whats the correct anwser

Whats The Correct Anwser


Answer 1

Answer: i believe it’s the last option.


Answer 2


I think it is NO CHANGE since it's correct

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Read the excerpt from "on liberty and slavery." oh, liberty! thou golden prize, so often sought by blood— we crave thy sacred sun to rise, the gift of nature’s god! bid slavery hide her haggard face, and barbarism fly: i scorn to see the sad disgrace in which enslaved i lie. dear liberty! upon thy breast, i languish to respire; and like the swan upon her nest, i’d to thy smiles retire. oh, blest asylum—heavenly balm! unto thy boughs i flee— and in thy shades the storm shall calm, with songs of liberty! what does this excerpt express about the experience of freedom? freedom is a human right every person deserves. freedom can only be achieved in certain locations. people can lose hope when they have no freedom. the meaning of freedom differs among people.


The poem shifts from a discussion of the immediate state of slavery to an address to liberty, which emphasizes the narrator's desire to be free.

What is the poetry about slavery and freedom trying to say?The 1820s saw the creation of the poem "On Liberty and Slavery" by slave George Horton. The poem shifts from a discussion of the immediate state of slavery to an address to liberty, which emphasizes the narrator's desire to be free.The 1820s saw the creation of the poem "On Liberty and Slavery" by slave George Horton. The poem shifts from a discussion of the immediate state of slavery to an address to liberty, which emphasizes the narrator's desire to be free.      

To learn more about "On Liberty and Slavery" refer to:



Emily's family always had a of food at their bountiful holiday celebrations.



its a


the answer is a bc i got it right

what is the plot for restart chapter 22​


In Chapter 22 of Restart, Shoshanna is furious with herself because she thinks Chase plotted to hurt her brother again with Aaron, Bear, and Bear.

What is the Restart storyline?

Restart is a mystery fiction book written by Gordon Korman that takes you on a journey to show how amnesia may truly damage a person. Chase Ambrose, a youngster in the story Restart, suffers a brain injury after falling off his roof and being taken to the hospital.

Shoshanna's experience adjusting to Chase's alleged betrayal of the video club is depicted in Gordon Korman's Restart's Chapter 22. Shoshanna is outraged that Aaron and Bear's hoax has once again caused her brother Joel pain and anger with herself for believing Chase. She also feels guilty.


To learn more about Restart from the given link



Consider the ways in which the following factors show up in Animal Farm:

Power-Hoarding behavior

Write an essay in which you describe how each of these factors contributed to the corruption of Animal Farm, and argue which factor was more influential.

Please someone help me i need this by 11:59


Ignorance made other animals to yield to the manipulation of the pigs  to hold on to power.

How ignorance, manipulation, and power-hoarding behavior contributes to the corruption of Animal Farm?

In George Orwell's  "Animal Farm," ignorance was what separated the powerful from the less powerful animals. A clear example of ignorance was Boxer's reaction to Napoleon's laws/ demands. He accepted Napoleon's laws as absolute, and resolved to "Work harder," amidst oppression. This level of ignorance emboldened Napoleon and the pigs to continue to manipulate and enact unfair and discriminatory laws in the farm. They knew that other animals would questioned Napoleon's laws that permitted unfair distributions of roles in the farm.

Manipulation was constantly used as a weapon by Napoleon to keep other animals in line. A clear example is how the pig threatened to bring back Jones to the farm. He did this to enforce submission in the farm. The pig's manipulative tendencies made it easy for them to make corrupt laws that favored them. They were able to dress, and dine a certain way but it was forbidden for other animals to do so. They had power to kill other animals and not be questioned because their manipulative laws enabled them to do so.

Power-Hoarding behavior is seen in the pigs laws that made them Lords over "Question of farm policy." Making an example of Snowball who saw through their manipulations worked to their advantage because it further  dissuaded other animals from challenging their authority.  They could dine and trade with human without being questioned.

Find more information about Animal Farm here;



how do Miles and Rebecca respond to Paige’s statement that maybe sacrifice worked a few times for the townspeople? How does Paige press her point? Is she successful in changing Miles’s and Rebecca's points of view? Explain.


Tradition, a quick response to Paige's assertion that perhaps sacrifice was effective  for the Miles and Rebecca respond to Paige’s statement that maybe sacrifice worked a few times for the townspeople

What is Rebecca's narrative?

