what's the indirect speech for I like salad​


Answer 1


I said that I liked salad

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i need help with my homework



The answer is A


what is a claim/topic sentence for juvenile delinquency?


Definition of Juvenile delinquency

Juvenile delinquency is considered an antisocial or criminal conduct by a child between the ages of 11 and 17 years.

Cause of juvenile delinquency

lack of self-esteem and confidencepoor parents child relationshipPoor socializationLow socio-economic statusneglected or rejected my parents, siblings and peers.


Juvenile deliquency is caused by a young person disobeying the law , beyond parental control and subject to legal action.Reasons for the main causes of Juvenile delinquiency is poor parenting skills, family size, child maltreatment, and much more . The way the kid is raised can determine the type of person or thing this kid will get into later on in life.


write a letter to the principal of your school complaining about the dirty environment of your school and make necessary suggestions for the way forward​


                                                                                         (you address)

(schools address)


                Respected madam,

Hello! how are you i am writing this letter to complain about the bad environment of the school the washrooms and classes are very dirty

and smell bad and its very hard to concentrate i  the classes so i request you to please make someone to clean it thank you for reading this letter

your sincerely,

(your name)

His father doesn't want him to drink spirits. Disapproves His father ....................................... Spirits.


So what’s the question

"By the Waters of Babylon.”

What does the narrator’s response to the setting reveal about his character?

He is pessimistic due to his experiences.
He gains knowledge through experience.
He always does what he is told.
He will always remain extremely timid.

I need help


It’s he gains knowledge

Which of the following sentences is correct?
A. If the students continue to fail tests, there going to lose senior trip.
B. If the students continue to fail tests, they're going to lose senior trip.
C. If the student's continue to fail tests, they're going to lose senior trip.
D. If the student's continue to fail tests, there going to lose senior trip.





's means to possession so it won't go with this sentence and also ('re ) means they are

Out of the following sentences, the sentence which is correctly formed is (B) If the students continue to fail tests, they're going to lose senior trip.

How are sentences formed?

A sentence is rearranged keeping in mind the meaning it wants to express. The grammar and formation of a sentence should be kept in mind while framing the sentence.

The given option (B) is:

'If the students continue to fail tests, they're going to lose senior trip.'

Here, 'students' here is used to express the plural form and 'they're' is referred to as they are.

Therefore, Out of the following sentences, the sentence which is correctly formed is (B) If the students continue to fail tests, they're going to lose senior trip.

Learn more about Proper Sentences on brainly.com/question/3653791


2. Pretest: Unit 1
Question 13 of 21
Read the following passage:
Neighbors peered at us as we walked by. Their eyes
weighed us. Their eyes judged us. And as they peered, we
straightened our backs and lifted our chins in contempt.
We didn't care what they thought.
Which rhetorical technique does the passage best exemplify?
A. Hyperbole
O B. Parallelism
C. Understatement
D. Satire





I think it’s either d or c but more d

How do the choices we make affect our survival? Explain give me a paragraph


Everyday we make choices, and these choices affect our survival. Here is an example, you are taking a walk and you have to cross the street. You can either chose to wait for the red light, or you can walk across when you think no cars are nearby. If you walk across the street when there is a red light, chances are you will be safe, but if you don't wait and decide to jaywalk, you have a big chance of getting hit. Little things like this can greatly affect our survival

Hope this helps!

