What’s the answers ?


Answer 1

hope this helps! feel free to clarify if unsure

Related Questions

The graph of a line is shown below. What is the equation of the line, in slope-intercept form, that is parallel to this line and has a y-intercept of 1?



[tex]y = - \frac{3}{2} x + 1[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Slope -intercept form: y= mx +c, where m is the slope and c is the y-intercept.

Parallel lines have the same slope. Let's find the slope of the given line.

Given points: (-2, 0) and (0, -3)

[tex]\boxed{slope = \frac{y1 - y2}{x1 - x2} }[/tex]

slope of given line

[tex] = \frac{0 - ( - 3)}{ - 2 - 0} [/tex]

[tex] = \frac{0 + 3}{ - 2} [/tex]

[tex] = - \frac{3}{2} [/tex]

[tex]y = - \frac{3}{2} x + c[/tex]

Given that the y- intercept is 1, c= 1.

[tex]y = - \frac{3}{2} x + 1[/tex]

what is the answer? I need help!! please and thank you




Step-by-step explanation:

27%=0.27 and sqrt(2)<2.75

help! please!!!!!! look at photo :))


Hey there!

We know that Danielle earns $10 per hour, so muliply that by 3 and get 30.

Because Danielle works an extra half an hour, divide 10 by 2 and get 5.

Danielle earns $35 in 3 hours and a half.

Hope this helps! Please mark me as brainliest!

Have a wonderful day :)

Charlene is a salesperson. Let y represent her total pay (in dollars). Let x represent the number of
items she sells. Suppose that x and y are related by the equation y=32x + 1900.
What is Charlene's total pay if she doesn't sell any items?
A. $32
B. $1,900
C. $3,200
D. $19


Multiply 32 by 0, and you get y=1,900

Which graph represents the function f(x)=|x−1|−3 ?


Answer is B, (the one on the top right)

Jo bought a used car for $6000 and paid a 15% deposit. How much did he still have to pay?



900 is the correct awnser

What is the difference between-5and2




Step-by-step explanation:

Consider the absolute value of the difference , that is

| - 5 - 2 | = | - 7 | = 7


| 2 - (- 5) | = | 2 + 5 | = | 7 | = 7



Step-by-step explanation:

Difference is - sign so the equation is: 2- -5 which is 7. Or

think a number line, -5 is 5 spots to 0, then two more spots to 2 so 5+2=7

Find m/ELM if m/ELM = 15x - 1, m/KLE = 20°, and m/KLM = 17x - 1.​



∠ ELM = 149°

Step-by-step explanation:

∠ KLM = ∠ KLE + ∠ ELM  , substitute values

17x - 1 = 20 + 15x - 1

17x - 1 = 15x + 19 ( subtract 15x from both sides )

2x - 1 = 19 ( add 1 to both sides  )

2x = 20 ( divide both sides by 2 )

x = 10


∠ ELM = 15x - 1 = 15(10) - 1 = 150 - 1 = 149°

What is the surface area of the right prism?
92 ft2
46 ft2
48 ft2
70 ft2

(will mark brainliest <3)


Answer:  70 ft^2   ( choice D )


Work Shown:

L = 8 ft = lengthW = 3 ft = widthH = 1 ft = height

SA = surface area of the rectangular prism (aka block or box)

SA = 2*(LW + LH + WH)

SA = 2*(8*3 + 8*1 + 3*1)

SA = 2*(24 + 8 + 3)

SA = 2*(35)

SA = 70 square feet

This is the amount of wrapping paper you would need to cover all six sides of the box. This assumes that there are no gaps or overlaps.

which statement is true


3) an $8 delivery fee and $1.50 per litre of water

This is because the $8 is a constant baseline, then adding $1.50 times the amount of litres purchased.

What is the volume?
9 ft
4 ft
2 ft




Step-by-step explanation:

V=whl=4 x 2 x9=72


72 cubic feet

Step-by-step explanation:

*this formula doesn’t work for all shapes*

Volume = length x width x height

Volume = 4 x 2 x 9

Volume = 72 cubic feet

A game involves correctly choosing the 5 correct numbers from 1 through 18 that are randomly drawn. What is the probability that a person wins the game, if they enter a) once? b) 7 times with a different choice each time?