The Gothic novel Rebecca was created by English author Catherine du Maurier in 1938. The titular character of the book is portrayed as an anonymous young woman who rushes into marriage with a wealthy widower before learning how he as well as his home are plagued by the memories of his deceased first wife.

What does Rebecca in the Torah teach us?

The narrative of Rebekah demonstrates God's providence, fervent intercession, and how He may use our mistakes to further His purposes. You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good in order to ensure that many people would.

To know more about  rebecca visit:



Can someone PLEASE HELP ME??

All these changes make good sense. But how does breaking up dice games and streamlining bureaucracy cut murder rates by two-thirds? Many criminologists have taken a broader view, arguing that changes in crime reflect fundamental demographic and social trends — for example, the decline and stabilization of the crack trade, the aging of the population, and longer prison sentences, which have kept hard-core offenders off the streets. Yet these trends are neither particularly new nor unique to New York City; they don’t account for why the crime rate has dropped so suddenly here and now. Furthermore, whatever good they have done is surely offset, at least in part, by the economic devastation visited on places like Brownsville and East New York in recent years by successive rounds of federal, state, and city social-spending cuts.

It’s not that there is any shortage of explanations, then, for what has happened in New York City. It’s that there is a puzzling gap between the scale of the demographic and policing changes that are supposed to have affected places like the Seven-Five and, on the other hand, the scale of the decrease in crime there. The size of that gap suggests that violent crime doesn’t behave the way we expect it to behave. It suggests that we need a new way of thinking about crime, which is why it may be time to turn to an idea that has begun to attract serious attention in the social sciences: the idea that social problems behave like infectious agents. It may sound odd to talk about the things people do as analogous to the diseases they catch. And yet the idea has all kinds of fascinating implications. What if homicide, which we often casually refer to as an epidemic, actually is an epidemic, and moves through populations the way the flu bug does? Would that explain the rise and sudden decline of homicide in Brooklyn North?

How do paragraphs 4-5 contribute to the development of ideas in the text?



All these changes make good sense. But how does breaking up dice games and streamlining bureaucracy cut murder rates by two-thirds?

Story : Fish cheeks , 15 points !!
How does the speaker's family act during dinner? How does the minister's
family act during dinner? Why do they act so differently? Explain.


Answer: The speaker's family act like they always do... Chinese. They don't feel ashamed for how they act because that's just who they are. The minister's family seem shyer and try to fit with the speaker's family's customs.

Are the boxed words a CLAUSE?

I will answer the phone while you go to lunch.

I got a refund from the IRS.

Please join me at the celebration.

While we're at it, let's send flowers to the IRS.

The party is great, but the flowers are a bad idea.


Both phrases and clauses are groups of two or more words that express ideas. There is, however, an easy way to tell whether you're using a phrase or a clause.

What is Phrases and Clause?Every sentence is made up of clauses and/or phrases, but it can be difficult to distinguish between the two at times. Both phrases and clauses are groups of two or more words that aid in sentence formation, but they serve different functions. A clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb. A phrase is a group of words that do not have a subject or a verb. Clauses, on the other hand, are absolutely necessary. The deletion of a clause from a sentence may have an impact on comprehension.Both phrases and clauses are groups of two or more words that express ideas.

To learn more about clause refer to:



greg would like to provide a more effective controlling idea for his paper. which sentence should replace sentence 8 to effectively state the controlling idea of this paper?


Greg would like to pro-vide a more effective control-ling idea for his paper. The sent-ence that should replace sentence 8 to effect-ively state the controlling idea of this pa-per is, design-ing an exciting roller-coaster ride involves imagi-nation and creativity, but it also requ-ires using scie-nce.

What is a controlling idea?

The controlling idea is the ma-in idea that the wri-ter is deve-loping in a composition. The control-ling idea usually expr-esses a definite opinion or atti-tude about the topic of the com-position. The control-ling idea can be supported within the para-graphs of the com-position.

control-ling idea = pur-pose x subject x your poi-nt of view.

To know more about a controlling idea click below:



Mary has four daughters, and each of her daughters has a brother—how many children does Mary have?




five children


the daughters are from the same mother so they have the same brother


5 children


I think that mary have 5 children.

