What's about the African prince


Answer 1
One day a prince, the next a slave: in 1788 Abdul Rahman Ibrahim Ibn Sori was captured and sold into slavery on a cotton plantation in Natchez, Mississippi.

Terry Alford, the author of Prince Among Slaves: The True Story of an African Prince Sold Into Slavery in the American South joined Suzanne Hill to tell the story of his life and the encounter that saw him freed from slavery after forty years.

Related Questions

reasons why the government needs to intervene in the economy​



everything can be found in the picture

Which of the following sentences contains a misplaced modifier?



Not sure I think option A

I just don’t want you in my life lol I love it lol I wish you luck and you can



This question is missing the answer choices. I was able to find them online. They are the following:

A. The best way to prevent bullying is to keep students off of social media outside of school hours.

B. Schools should have a strong support system in place to help some students cope with the emotional pressures they experience from parents, teachers, and peers.

C. Existing feelings of low self-esteem can make a student more vulnerable to bullying.

D. A number of studies has shown that all students have moments of self-doubt and insecurity, but some students may have a more difficult time managing those feelings.


The best rebuttal to the counterclaim is:

D. A number of studies has shown that all students have moments of self-doubt and insecurity, but some students may have a more difficult time managing those feelings.


A counterclaim is an idea that opposes the claim of an essay or a speech, for example. In this case, the counterclaim is "Bullying is not that important because it does not affect me personally." A rebuttal is an answer to a counterclaim, opposing it. In this instance, the best one is letter D. No one is absolutely immune to bullying and its effects. As studies show, everyone eventually feels insecure and, in some cases, such feeling is harder to manage. Therefore, bullying is important, since it has the power to affect everyone.

Which statement is an example of a metaphor?

The skyscraper looked like it reached as high as the moon.
The skyscraper was like a giant mirror reflecting the sky.
The skyscraper gleamed and sparkled in the night sky.
The skyscraper was a shining spear in the night sky.



The skyscraper was a shining spear in the night sky


a metaphor is describing or comparing something directly.





What aspect of Greek life does the excerpt reflect?
O the geographic surroundings near Greece
O the type of food the people eat
the main type of transportation in Greece
o the gods the people believe in


I’d say the culture


A - the geographic surroundings near Greece

Which fact best supports the central idea that Isaac
Singer was a resourceful man?
O He was the son of poor German immigrants.
O He was born on October 27, 1811.
He acquired an interest in the theater.
O He invented and sold a mechanical excavator.



The fact that best supports the central idea that Isaac Singer was a resourceful man is:

D. He invented and sold a mechanical excavator.


Isaac Singer is the famous American inventor behind the sewing machine for domestic use. Among the options in the question, the one that shows how resourceful he was is letter D. He invented and sold a mechanical excavator. A resourceful person is someone who is creative and smart, who has the ability to find solutions for problems quickly and creatively, and who can come up with new ideas. In general, inventors must be resourceful persons, and Singer was no exception.

Write a personal narrative essay that describes a significant experience that has shaped your identity. Develop the narrative through pacing, dialogue, and details that engage the reader.


This year has been very rewarded to me. Two months ago I started a new experience in life; I met a person from my church, she invited to me to go with  her to preach god's word to a bunch of homeless. At the beginning, I was a little scared because homeless people do not have the best reputation in town but at the end I accepted.

That morning my friend picked me up really early, we had to organize the place, take the chairs, set the table, prepare the snacks, test the equipments I mean the microphone and the speakers. When we have all ready, the homeless people started to arrive. I felt a little bit weird. I never thought to be there but it happened.

They started to pray and something happened, I could see God's mercy on the face of those people. They were there enjoying that moment and accepting those beautiful words. After that, I helped to serve food and beverage and I could discover how lucky I am to have a family, food, a place called home and a lot of things.

This experience helped me to understand that I needed a change in my life;  I had to be more helpful and avoid worrying for things that they are not worth them. I could see everyone with the same eyes and try to make a difference in people's life.

Life is really hard most of the time and this group from my chuch helped to see my life from different point of view.