[tex]=\frac{1}{8568}\ = .00011\\\ =\frac{7}{8568} = .00081[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]5/18\cdot \:4/17\cdot \:3/16\cdot \:2/15\cdot \:1/14=\frac{1}{8568}[/tex]

Help anyone can help me do the question,I will mark brainlest.​



a) 30


Step-by-step explanation:

For the first questions, since the arc is 240°, the area of the sector and circumference will be 240/360 or 2/3 of the total of the circles'. Therefore 125.6 x 3/2 is the circumference, which is 188.4. When we divide this by 6.28, we get 30

Now, since the area is pi r^2 where we know that r=30, we get 900pi as the area of the whole thing, however since the sector is 2/3 of the whole circle, 2/3 x 900pi = 600pi

A person walks away from a pulley pulling a rope slung over it. The rope is being held at a height 10 feet below the pulley. Suppose that the weight at the opposite end of the rope is rising at 4 feet per second. At what rate is the person walking when s/he is 20 feet from being directly under the pulley


The image of this question is missing and so i have attached it.


dd/dt = 4.47 ft/s

Step-by-step explanation:

From the image attached, let's denote the following;

d = horizontal distance beneath pulley

h = height of pulley

l = diagonal from the pulley to the head of the person

v = velocity of rope rising

Using pythagoras theorem;

l² = d² + h²

Differentiating with respect to time and considering h = c^(te) gives;

2l(dl/dt) = 2d(dd/dt)

We are given;

d = 20 ft

h = 10 ft

v = 4 ft/s

We know that velocity in this case is change in diagonal distance with time. Thus;

v = dl/dt = 4 ft/s

From earlier, we saw that;

2l(dl/dt) = 2d(dd/dt)

Thus, reducing it gives

(dl/dt)(l/d) = dd/dt

Now, l² = d² + h²

l = √(d² + h²)

Also, v = dl/dt = 4


4(√(d² + h²))/d = dd/dt

4(√(20² + 10²))/20 = dd/dt

dd/dt = 4.47 ft/s

Match the answers……………..


9 in 8956 = 900

9 in 95675 = 90000

9 = 9 in 124569

9 in 68795 = 90

90000 = 9 in 2549652.........

hope it helps...

A box contains a yellow ball, an orange ball, a green ball, and a blue ball. Billy randomly selects 4 balls from the box (with replacement). What is the expected value for the number of distinct colored balls Billy will select?



[tex]Expected = 0.09375[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]Balls = 4[/tex]

[tex]n = 4[/tex] --- selection


The expected distinct colored balls

The probability of selecting one of the 4 balls is:

[tex]P = \frac{1}{4}[/tex]

The probability of selecting different balls in each selection is:

[tex]Pr = (\frac{1}{4})^n[/tex]

Substitute 4 for n

[tex]Pr = (\frac{1}{4})^4[/tex]

[tex]Pr = \frac{1}{256}[/tex]

The number of arrangement of the 4 balls is:

[tex]Arrangement = 4![/tex]

So, we have:

[tex]Arrangement = 4*3*2*1[/tex]

[tex]Arrangement = 24[/tex]

The expected number of distinct color is:

[tex]Expected = Arrangement * Pr[/tex]

[tex]Expected = 24 * \frac{1}{256}[/tex]

[tex]Expected = \frac{3}{32}[/tex]

[tex]Expected = 0.09375[/tex]

In the PQRS triangle PQ=QR, QR side extended to S Show that PQ+RS=QS. -S Q R

pls explain too



Step-by-step explanation:

from the picture:





PQ + RS = QS

working alone, aliyah can dig a 10ft by 10 ft hole is 6 hours. one day her friend eugene helped her and it only took 3.75 hours. how long would it take eugene to do it alone? disclaimer: the answer is 11.95 hours, but i keep getting 10. please use the 1/x+1/y=1/z strategy



I think the answer is 10 hours

the 11.95 seems wrong

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\frac{1}{6} + \frac{1}{y} = \frac{1}{3.75}[/tex]

multiply by 22.5 y

3.75 y + 22.5 = 6y

y = 10

Write down at least five number pairs to solve the equation vw = 50



1, 50

2, 25

5, 10

10, 5

25, 2


Step-by-step explanation:

V  W  

1 x 50     = 50

1.5 x 33 1/3 = 50

2 x 25     = 50

2.5 x 20     = 50

3 x 16 2/3 = 50

3.5 x 14 2/7 = 50

4 x 12 1/2 = 50

4.5 x 11 1/9 = 50

5 x 10     = 50

5.5 x 9     = 50

6 x 8 1/3 = 50

6.5 x 7 2/3 = 50

7 x 7 1/7 = 50

7.5 x 6 2/3 = 50

8 x 6 1/4 = 50

8.5 x 5 8/9 = 50

9 x 5 5/9 = 50

9.5 x 5 1/4 = 50

10 x 5     = 50

10.5 x 4 3/4 = 50

11 x 4 5/9 = 50

11.5 x 4 1/3 = 50

12 x 4 1/6 = 50

12.5 x 4     = 50

13 x 3 6/7 = 50

13.5 x 3 5/7 = 50

14 x 3 4/7 = 50

The bar graph shows the median income for families in the United States from 1993 through 2000.
Which two consecutive years saw the largest increase in median income?