She has four daughters and each daughter has a brother. Mary is the mom and has four daughters and she has a son. The four daughters are siblings with one another and they have the same mother so then they would have one brother because they share a brother

(Not sure if this makes sense tried to explain a bit but it was a bit hard to explain..if wrong I'm sorry)

if a man with blood type a and a woman with blood type b produce an offspring, what might be the offspring’s blood type?


If a man with blood type A and a wo-man with blood type B pro-duce an offspring, the off-spring’s blood type could be A, B, AB or O.

What do you mean by blood type?

A blood type ( also kno-wn as a blood gro-up ) is a classification of blood, based on the prese-nce and absence of anti-bodies and inherited antigenic sub-stances on the surface of red blo-od cells ( RBCs ).

These anti-gens may be proteins, carbo-hydrates, glyco-proteins, or glycolipids, depend-ing on the blood group system. Blood types are inherit-ed and represent contributions from both parents of an indivi-dual.

To know more about blood type click below:



what do the written essay, critical incidents, adjective rating scales, and bars evaluation methods have in common?


It's a feature of the written essay, critical occurrences, visual rating scales, and BARS grading systems to compare people to benchmarks.

An essay's body, which includes your in-depth analysis and supporting arguments, introduction, which introduces your topic and thesis statement, and conclusion, which summarizes your main points.The critical event methodology is a collection of steps used to gather firsthand accounts of human behavior that are of crucial importance and satisfy carefully laid out requirements.The Adjective Rating Scale is a universally accepted method of evaluation in which the subject is contrasted with a predetermined norm. A BARS, which is often rated on a five-, seven-, or nine-point scale, is a technique for assessing employees in a predetermined set of performance dimensions by contrasting their actions with certain behavior examples that anchor each performance level.

Thus this is what all the above have in common.

Refer here to learn more about BARS evaluation methods:  https://brainly.com/question/18597072


What makes this a model paragraph?


One reason that this paragraph could be considered a model paragraph is that it clearly presents the main idea and supports it with specific examples and evidence. The main idea of the paragraph is that Jason Kim experiences internalization, a type of conformity where a person absorbs a group's belief system and sees it as their own. To support this idea, the paragraph provides a definition of internalization from an outside source, Charlotte Harrison's article "Conformity," and includes specific examples of how Kim conforms to the tastes and values of his new American peers in order to fit in. The paragraph also includes a quotation from Kim's memoir to provide further support for the main idea.

Another reason this could be considered a model paragraph is that it follows a logical structure and uses transitional words and phrases to guide the reader through the paragraph. The paragraph begins by introducing the main idea and then provides a definition and explanation of internalization. It then presents specific examples of how Kim conforms to the values of his new peers and includes a quotation to support these examples. Finally, the paragraph concludes by reiterating the main idea and explaining how the examples support it. Transitional words and phrases, such as "according to," "in other words," and "for this reason," help to connect the ideas and make the paragraph easy to follow.

which transition word or phrase would be used to compare accounts of the same text?(1 point) responses


The following transitional phrase might be used to contrast different reports of the same event:

B. likewise

In response to the question, we are required to identify the word that would be used to compare different stories of the same incident.

This demonstrates how transition words are used to connect ideas within a sentence or a new paragraph. Some examples include: however, moreover, but, likewise, etc. Examples include however, also, but, similarly, etc.

In light of this, the word "likewise," which denotes similarity between thoughts, would be used to join accounts that share the same notion.

learn more about "transition words" here https://brainly.com/question/29775567


What impact does Iris's attitude have on the play?



It sounds nice but I have to read the book first

True or False: Pedro and Dr. Brown argue over Tita at the dinner.


Pedro and Dr. Brown argue over Tita at the dinner. The given statement is true.

What is the helplessness of Tita in the story?

The story is focused on the life of Tita De la Garza is the De La Garza family's youngest child. She has been restricted  from getting married because, in the accordance with family custom, she must care for her mother until she passes away.

At the early age of 16, Tita falls in love with Pedro, who is her next-door neighbor, but the Mama Elena prohibits it when he asks for her hand in a marriage, as he claiming that Tita must follow the family custom of the youngest daughter which is staying at home and taking care of her ill mother.

Therefore, Pedro and Dr. Brown argue over Tita at the dinner. The given statement is true.