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The Death of Ivan Ilyich, Chapters 1-4: Mastery Test
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Select the correct text in the passage.
Which sentence in this excerpt from Leo Tolstoy's The Death of Ivan Ilyich suggests that Ivan Ilyich aspired to be part of the elite in society from a
young age?
Ivan Ilyich was le phenix de la famille as people sald. He was neither as cold and formal as his elder brother nor as wild as the younger, but was
a happy mean between them-an intelligent polished, lively and agreeable man. He had studied with his younger brother at the School of Law,
but the latter had failed to complete the course and was expelled when he was in the fifth class. Ivan Ilyich finished the course well. Even when
he was at the School of Law he was just what he remained for the rest of his life: a capable, cheerful, good-natured, and sociable man, though
strict in the fulfillment of what he considered to be his duty, and he considered his duty to be what was so considered by those in authority.
Neither as a boy nor as a man was he a toady, but from early youth was by nature attracted to people of high station as a fly is drawn to the
light, assimilating their ways and views of life and establishing friendly relations with them. All the enthusiasms of childhood and youth passed
without leaving much trace on him; he succumbed to sensuality, to vanity, and latterly among the highest classes to liberalism, but always within
limits which his Instinct unfallingly indicated to him as correct.
At school he had done things which had formerly seemed to him very horrid and made him feel disgusted with himself when he did them; but
when later on he saw that such actions were done by people of good position and that they did not regard them as wrong, he was able not
exactly to regard them as right, but to forget about them entirely or not be at all troubled at remembering them.



Ivan Ilyich was le phenix de la famille as people sald. He was neither as cold and formal as his elder brother nor as wild as the younger, but was

a happy mean between them-an intelligent polished, lively and agreeable man. He had studied with his younger brother at the School of Law,

but the latter had failed to complete the course and was expelled when he was in the fifth class.


could someone help w an assignment asap, thanks in advance!

in 250 words (half a page, or 3-4 paragraphs), give your reader your argument for the greatest...There is nothing better than... (choose something you think is the greatest)

It could be anything. Food places, thoughts, music, sports, anything. Challenge yourself to think of something you don't think anyone could think of. Give at least 4 reasons why your choice is the greatest.​




The world would be a very quiet place. Music is in many ways the fabric of our lives and the definition of society. It is a reminder of how things once were, an indication of how things are, and a view of where society is headed. Music is a direct reflection of the picture of society. Music can be a way to deliver messages, a poetic medium, a fine art, or nothing more than a source of entertainment. No matter what it is used for, music is the perfect art and our lives would be that much less complete without it that life as we know it would not at all be the same without music. Music is the perfect art. It has movement, because it progresses over a set period of time.  However, music does not restrict the audience in the way that movies or graphic art does. The listener can create whatever image she or he wants to when listening to music. It is an art that appeals to the conscious mind, but the best music also appeals to the subconscious. No thought is required to enjoy good music, though it is often thought-inspiring. Instrumental music does not bind the listener into a fixed template in the way that literature and poetry do: the reaction to music is different from person to person Music with lyrics is often referred to as “words set to music.” This is not always the case.  However, they restrict the images of the musical work in the same way that prose and poetry limit their subject. Whether instrumental or lyrical, music comes from the people and can enlighten us all. It was during the 1960s that the social revolution and the struggles for civil rights inspired such musicians as Bob Dylan, Janis Joplin and Joan Baez to write songs of protest. In turn, the music of these artists, and many others, influenced the younger generations and spread the word of the revolution. Without music, many teenagers of the time would not have been given the influence of the time or its associated mentality. Music was, and continues to be, a kind of social education to the younger generation. Teenagers turn to popular music for their philosophies and get a sense of their place in the world. In fact, cliques of young people are often defined by the music they listen to: “punks” listen to punk rock and heavy metal; “nerds” are reputed to listen to classical music; the “in” crowd listens to the latest material alternative music has to offer; the “loners” listen to obscure pop artists or classic rock. Youth culture would be much less vivid than it is if the world had no music. Generations would not be sparked to action without music. The war drums of primitive peoples were a kind of music. It was they that stirred the Cavemen and the Vikings to participate in decade-long wars. Music's social influence is ever-present. Our society is shaped by it. Not only is music the chisel of society; it is a constant thread that runs through nature. Music is everywhere: the sound of falling water, the rustle of leaves underfoot, the call of wild birds even the sound of rush-hour traffic is a kind of music. The common definition of music is “a series of pitches and rhythms that have an overall coherence.” This definition is limited to man-made music. For humans to create music is inevitable. It is as natural as thought.  Therefore, the idea of a world without music is highly hypothetical. One would sooner consider a life without experiences or a year without days. A day in a world without music might proceed like this: One would awaken to the sound of a radio announcer speaking about politics. On the way to work, the radio show would consist of interviews with famous personalities. The work day would be terribly boring, since the office would not have any decorations (these would have been made by artists who had been influenced by music).  This “world without music” seems to have incoherence's and cracks in it. It does not make sense and does not quite explain itself. Music is essential for the world to even make sense. It is as fundamentally inherent as gravity is in the universe. Any attempt to restrict or control music, such as is made in communist politics, is both vain and unrealistic. One cannot challenge the broadloom of the universe when making political policies!  The history of human musicians is rich, and has many fine people lining its ranks. Music has changed the artistic and non-artistic world immeasurably, such that a world without music is nothing more than a terrifying fantasy.  A world without music would be a quiet place indeed.