From this experience I learned that I could be a better person, and I could help other people, whose they do not have anything in life but they are so happy with a smile, a hug a sweet word or a handshake-


A personal narrative essay is based on personal experience that the person has in life. They must be written with care and specific details to catch the spectator's attention.

Were you really that desperate hun? You could have confided that information in me. Here is your story… just add a bit of dialogue where you deem necessary.

0 a.All b.every c.most

1a.lots b.many c.much

2 a early b. Earliest c. Morning

3 a.gets b. Makes c. Takes

4 a. Again b.is c. Are

5 a. Writes b. Arrives c. Drives

6 a.goes. b. Likes c. Lives

7 a.am b. Are c. Be

8 a. House b.job c. Work

these are the words





0. B

1. B

2. A

3. C

4. B

5. C

6. B

7. A

8. A

Simple Past # Simple Past Form Participle 1 mark 2 3 eal Call 5 5 begin 6 give 7 answer 8 see 9 have


I don’t understand can you explain it more

How does Lyddie feel about
training Brigid?



Lyddie is now the best worker, and she is assigned to train a new girl, an Irish immigrant named Brigid. Lyddie is not happy about having to do this. She'd rather be working at her own looms.


Words are really powerful that can build or destroy someone's life" in 150 words.
write essay




Words they say can make or mar you. This in essence packs in a lot and tells us so much about the power in the words we so often speak carelessly without having a preconceived thought of the after effect of that word on us the speaker, the recepient or the people around at the time. Such is the power of the word we speak or issue through writing. Words are so delicate to the extent that a particular thought may need to be passed using some carefully selected words based on the context and environment even when the use of synonymous words would have meant the same. The power of words gives a clear reason why public figures. Political office holders, media personalities always make it a big deal when they communicate, they do so with so much preparation giving great cognizance to waht they are about to spew with their tongue as they know how delicate and powerful spoken words are ; once spewed, it cannot be retracted, it stays in the history books even after those who heard it are no more. Consequently, the making of so many figures can also be attributed to their speaking ability, their carefulness, thoughtfulness and vibrancy with words. Hence, words are capable or making and also bring about down fall.

What are biofertilisiers​



Biofertilizers are the substance that contains microbes, which helps in promoting the growth of plants and trees by increasing the supply of essential nutrients to the plants.


Ephesians 6:1-4. Explain the role of the children and the role of the parents in the family.



The childrens role is to obey their parents while the Parents role is to love and raise the child in the right way.


Ephesians 6:1-4 is explaining how children need to obey their parents, meaning that they should listen and follow the rules their mom or dad has given or put in place for the child to follow. It's also explaining how parents shouldn't provoke and anger their children but love them and bring their children up in the right way. The right way, in this case, would be to take the children to church and show them what's right and what is wrong.

What do we hear socially about intelligence at school?



Every year hundreds of grade school students converge on Washington, D.C., for the annual Scripps National Spelling Bee. The “bee” is an elite event in which children as young as 8 years old compete to spell words like “cymotrichous” and “appoggiatura.” Most people who watch the spelling bee think of these kids as being “smart.”

What makes a person intelligent? Is it heredity (two of the 2014 contestants in the National Spelling Bee have siblings who have previously won) (National Spelling Bee, 2014a)? Is it interest (the most frequently listed favorite subject among spelling bee competitors is math)(NSB, 2014b)?

Write a manifesto of not less than 600 words on how to fix the country and restore hope in political government.​




Together we can do it !!!

The number of primary schools will be increased

The secondary curriculum will be improved

More colleges will be built

Educational subsidies will be introduced

Public libraries will be built

Provided that you vote for us


Together we can do it !!!

Railroads will be improved

Subways can be at your doorsetp

More highways can be built

Teslas can be affordable

Trams will be better

Provided that you vote for us


Together we can do this !!!

Price of the food can be lowered

Cheese can once more be affordable

Hunger will be erradicated

Clean water will be added

Provided that you vote for us


Together we can do this !!!

Anti-corruption squad will be introduced

Income tax department will look for the tax

And the money with rich will be reused

Provided that you vote for us


Together we can do this !!!

More public hospitals will be built

More doctors will be in it

Disease will never be a problem

Provided that you vote for us


Together we can do this !!!