Learn more about Tita on:



The following question is based on your reading of 1984 by George Orwell. Why is doublethink so important to the Party’s survival? a. It is a useful way to identify thought criminals who refuse to accept the idea that 2+2=5. c. It keeps the masses confused and unable to use common sense as a revolutionary tool. b. It provides the citizens of Oceania with a tool for effective, genuine communication. d. It offers people a way to make sense of the Party’s paradoxical mottos like War is Peace. Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D


It keeps the masses confused and unable to use common sense as a revolutionary tool is the reason is doublethink so important to the Party’s survival. Hence, option C is correct.

Why is doublethink so important to the party's survival?

Doublethink is vital to the Party's leadership of Oceania because it allows the Party the power to alter historical records and present these twisted stories as fact. The trained people no longer recognizes contradictions.

Accepting two competing viewpoints without challenging each one is known as doublethink. Since they can use both the truth and their own deception, the ruling class gains from this.

The simultaneous acceptance of two different opinions is known as doublethink. The purpose of Hate Week is to stir up hatred for Goldstein and the Brotherhood.

Thus, option C, It keeps the masses confused and unable to use common sense as a revolutionary tool.  is correct.

For more information about doublethink so important to the party's survival, click here:



Suzanne Collins, author of The Hunger Games, often writes choppy sentences or phrases using a first-person narrator. What is the MOST likely reason for using this technique?​



To enhance the impact and intensity of the story and make it more engaging for the reader.


The most likely reason for Suzanne Collins using choppy sentences or phrases when writing from a first-person perspective in The Hunger Games is to create a sense of immediacy and intensity in the narrative. By using shorter sentences and phrases, Collins is able to convey a sense of urgency and excitement, drawing the reader into the story and making them feel as if they are experiencing the events along with the narrator. This technique also helps to create a more intimate and personal connection between the reader and the narrator, as it allows the reader to see the world through the narrator's eyes and understand their thoughts and emotions more directly. Overall, using choppy sentences and phrases can help to enhance the impact and intensity of the story and make it more engaging for the reader.


would be c or she wants to create a sense of urgency according to info above



Which two excerpts in the passage supports the claim that Paine believed the cost of the colonists' struggle against the British was well worth the
The Crisis, No. 1
by Thomas Paine (adapted excerpt)
turn with the warm ardor of a friend to those who have nobly stood, and are yet determined to stand the matter out: call not upon a few, but upor
all: not on this state or that state, but on every state:
up and help us; lay your shoulders to the wheel; better have too much force than too little, when
an great an object is at stake. Let it be told to the future world, that the depth of winter, when nothing but hope and virtue could survive, that the city and
the country, alarmed at one common danger, came forth to meet and to repulse it. Say not that thousands are gone, turn out your tens of thousands ;
throw not the burden of the day upon Providence, but "show your faith by your works," that you may be blessed. It matters not where you live, or what
rank of life you hold, the effect or the blessing will reach you all. The far and the near, the home counties and the back, the rich and the poor, will suffer
or rejoice alike. The heart that feels not now is cold; the children will criticize his cowardice, who shrinks back at a time when a little might have saved
the whole, and made them happy - love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. Tis the
business of little minds to shrink; but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles. My own line of
reasoning is to myself as straight and clear as a ray of light. Not all the treasures of the world, so far as I believe, could have induced me to support an
offensive, for I think it wrong; but if a thief breaks into my house, burns and destroys my property, and threatens me, or those that are in it, and to "bind
me in all cases whatsoever" to his absolute will, am to to suffer 1?


Based on the context of the excerpt, the two excerpts in the passage that supports the claim that Paine believed the cost of the colonists' struggle against the British was well worth the

outcome include the belief that the struggle would create a happy future and that this struggle was a debt to the thousands of Americans who died without conquest it.

Who was Paine?

Paine was generally known as Thomas Paine, an England-born political philosopher, and writer who endorsed revolutionary causes in America and Europe.

He wrote the famous publication in 1776 to international acclaim, titled “Common Sense” which was the first pamphlet to advocate American independence.

The two excerpts that supported the Paine claim are: "the children will criticize his cowardice, who shrinks back at a time when a little might have saved the whole, and made them happy""say not that thousands are gone, turn out your tens of thousands"

This indicates how Paine had faith that the Americans' struggle was moral and that they would come out victorious, as they had everything necessary to be a free and independent people.