A. 1994–1995

B. 1997–1998

C. 1998–1999

D. 1999–2000


The two consecutive years in which there is the largest increase in the median income is option B i.e. 1997-1998.

Given that

In 1994-1995, the median income is 37,500 and 38,500.In 1997-1998, the median income is 39,700 and 41,000.In 1998-1999, the median income is 41,000 and 42,200.In 1999-2000, the median income is 42,500 and its less.

So after analysis, we can conclude that The two consecutive years in which there is the largest increase in the median income is option B i.e. 1997-1998.

Learn more about the bar graph here: brainly.com/question/14894834

Please help i do not understand this question!



Distributive property

Step-by-step explanation:

The rule being shown here is the distributive property, because the first binomial is taken apart and separately multiplied with the other binomial.

if f(x) = 2x²+2x-1, g(x) = x²+5x+2 f(x)=g(x), find the value of x​



Possible Answers: –5. –21. 7. –1


just put the values and simpilyfy it untill you get the value of X

hence, the value of X is either 3 or, -1

91. Jack can read 45 pages of his book in one and a
half hours. At that rate, how long will it take him to
read the entire 300-page book?



10 hours

Step-by-step explanation:

45 pages per 1 hour and 30 minutes,  or 60 min +30 min =90 min

90 minutes / 45 pages has to be equal to an equivalent fraction where we have 300 pages

90 minutes /45 pages = ? minutes / 300 pages , multiply both sides by 300

? minutes = 90*300/45 = 600 minutes

to read 300-page book will take 600 minutes = 10 hours

Look at this cube
If the side lengths are halved, then which of the following statements about its surface area will be true?



the new surface Will be 1/4 pf the old surface

Step-by-step explanation:

because the surface with 7 in Is about 294 and with 3.5 (1/2 of 7) Is 73.5.

so 294:4 Is 73.5

excuse me for my bad English but I'm italian

Someone please help me find y if you don’t mind Thankyouu so much



Step-by-step explanation:

Decreasing rate = 12% = 0.12

y = 2400 * (1- 0.12)^x = 2400*(0.88)^x

x = 8 years

[tex]y = 2400 *(0.88)^{8}\\\\= 2400*0.36\\\\= 863[/tex]

Find the cross product (7,9, 6)x 44, 1, 5). Is the resulting vector perpendicular to the given vectors?
a. (-57, 43, 33); yes
c. (33. – 59, - 57); no
b. (39, – 59,43), yes
d. (33, - 57, 49); no



Option B, (39, -59, 43)

Answered by GAUTHMATH

Find the place value of 8 in 2456.1387.


Answer: Third Choice. Thousandths

Step-by-step explanation:


Here, we need to know the order and name of each place value.

Please refer to the attachment below for the specified names.


STEP ONE: Orde and name each place

2 ⇒ One Thousands

4 ⇒ Hundreds

5 ⇒ Tens

6 ⇒ Ones


1 ⇒ Tenths

3 ⇒ Hundredths

8 ⇒ One Thousandths

7 ⇒ Ten Thousandths

STEP TWO: Find the number [8] in the number

As we can see from the list above, 8 is at the right of the decimal point, thus, the place value is Thousandths.

Hope this helps!! :)

Please let me know if you have any questions

find the radius of a circle for which an arc 6 cm long subtends an angle of 1/3 radians at the center?
plz some one can help to solve the question??​


Step-by-step explanation:




[tex]R=\dfrac{18}{\pi}\ (cm)[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]Formula: \ L=\theta*R\\[/tex]

[tex]R=\dfrac{6}{\dfrac{\pi}{3} } =\dfrac{6*3}{\pi} =\dfrac{18}{\pi}\ (cm)[/tex]

What is
f(x)=(x-2)(x-6) in standard form


Standard form is


This is a function of degree
i.e. quadratic equation and its standard firm is
. Hence, the standard form for








but this is for x+2 instead of x-2

What is the perimeter of the right triangle with legs (2x + 1) feet and (4x - 4) feet and hypotenuse (4x - 1) feet? Give your answer in terms of x in the simplest form.