Old age sucks, no pension even more

Money will be provided to pensioners

And the old age department will be responsible

Grandpas and grandmas can yet again live life freely

Provided they vote for us


Together we can do it !!!

Big construction projects will be into action

All the tax will now be put

Provided you vote for us


Pls vote as brainliest

2. Who is responsible for Macbeth's downfall? Lady Macbeth, the Witches or
Macbeth himself?
3. Who is the real hero of the play? Some options may include, Macduff,
Malcom and/or Banquo.​


2. Lady Macbeth and the witches are to blame for Macbeth’s downfall because Lady Macbeth was manipulative and ambitious and the witches because they told Macbeth of his fate. By the witches putting the idea that he was going to be king in his head his ambition grew stronger.
3. The hero of the play is Macduff for defeating Macbeth at the end of the play and bringing prosperity back to Scotland.

HELP! also the question is in the picture, and this is what I had to read:

Tragic fate has thrust upon us grave responsibilities. We must carry on. Our departed leader never looked backward. He looked forward and moved forward. That is what he would want us to do. That is what America will do. So much blood has already been shed for the ideals which we cherish, and for which Franklin Delano Roosevelt lived and died, that we dare not permit even a momentary pause in the hard fight for victory.
Today, the entire world is looking to America for enlightened leadership to peace and progress. Such a leadership requires vision, courage and tolerance. It can be provided only by a united nation deeply devoted to the highest ideals. With great humility I call upon all Americans to help me keep our nation united in defense of those ideals which have been so eloquently proclaimed by Franklin Roosevelt. I want in turn to assure my fellow Americans and all of those who love peace and liberty throughout the world that I will support and defend those ideals with all my strength and all my heart. That is my duty and I shall not shirk it.
So that there can be no possible misunderstanding, both Germany and Japan can be certain, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that America will continue the fight for freedom until no vestige of resistance remains! We are deeply conscious of the fact that much hard fighting is still ahead of us. Having to pay such a heavy price to make complete victory certain, America will never become a party to any plan for partial victory! To settle for merely another temporary respite would surely jeopardize the future security of all the world. Our demand has been, and it remains—Unconditional Surrender!
We will not traffic with the breakers of the peace on the terms of the peace. The responsibility for making of the peace—and it is a very grave responsibility—must rest with the defenders of the peace. We are not unconscious of the dictates of humanity. We do not wish to see unnecessary or unjustified suffering. But the laws of God and of man have been violated and the guilty must not go unpunished. Nothing shall shake our determination to punish the war criminals even though we must pursue them to the ends of the earth. Lasting peace can never be secured if we permit our dangerous opponents to plot future wars with impunity at any mountain retreat—however distant. In this shrinking world, it is futile to seek safety behind geographical barriers. Real security will be found only in law and in justice.



to promise uninterrupted continuation of the previous administration's duties and struggles → Paragraph 2

to remind all Americans to stay engaged in the effort to secure peace and liberty worldwide → Paragraph 1

to warn that only the victors can dictate how peace is established and how justice is carried out → Paragraph 4

to clarify that an end to the present world conflict can only come with complete allied victory →  Paragraph 3


I have been able to match each of the author's purpose in each paragraph.

Looking at the passage, we discover that in Paragraph 1, the speaker reminds Americans not to permit a momentary pause in the fight for victory. So, he encourages them to stay engaged in the bid to bring peace and liberty. In Paragraph 2, the speaker tends to make a promise to continue the previous administration's duties and struggles. This is seen when the speaker said "I want in turn to assure my fellow Americans and all of those who love peace and liberty throughout the world that I will support and defend those ideals with all my strength and all my heart. That is my duty and I shall not shirk it."

Paragraph 3 actually clarifies that an end to the present world conflict can only come with complete allied victory.

Imagine that you are Atticus Finch writing a business letter to the judge to explain the reason you are appealing Tom's conviction. Following the format below, write a five-paragraph letter that details the evidence that proves Tom's innocence, and the evidence that is lacking in order to convict him. Use examples from the text, as well as correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Sender's Street Address

City, State and Zip Code

Date (Month Day, 4-Digit Year)

Recipient's Name (Mr./Ms./Mrs.)