With the analysis of these two excerpts, we can conclude that Paine knew that the fight against the settlers would not be simple, but that it would be valuable for a happy future and would honor the name of those who did not live long enough to see America free.

Learn more about Thomas Paine here: https://brainly.com/question/2284425


What is a quote that supports courage?



Courage is about learning how to function despite fear, to put aside your instincts to run or give in completely to the anger born from fear. Courage is about using your brain and your heart when every cell of your body is screaming at your to fight, and then following through on what you believe is the right thing to do.


Read the excerpt from Pygmalion and Galatea by
Josephine Preston Peabody.

Now there once lived in Cyprus a young sculptor,
Pygmalion by name, who thought nothing on earth so
beautiful as the white marble folk that live without faults
and never grow old. Indeed, he said that he would
never marry a mortal woman, and people began to
think that his daily life among marble creatures was
hardening his heart altogether.

Read the excerpt from Pygmalion by George Bernard

HIGGINS [tempted, looking at her] It's almost
irresistible. She's so deliciously low-so horribly dirty-

LIZA [protesting extremely] Ah-ah-ah-ah-ow-ow
-oooo!!! I ain't dirty: I washed my face and hands
afore I come, I did.

Based on these excerpts, which statement
best explains the difference between Pygmalion and

O Higgins cannot communicate his true opinions as well as Pygmalion can.

O Higgins lacks the admiration for Eliza that Pygmalion has for his statues.

O Higgins is cultivating a reputation in his country that
is much worse than the reputation Pygmalion has.

O Higgins is more confident in his ability to mold Eliza
than Pygmalion is in his ability to mold his statues.


Based on these excerpts, the statement that best explains the difference between Pygmalion and Higgins is this:

Higgins cannot communicate his true opinions as well as Pygmalion can.

What is the difference between Pygmalion and Higgins?

Based on the reading of the text, we can deduce the personalities of the individuals in the text. While Pygmalion is very sure of the fact that he would never marry a mortal woman and communicates his stance quite accurately, Higgins is not quite direct in explaining his stance.

We can see that he looked at the woman in a tempting manner but his words to her did not quite convey his affection for her. He described her as a dirty person but the manner in which looked at her was more about admiration. So, while Pygmalion communicates his true opinions well, Higgins was not exactly straightforward with his views.

Learn more about Pygmalion here:



Answer:A) Higgins cannot communicate his true opinions as well as Pygmalion can.Explanation:edge 2023

What happens to Gilgamesh several times on his way to meet Humbaba? What does Enkidu tell him about these things?



In the ancient Mesopotamian epic of Gilgamesh, the hero Gilgamesh and his companion Enkidu travel to the forest of cedars to meet the monstrous giant Humbaba. On their journey, they encounter various challenges and obstacles, including a fierce storm and a treacherous mountain pass.

Enkidu advises Gilgamesh to be cautious and to trust in the strength of their friendship and their gods. He tells Gilgamesh that they can overcome any obstacle if they remain united and steadfast in their purpose.

Ultimately, Gilgamesh and Enkidu are able to defeat Humbaba and return home as heroes, thanks in part to the guidance and support of Enkidu. This story illustrates the importance of friendship and determination in overcoming challenges and achieving one's goals.

Requirements: 150 words. must include: Age of Exploration and The Columbian Exchange

1.) What were some of the motivations for Europeans to explore far off areas in the new world

2.) How did Europe benefit from discovering these new areas

3.) What effect did exploration have on the places the Europeans explored



The Age of Exploration was a period of time in history when European explorers set out to explore the world and establish colonies in the Americas. The Columbian Exchange was a period of intense global exchange of food, plants, animals, and diseases between the Old World (Europe and Africa) and the New World (the Americas).


1. The Age of Exploration was a period of European exploration and colonization of the New World from the 15th to the 18th centuries. Europeans were motivated to explore far off areas in the new world for a variety of reasons, including a quest for wealth and glory, and a desire to spread their religion. The wealth that could be gained from the discovery of new lands was immense, and so was the glory that could come from claiming new lands for their respective countries. Also, European countries sought to spread their religious beliefs, particularly Catholicism.

2. Europe benefited from its exploration of the New World in numerous ways. Colonies were created in the new lands, allowing them to gain access to new resources, such as crops, minerals, and other materials. They also gained access to new markets, allowing them to sell their goods to the native peoples, who were willing to pay high prices for European goods. Additionally, the Europeans were able to expand their empires, allowing them to gain more power and influence in the world.