Read Shakespeare's "Sonnet 100.”

Where art thou, Muse, that thou forget'st so long
To speak of that which gives thee all thy might?
Spend'st thou thy fury on some worthless song,
Darkening thy power to lend base subjects light?
Return, forgetful Muse, and straight redeem
In gentle numbers time so idly spent;
Sing to the ear that doth thy lays esteem
And gives thy pen both skill and argument.
Rise, resty Muse, my love's sweet face survey,
If Time have any wrinkle graven there;
If any, be a satire to decay,
And make Time's spoils despised every where.
Give my love fame faster than Time wastes life;
So thou prevent'st his scythe and crooked knife.

What is the central idea of the sonnet?

The speaker considers his love to be his muse.
The speaker wants his muse to help him immortalize his love.
The speaker fears that his love is growing old faster than he would like.
The speaker thinks that his muse is forgetful and lazy and wastes a lot of time






Which lines from "Baseball" use words with a funny connotation to explain just how important it still is to the speaker that he caught the ball?
(Select all correct answers.)

A. "You're no good, Bill. You won't catch this one"
B. "I . . . felt my body rust, falling / in pieces to the ground"
C. "The game was over / a million years ago."
D. "He's gonna drop it!"



"The game was over / a million years ago."


The following lines from "Baseball" use words with a funny connotation to explain just how important it still is to the speaker that he caught the ball.

"You're no good, Bill. You won't catch this one""He's gonna drop it!"

The correct options are A and D.

Which best explains the term connotation?

A word's connotation, in contrast to its denotation, or literal meaning, is when it is used to imply a distinct relationship. As an illustration, the phrase "She's feeling blue" refers to both a color and a state of grief. They might have neutral, negative, or positive connotations.

These lines from "Baseball" use words with a funny connotation because they show the speaker's playful competitiveness and exaggeration when it comes to catching the ball. By saying "You're no good, Bill.

You won't catch this one" and "He's gonna drop it!", the speaker is poking fun at both himself and his opponent, making light of the situation and emphasizing the importance of catching the ball in a lighthearted way. These lines suggest that despite the speaker's determination to win, he doesn't take the game too seriously and is willing to laugh at himself and the situation.

Thus, the ideal selections are options A and D.

Learn more about connotation here:



Read the following writing prompt.

Courage is defined as the ability to do something that frightens you or a show of strength in the face of great pain or grief. Think about someone from history who fits this definition. Who do you think is truly courageous and why? Write a two-page paper (600 words) to explain why this person is considered courageous.

Based on the prompt, which question would be an appropriate research question to ask?



Courages people in history


what would u do if u won 2k?​



Save it


During his breaktime. Armando was playing basketball in the parking lot. During the pick up game. Which went way beyond his break time. He slipped and twisted his ankle. He was limping back in the planing department after break. His employer saw him limping and thinkking armando had slipped on the job. Told him to fill out an incident report. His boss offered to take care of armando's medical expenses and gave him time off from work. Even though armando was still capable of perforiming his work duties. What should armando do?


Answer and Explanation:

Armando should state honestly what happened in the incidence report or personally tell his boss what had occurred. His explanation should cover the fact that he didn't actually slip on the job but outside and also outside his breaktime. His boss may be disappointed at first, but Armando's honesty would boost his trustworthiness before him while also saving the company the medical expenses. Armando could also offer to compensate by continuing work and not taking the time off since he can work with the limp, therefore further increasing his boss's trust in his dedication towards his job.

