fee-for-membership libraries common before the fire.

The fire is claimed to have started at about 8:30 p.m. on October 8, in or around a small barn belonging to the O'Leary family that bordered the alley behind 137 DeKoven Street.[4] The shed next to the barn was the first building to be consumed by the fire. City officials never determined the exact cause of the blaze,[5] but the rapid spread of the fire due to a long drought in that year's summer, strong winds from the southwest, and the rapid destruction of the water pumping system, explain the extensive damage of the mainly wooden city structures. There has been much speculation over the years on a single start to the fire. The most popular tale blames Mrs. O'Leary's cow, who allegedly knocked over a lantern; others state that a group of men were gambling inside the barn and knocked over a lantern.[6] Still other speculation suggests that the blaze was related to other fires in the Midwest that day.[1]

The fire's spread was aided by the city's use of wood as the predominant building material in a style called balloon frame. More than two-thirds of the structures in Chicago at the time of the fire were made entirely of wood, with most of the houses and buildings being topped with highly flammable tar or shingle roofs. All of the city's sidewalks and many roads were also made of wood.[6] Compounding this problem, Chicago received only 1 inch (25 mm) of rain from July 4 to October 9, causing severe drought conditions before the fire, while strong southwest winds helped to carry flying embers toward the heart of the city.[1]:144

In 1871, the Chicago Fire Department had 185 firefighters with just 17 horse-drawn steam pumpers to protect the entire city.[1]:146 The initial response by the fire department was quick, but due to an error by the watchman, Matthias Schaffer, the firefighters were sent to the wrong place, allowing the fire to grow unchecked.[1]:146 An alarm sent from the area near the fire also failed to register at the courthouse where the fire watchmen were, while the firefighters were tired from having fought numerous small fires and one large fire in the week before.[7] These factors combined to turn a small barn fire into a conflagration.

When firefighters finally arrived at DeKoven Street, the fire had grown and spread to neighboring buildings and was progressing toward the central business district. Firefighters had hoped that the South Branch of the Chicago River and an area that had previously thoroughly burned would act as a natural firebreak.[1]:147 All along the river, however, were lumber yards, warehouses, and coal yards, and barges and numerous bridges across the river. As the fire grew, the southwest wind intensified and became superheated, causing structures to catch fire from the heat and from burning debris blown by the wind. Around midnight, flaming debris blew across the river and landed on roofs and the South Side Gas Works.[1]:148

dont do this ppl get in trouble for this

Troy has been assigned to write a exposition. Which of the following topics could he choose? Select all that apply.
What Happened on My First Day of School
Our Hawaiian Vacation Experience
Why Taxes Should Be Lowered
The Beauty of a Waterfall
How to Bake an Apple Pie
The Story of My First Date
How the Cinderella Castle was created
Abortion Should Be Illegal
How to Fix a Flat Tire


Why Taxes Should Be Lowered
The Story of My First Date
Abortion Should Be Illegal
How to Fix a Flat Tire

Giving brainliest to the best answer! Rewrite this run-on sentence as two or more sentences.



All the children in the class came to school on time. Then, they went on the field trip to the zoo and they saw the lions, tigers, bears, and monkeys.


Hope this is helpful.


All the Children in the class came to school on time. Then they went on a feild trip to the zoo. They saw some loins tigers, bears and monkeys.


Hope this was helpful. <:

Alice and James went to the park in the evening



simple past tense because the verb is went and the sentence is simple tense

Which of the following developments in the Renaissance support the idea of secularism? Select all that apply.

Religious themes in artistic works
Expansion of Christianity to the New World
New ideas about the political organization of society
Challenging the absolute authority of the Church



New ideas about the political organization of society

Challenging the absolute authority of the Church


Secularism is the belief that ideas and society should be separate from religion. It fought against having religious institutes in government. So, during the Renaissance it wanted society to be reorganized in a way that did not involve the church. Additionally, secularism wanted the church to have less power over people outside of Christians and wanted nonreligious organizations to have more power.

New ideas, secularism draws out the importance of politics and the impact they have on today’s society.

Importance of English language


Answer:yes learning english is so important

Explanation:. 1.English is the Language of International Communication

Although English is not the most spoken language in the world, it is the official language in 53 countries and is spoken as a first language by around 400 million people worldwide. But that’s not all, it is also the most common second language in the world. According to the British Council, by 2020 about two billion people in the world will be studying English.

Therefore, it is highly likely that if you meet someone from another country, you will both be able to speak English. It gives you an open door to the world and helps you communicate with global citizens.