3. The effect that exploration had on the places that the Europeans explored was significant. The Columbian Exchange, which is the exchange of goods and ideas between the New World and Europe, had a huge impact on both sides.

To learn more about age of exploration refer to:



What is true of a literary argument?


Answer: Literary argument makes a claim about the text.


A literary argument is basically a statement or a claim made on any text, or any character in a text, or any setting or any other important thing. A literary argument can be made on any poem or novel or story.

The literary argument creates an opinion about the text and causes the readers to think and ponder about the text in that direction or in that train of thoughts. It creates a new angle of interpretation in a text. Thus option a is the correct option.

Enjoy! <3

Is defunding the police the best strategy for ending police brutality?
-No, police should still be funded
-No, police should be abolished entirely

explain why!



-No, police should be abolished entirely


Is defunding the police the best strategy for ending police brutality is the no, police should be abolished entirely.

What is police?

The police are a group of people who are empowered by the state to enforce the law, protect citizens' safety, health, and property, and prevent crime and civil disorder. A state's civil force in charge of crime prevention and detection, as well as maintaining public order.

According to the illustration, this sentence is founded on the complete elimination of police violence. The police are not being defunded altogether.

Therefore, option (c) is correct.

Learn more about on police, here:



What does the phrase, "The Grinch small heart grew three sizes that day!"



The phrase "The Grinch small heart grew three sizes that day" is a reference to the classic holiday tale "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" by Dr. Seuss. In the story, the Grinch is a grumpy, reclusive creature who hates Christmas and plans to steal all of the presents and decorations from the Whos, a cheerful and festive group of creatures who live in a town called Whoville. However, after witnessing the joy and love that the Whos have for one another, the Grinch's heart grows and he realizes the true meaning of Christmas. The phrase "The Grinch small heart grew three sizes that day" refers to the sudden change in the Grinch's heart, as he realizes the error of his ways and becomes a kinder, more compassionate creature.


Which statement best describes why Lady Macbeth’s use of an emotional appeal is appropriate in this situation?

It enables her to prove that Macbeth is more courageous than she is.
It enables her to convince Macbeth that he does not deserve the crown.
It enables her to manipulate Macbeth into carrying out the murder.
It enables her to demonstrate that she lacks compassion.


The statement that describes the effect of the emotional appeal is "It enables her to manipulate Macbeth into carrying out the murder," option C.

What is an emotional appeal?

Emotional appeal or pathos happens when we use someone's emotions to persuade them of something. In the tragedy "Macbeth," Lady Macbeth is constantly manipulating her husband. At a certain point, she uses an emotional appeal.

Lady Macbeth was supposed to commit murder but she says the man resembled her father, which is why she cannot do it. By saying so, she appeals to her husband's emotions, thus manipulating him into committing the murder.

Therefore, option C is the best answer choice for this question. It correctly states that Lady Macbeth uses an emotion appeal to have her husband take her place in the crime.

Learn more about emotional appeal here:



Please help asap
From Mother to Son by Langston Hughes
Thinking about the other texts we've read in this unit, which character would agree with the mother that life has been hard, but you have to keep going? Explain why or how?


In the Poem "Mother to Son" by Langston Huges, the character that depicts the fact that life is difficult but regardless one must persevere is the mother.

The other character that would agree with the mother is the son. This is because the poem is a message from a mother to her son who understands literarily and metaphorically why the stair is a symbol of life and how hard it can be, and is thus able to understand the allusion.

What is the theme of the poem "Mother to Son"?

"Mother to Son" is a theatrical monologue on enduring racism in America. Through a long metaphor about climbing a flight of steps, the speaker advises her son on how to improve his lot in a racist society.

"Mother to Son" has several major themes. The poem's key themes are adversity, optimism, and courage. The poem examines a person's dignity and determination in the face of adversity. The speaker compares her life to a shabby stairway and suggests that one should not give up.

Learn more about Langston Huges:

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a contract between expectation and reality

The officials were going to _____ our best player for swearing until the coach guaranteed he wouldn't do it again.


Answer: oust


The officials were going to oust our best player for swearing until the coach guaranteed he wouldn't do it again.

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