10x-4 feet

Step-by-step explanation:

The perimeter is the amount of the sides together so add the three sides together


Combine like terms


(You can also factor out 2 but that would not be simplest --> 2(5x-2))

Other Questions
UNIT 6. WILL & BE GOING TOI. Supply the correct verb form: 1. Jack: We need some bread for lunch Ben: Oh, do we? I _____________ (go) to the shop and get some. I feel like a walk Before he goes out, Ben talks to Jane: Ben: I _____________ (get) some bread! Do you want anything from the shop? Jane: Yes, I need some envelopes Ben: Okay, I _____________ (get) some 2. John has to go to the airport to catch a plane. He hasnt got a car. John: Alan, can you take me to the airport this evening? Alan: Of course, I _____________ (take) you. Id be delighted Later that day, Eric offers to take John to the airport Eric: John, do you want me to take you to the airport? John: No, thanks, Eric. Alan _____________ (take) me 3. A: Has George decided what to do when he leaves school? B: Oh, yes. Everything is planned. He _____________ (have) a holiday for a few weeks and then He _____________ (do) a computer programming course 4. You have made an appointment with the dentist for Friday morning Friend: Shall we meet on Friday morning You: I cant on Friday. I _____________ (go) to the dentist 5. A: Did you post that letter for me? B: Oh, Im sorry. I completely forgot. I _____________ (do) it now 6. A: What shall we have for dinner? B: I dont know. I cant make up my mind A: Come on, hurry up! Make a decision! B: Okay then. We _____________ (have) chicken 7. A: The ceiling in this room doesnt look very safe, does it? B: No, It looks as if it _____________ (fall) down 8. A: Can I speak to Marco? B: Hold on, I _____________ (get) him Determine the correct energy transformations during the generation of electricity from fossil fuels.A. Heat to Chemical to Electrical to KineticB. Heat to Kinetic to Electrical to ChemicalC. Kinetic to Chemical to Heat to ElectricalD. Chemical to Heat to Kinetic to Electrical Solve using Matlab the problems: One using the permutation of n objects formulaOne using the permutation of r objects out of n objectsYou can pick these problems from the textbook or you can make up your own questions.Help me pleaseeeee Omega Enterprises budgeted the following sales in units: January 40,000 February 30,000 March 50,000 Omega's policy is to have 30% of the following month's sales in inventory. On January 1, inventory equaled 8,000 units. February production in units is: a.36,000. b.40,000. c.20,000. d.28,000. e.26,500. (x^2+1)(x-1)=0 help me pls Objective: Incorporate the vocabulary and grammar you have learned throughout the year(Spanish 3), you will need to select a traditional Hispanic meal and write or film yourself narrating the directions.The topic is: (Three layer milk cake) It won't let me spell out the Spanish term. Which of the following algebraic steps will solve the equation 5p= -35 and what is the solution Tyrone measured the floor of his rectangular storage unit. It is 3 feet wide and 8 feet from one corner to the opposite corner. How long is the storage unit? If necessary, round to the nearest tenth. What effects are produced on environment by industry? use the prime factors of 3136 and 2744 to evaluate:3136/32744 Find the length of UC? Please help what is the area of the figure below? What is the slope-intercept equation of the line below? Plsss helpp , marking brainliest as well Imagine you are writing an ad slogan for a new type of breakfast cereal using the media technique of association. In order for the slogan to be effective, it shouldinvoke good memories of the past and provide a good explanation of the cereals content.associate the cereal with something good and create positive feelings about the cereal.build up the consumers self-esteem and validate that it is better than the competition.review the contents of the cereal and convince consumers that the cereal is healthy. | the British 50-pence coin shown on the right is in the shape of aregular heptagon. Determine the measure of one interior angle.Show your work. Integers are sometimes whole numberstrue or false Which detail best characterizes the narrators uncle in the excerpt in a journey to the center of the earth Choose one. 5 pointsUse the equation from week 3:frequency =wavespeedwavelengthand the wavelength you found in #3 to calculate the frequency of this photon (remember the speed oflight is 3E8 m/s);7.6E14 Hz6.0E14 Hz4,6E14 Hz PLZ HELP!!! Find the range of the following piecewise function.