2. English gives access to more entertainment and more access to the Internet

Nowadays, many films, TV shows, books and music are published and produced in English. By understanding English, you won’t need to rely on translations and subtitles anymore. By accessing these media, you will also continuously improve your English listening and reading skills.

English is currently the language of the internet. An estimated of 565 million people use the internet every day and about 52% of the world’s most visited websites are displayed in English. Therefore, learning this language gives access to over half the content of the internet, which might not be available otherwise. Whether it is for fun or for work, if you understand English, you will be able to exchange information with more people online and use many more materials.

3. English makes it easier to travel

As highlighted before, since English is spoken as a first language in 53 countries and as a second language in over 118 countries, learning the language makes it much easier to travel anywhere. Indeed, airport announcements, train timetables, emergency information and street signs are often available in English, including in countries where the native language uses a different type of alphabet. It goes without saying that, when travelling to a country where you don’t speak the language, you are practically guaranteed to find someone who understands at least some English.

How like a winter hath my absence been
From thee, the pleasure of the fleeting year!
What freezings have I felt, what dark days seen!
What old December's bareness every where!
And yet this time removed was summer's time;
The teeming autumn, big with rich increase,
Bearing the wanton burden of the prime,
Like widow'd wombs after their lords' decease:
Yet this abundant issue seem'd to me
But hope of orphans and unfather'd fruit;
For summer and his pleasures wait on thee,
And, thou away, the very birds are mute;
Or, if they sing, 'tis with so dull a cheer
That leaves look pale, dreading the winter's near.
What type of poem is this?



its 4 for the online test

This is narrative type of poem.

What is poetry ?

Poetry is writing that elicits a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience or a specific emotional reaction via language that has been chosen and arranged for its meaning, tone, and rhythm.

Poetry is a broad subject, as old as history and older, existing everywhere religion is present, and arguably the basic and primary form of languages themselves, according to certain definitions. The purpose of this essay is to characterise key aspects of poetry and poetic thought as autonomous modes of thought as broadly as feasible. Certainly, not every tradition, nor every local or individual variety, can or should be included, but the article illustrates with poems ranging from nursery rhyme to epic. The difficulty or impossibility of defining poetry is discussed in this article.

To know more about poetry ;



Informal Letter 125 words. Has to contain a greeting, body, and conclusion. Will give out brainliest. Do not do something wrong, will delete your answer.


Good afternoon Mr. Brown,

I am inquiring about an ad I saw on the cork board in the local diner that mentioned lawn mowing services. My lawn is always messily overgrown, so much so that I can’t even walk on it. There are currently a lot of weeds growing at the front, as well. I unfortunately am a very busy person, and I never have the time to mow it. I need my front yard preferably once a week if possible. My side yard would only need to be mowed every two weeks or so, possibly less. I would greatly appreciate it if you could reply with rates and times you are available. It would also be very helpful if you informed me which payment options you accept.

Thank you,
*insert name*

Who is Macbeth at the start of the story?



At the start of the play, Macbeth is Thane of Glamis. He quickly becomes the more powerful Thane of Cawdor and then murders his way to become and remain King of Scotland. The Witches' predictions seem to waken the ambition already in him and he is spurred on by his wife.


In at least 150 words, tell how the doughter's personality aftects the plot of the story “Two Kinds”



Jing-mei is the daughter in the story Two Kinds. In this story, Jing-mei is the daughter of a Chinese immigrant, who has great hopes for the future of the girl. Jing-mei's mother believes she could be a prodigy and wants her to work hard in order to achieve things.

However, the personality of Jing-mei greatly affects how the mother and the daughter relate. Jing-mei resents the pressure that her mother places on her. She also believes that the fact that her mother pressures her so much makes her unable to enjoy the things she tries. When she is terrible at the piano because she did not try, she hopes her mother allows her to stop, instead of pushing her again. The combination of the two personalities leads to a lot of conflict between the two characters.

it is a statement or information that is real or proven true



real becouse of the statement

information that is proven true .. the question is kinda confusing lol

how can family time be maintained today?​



Family time offers many benefits, including building confidence, creating a stronger emotional bond between family members, improving communication skills, better performance in school and reduced behavioral issues, as well as providing an opportunity to make memories built on fun, laughter and togetherness.


sit down and be a family


sit down with your family and watch a movie, have a good dinner, have a game night. etc

Which of the following authors wrote an autobiographical slave narrative?

I. Frederick Douglass
II. Nathaniel Hawthorne
III. Harriet Beecher Stowe
IV. Harriet Ann Jacobs





Is the answer to this question

What is Macbeth's reaction to the witches prophecy of his future?