Recipient's Title (If Applicable)

Recipient's Street Address

City, State and Zip Code

Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs. ___________:
Introductory paragraph should explain in detail the reason you are writing the letter. In this paragraph, you establish your claim/central purpose, and establish the format of the letter. It should be single-spaced, in block format (meaning you do not indent the first sentence in the paragraph).

The second paragraph is where you add all of the examples and supporting details. Support and develop your claim thoroughly with evidence from the book.

Insert additional body paragraphs as needed to add any remaining, necessary information.

The final paragraph should be your conclusion. State any expected outcomes as a result of sending your letter. Be gracious and professional. Express gratitude, if applicable.

Salutation (Sincerely, Respectfully Submitted, etc.)

Sender's Name

Sender's Title





Use the context clues to find the definition for the word excluded as it is used in these sentences. kept out prevented shut out not allowed


This question is missing the sentence. I was able to find it online. It is the following:

Their math teacher informed them that division problems would not be on the test. The class was not happy to hear that these kinds of problems would be excluded.


The meaning of "excluded" as it is used in the sentence above is:

A. kept out


A context clue is a piece of information an author gives to help readers understand the meaning of a word that may be regarded as difficult or unusual. In the sentences we are analyzing here, the context clue for the meaning of "excluded" is given before the word itself appears. When the author says, "division problems would not be on the test," he is offering the clue. Some problems will be kept out, excluded, or simply not included in the test.


kept out


Read the excerpt from John F. Kennedy's 1961
"Inaugural Address."
Select the correct answer
Which words from the passage support the speaker's optimistic tone?
from Inaugural Address
by John F. Kennedy
The world is very different now. For man
holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish
all forms of human poverty and all forms of
human life. And yet the same revolutionary
beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at
issue around the globe-the belief that the
rights of man come not from the generosity of
the state but from the hand of God.
O A. peace, tempered
issue, unwilling
proud, committed
abolish, disciplined
to a new
We dare not forget today that we are the
heirs of that first revolution. Let the word go
forth from this time and place, to friend and foe
alike, that the torch has been passed t
generation of Americans-born in this centu
tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and
bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage-and
unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing
of those human rights to which this nation has
always been committed, and to which we are
committed today at home and around the


Answer: proud, committed is the answer

Which lines show that Juliet is obedient? Check all that
"How now! Who calls?"
"Your mother."
Tis' love?
"What is your will?"
"Speak briefly, can you like of Paris' love?"
"I'll look to like, if looking liking move"
and Juliet,
"No more deep will I endart mine eye/Than your
consent gives strength to make it fly."

Thank you



“What is your will?”  

“I’ll look to like, if looking liking move”

"No more deep will I endart mine eye / Than your consent gives strength to make it fly."


Can you think of any other instances in which conformity would be a good thing? Use information from the text, your own experience the experience of others, or historical events that can help you answer the question.



Washing hands after attending bathroom is an example of conformity.


Yes, I think conformity would be a good thing in many cases in our life. Washing hands after attending bathroom is an example of conformity. Conformity refers to copy the things that are popular in the world and those things are often good and useful for ourselves. For example, most people don't understand how germs can cause disease but they know they should wash their hands after using the bathroom which is an example of conformity.

Are the authors in disagreement with some other way of thinking? That is to say, is their a "They say" in their "I say"? Who are "they" and what is Mischel disagreeing with? What is he bifurcating from? And what does he discover in his research?


Hello. You did not submit the text to which this question refers, which makes it impossible for it to be answered. However, I will try to help you as best I can.

The only way to answer this question is to read the text it refers to. During this reading, you will be able to identify if the authors disagree, if they present opposite opinions on the same subject. Once you've identified this, you will need to understand what point in this issue they disagree with and why this disagreement is happening. This reason will be exposed in the textual evidence, where the authors will present sentences that justify their opinions, showing why this opinion is correct.

What these authors discover about the research will be presented in the conclusion of the text, in the last paragraph, where the authors can infer about everything that was discussed in the text.

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.

Which description best fits the context described?