What figurative language would this lyric from a song be?
“They think that I’m Sonic the way I want a ring”


I think it is a metaphor because it is comparison between the speaker and sonic. A metaphor is simile, but not using like or as.
Yes it is a metaphor

Which themes does Mr. Shiftlet help reveal?



Ultimately, the only life that Shiftlet is interested in looking after is his own. He has no real interest in marrying the deaf, childlike Lucynell.It shows that despite his immoral actions toward Lucynell, he doesn't think he's part of the "slime." It illustrates that he made the right decision when he left Lucynell and picked up the boy instead.Beauty and truth appear in unexpected places are some things Mr.Shiflet helps to reveal!


hey mate i hope it will help you!!


Which themes does Mr. Shiftlet help reveal?

✔ A, C

Which themes does Mrs. Crater help reveal?

✔ A, C

Which theme does Lucynell help reveal?

✔ B


2 He
.... my tablet for months before he decided to buy his own.
a had been borrowing
b had borrowed
C borrowed
d borrows​



option b

he had borrowed my tablet for months before he decided to buy his own.

The moors make arrangements to hire how large a band for the graduation event



What is the best way to describe a theme of this poem?
The failures of the past should inspire people to accomplish more in the future.
The main purpose of having New Year's resolutions is to make people feel bad.
By the end of the year, it is too late to make any changes to a person's life.
People would accomplish their New Year's resolutions if they wrote them down.



what is the story?



The failures of the past should inspire people to accomplish more in the future.


rebulusyong nag dulot ng pangangailangan ng pagkukunan ng hilaw na materyal at pamimilihan ng yaring produkto ​



I am really sorry because

Your question is Filipino, I don't understand, please fix it, only English can be used here, no Filipino question here, ok

Which of these statements BEST summerizes the main idea for paragraph 2?



Where exactly is paragraph 2? lol

Which statement would the author most likely AGREE with? a) Every phishing attack involves stealing the victim's identity to commit fraud. b) In a phishing attack, an attacker overpowers a victim with a stronger computer. c) In a spear phishing attack, the attacker erases the victim's identity. d) If a phishing attack is successful, users willingly give attackers sensitive data



D) If a phishing attack is successful, users willingly give attackers sensitive data.


Phishing attack is method of cyber crime in which an email or pop up appears towards the victim which asks to share their bank details or credit card information. It appears like the bank or financial institution is asking such details. When user enter the details his identity gets haccked which are used to commit frauds.

What is a compound sentence?
a sentence containing one complete thought and a coordinating conjunction

a sentence containing the words and, or, but, or so

a sentence with a coordinating conjunction

a sentence with two independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction

plssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss answer with1 of the options




Answer. D


what should we should do when we are so sad and angry also??​



You should be cool down

you should not think about anything

sit in peace and talk with your closet person whom you like to

be happy safe and healthy

always keep smiling ♥️

How does the protagonist change as the story progresses in the story of "the metamorphosis"


How does the protagonist change as the story progresses in the story of "the metamorphosis"?Gregor turns from a human to an insect, but unlike the other characters, his inner essence remains unchanged. When he initially finds he's changed, he doesn't express much emotion, instead accepting the fact that he's turned into a bug and attempting to live his life as best he can in a new body.



Why might an author choose to use a third person narrator?
A. To allow the readers to feel as if they are a part of the story
B. To create a more personal experience for the reader
C. To tell the story from many different perspectives
D. To show the thoughts and feelings of one character


C. Tell the story from many different perspectives

the beginning of the Maasai

Life was peaceful for Neiterkob, the herder of cattle and father of the Maasai. Then, a volcano erupted and sent his cattle flying into the air, where they could not survive. Finally, the wise god Enkai grew a giant fig tree so the cattle could climb back to earth. This is one of the reasons cattle are sacred to the Maasai people.



A) Yes, because it includes key ideas from the beginning, middle, and end, and it explains the conflict and resolution.

Meaning of immortality??​



the ability to live forever; eternal life.


hope this works


That means no dieng always be live.


hope it work

what animal do i have?



Cat??? LOL



Lizard or a bird


well I hope it is right

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