He is excited at the prospect of becoming king but also fearful about what role he will have to play in making it happen.


He is excited at the prospect of becoming king but also a bit fearful about what role he will have to play in making that happen!


I hope this helped!

Read the sentence from Barrio Boy by Ernesto Galarza.

People talked to one another on the street in low tones; only drunks and muchachitos mal educados raised their voices, or the arrieros when they shouted to their donkeys.

Which words best signal that "muchachitos mal educados" has a negative connotation?

A. People talked
B. on the street
C. raised their voices
D. their donkeys



the answer is c


in this passage from julius caesar, why does antony repeat the phrase he is an honorable man


Antony keeps referring to Brutus as an "honest" man because he's being sarcastic. What he says and what he means are two completely different things. He's prodding at Brutus' guilt..... trying to get under his skin. The fact that Brutus really is honorable makes the sarcasm even more potent. None-the-less, the first time he attributes honor to Brutus, the audience is with him..... but by the time Antony's done, the audience is questioning that honor.. not applauding it.

What conflicts are presented in this excerpt? Select three options. Mollie is in conflict with herself because she wants to leave the farm. Mollie is in conflict with Clover because Clover sees Mollie with the farmer. Mollie is in conflict with the farmer because he wants her to live on his farm. Mollie is in conflict with the farm because she does not like her living conditions. Mollie is in conflict with nature because she is cold and suffering from an illness.



- Mollie is in conflict with herself because she wants to leave the farm.

- Mollie is in conflict with Clover because Clover sees Mollie with the farmer.

- Mollie is in conflict with the farm because she does not like her living conditions.


In the given excerpt, the three conflicts displayed include Mollie's internal conflict with herself to whether or not to leave the farm, her external conflict with the Clover, and the farm.

She has a disagreement inside her because she was not happy at the farm and neither did she like doing the carriage task for Mr. Jones. Secondly, she has a dispute with Clover as he witnessed her with the farmer which he might not like. The other clash she undergoes is with the farm as she was fed up with the poor lifestyle at the farm. She aspires to get love and affection from humans and wear beautiful things like ribbons instead of pursuing the toil at the farm. She was really attracted by the human affections displayed to her by the neighbor and therefore, she gets convinced to escape.




write a short paragraph about your favourite game​


ANSWER: Football is my favorite sport. Many people can participate in this game, and the participants will be separated into two teams. We'll need a football, as well as a playground/park/open space to play this game. I enjoy kicking the ball around. And I have a lot of fun with it.

My favorite game would be chameleon because it brings back so many memories from my childhood and how I used to play with my family. It also brings us all closer together and it can be pretty intense if you have no idea. This game is also really funny but you have to have skills and be smart to play so people do not find out you are the chameleon.

Mention the ingredients and give the instructions to prepare the dish ,drink, desert. Use the ingredients, available at home.


If I understood correctly you just need basically directions and ingredients so heres scalloped potatoes

-seasoning if you want; salt, pepper, parsley, and minced onions

Preheat your oven to 375
Peal the potatoes and then cut them into thin slices.
Get a pan with one stick of butter on the stove on med.
Melt the butter and you’re going to make a roux; which is just butter and flower. Add in about a cup, if more needed add more. Until its about thickish paste. Add milk and your cheese about half a cup, can add more if wanted. Add in seasonings if want. Get your dish ready and add your potatoes layed out sorta like fallen dominoes. Do one layer and add your roux mixture and a layer of cheese, if wanted. Do another layer of potatoes just like that until your dish is filled. Pop in the oven for about 40 minutes or until potatoes are soft.

Hope this helped :)

Half a league, half a league,
Half a league onward,
All in the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred:
'Forward, the Light Brigade!
Charge for the guns' he said:
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.

'Forward, the Light Brigade!'
Was there a man dismay'd ?
Not tho' the soldier knew
Some one had blunder'd:
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die,
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.

Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volley'd and thunder'd;
Storm'd at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell
Rode the six hundred.

Flash'd all their sabres bare,
Flash'd as they turn'd in air
Sabring the gunners there,
Charging an army while
All the world wonder'd:
Plunged in the battery-smoke
Right thro' the line they broke;
Cossack and Russian
Reel'd from the sabre-stroke,
Shatter'd and sunder'd.
Then they rode back, but not
Not the six hundred.

Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon behind them
Volley'd and thunder'd;
Storm'd at with shot and shell,
While horse and hero fell,
They that had fought so well
Came thro' the jaws of Death,
Back from the mouth of Hell,
All that was left of them,
Left of six hundred.