Maria is writing a memo to remind her coworkers about office etiquette. She must use an objective tone in her writing and ensure that
she is ________ Also, she should avoid using _______, because her coworkers might find it confusing.



Maria is writing a memo to remind her coworkers about office etiquette. She must use an objective tone in her writing and ensure that she is authoritative. Also, she should avoid using style jargon convention, because her coworkers might find it confusing.


Maria is writing a memo to remind her coworkers about office etiquette. She must use an objective tone in her writing and ensure that she is authorized. Also, she should avoid using variety jargon in convention, because her coworkers might find it confusing. It context described are the tone was the Maria.

What is context?

The term context clues refer to cues that help readers decipher a sentence, paragraph, or chapter, so they can understand the meanings of new or obscure words. The context was the written in the term are the proper manner in the format are the measured to be the followed. The sentence formation of the context are the complete.

Maria is interested in creating the message to remind her coworkers about business manners. The tone was utilized in the purpose of the writing and ensuring that she is permitted. She avoided employing jargon in the context of explaining the characterized by the perplexing.

Therefore, the authorized and the variety jargon in convention are the fill in the context.

Learn more about on context, here:



4. Which definition BEST describes how mood influences poetry?
A. Mood expresses the attitude of the poet.
B. Mood creates an emotional connection with the reader.
C. Mood justifies the descriptive word choices the poet makes.
D. Mood establishes the message about life the poet wishes to convey.





the answer is: option B.

hope it helps and have a nice day!

if innocent and sweet was a cereal what would it be



I personally think an innocent and sweet looking cereal would have a cream- colored box with light pink rosy designs as well as light blue designs.


This is an opinionated question, so the cereal box can be anything you perceive as innocent and sweet.

Hope I helped :)

Cereals such as these could be considered examples:

The golden oreo cereal could be considered innocent and sweet, but the special k cereal best fits what I was describing above.

Which word defines "morose" best?




morose is closest to gloomy. But gloomy is not quite correct. Gloomy is just a state om mind.

Morose is quite different I think. It is a life lived on the gloomy side, and somewhat constant in the way it lives that life. I think there is some measure of contentment when we are morose -- maybe we even like it.


morose is a person who is gloomy or depressed


Mars is an _____ planet because it is red . A. unusual B.dangerous C. different D.beautiful E.similar


Well...this kind of question is...not sure how to say it but...answers may vary from different people. But I would go with A. Unusual
Because B? Dangerous? Yeah Mars is dangerous but saying it’s red doesn’t mean it’s dangerous. Saying Mars have dust storms would mean it’s dangerous. C. Different? That’s what I meant when I say answers may vary. Some people would choose this because earth is not red, and therefore, different. But I believe unusual is the best word here. D. Beautiful? Yeah that’s more like an opinion, no. E. Similar? Similar in what way? Earth isn’t red.
I would say it’s A. There is no other planet that is like Mars. Mars is red on the outside, and no others are!

Conflict. Every novel needs conflict, and it's also incredibly important for building suspense. ...
Pacing. The pace of your novel is another important component to building suspense. ...
Red herrings. Red herrings are clues in your story that mislead readers. ...
Atmosphere. ...
High stakes



Atmosphere refers to mood or feeling whereas high stakes refers to advancement in the story.


Mood in literature is another word for the atmosphere. The mood is the feeling that the writer is trying to produce or creates in their readers feelings like calmness, anxiety, joy, or anger while on the other hand, high stakes allows to keep the plot moving, characters growing and changing, and keep your readers engaged in the story and creates the interest of the readers. Without high stakes, your story may feel flat.

How could you correctly combine the first three sentences of the passage below to add variety? Check
saw Amir. I was visiting New York. He lives there. We went to an Italian restaurant and ate big plates of spaghetti.
was a fun outing.
D saw Amir, who in lives in New York, when I was visiting.
O When I was visiting New York, I saw Amir, who lives there.
U When I was visiting New York; saw Amir, who lives there.
0 saw Amir when I was visiting New York, which is where he lives. iS
D I saw Amir, when I was visiting New York, that is where he lives



I was visiting in NY and I saw Amirwho live in

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