When can their glory fade?
O the wild charge they made!
All the world wonder'd.
Honour the charge they made!
Honour the Light Brigade,
Noble six hundred!
Poet Name - Alfred Lord. Tennyson

A. What is the speaker. referring to ?
B. What does half a league specify ?
C.What affects does the repetition of words have on the reader?

Correct Answer- Mark as Brainlist​​



Throughout the course of The Charge of The Light Brigade (a poem the based the Battle of Balaclava during the Crimean War), Lord Alfred Tennyson uses many poetic techniques such as imagery, intertextuality, rhyming, and meter to highlight loyalty leads to sacrifice.


I think this is right, but don't quote me on this

3) For Elena, which problem in the story - the national one or the personal one- is more important? How
do each of these conflicts contribute to Elena's personal growth and understanding of the world?



i don't know that sorry

Why do you think there are less and less inventions be-
coming successful? Answer the question in at least
one complete sentence.



The reason why I think inventions are becoming less successful is because of lack of interest. You could design an amazing invention and go no where because the people aren't interested. The creator of the invention soley relies on the people wanting it or being interested in it.

The assignment for this lesson is to write an introduction and a set of annotations to the Declaration of Independence in order to help other students understand and analyze the language of the document.



I am not sure what you are trying to ask but I'll try to answer it as best as I can.

You are being asked to annotate the Declaration of Independence. this means highlight the most important parts of the Declaration and write questions that someone or yourself could have about it. Also write small notes to you're self.

As for writing an introduction, You should do it as a EQ question. Example:what makes the Declaration of Independence so important?

If that is not what you meant, please message me and I'll try to help you.

Choose the sentence whose common and proper nouns are capitalized properly.

A. Jackson and Roberta are brother and sister.
B. Sean and ella went to the Video store on Independence Day.
C. Connie loves to watch football and baseball, especially on her Birthday.



A. Jackson and Roberta are brother and sister.


The answer is A :)))))
Other Questions
The final lines of the folktale state: And that is why there are two things you can always count on running into in this world: Misery and Death: La miseria y la muerte. Write one to three sentences explaining the lesson of the folktale. What is graph for the equation y=-4x+1 Define relative density. How does the experiment relate to what you've learned about submersible technology suck as submarines and ROV's? A woman wearing high heels will find difficult to walk on the sandy beach than if she wears flat sole sandals. Why? Predict the products of each reaction, and whether the solution at equilibrium will be acidic, basic, or neutral.1. P4O10 + 6H2O (l)---->2. Na2O + H2O(l) ------>3. N2O5 + 3H2O (l)------> help plisssss(no entiendo) please help i have to resit math final so bare with mehelp me with this equation : x^2 - 7 = 0 IN QUADRATIC EQUATIONPS. 1st one to answer gets a brainly crown :) What term is used to describe decay that happens in the presence of oxygen? The relative price of good X is 5 units of good Y. It follows that the absolute price of good X can be ______________ and the absolute price of good Y can be ___________. How did Stalin rise to power after Lenin death Prepare journal entries for each transaction and identify the financial statement impact of each entry.The financial statements are automatically generated based on the journal entries recorded.Assume Adams Services began the year with the following balances: Cash, $41,000;Accounts receivable, $11,200; and Common stock, $52,200.Jan. 1 Leslie Adams invested $21,200 cash in the company in exchange for common stock.Jan. 2 The company provided services to a client and immediately received $4,500 cash.Jan. 3 The company received $11,200 cash from a client in payment for services to be provided next year.Jan. 4 The company received $5,900 cash from a client in partial payment of accounts receivable.Jan. 5 The company borrowed $11,000 cash from the bank by signing a note payable. rizationVhat is the prime factorization of 180?Select a composite number to break into factors. Continuefactoring until all factors are prime.22233.52.2.452.3.3.54802.9.5 There are 9 people in an office with 4 different phone lines. If all the lines begin to ring at once, how many groups of 4 people can answer these lines? what is the meaning of bio a microwave operates at a frequency of 2400 MHZ. the height of the oven cavity is 25 cm and the base measures 30 cm by 30 cm. assume that microwave energy is generated uniformly on the uipper surface. What is the power output of the oven why were. children in such high demand Here are two steps from the derivation of the quadratic formula.What took place between the first step and the second step? Find the area of the polygon with the coordinates (1, 2), (3, 2), (3, 0), and(1,0).2 sq. units8 sq. units4 sq. units16 sq. units The marked price of a fan is Rs 1,620 and selling price is Rs 1,539. Find the discount amount.